【Image continues】

[After learning that Wanda was pregnant, she bought baby clothes with Vision, learned about pregnant women, and renovated the baby room by the way, and was very busy. ] 】

[On this day, their personal doctor came to examine Wanda and concluded that Wanda was indeed 4 months pregnant. 】

[The hallucination was stunned. 】

[Wanda’s belly obviously only grew up last night, why is it 4 months all of a sudden? ] 】

[Seeing that her husband was suspicious, Wanda quickly ended the conversation and reminded the doctor that it was time to go. 】

[Vision just sent the doctor out the door, and as soon as he returned to the room, he found that Wanda’s belly had actually become bigger again! ] 】

[Just when the two were arranging the baby room, Wanda felt a fetal movement, and in addition to being excited, he turned all the butterfly decorations hanging in the baby room into real butterflies. ] 】

[Vision picked up the pregnancy guide book he bought, which said that once fetal movement symptoms appeared, it proved that he was more than 6 months pregnant. 】

[If Wanda’s belly continues to swell at this rate, she may have a baby in a few hours!] 】

Seeing this, don’t say vision, and a group of people in front of the screen, most of them are dull, and they almost can’t believe their eyes for a while.

Captain America: Did I make a mistake? In just half a day, this woman is 6 months pregnant?

Captain America: What kind of magic is this? How can this happen in reality?

The captain grew up in the last century.

At that time, although science was good enough, legends such as magic and witchcraft still circulated in the streets.

Master Mordo: I can say responsibly that even the most bizarre black magic does not have such a means of instant pregnancy.

John Constantine: Unless…

Captain America: Unless what?

John Constantine: Unless… What that woman was carrying in her belly was not human at all.

Wanda Maximov: Is it a devil, or a ghost?

John Constantine: Hehe, you already know, so why ask?

Wanda Maksimov: !!! ( ̄△ ̄; )

After all, it was a teenage girl, and when Wanda heard this, she instinctively felt cold all over her body, and goosebumps appeared on her back.

Stephen Strange: It’s too early to talk about that.

Tony Stark: yes, that guy named Konstantin, don’t scare Wanda.

John Constantine: Okay, okay, when I didn’t say anything.

Comforted by Tony, little Wanda’s mood calmed down slightly.

Divine Kesha: Being able to decorate so many butterflies into butterflies in an instant, this woman’s anti-void ability is truly shocking.

Sitting on the throne, Queen Kesha’s face had become extremely serious, and the smile that was full of care had disappeared from his face.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the fact that the scarlet witch turns into a butterfly is also an exaggerated trick.

But in the eyes of Queen Kesha, this is an anti-void modification that reverses life and death!

Queen Kesha’s sub-biological engine, although it has long been able to jump out of the conservation of mass, but at most can only produce matter,

Creating life in an instant?

This kind of thing… Although Queen Kesha has studied for thousands of years, she still has no clue.

But that scarlet witch on the screen, just a glance did it!

Moreover, she can get pregnant again in an instant!

If the Scarlet Witch had a real baby in her belly, it would be even worse!

Keisha let out a soft breath. I couldn’t help but get excited in my heart.

“You can create life with the thought of it, this woman… It’s really a snooping into the realm of God. ”

Dr. Manhattan: Anti-Void? In your universe, is that what you call modifying reality?

Divine Kesha: Exactly.

Wanda Maximov: Modifying reality? Manhattan, can you do this too?

Dr. Manhattan: I’m still figuring it out, I can modify everything at the particle level, but at the moment, I don’t have the ability to create life.

Bruce Banner: Shhhh Particle level?

Tony Stark: Doesn’t that mean… Can he turn everything in the world into elementary particles?

Carol Danvers: What? It can’t be!

Seeing Dr. Manhattan’s speech, Captain Marvel even twitched his heart violently, and his eyes were full of surprise.

After being transformed by the energy of the Cosmic Cube, Captain Marvel gained almost unstoppable power.

Even an opponent whose strength is stronger than him is defeated against her physique that is enough to absorb energy.

