Call…… It’s good that humanity hasn’t been exterminated.

Seeing that the trisolarans on the screen gave up their conquest of humans, Peter also breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the Trisolarans now have a huge Lightspeed Colony fleet on hand!

Moreover, even if these fleets are not used, those 6 water drops alone are no longer something that humans can resist!

But no one expected that these trisolarans seemed to have no feelings at all!

For the humans who launched the Dark Forest strike and destroyed their home planet, they didn’t even have the slightest thought of revenge!

It’s incredible!

At this time, Dr. Manhattan also bubbled up in the chat group.

Dr. Manhattan: I can understand the mentality of those trisolarans.

Dr. Manhattan: Based on the background you provided earlier, the planet they live on should be in extremely harsh natural conditions.

Dr. Manhattan: In order to survive, these trisolarans suppressed their feelings to the point of near extinction and became outright rationalists.

Carol Danvers: They are purely intellectually felt… There is no point in taking revenge on the earthlings, so just give up?

Carol Danvers: What is the difference between being sane and a robot? Can this also be called alive?

Dr. Manhattan: You joined the group before I did, and you should know better than I do about the Trisolarans.

Dr. Manhattan: How much better alive on that planet than dead?

Carol Danvers: ………

Dr. Manhattan’s cold words choked Captain Marvel.

Carol thought about it, and even felt a faint chill on his back.

Because of the three-body problem, the three-body people must face the tossing of the three suns all the time.

In that environment, it doesn’t seem much different from living hell.

Natasha Romanoff: Almost no emotion! Driven entirely by reason! All for survival! It also has super technology that is far superior to the earth!

Natasha Romanoff: In the face of such an opponent, humans are actually clever… Replaced the sword-wielding man with an ignorant girl!

Natasha Romanoff: I don’t know what words to use to describe it other than self-destruction!

Seeing Black Widow’s almost grim comment, others could only be speechless.

To be fair, the high-level of the earth replacing Luo Ji’s hand with Cheng Xin is really stupid, making people not even know where to start defending.

Stephen Strange: Those idiots at the top are indeed unforgivable, but… I always feel that the trisolarans have really become cunning this time.

Tony Stark: I feel that way too.

Tony Stark: They first hid their hostility from humans, and then they hid the fact that the Trisolarans mastered the technology of light-speed flight while teaching science and technology.

Tony Stark: These aliens are no longer the kind of race that doesn’t know how to hide and deceive!

Rocky Odinson: Humph! I bet the Trisolarans change… It definitely has something to do with that Yun Tianming.

Loki Odinson: Look at him, he actually became a great writer in the three-body world!

Loki Odinson: Moreover, when talking to that Cheng Xin, Yun Tianming also claimed that he had also seen her with his own eyes through Tomoko!

Loki Odinson: Do you remember… Who were the last humans who were qualified to manipulate Tomoko?

Nick Fury: The Trisolaran Organization of Earth! Those traitors among humanity! (▼皿▼#)

Worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. for half his life. The responsibility of the stewed egg in life is to protect the earth!

For him, those humans who betrayed the earth were all dead!

Magneto: Hahaha, you said that Yun Tianming is a traitor, but from his point of view, he may feel that humans have betrayed themselves.

Captain America: Even if Yun Tianming’s brain was cut off and the encounter was very tragic when he was launched into the universe, this… Nor can it be his revenge on humanity…

Rocky Odinson: Okay, okay, I know what you’re trying to say. When you watched the Scarlet Witch image before, you seem to have said something similar.

Captain America: This…

Rocky Odinson: You haven’t personally experienced the lives of Yun Tianming and Scarlet Witch, why stand in their shoes and forgive others?

In the face of Loki’s spicy words, the captain didn’t know how to refute for a while.

John Constantine: Even if Yun Tianming really said something to the Trisolarans, he also told that Miss Cheng Xin three fairy tales.

John Constantine: I think that the secrets contained in these three fairy tales may also be able to save human civilization.

Nick Fury: Humph! Is this a traitor’s conscience finding and wanting to atone for his sins?

Bruce Banner: It is also mentioned in the video that the Trisolarans are very obsessed with the culture of the earthlings, and it may be that they learned deception and trickery from the earthlings through cultural exchanges!

Tony Stark: In short, I only have one feeling when I see this, these human beings who live a peaceful life under Luo Ji’s wing are really too comfortable to live!

Tony Stark: In the face of the impending invasion of the Trisolarans, humans can instead shake their spirits and concentrate all their forces to survive.

Tony Stark: After Luo Ji became a sword-wielding and successfully achieved the “Terror Balance”, these humans all turned into a bunch of sissies! (▼ヘ▼#)

Tony Stark: If these idiots continue to sink and fall, I see… No one can save them!

At this time, the image on the screen also appeared a new change.

[After handing over his company to Thomas Vader, Cheng Xin and his friend Ai AA went into hibernation, waiting for him to make a light-speed spaceship in the future. 】

[After 62 years of deep sleep, Cheng Xin was awakened. 】

[Over the years, there have been three ways of survival in front of mankind. 】

[The first plan, the Lightspeed spacecraft program, has been banned by ZF. 】

[The second plan is the Black Domain Plan. 】

[This plan is to use a low-speed black domain to wrap the entire solar system. 】

[In the Black Hell, the speed of the spaceship will be limited.] 】

[People in the solar system will never be able to leave this galaxy, and it is impossible to pose a threat to other cosmic civilizations. ] 】

[In this way, although human beings will be trapped in this black hell forever, they will no longer be able to expand like the universe.] 】

[But on the other hand, other cosmic civilizations are not necessary… It’s time to launch another Dark Forest strike against human civilization. 】

[This is the universal security statement in the universe.] 】

[But no one knows how to create such a low-speed black domain! ] 】

[So, this plan was also abandoned.] 】

[The only remaining third option is the bunker plan.] 】

[This is to build a space city on the back of the four planets of the solar system, using the planet itself as a cover.

