[Seeing one spaceship being completely two-dimensional and turned into a painting, the people on the other spaceship were immediately frightened. ] 】

[In panic, the captain immediately ordered the engine to go at full speed and enter the state of Forward 4! ] 】

But something incredible happened. 】

[Even after entering the acceleration state of Forward 4, the entire spaceship did not move at all! ] 】

[Panicked, the crew finally discovered a terrifying fact. 】

[After the two-way foil erupted, the surrounding three-dimensional space all began to flow towards the unfolded two-dimensional space. 】

[Under the influence of this space flow, their spaceship is like a fish swimming upstream in a waterfall, and it will be washed down without suspense! ] 】

[The only way to break through this flow of space is to accelerate the speed of the spacecraft to the speed of light! ] 】

[If this cannot be done, then the entire spaceship will fall to the two-dimensional world, which is inevitable. ] 】

[The most terrifying thing is that the entire solar system is now in this falling space. 】

[As long as it is in this solar system, unless the speed reaches the speed of light, it is useless to escape, and it will definitely be two-dimensional by two-way foil in the end! ] 】

[Faced with this hopeless situation, the people on the spacecraft eventually stopped the forward engine, and then hugged each other, which was turned into a painting of zero thickness.] 】

[And this is just the beginning.] 】

[The location of the two-way foil captured by humans is near Neptune, so the unfolded two-dimensional space first extends to Neptune, as well as neighboring Saturn. 】

[Due to the existence of the bunker plan, humans have built many space cities near these two planets. 】

[So, these space cities… The first to bear the brunt is sucked into the two-dimensional space! 】

[These huge space cities, like ships, first the bottom did not enter the plane, and then slowly sank into the two-dimensional ocean. ] 】

[The residents of Space City were also desperate and wanted to escape, but they couldn’t escape the space flowing to the two-dimensional plane, and the last one left was pulled over. ] 】

[“Snap! Syllable! Syllable! “】

[Countless people fell from the sky and fell on the two-dimensional plane like rain, like countless drops of colored ink, stretching out on the plane and turning into two-dimensional portraits. ] 】

[After the two-dimensional space city, the next turn is Neptune and Saturn. 】

[Although these two planets are very large, they cannot withstand the terrifying dimensionality reduction blow, and finally turn into two huge ring-shaped pictures, flat on the plane. ] 】

[Due to the “tile”, the area of these two planets has become much larger after the two-dimensionalization! ] 】

[If anyone were standing on Pluto and observing, they would find… Neptune and Saturn, which were originally too far away to be seen at all, have now actually turned into the shape of two eyes, “watching” them in the distant starry sky! 】

[This scene is weird and terrifying, and it has simply exceeded human imagination! ] 】

Seeing this terrible sight, all the people in front of the screen were dumbfounded!

“The planet… The planet has become a painting! ”

“Isn’t that an illusion? Or what kind of magic magic? ”

“Stupid! This is science, an unimaginable scientific weapon! ”

“Weapons! What weapon is so terrifying? ”

In the square of Karma Taj, the exclamations and even screams of those apprentices rose and fell one after another, and some people even knelt on the ground holding their heads, not daring to look at the scene in front of them.

Although, Master Mordo and Master Wang had been mentally prepared before.

But this terrifying scene in front of him still stunned the two senior mages, almost doubting their lives.

“It’s terrible, it’s in another universe… Alien destructive power? ”

Archmage Wang’s face turned pale, and only his heart was about to jump to his throat!

And Master Mordo, who was standing on the side, dense beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, and even his body trembled.

The two planets in the solar system turned into a two-dimensional picture!

What a horrible scene!

At this moment, the countless mages of Karma Taj are afraid that they will never forget this scene for the rest of their lives!

Even the Ancient One Mage, who had always been light, was as heavy as water at this time, and there was no trace of expression on his face.

As a Heavenly Father-level Supreme Mage, Gu Yi didn’t know how powerful enemies he had fought.

But in the face of such an unimaginable dimensionality reduction blow, even her heart… It also throbbed slightly.