But…… If this Dr. Manhattan didn’t tell a lie, then no matter how Captain Marvel attacked him, he was looking for death!

With just one thought, this blue guy can break down Captain Marvel’s entire person into elementary particles!

As soon as he thought of this, Captain Marvel suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart!

Can such a terrifying monster really exist in the world?

【Image continues】

[Suddenly, Wanda had a contraction reaction. 】

As his reaction became more and more violent, not only the whole house began to shake, but even the entire town lost power.] 】

[Seeing the strange scene in front of him, Vision finally felt that something was wrong. 】

[Seeing the doubt in her husband’s eyes, Wanda’s face changed greatly, and she immediately went back in time again. 】

[This time, after Wanda’s time backwards, Vision finally did not raise questions again. 】

[But at this moment, Wanda’s stomach swelled up again like an inflated gas, and the contractions began to intensify. ] 】

[It looks like her baby is about to be born.] 】

[At this time, it suddenly rained heavily in the house, and it turned out that Wanda’s amniotic water broke. ] 】

[Wanda uses her superpowers to dry the entire house, and then asks Vision to go out to a doctor to deliver the baby.] 】

[As soon as the bad thing left, Geraldine, a black female neighbor, knocked on Wanda’s door. 】

[Just when Wanda and Geraldine exchanged pleasantries, her contractions finally reached the final point! ] 】

[Wanda is about to give birth! ] 】

When Vision returned home with the doctor, it was discovered that Wanda had given birth to a baby with the help of a black female neighbor, Gerding.] 】

[Vision just picked up this little baby, Wanda suddenly screamed again, it turned out that she actually had another one in her belly. ] 】

[Eventually, Wanda gave birth to twins in her own home, named Tommy and Billy. 】

[Just when the bad thing went out to see off the doctor, Wanda looked at the twins she had just given birth to, and suddenly sighed. ] 】

[He told Geraldine, a black female neighbor, that he was also twins and had a twin brother named Pietro.] 】

[Looking at the sad expression on Wanda’s face, Geraldine seemed to remember something and asked:]

“Pietro died at the hands of Ultron, didn’t he?”] “】

[Upon hearing this, Wanda suddenly woke up, and when she turned her head, she noticed the ornament hanging from Geraldine’s neck. 】

[This ornament… It is the symbol of the Heavenly Sword Bureau! 】

“Who are you?” “】

[Looking at Geraldine, Wanda’s face instantly became gloomy. 】

[And by the time the phantom world returned home, Geraldine had disappeared.] 】

[At this time, in the real world, outside a small town called Xijing Town, a blue hole suddenly appeared in the air. 】

“A woman was thrown out of an unknown place. 】

[She is none other than Geraldine, a black female neighbor! ] 】

[Seeing Geraldin’s appearance, including the helicopter, a group of people gathered around. 】

[It turned out that the perimeter of this town had already been tightly carried by a large number of people, but no one dared to rush in. ] 】

Seeing this, many people have already understood.

John Constantine: So it is, this Westview town… Is it the world controlled by that Wanda?

Stephen Strange: Is this magic, or superpower?

Master Mordo: Who knows this kind of thing, but no matter what it is, this woman’s strength is really terrifying.

Dr. Manhattan: Indeed, this Wanda has a capacity that cannot be underestimated. But don’t overestimate it.

Dr. Manhattan: In my opinion, her abilities… It should be within the boundaries of this Westview town to work.

Divine Kesha: Is this her “domain”? Able to cover a town.

Queen Kesha took a breath, and her heart moved again.

Once her sacred realm is unfolded, it will be covered within a radius of 10 kilometers.

No matter who it is, unless her computing power is stronger than her, as long as she steps into this field, it is equivalent to letting her slaughter.

However, seeing Wanda in her own domain, even time and reality can be manipulated at will, still makes Queen Kesha sigh.

“I didn’t expect that in other universes, there are such powerful women!”

Carol Danvers: Wait a minute, this girl named Geraldine feels a little familiar to me.

Nick Fury: I feel that way too, could it be that we’ve seen her before?