[With such a bunker, even if the sun is destroyed by alien light particles, the bunker cities on the back of these planets can still survive.] 】

Humanity invested a lot of enthusiasm and resources in the bunker program, and soon four bunker cities were established on the back side of these planets. 】

[By the time Cheng Xin woke up, the earth had become an ordinary city in the solar system federation. 】

[Now the earth is sparsely populated, and only 5 million people who are not even afraid of “light particle strikes” continue to stick there. 】

[Cheng Xin was taken to a space city known as “Star Ring City”. 】

[Here, he met Vader, who was over 100 years old. 】

[Over the years. Vader has been using the company and funds left to him by Cheng Xin to desperately research lightspeed spacecraft, which has achieved little results. 】

[But just 6 years ago, Vader suddenly publicly announced that he was going to build a light-speed spacecraft.] 】

[At this time, the federal ZF really can’t tolerate him. 】

[Now Vader and the others are surrounded by stellar battleships, and they may fight to the death at any time. ] 】

[And the reason why ZF awakened Cheng Xin is in the hope that she can convince Vader to lay down his arms and surrender to ZF. ] 】

[After the two met, Vader showed Cheng Xin the warp speed engine they had developed. 】

According to Vader, they only need to continue their research for 50 years to build a true light-speed spacecraft. 】

But if you want to continue research, you need a lot of experiments and resources. 】

[It is precisely because of this that Vader and others will have a showdown with the federal ZF. 】

[Vader said with some pride, they actually have the ability to fight with the Federation ZF, and even have a chance to win! ] 】

[It turns out that in the process of studying the lightspeed spacecraft, they also developed an antimatter bullet! ] 】

[Even just one bullet of this can destroy a stellar battleship! ] 】

[And now there are only two dozen star warships surrounding the “Star Ring City”. ] 】

[Vader and others, now have 15,000 antimatter bullets on hand!] 】

[Not only that, Vader was even prepared and sent a large number of daredevils, carrying antimatter bullets, to infiltrate various space cities of mankind. ] 】

[As long as they get his order, these daredevils will use these bullets to destroy all these space cities and die with them! ] 】

[If this happens, except for the 5 million people on the earth, as well as this “Star Ring City” of Vader, I am afraid that all mankind will be extinct! ] 】

[This is Vader’s biggest chip! ] 】

[He wants to use such a means to establish with human ZF… A balance of horrors similar to the Dark Forest! 】

[Facing Vader, who held the extermination weapon, Cheng Xin once again felt the terrifying feeling when he was a sword wielder and held the gravitational wave weapon launcher. ] 】

[At this moment, all that remains in her mind is the countless humans in Space City. 】

[Thinking of the start of the war, once those daredevils are launched, I don’t know how many people will die, Cheng Xin was suddenly scared and cold sweat broke out. ] 】

[Cheng Xin looked at Vader and asked:]

“Is your promise still valid? “】

Vader nodded. 】

[Cheng Xin said without hesitation:]

[“Stop resisting immediately and hand over all the antimatter bullets to the Federal ZF!”] “】

[In the face of Cheng Xin’s order, Vader almost pleaded with her to consider it again. 】

[But Cheng Xin still said without any room for turning: “No need to take the exam again. “】

[Faced with a desperate situation, Vader closed his eyes and muttered:]

[“Lose your humanity, lose a lot; Lose bestiality, lose everything. “】

[Hearing this, Cheng Xin said indifferently:]

“I choose humanity. “】

Next, Vader ordered his men to surrender their weapons to ZF.] 】

[After his arrest, Vader was sentenced to death. 】

Seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was speechless.

Looking at the screen, Peter’s expression was almost demented, and he muttered:

“No, this Madonna watch… Is it to destroy humanity twice? ”

“What’s wrong with this woman? Is there something wrong with his brain? Little Wanda’s eyes widened, his face was full of puzzlement, and he forgot to be angry for a while.

Tony shook his head a little helplessly:

“Compared to when she was a sword bearer, she really hasn’t grown a bit!”

“But the survival of mankind … But it is decided by such a woman, which is also too strange! It’s too sad. ”

At this time, Loki suddenly sneered again:

“I see, that Vader also needs to be responsible.”

“I know that this woman is an idiot with a problem in the brain, but he has to abide by the one he set up in the first place… To hell with the promise! ”

“Isn’t the demise of mankind much more important than his promise?”

At this time, Black Widow suddenly sighed faintly:

“Perhaps, this Vader is also disappointed in humans.”

I saw that Black Widow’s face also showed a trace of regret:

“This Cheng Xin, in a sense, is also the embodiment of human will.”

“In another universe, although human beings have left the earth to survive in the universe, their mentality and pattern not only have not made any progress, but have regressed and become more and more naïve!”

“In the face of such a human being, Vader may also have lost his last hope.”

【Image continues】

[Although Vader surrendered as promised, Cheng Xin still felt very lost, and after revisiting the barren earth, she and her friend Ai AA went into hibernation again. ] 】

[When they wake up again, they want to see what the solar system will look like after being hit by light particles! ] 】

[Just when Cheng Xin was hibernating, a spaceship finally discovered the dark forest signal released by the “Gravity”. 】

[This spaceship belongs to the singer.] 】

[The singer is a humble cleaner, so humble that he doesn’t even have a name.] 】

[It’s only because I like to hum at work that I am called a singer.] 】

PS: The next chapter is the two-way foil that everyone is looking forward to! ^_^

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