Seeing Cheng Xin on the screen throwing away the scepter in his hand in panic, almost everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned, almost unable to believe their eyes.

At this moment, most of their faces were dazed, and their minds were blank. For a moment it was impossible to even understand what was happening.

It took half a day for Wanda’s screams to sound.

“What the hell, what’s wrong with this woman?”

I saw that this girl of yours stomped her foot and roared angrily:

“The enemy has been killed, why didn’t she press the button?”

Looking at little Wanda’s angry appearance, Tony frowned, but did not say anything.

In his opinion, this girl’s character is already very strong.

If little Wanda hadn’t joined this live broadcast room, he would have learned the truth about Stark’s company.

Maybe in the future… She will really join Baron Strack in his experiments, then undergo the transformation of the Mind Gem to become the Scarlet Witch!

In order to take revenge, she can’t even give her life, how can little Wanda see Cheng Xin like this… An act bordering on a show of hands in surrender?

At this time, Black Widow said lightly:

“This woman should not be able to afford it… Destroy two civilizations at the same time, the responsibility and pressure of countless lives. ”

“If he presses that button, the three-body civilization will be destroyed, and humanity will suffer with it!”


Little Wanda continued to jump to her feet when she listened, and her face was full of displeasure:

“Wasn’t this woman very cold when she dealt with that Yun Tianming before? Why have you become so soft-hearted now? ”

Tony’s eyes also flashed a trace of confusion at this time:

“This Cheng Xin’s personality is indeed somewhat inconsistent, as if he is schizophrenic!”


Peter swallowed with some difficulty:

“Destroying human civilization is such a thing, I can’t do it in other words, it seems that Miss Cheng Xin can’t be blamed.”


Upon hearing this, Loki’s face showed ridicule again.

“Boy, your brain is a little unclear.”

“Even if that Cheng Xin presses the button, the other aliens’ dark forest strikes will not come immediately.”

“Perhaps, humans will still have a chance to escape!”


Black Widow stood aside and shook her head slightly, and said in a voice close to indifference:

“You said that humans can escape, which is based on the premise that the three-body civilization did not immediately launch a retaliation against humans.”

“As we discussed before, if the three-body civilization sees humans unleash a dark forest strike, then their easiest way to retaliate is to launch the coordinates of the earth as well.”

At this time, Tony also nodded.

“Even if the Trisolarans don’t do this, they still have six water droplets on Earth!”

“If these six things are to kill in a big way, what will the earthlings use to resist?”


At this time, everyone in the live broadcast room was silent.

At this time, someone in the chat group bubbled up again.

Bruce Banner: If this Cheng Xin presses the button, the three-body civilization will not actually be extinct, but I am afraid that human civilization will be over.

Nick Fury: yes, I also remembered that the Trisolaran civilization sent a large colonial fleet to conquer and colonize the ball.

Nick Fury: Even if Cheng Xin’s luck is really good, as soon as he sends out new coordinates, he is seen by other alien civilizations and immediately casts a dark forest strike.

Nick Fury: It’s not going to be a trisolaran.

Carol Danvers: The most hateful thing is that those aliens still hide their strength!

Carol Danvers: Their spacecraft originally had the ability to travel at the speed of light, but it tricked humans into thinking that they could only travel at a fraction of the speed of light.

Bruce Banner: I think this may not be the case, but it may be that the trisolarans have had some kind of technological explosion during their many years of sailing, which has greatly increased the power of the original engine.

Carol Danvers: Huh? Is there such a thing in the world?

Bruce Banner: Spread your hands, technological explosion is originally an unreasonable thing, human beings have experienced several scientific and technological revolutions in the course of the past few hundred years.

Bruce Banner: If we look at it from an alien perspective, our human technological development may not be normal.

Magneto: Humph! All along, it was the fault of those stupid humans.

Magneto: Isn’t that human named Luo Ji a sword bearer for decades?

