Looking at the strange small black and white TV on the screen, little Wanda was full of doubts in her heart.

Wanda Maksimov: What is this doing? Why did that Heavenly Sword Bureau spy on my variants… And that robot?

Wanda Maksimov: What’s even stranger is the monitor they use, why is it black and white?

Wanda Maksimov: It’s not going to be because… The people of the Heavenly Sword Bureau don’t have decent technology these days, right?

Nick Fury: Impossible, the Sky Sword Bureau is a brand new organization that was re-established after the “Skrulls” incident to deal with alien incidents.

Nick Fury: Because of dealing with aliens all day, this organization has a lot of weird technology!

Nick Fury: In some places, even S.H.I.E.L.D. can’t compare.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That’s also so weird. Since you have such high technology, why use black and white monitors?

John Constantine: Maybe… The world in that town is black and white!

Wanda Maksimov: What do you say? (⊙_⊙)

Little Wanda and many people in the group were stunned at first, and then, a creepy feeling swept through their bodies!

How could there be such a place in a town that is completely black and white?

John Constantine: Maybe you don’t believe it, but… I’ve always dealt with supernatural events and even demons in hell. So I’ve seen a lot of incredible weird things.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): A black and white world! This is also too outrageous, can’t the people living in that world notice the abnormality?

Dr. Manhattan: Maybe it’s because of the different dimensions.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Huh? Dimension?

Stephen Strange: It’s like the Dark Dimension, but… This time is the black and white dimension?

Dr. Manhattan: Oh, you really know what dimensions are, so it’s much easier to talk about.

Dr. Manhattan curled the corners of his mouth slightly, and a pleasant smile appeared on his face.

In his world, all people, things, and things are observable, predictable, and even modifiable objects to him.

Therefore, Dr. Manhattan simply had no way to communicate normally with the people around him.

It’s like, can a programmer communicate with the code he writes?

But whether it is the images playing on the screen in front of you, or the members of the group who are located in other universes, they are objects that Manhattan cannot control and predict!

This feeling, for him… What a long-lost surprise and novelty!

Not to mention, the knowledge that these group members have is also a little beyond Manhattan’s expectations!

Communication with group members does not have the feeling of “chicken and duck” in the real world!

This…… It’s a confidant!

【Image continues】

[In black-and-white television, the lives of Wanda and Vision go on.] 】

On this day, the two of them were preparing for the community’s talent show. 】

[And before going out, Wanda suddenly heard a loud noise outside. 】

[But when he went out to look, he only found a toy helicopter landing in the grass outside.] 】

[But one thing is very strange, this toy is actually colored, and it is out of place in the surrounding black and white environment.] 】

[Holding this toy helicopter, Wanda’s eyes were full of doubts, when her neighbor Agnes came over and interrupted Wanda’s cranky thoughts. 】

[Agnes took Wanda to a housewife’s party. 】

[At the party, Doty, the town’s leading figure, said that the talent show was for the local elementary school to raise money, and everything was for the children. 】

[After the housewife’s party, Dolly and Wanda have a not-so-friendly conversation. 】

[While the two were talking, a strange sound suddenly came from a nearby radio:]

[“Wanda, Wanda, who turned you into this? “】

[Hearing the sound on the radio, Wanda’s expression changed immediately, and then the radio exploded violently, completely broken. ] 】

[And Doty, under extreme nervousness, also crushed the glass, cut the palm of his hand, and bright red blood flowed.] 】

[Seeing this, Wanda quickly took a white cloth towel and bandaged Doti. 】

Wanda Maksimov: What’s going on? It is obviously a black and white world, how did it suddenly become color?

Natasha Romanoff: There is too little information at the moment, so it’s hard to judge.

Natasha Romanoff: But one thing is certain. These black and white pictures on the screen are not because there is a problem with the display of the Heavenly Sword Bureau.

Bruce Banner: That’s right, if it was a pure black and white monitor, that toy helicopter still had Doty’s blood and shouldn’t have turned into color.

Carol Danvers: So, really dimensional? Is this strange town a dimension independent of the real world?

Dr. Manhattan: It seems like that’s it.

Divine Kesha: Interesting, can an independent black and white dimension be separated from the real world, is this method related to the sub-biological world?

Dr. Manhattan: What is a sub-organism and how do you define it?

Divine Kesha: Simply put, if we call the world we know as the main biological plane. Those unknown high-dimensional worlds can be called sub-biotic planes.

Divine Kesha: And the high-dimensional creatures that live in these sub-biotic planes, I call them void creatures.

Dr. Manhattan: High-dimensional creatures? Is it a creature that can observe the world like a book, and even modify the world at will?

Divine Kesha: You!!! How would you know?

Dr. Manhattan: Sigh, because… I am such a creature.

Divine Kesha: What? (⊙_⊙)

Queen Kesha, who was sitting on the throne, her eyes widened, and there was actually a trace of incredulity in her eyes.

For many years, Queen Kesha has been on the alert of the Void creatures of the sub-biotic plane.

According to the Void Theory, these Void creatures may have the ability to modify at will, and even subvert the real world!

The reason why Queen Kesha decided to study the sub-bio engine is to deal with possible future invasions of void creatures!

But she really never dreamed that she would actually see a real… “void creature” in this inexplicable chat group!

But soon, Queen Kesha felt that something was wrong.