Carol Danvers: The people we both met, at least decades ago.

Carol Danvers: That’s right! Monica! She’s Monica.

Nick Fury: Monica Rambo? I also remembered that her mother was one of the founders of the Heavenly Sword Bureau!

Nick Fury: No wonder, she has the Heavenly Sword Bureau ornaments on her.

Dr. Manhattan: It turns out that this black woman is a spy for ZF? No wonder, that Wanda would throw him out.

Divine Kesha: Because… Isn’t she indigenous to this field?

Wanda Maksimov: No, my variant, can even tell this kind of thing?

Dr. Manhattan: Ha, for a high-dimensional observer, as long as the thought moves, any information in the world is defenseless to her.

Divine Kesha: I think you’re a little overdone. That Wanda in the image, although he has mastered an extremely powerful anti-void power, but he is far from the real void creature… There is still a gap between you.

After communicating with Dr. Manhattan for so long, even if Queen Caesar looked at the top, she had to admit at this moment that this mysterious guy might really be a level of existence with the void creatures!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Uh… In fact, I still haven’t figured out, what kind of high-dimensional creature, what sub-biological plane, what does it mean?

Dr. Manhattan: In the simplest terms, if you write a book, then you are a high-dimensional creature relative to the characters in the book.

Dr. Manhattan: You can always write the character in the book to death or bring him back to life if you want.

Dr. Manhattan: Everything in the whole book is at your disposal, and this is the high-dimensional observer.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): What? That is, if that what… “void creatures” really exist…

Divine Kesha: Then we are equivalent to the role of the book.

Divine Kesha: If we don’t have the corresponding means of counteraction, they can modify us with a single thought!

Captain America: Oh my God. ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

Loki Odinson: This is… Just kidding!

Bruce Banner: No wonder some people say that the end of science is theology. Study science to the end… It will prove the existence of gods!

The words of Dr. Manhattan and Queen Kesha were so shocking that they suddenly made the brains of countless people in the chat group crash on the spot!

At this moment, almost everyone’s eyes widened. The face is full of horror and disbelief,

In their minds, it was as if a depth charge had exploded… Shake the whole person to a blank…

It’s terrifying.

If such high-dimensional creatures really exist, then these powerful elites on the earth are simply inferior to ants.

Just when everyone was shocked, the picture on the screen suddenly had a new change.

【Image continues】

[On a chair in a hospital, countless fragments suddenly condensed together and turned into a living woman. 】

[This woman is none other than Geraldine who was thrown out of Westview Town by Wanda in the image just now. ] 】

[Or rather… Monica Rambo! 】

[Suddenly “reshaped.] Monica was still a little confused about her situation. 】

[At this moment, he heard a series of exclamations from outside the door, and quickly opened the door and rushed out. 】

[Just seeing the situation outside, Monica was suddenly taken aback. 】

[In the corridor, a large number of debris began to condense into one living person after another, exclamations, shouts, filling the entire hospital! ] 】

[Monica hurriedly searched for her mother, but learned from her mother’s attending doctor that she had disappeared for 5 years, and his mother had died three years ago due to a recurrence of cancer. 】

Seeing this scene, several people in the live broadcast room shrank their pupils and were shocked.

Endless fragments, reassembled into people?

This scene is extremely familiar to them!

However, the last time they saw a similar sight, it was the other way around!

After Thanos snapped his fingers, half of the creatures in the universe turned into dust and drifted in the wind!

But now this scene, and Thanos’ snapping fingers, is diametrically opposite!

“On the contrary!! Could it be…”

Thinking of this, a flash of inspiration flashed in Tonisdak’s mind, and he shouted instinctively.

“Snap your fingers, someone snapped your fingers!”

The more he said it, the more excited he became, and Tony’s face turned red!

“In another universe, someone recollected 6 Infinity Stones, and then snapped his fingers and resurrected half of the creatures that Thanos had wiped out!”

PS: After “Wanda and Vision” is over, it is “Three-Body Problem: Death Eternal”!

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