【Image continues】

Just when Thomas Vader and the others decided to send someone to the Trimaran Fleet, a new problem came. 】

[If you want to transport a living person, then this aircraft must be paired with a special hibernation device and a life support system, otherwise this person will not be able to survive in space. ] 】

[All of these devices add up, and even weigh more than 1,000 kilograms.] 】

[The aircraft, on the other hand, can only carry a maximum of 180 kilograms of items.] 】

[Faced with this situation, Thomas Vader did not flinch at all and roared loudly:]

[“Forward! Move forward by any means! “】

[It seems that inspired by the phrase “unscrupulous” in Vader’s words, the female scientist Cheng Xin suddenly proposed an amazing plan. 】

[Since the device that kept that pilot alive is so heavy, then… Just ditch these devices and just send a dead person to the Trisolarans! 】

[Cheng Xin’s plan is to freeze a person to more than minus 200 degrees. 】

[In this way, although in the eyes of the earthlings, man is dead.] 】

[But the trisolarans have unimaginable high technology, and maybe they can bring this corpse back to life!] 】

[When the cold Vader heard this plan, he immediately applauded and completely agreed. 】

[But soon, scientists inside the intelligence bureau brought them another bad news.] 】

[After repeated calculations, scientists found that if you want to reach 1% of the speed of light, the aircraft in this ladder plan cannot even carry 180 kilograms, and can only bear 0.5 kilograms! ] 】

[In the face of this bad news, everyone is desperate. 】

[But after Thomas Vader pondered for a while, a sentence came in and out of between his teeth:]

[“Brain! Just send a frozen brain! “】

[Hearing this, everyone in the Intelligence Bureau, including Cheng Xin, was dumbfounded. 】

[Vader actually planned to… Give away a frozen human brain! 】

[Vader’s theory is also very simple. 】

[Since the technology of the trisolarans can even control the dimension, then in theory, even if humans send a cell over, they can clone a living person! ] 】

[But if you want this person to be a spy on the human side, you must send a complete brain.] 】

[In this way, the human brain resurrected by the trisolaran can still retain all his previous memories on earth, as well as his personality. ] 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned. 】

“Cheng Xin, Thomas Vader. These two people are so ruthless. ”

Peter swallowed his spit with difficulty, his face full of horror.

He really didn’t expect that these people… In the name of “for mankind”, you can do such a cruel thing!

Seeing this, Tony sighed a little helplessly and said nothing.

To be honest, he is not unable to understand the human mentality in the image.

At this time period, human beings are at an absolute trough.

They had just learned that the trisolaran technology was powerful and powerful, and humans were simply like ants in their eyes.

In the face of such a hopeless enemy, any desperate struggle by humanity is understandable.

But seeing this, Tony had some doubts in his heart.

According to the plot of “Dark Forest”, humans finally relied on Luo Ji and reached a certain “horror balance” with the Trisolarans.

In that case, what is the significance of these images of the “past” in front of you?

【Image continues】

[Thomas Vader’s crazy plan was finally passed. 】

[But a normal person would never agree to dig out his brain, freeze it, and launch it to the trisolarans. ] 】

[In search of potential candidates for the ladder scheme, the World Security Council has passed euthanasia bills worldwide. 】

[This would allow the Intelligence Agency to select candidates for the ladder program among terminally ill patients who decide to euthanize.] 】

[At this time, Cheng Xin knew that his original college classmate Yun Tianming was also terminally ill. ] 】

[Therefore, she reported Yun Tianming’s name without thinking. 】

[And Thomas Vader was very interested after learning that Yun Tianming was also a aerospace major, and simply sent Cheng Xin back to China to specifically persuade Yun Tianming to become a candidate. ] 】

[Cheng Xin just agreed to this task and got an unexpected gift. 】

[Someone bought a star in space and gave it to her anonymously.] 】

[In other words, Cheng Xin has now become the only woman on Earth who has stars! ] 】

[Cheng Xin was also very happy to get such a gift, but she also did not forget her task. 】

[After returning to China, Cheng Xin found Lin Tianming, who was preparing to perform the euthanasia procedure, and personally persuaded him to take out his brain and freeze it and become a candidate for the ladder plan. ] 】

[Hearing what Cheng Xin said to himself, Yun Tianming was completely stupid. 】

[It turns out that he has been secretly in love with Cheng Xin since he was in college, and the star that Cheng Xin received before was also given to her by Yun Tianming. ] 】

[It can be said that this is the last gift from the goddess in Yun Tianming’s heart after he felt that he was certain to die. ] 】

[But he never expected that this goddess would make such a terrifying request to himself! ] 】

Seeing this, there was an uproar in the chat group.

John Constantine: God, this woman named Cheng Xin is really a living demon!