Magneto: These idiots actually replaced him and replaced him with such a little girl! It’s really self-defeating!

John Constantine: Well… I can understand what those humans think.

John Constantine: After all, the sword-wielding is a perverted existence, and they hold the power of life and death in the two worlds. This right is absolute, and no one dares to resist!

Nick Fury: Don’t dare to resist? What do you want to say?

John Constantine: Oh, you guessed it.

John Constantine: With such absolute power, what if that is a sword-bearer who wants to pursue worldly power and status?

Wanda Maximov: Huh? At the moment of the great enemy, will anyone do such a thing? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Magneto: Human desires are never endless…

Nick Fury: I understand that in order to ensure that the sword-bearer has sufficient deterrence, then his control of gravitational wave devices should be absolute.

Nick Fury: No one has the power to interfere or influence him!

Nick Fury: Otherwise, if humans can influence the power of the sword-wielding man, wouldn’t the Trisolarans influence humans through Chiko?

Natasha Romanoff: Nick, you are absolutely right, the sword bearer must be an autocracy, with absolute power and judgment, as long as he wants to press the button, he can press it! No one can stop him.

Natasha Romanoff: Only such a person can deter the Trisolarans!

John Constantine: So that’s absolute power.

Captain America: Putting the power to destroy the world in the hands of one person seems … Something is wrong.

John Constantine: Look! Even you are a little difficult to understand, not to mention those high-level of humanity.

Natasha Romanoff: … Those high-level officials felt that Luo Ji had been sitting in this position for too long. They couldn’t control him again, so… I just want to change to a gentler and more controllable girl.

Magneto: That’s foolishness.

Magneto: Through this stupid move, they not only destroyed humanity, but also surrendered the earth to aliens!

Magneto has little sympathy for the demise of humanity, but… Earth occupied by aliens?

This kind of thing is not tolerated!

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen

【Image continues】

[After the water droplets destroyed all gravitational wave emitters on Earth, Tomoko issued a “reservation statement”, ordering all humans around the world to migrate to Kangaroo Country within a year. 】

[Since human beings at this time have been seriously feminized, most people are still addicted to unrealistic fantasies, and some people even think that Tomoko will not kill them and is not willing to go to Kangaroo Country at all. ] 】

[Seeing this, Tomoko did not hesitate to order the water drop to attack, destroying many cities and killing hundreds of thousands of people. 】

[In the face of such merciless intimidation, humans are finally afraid. 】

Soon, billions of people began migrating to Kangaroo Country. 】

[In order to manage these billions of people, the Trisolarans began recruiting Earth Security Forces among humans, and let them in turn suppress their fellow citizens.] 】

[And when the Great Migration ended, Tomoko directly cut off the food supply of Kangaroo Country. 】

[In this way, the billions of people gathered in this country will only devour each other.] 】

[Just when billions of human beings on the earth fell into some kind of “apocalyptic battle royale”, there was a new change in the universe. 】

In addition to the four gravitational wave generators on Earth, humans have also built a spacecraft with the same function, “Gravity.] 】

[At this time, the Gravity ship is in charge of chasing a rebel of a human fleet, the Blue Space. 】

[The crew of the Blue Space once killed and ransacked other human fleets due to the shortage of resources. 】

[That’s why they’re hunted down by humans.] 】

[At this time, the water droplets sent by the two trisolarans also chased over. ] 】

[Their mission is to destroy the gravitational ship and the last gravitational wave generator on it! ] 】

[Yes, something that no one expected happened!] 】

[The Blue Space actually entered a four-dimensional fragment. 】

[In this space, any object in the real world is like a three-dimensional unfolded diagram.] 】

[If someone destroys anything in the three-dimensional space in the four-dimensional space, then in the real world, the thing will also be destroyed.] 】

[Although the water droplets made by the Trisolarans are indestructible on the outside, the engine and other devices inside them are very fragile.] 】

[The people on the Blue Space destroyed the inside of the water droplets through the four-dimensional space, completely destroying these terrifying combat weapons. 】