The power of science and technology can be so powerful!

If such a two-way foil weapon really appeared in her solar system, Gu Yi would be sure to be under this dimensionality reduction blow… Save this galaxy?

Thinking of this, Gu Yi actually flashed a rare trace of self-doubt in his heart!


“Father! This…… What exactly is this? ”

Thor, who held Mjolnir in his hand and had armor all his life, looked at the pair of “eyes” on the screen dumbfounded, his eyes were round, and he couldn’t help but open his mouth, and the expression on his face was completely frozen.

After lifting Mjolnir and regaining Thor’s power, Thor was recalled to Asgard by Odin.

But at this time, this future Asgardian God King actually showed that stupid dull expression on his face.

Glancing at the son who seemed to have become Erha, Odin surprisingly did not reprimand him.

In fact, even Odin’s face was full of shock at the moment. The whole person was even more shocked, unable to calm down!

At this moment, he was thinking.

The Asgardians claim to be Protoss, but in fact, they only live on a planet in the universe.

What Odin was thinking at the moment was, if Asgard was attacked by the two-way foil, would he be able to protect his people and his land?

And the final answer is… No!

If you face a two-way foil, even Asgard, the head of the Nine Realms, will only turn into a gorgeous famous painting in a few minutes!

This terrifying answer immediately made Odin’s heart… Felt an indescribable impact!

“It seems… Just relying on divine power, without developing science and technology, it is not enough. ”

Looking at his son who was still standing in place with his mouth wide open, Odin also sighed in his heart.

Asgard’s reign over the Nine Realms has been too long.

Just like those humans in the three-body universe, under comfort, the scientific and technological development of the entire Asgard has stagnated.

The combat power is limited to Odin, Thor and a few limited powerhouses.

Otherwise, when encountering the raid of the dark elves “in the future”, they would not be so embarrassed.

Originally, Odin also felt that as long as the god king was strong enough to protect his people, it was enough.

But now it seems that even aliens with no divine power at all, as long as they have enough powerful technological weapons, they can still uproot Asgard! Complete destruction!

That’s the power of technology!

“Queen Kesha, what is this?”

“Impossible! We’re right. ”

Angel Yan and the angel stood frozen in place, their expressions full of shock and shock, as if they had seen a terrifying scene that was enough to subvert their world view!

As Kesha’s divine wings, these two angels have always believed that they are not afraid of death, and can even die for Keisha on the battlefield without hesitation.

But the sight before me is terrifying. It still made them gasp in horror, their bodies were shaky, and they almost couldn’t stand steadily!

An unchecked panic rose in the hearts of these angels.

“Awesome, is this the power to manipulate dimensions?”

Kesha’s beautiful eyes widened, her expression became extremely wonderful, and the shock in the depths of her eyes could not be concealed.

The strongest person in the surrounding known universe, Divine Kesha, was finally completely shocked at this moment.

In the face of such an unreasonable dimensionality reduction blow, even if she has a divine body, she may not be able to support it!

Even if her body is composed of countless divine atoms, it is almost impossible to destroy, but if it is turned into a plane by two-dimensional, those divine atoms… Can it still be aggregated?

As soon as she thought of this question, Divine Kesha only felt as if her heart had set off a terrifying wave, which could not be calmed down for a long time.

And Hexi, who was standing below the main hall, blinked his eyes at this time, with a curious and excited look on his face.

“Technology, can it actually achieve such an effect?”

“It’s incredible, it seems… After that, I had another research topic. ”

The world of Watchmen.


Surprisingly, looking at the scene of “human beings turning into patterns” and “planets sinking into two dimensions” on the screen, Dr. Manhattan threw his head back and laughed.

Due to excessive excitement, he even shook his body, looking like he was drunk!

After having superpowers, Manhattan has never been so excited.

He is here for a reason.

After seeing the image of the two-way foil launch, as a high-dimensional observer, Manhattan’s brain suddenly inspired countless inspirations!

Trapped in this demon-free world, although he has almost unlimited power, he suffers from not knowing which direction to develop!