John Constantine: She wouldn’t be some hellish demon lord pretending to be.

Wanda Maksimov: yes! That woman was so much, Yun Tianming loved her very much, and gave her a star! How could Cheng Xin repay him like this?

Bruce Banner: Well, I think… Your accusations are a bit excessive.

Bruce Banner: I’m not defending that Miss Cheng Xin.

Bruce Banner: From now on, this woman, like that Thomas Vader, is an extremely cold person, who will stop at nothing to achieve her ends.

Bruce Banner: Moreover, Mr. Yun Tianming was anonymous when he sent her stars, so Miss Cheng Xin didn’t know at all… He gave this star!

Nick Fury: Sigh, Bruce Banner, although you have the ability to transform into a monster, you are still essentially a human.

Bruce Banner: Huh? What did you say?

Natasha Romanoff: What Nick wants to say is… You are so kind.

Natasha Romanoff: Think about it, if Yun Tianming’s brain was really launched by these people and then intercepted by the trisolarans, what would they do?

Bruce Banner: …………!!!

Nick Fury: Looks like you thought of it.

Nick Fury: These trisolarans are a ruthless race without any morality, and if they intercept Yun Tianming’s brain, it is equivalent to obtaining an excellent human specimen!

Nick Fury: So they’re going to do experiments on this brain!

Nick Fury: And the simplest experiment is the stimulation of pain!

Natasha Romanoff: That’s right, with the technology of the Trisolarans, you can definitely create any kind of torture pain, and then input them into Yun Tianming’s brain, so that he can completely experience all the torture in the world!

Natasha Romanoff: And the most terrifying thing is that if a living person is tortured, one day they will die.

Natasha Romanoff: But if you just feed a distress-causing signal into your brain, in theory, the duration is endless!

Wanda Maximov: Oh my God. ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Seeing this, the sound of gasping for air in the live broadcast room suddenly continued to rise and fall.

Little Wanda and Peter all gasped, goosebumps all over their bodies, and the whole person was frightened.

That’s scary.

At this time, there are still people in the chat group who continue to speak.

Dr. Manhattan: If you look purely intellectually, it could be even worse.

Dr. Manhattan: I think these trisolarans definitely have the ability to resurrect Yun Tianming and recreate his body.

Dr. Manhattan: The question is, what will these aliens do after giving him his body?

Wanda Maksimov: I’ll go… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! What else can be done besides various human experiments?

Loki Odinson: The funniest thing is that even if the Trisolarans destroy Yun Tianming’s body, they can still clone him again! In this way, human experiments can continue endlessly! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): God… (⊙_⊙)

At this moment, almost everyone was stunned by Manhattan and Loki’s words.

An unimaginable chill instantly enveloped everyone’s whole body.

Cheng Xin, this woman, is simply asking this man who secretly loves her to live to hell.

John Constantine: ……… If my soul falls into the hands of those Hell Demon Kings, the final fate will be just that.

Deadpool: Brains are a good thing, I advise you to give it away. Hahaha…

Carol Danvers: This woman is really a human demon, if I see her, I must punch her to death! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○

Natasha Romanoff: How to say, from the standpoint of Cheng Xin and Vader, maybe they think that only such means can save mankind.

Stephen Strange: Abandon morality and humanity, is this the result? Is…… It’s so disappointing.

【Image continues】

[After learning Cheng Xin’s intentions, Yun Tianming laughed wildly, and the whole person’s heart was like ashes. 】

[For some reason, he finally agreed to Cheng Xin’s request and became a candidate for the ladder plan. Finally, he was cut off his brain, put into a freezer, and then launched into the starry sky. 】

[But after launch, the Ladder vehicle lost its way in space and didn’t know where it went.] 】

[The top management of the Intelligence Bureau chose Cheng Xin to go into hibernation pod hibernation, hoping that when she wakes up in the future, the ladder plan will have a miracle. ] 】

Seeing this, Little Wanda blinked, and her face was full of doubt.

“Is this Yun Tianming really having a brain problem? Why did he agree to do such a crazy thing? ”

“Is he really not afraid that the Trisolarans will find him, resurrect him, and then make him endure endless torture?”

Faced with such a question, Tony and the others were speechless, only Loki said coldly:

“Perhaps, this man has been completely blackened after being treated like this.”

“The reason why he agreed to this plan is to take revenge on mankind!”


Most of the people were shocked when they heard this, and Strange blurted out:

“Could it be that he is preparing to betray and surrender to the enemy like the Earth Tribody Organization”! ”

“It’s even better than that.”

Loki sneered:

“If this Yun Tianming is smart enough, he will find a way to teach the Trisolarans… Human stratagem and tricks to deceive!