That guy named Dr. Manhattan, why is his tone so bitter?

A void creature living in the real world, isn’t that equivalent to a true god?

Why is he still upset?

Tony Stark: Modify the world at will? You…… Do you have such abilities?

Dr. Manhattan: I do have, but believe me, it’s nothing to envy.

Natasha Romanoff: If you can really modify everything around you as you like. So…… What is the meaning of this life?

John Constantine: Uh… Hearing your words, I feel… It’s like hearing a bunch of billionaires complaining about why they’re so rich!

Coughing twice, Konstantin covered his mouth with a depressed face.

If only he had the ability to modify the world at will!

In this way, at least he will not die of lung cancer!

Dr. Manhattan: ………

Bruce Banner: The joys and sorrows of people are not connected.

【Image continues】

[At the community talent show, Vision was late. 】

[And even if he stood on the stage, he still acted crazy, showing his superpowers again and again, stunning the audience. ] 】

[In the end, Wanda discovered that Vision had caused problems with the operation of the machine in her body because she accidentally ate a piece of gum. 】

After completing the performance at the community talent show, the two returned home happily. 】

[As soon as she sat down on the sofa, Wanda remembered the slogan raised by everyone at the talent show. 】

“Is it all for the children?” “】

As soon as he read these words, Wanda’s stomach immediately swelled.

It turned out that she was pregnant for several months at once.

Touching her stomach, Wanda looked at Vision with a happy look and asked:

“Vision, is all this real?”

But before he could answer, there was a loud noise outside.

The two went out to take a look and found a “beekeeper” wearing a protective suit climbing out from under the manhole cover on the street.

Moreover, this beekeeper also has the logo of the Heavenly Sword Bureau printed on his back.

Looking at this beekeeper, Wanda’s face suddenly became gloomy, and she coldly spit out a word: “No!” ”

As soon as Wanda’s words came out, time suddenly went back a few minutes ago.

“Vision, is all this real?”

Wanda stood in front of Vision and asked the question again.

Phantom looked at his wife and said with an excited face:

“Honey, it’s true.”

And just after the two kissed, Vision’s head suddenly changed back to color.

Then the surrounding environment changed, and the whole world changed from black and white to color.

Seeing this, the people in the live broadcast room were all frozen.

Even Little Wanda himself, who also stood in place with his mouth wide open, and his brain suddenly crashed.

What the hell is this? So in one sentence, the belly becomes so big?

Just didn’t cheer up so fast?

Not to mention humans and robots… And how is it possible to have children?

And this picture… How did it suddenly change from black and white back to color?

A bunch of doubts huddled together, little Wanda only felt that his head was not enough!

At this time, in the chat group, someone bubbled up again.

Dr. Manhattan: Pregnant? If that pregnancy is real, this modification of reality is also too surprising.

Divine Kesha: Reality Modified! Is that really the case?

Divine Kesha: Moreover, the woman before could even go back in time!

Divine Kesha: Such a level of anti-void is truly amazing!

Facing the image on the screen, even Kesha, who has always been above the top, her gaze became extremely solemn.

With the blessing of his treasure trove of divine knowledge, her sub-biological engine can also interfere and alter reality to a considerable extent.

But Keisha doesn’t have the ability to go back in time, let alone get a woman pregnant out of thin air!

If anyone can do such a thing, what is the difference between her and the gods?

Dr. Manhattan: Go back in time, create life… I have not thoroughly studied these two fields.

Dr. Manhattan: I’m ashamed to look like I still have a long way to go.

John Constantine: Hey, what the hell are you two talking about in this singing harmony?

John Constantine: On the screen… Isn’t it some kind of trick? How could anyone … Can you really go back in time?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Go back in time? This is nothing unusual, you can easily do this by mastering the Time Gem.

John Constantine: Huh?

Wanda Maksimov: In addition, a variant of Sister Natasha’s parallel universe can even go back in time to the Big Bang!

Divine Kesha: You… What did you say? ( ̄△ ̄; )

At this moment, a series of strange question marks suddenly appeared in Kesha’s mind, and even her expression became a little numb. The eyes are full of disbelief!

Rewind the time of the entire universe?

Did she hear you right?

“………… Hehe…… Hahaha. ”

In the laboratory, the whole body is cleansed and slippery blue… Big·· The eagle was silent for a long time, then suddenly raised his head and let out a hearty laugh.

Creating life that even he can’t do!

And control the time of the entire universe as you wish!

So much fun!

This fresh sense of wonder and shock… It’s called alive!

Stephen Strange: I understand the creation of life backwards in time or something, but this picture suddenly turns into color, what is going on?

Master Mordo: It’s a change in dimension.

Master Mordo: The dimensions before that town should be incompatible with the real world!

Master Mordo: But I don’t know why, the dimension of the two worlds… It began to gradually come together.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): That should be a good thing.

Master Mordo: How do I know? It’s the first time I’ve seen such a strange thing.

At this time in Karma Taj, the ancient mage looked at the colorful images on the screen, and his expression also showed a trace of seriousness.

With the sixth sense of a certain supreme mage, the ancient mage faintly felt that this matter might be related to magic!

If this is indeed the case, then behind the scenes… There may even be the shadow of a demon god in another dimension!

On Earth, except for Karma Taj, all magic practitioners are borrowing the power of the Demon God of another dimension to cast spells!

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