It’s like a fighter without a radar, going around in circles in an endless fog.

And this video, like a hand-in-hand, teaches Manhattan how to manipulate dimensions!


After smiling forward and backward for a while, Manhattan slowly straightened up, a look of satisfaction on his face.

“Great! Such an amazing video helped me beyond imagination! ”

“In the future, I should also be able to create an effect similar to a two-way foil burst with my own ability!”

Thinking of this, Manhattan’s brows furrowed again.

“However, it seems a little difficult to resynthesize a two-way foil with my power…”

Thinking of new subjects, Manhattan fell into deep thought again.

In the chat group at this time, there was a period of silence, and then it exploded violently!

Carol Danvers: God, those aliens are really crazy! That solar system is going to die! ( ̄△ ̄; )

Before today, Captain Marvel never dreamed that he would actually let out such a helpless scream like an ordinary woman.

However, this scene on the screen is really terrifying.

Dimensionality reduction strike!

In the face of such an attack that is enough to subvert the three views, what role can her superpowers play?

Soon, Captain Marvel came to a bitter conclusion.

If she were in that three-body universe right now, the outcome wouldn’t make any difference.

The only thing she can do is use her ability to “fly at the speed of light” to escape.

As for the Earth, the solar system and even those other humans, she can’t save it at all!

After figuring this out, Captain Marvel felt like he was almost overwhelmed by frustration!

The rest of the group was not much better than Captain Marvel at this time.

Tony stark:…………

Bruce Banner: I run out of words.

John Constantine: It really rocked me all year. Belch…… Provided I’m alive in a year.

Divine Kesha: Unbelievable, although this three-body universe is full of darkness and coldness, the technology has reached such a point!

Bruce Banner: It doesn’t matter if you are good or not…

Divine Kesha: No! It is because of the lack of a powerful existence that is sufficient to maintain a righteous order, so such an evil dark forest will appear!

Divine Kesha: That singer civilization obviously has such powerful technology, but it treats other civilizations as ants and pests!

Divine Kesha: It’s so sad and infuriating!

John Constantine: Aha? What do you mean by that? Could it be… Do you still want to dominate the universe and become some kind of order keeper?

Divine Kesha: Of course! No matter what kind of order it is, it is better than the complete primitive jungle of the three-body universe!

Divine Kesha: Not to mention… What my Divine Kesha wants to establish is to restrict the strong and protect the just order of the weak!

Captain America: Just Order? Is it based on you alone? In this case, it is easy to be independent… Tailor.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, you guy is doing old things again. Why are you always standing in your shoes and pointing fingers at others?

Captain America: This…

Thor: Incredible, planet! Even the planet has become a painting!

Dr. Manhattan: Dimensionality reduction strikes, what a great means! It is really a blessing to be able to see such precious images and join this group.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Precious? Fortunate? ( ̄△ ̄; )

JJ: What’s going on with that Ph.D.? How did he seem… It’s quite exciting.

Deadpool: Uh, uh, even if my Uncle Wade becomes a painting, it must be the most elegant painting in the universe! Maybe there will be countless cosmic people rushing to collect.

John Constantine: … I really envy your character, at such a time, you can actually make jokes.

Deadpool: Haha, what’s not to joke about, this is happening in another universe, and it didn’t happen to us.

Bruce Banner: Bitter laughter, that’s what to say, but this feeling of helplessness is still very uncomfortable.

Rocky Odinson: Humph! There is nothing to be helpless, the humans in this three-body universe have long been warned more than once, but they have missed all of them perfectly!

Stephen Strange: yes! Zhizi has long advised humans to leave the solar system quickly, and Yun Tianming has taught them all the technology of lightspeed spacecraft! But…… It still turns out like this!

Tony Stark: At the end of the day, these humans are too arrogant to think that the kind of bunker project that hides behind the planet can stop the aliens from clearing them!

Natasha Romanoff: Weakness and ignorance are not obstacles to survival…

Tony Stark: Arrogance is!

PS: After the plot of the two-way foil, the next thing is the cosmic restart! ^_^

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