[Next, the people on the Blue Space entered Gravity, eventually capturing and surrendering the ship.] 】

[After the deliberation of all the crew, these humans floating in the universe made the final decision. 】

[Through the gravitational spacecraft, they launched the coordinates of the three-body galaxy into the universe. 】

[The Dark Forest Strike is finally launched! ] 】

[And just after the coordinates of the three-body galaxy were exposed, soon after, a particle of light penetrated the sun of the three-body galaxy. 】

[The entire three-body galaxy is completely destroyed. 】

[The trisolarans accepted the destruction of their planet with an indifferent attitude. 】

[Moreover, they have given up their conquest of Earth.] 】

[Because the three-body people know that in the face of those developed cosmic civilizations, the long-term communication between human civilization and three-body civilization is difficult to hide. 】

[Since the three-body planet has been exposed, it is only a matter of time before the exposure of the human planet and the dark forest attack against the human earth appear. ] 】

[At this time, the human beings, who had already fallen into the state of “doomsday battle royale”, were finally understood and released. 】

[Surprisingly, in the face of the earthlings who destroyed their home planet, the three-body people, or Chiko, also showed great calm, even cold, without even a little hatred. ] 】

[After the destruction of the parent planet.] The surviving three-body starships also formed the starship civilization and began to survive in the universe. 】

[After giving up conquering Earth.] Zhizi even invited Luo Ji and Cheng Xin to her house for tea. 】

[In this tea party. Zhizi also frankly told Luo Ji that the destruction of the earth and even the solar system is inevitable, and if human beings do not want to be exterminated, the only way is to run away. 】

[Next, Zhizi also told Cheng Xin that Yun Tianming wanted to see him. 】

[It turns out that the Trisolarans have been paying attention to the ladder plan through Tomoko. ] 】

[And after being coerced by Luo Ji and having to temporarily give up conquering the earth. ] The Trimaran fleet turned around and found a flying machine equipped with Yun Tianming’s brain as a souvenir of this failed invasion battle. 】

[Cheng Xin was shocked when he learned about it and agreed to go to the appointment. 】

[Then when she saw Yun Tianming again, she found that he had indeed recovered his health, and even his whole person became younger. 】

[Yun Tianming told Cheng Xin that he often told stories to the three-body people in the three-body civilization, and even published books in the three-body civilization, becoming a famous writer in the three-body world. 】

[Since this meeting has always been under the close surveillance of the Trisolarans, Yun Tianming only talked to Cheng Xin a few gossip, and then talked about three… He also often tells fairy tales in the three-body world. 】

[After this meeting, humans began to do their best to decipher these three fairy tales told by Yun Tianming. 】

[Finally, they finally discover the secrets hidden in these three fairy tales.] 】

[First: is the technology to make light-speed spacecraft. 】

[Second: A way to issue a security statement to the universe to avoid the attack of the Dark Forest. 】

[But there is also a fairy tale, but no one has ever discovered the mystery of it.] 】

[Although it is already known that only building a light-speed spacecraft and then leaving the solar system is the only way to survive. 】

[But because the lightspeed spacecraft requires a lot of resources, it is simply not enough to take away all humans, and human beings have fallen into the dilemma of “dying together”. 】

[Just as it was in the case of the original ban on fugitivism, the current human ZF has also begun to strictly prohibit the construction of lightspeed spacecraft. 】

[It was at this time that Thomas Vader found Cheng Xin again, wanting to use the resources at her disposal to build a lightspeed spaceship to save mankind. ] 】

[Looking at the failed former female sword bearer in front of him, Vader said calmly:]

“Don’t make a second mistake. “】

[Hearing this, Cheng Xin finally agreed. 】

[But she still put forward a condition for Vader:]

“When you do something that endangers human life, I can take back your rights. “】

[In order to save mankind, Vader finally agreed to the conditions proposed by Cheng Xin. 】

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