“In this way, with super technology and a strategy no less than humans, the trisolarans will definitely be able to completely wipe out the earthlings like a devastation and decay.”

“These bastard humans who took his brain out, froze it, and launched it into space, all have to die!!!.”


Hearing this, everyone changed color, but they didn’t know how to refute it for a while.

To be fair, having encountered such a terrifying treatment, it seems that this Yun Tianming’s character is not strange no matter how twisted and blackened it is!

【Image continues】

[Cheng Xin entered the hibernation capsule and woke up after more than 260 years. 】

[Only then did she realize that human society has changed greatly. 】

[Luo Ji has established a “terror balance” with the three-body world by relying on the laws of the dark forest, and mankind has also entered the era of deterrence. ] 】

[Since then, Luo Ji has become the first “sword bearer”, responsible for sending the coordinates of the three-body planet to the universe when an accident occurs, and carrying out the same death in the dark forest! ] 】

[In the era of deterrence, the Trisolarans lifted the technological blockade of humans and began to teach humans a variety of high-tech technologies. 】

With the help of the Trisolarans, humans have built three gravitational wave antennas on Earth that can transmit signals to the universe, and also built a spacecraft “Gravity” with the same function. 】

[Human civilization has learned more and more from the Trisolarans, and the Trisolarans, in turn, have learned a lot from human culture. 】

[In the end, the Trisolarans even created various works of art such as movies, novels, and paintings that imitated the culture of the earth.] 】

[Moreover, after peace between the two sides.] Humans used biomimetic technology to create a mechanical body for Tomoko and make her a beautiful and solemn Inazuma country woman. 】

[The reason why Cheng Xin was awakened was not because of the ladder plan. It was because of the star that Yun Tianming gave her, and two more planets were found around. 】

[One of the two planets has an environment very similar to Earth.] 】

[At this time, the price of the star in Cheng Xin’s hand has also risen to the sky. 】

[The reason why the United Kingdom awakened Cheng Xin is to buy this star from her for future human immigration to the universe. ] 】

[Because of this star, Cheng Xin is already famous among all mankind at this time. 】

[Many humans believe that she is a woman who has a new earth, so she has the ability to save this old earth. 】

[After coming to the future world, Cheng Xin was still very uncomfortable at first. 】

Due to the long period of peace and the development of science and technology, human beings in this era have become too comfortable. 】

[Men have become extremely feminine, and the streets are full of men in women’s clothing, making Cheng Xin think that men are extinct.] 】

[In this gentle era, Cheng Xin just woke up and was assassinated by Thomas Vader. 】

[Vader wants to become the new sword bearer, but he feels that Cheng Xin will become an obstacle to him. 】

[It turns out that in this era of becoming more and more gentle and men becoming more and more feminine, human beings are interested in Luo Ji, who holds the power to destroy the three-body world and the human world… It is also more and more fearful! 】

[After all, this man once used the Dark Forest to strike and destroy a star in the universe! ] 】

[Many people think that it is very irresponsible to give such power to a terrifying demon like Luo Ji. 】

[In this age of tenderness, everyone wants those who hold power to be gentle too. 】

[So, in the case of popular support, Cheng Xin finally replaced Luo Ji, who was already a centenarian, and took the manipulator that activated the gravitational wave antenna from him. ] 】

[With his own strength, Luo Ji deterred the Trisolarans and maintained peace for more than 60 years! ] 】

[Throughout the history of civilization, his victory is unmatched! ] 】

[But at this time, humans are not grateful to Luo Ji! ] 】

[Just after Cheng Xin took over the scepter to control the gravitational wave antenna, Luo Ji was taken into custody by the International Court and investigated on charges of “world extermination”! ] 】

[However, Cheng Xin’s sword bearer only served for 15 minutes, and the three body people lurked in the six “water droplets” of the solar system, and launched an all-out attack on humans! ] 】

[In the face of the enemy’s sudden attack, Cheng Xin is completely stupid! ] 】

[She never dreamed that the Trisolarans would give her such a big gift as soon as they came up! ] 】

[At this moment, as long as Cheng Xin presses the controller in his hand, then the two interstellar civilizations of Earth and Trisolaran will be completely destroyed! ] 】

[This is the Dark Forest Strike! ] 】

[Faced with the terrifying pressure on his shoulders, Cheng Xin completely collapsed and threw the gravitational wave controller in his hand far away. ] 】

Then, within minutes, all three gravitational wave transmitting antennas on Earth were crashed by water droplets. 】

[At the same time, the trimaran fleet, which has obtained the ability to fly at the speed of light through technological explosions, also rushed towards the earth at the fastest speed. ] 】

[Human civilization is about to die of happiness! ] And lose everything! 】

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