“Anti-Void Concept?”

Hearing this somewhat unfamiliar term, Tony sank his thoughts into the Void Engine and quickly got a reply.

“Bypass the law of conservation of mass and the law of conservation of energy!”

“Create things out of thin air, modify reality!”

“After the Void Engine has been upgraded, it still has such a terrifying ability!”

Tony’s eyes showed a bit of incredulity, and a strong shock rushed to his heart like a tide!

If the Void Engine can modify the laws of physics or reality out of thin air, then anti-void anti-void is to invalidate all laws, and establish new laws out of thin air!

Under the influence range of anti-space-time, Tony wants the water to flow up, the water will flow up, and if you want the fire to become cold, the fire will become cold!

Physics, chemistry… Even all scientific rules will be invalid, even distorted, under the influence of anti-void!

Faced with such an amazing fact, as a scientist, Tony Stark only feels that he has learned scientific knowledge in his life… It’s all turned upside down.

The information he learned just now simply shook his worldview in this life!

And just when Tony fell into sluggishness due to the blow being too big, the entire Void Engine continued to operate.

[Space gems began to supply energy stably, and the system functions were turned on synchronously! ] 】

[Perfect energy supply, sufficient energy, start the advanced program, start trying the **** run… Run successfully! 】

[The Void Core and Heart Terminal is stable, the energy tunnel is stable, the advanced program algorithm is stable, and the anti-Void Engine is operating normally.] 】

【Pairing… 10 percent, 20 percent, 50 percent, 80 percent, 100 percent! 】

[Detecting… Compare data. 】

[The algorithm is started, and the anti-void engine system is docking with the reality gem]

[The interface is normal, docking with the target… Current progress: One percent… Two percent…]

[Estimated time to complete docking: 1 minute and 14 seconds! ] 】

[Keep a stable docking! ] 】

【Connection speed increase… Current progress: 10 percent… Per cent… Fifty percent… One hundred percent! 】

[Reality gems have been docked! ] 】

[Start simulating void data to match existing databases…]

[The anti-void engine began to be loaded, the theoretical data construction was completed, the four-dimensional three-dimensional core began to be built, and the ideological access was made…”]

【Start building and building a treasure trove of sacred knowledge!】 】

“A treasure trove of divine knowledge? What is this thing again? ”

Just before Tony could come to his senses, his body suddenly left the world and returned to the dark plane.

In this strange starry world, Tony could clearly see that golden branches began to take shape in front of him.

These branches continue to grow in the void, and finally form a model of the “World Tree”!

Looking at this small world tree, slowly blooming in the dark plane, Tony suddenly had a glimmer of understanding in his heart.

This small world tree is the prototype of his celestial computer.

This celestial computer is constructed by the Void Engine as a data template, and the Reality Gem as a computing medium.

And it is the space gem that powers it.

Now since the resolution of these two infinity stones will reach 100%, this golden world tree has barely given birth to a branch.

As soon as Tony increases the resolution of the Infinity Stones, or finds more Infinity Stones…

This “treasure trove of divine knowledge” will one day grow into the most powerful supercelestial computer in the entire universe!

At the moment when the “treasure house of divine knowledge” finally took shape, the rotation speed of the void engine began to accelerate, and the thirst for energy also strengthened.

The space gem on Tony’s right hand suit suddenly lit up, releasing endless huge energy.

And all these energies were swallowed up by the world tree in front of them and turned into their own nutrients.

Immediately afterwards, the treasure trove of divine knowledge finally began to show its excellence.

【Database starts to update… Memory message retrieval…】

[Divine language added! ] Angel gene added! 】

[Retrieved some data of the Wings of Time and Space, deducing…]

[Retrieved some data of the Divine Body, deducing…]

[Retrieved some data of the Eye of Insight, deducing…]

[Retrieved some data of the god-killing weapon library, deducing…]

[Intermediate substance definition upgrade completed, current level: advanced! ] 】

[Intermediate concept rewrite upgrade completed, current level: advanced! ] 】

[The Treasure House of Divine Knowledge Version 1.0 has been built. 】

“Whew… Good guys, what the hell have become of me now? ”

Feeling that the state of his whole body had changed a little, Tony couldn’t help but start checking his current state.

As a result, he was immediately taken aback.

【Start searching… Retrieved complete, current status:】

【Angel·· Of·· King: Tony Stark. 】

[Built-in three generations of void engine, core computing speed: 48 frames, additional anti-void ability]

[Built-in large-scale celestial computer: Treasure House of Sacred Knowledge 1.0.0.] 】

[Built-in Core Unlimited Terminal: Reality Rough (Not yet controlled)]

[Built-in Ultimate Engine Energy Drive Source: Space Gems! ] 】

[Three generations of angel gene additional functions: dark energy reading, not bad body, fourth generation space-time algorithm, advanced matter definition, advanced concept rewriting. ] 】

[The fourth generation of space-time algorithm additional programs: space-time engine, micro-wormhole handling, space-time shuttle, and worm bridge construction. 】

[Advanced Substance Definition Additional Program: Subversive Conservation of Energy, Conservation of Mass, Material Rewriting, Material Creation.] 】

[Advanced Concept Rewriting Additional Program: Rule Rewriting, Probabilistic Revision, Mind Control, Distorting Reality]

【The project process is growing exponentially, and the data is being updated…】

[Space Gem Analysis Process: 68%! ] 】

[Realistic gem analysis process: 65%! ] 】

[Space-Time Wings Analysis Process: 92%! ] 】

[Divine Body Analysis Process: 24%! ] 】

[Insight Eye Analysis Process: 90%! ] 】

[God Killer Weapon Library Analysis Process: 25%! ] 】

【Data has been updated, the project continues to advance…】

“Divine body? Godkiller-level arsenal? ”

As a former arms dealer, Tonis Dak instinctively became a little curious about this “god-killing arsenal”.

And after carefully exploring that divine body, he was also surprised.

It turns out that above the “super soldier”, there is also a existence called “divine body”.

PS: Two more chapters today.

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