[Before being completely two-dimensional, the crew of the spacecraft informed the high-level of mankind of the two-way foil and the information that the solar system was about to be completely two-dimensional. 】

[After learning this terrifying news, the human ZF was first stunned, and then desperate. 】

[It turns out that according to observations and calculations, the two-dimensional space unfolded by this two-way foil is still spreading. 】

[At first, the speed of its spread was not very fast. 】

[But as more and more things are two-dimensionalized by it, the speed of two-dimensional space diffusion is getting faster and faster! ] 】

[In the end, human supercomputers calculated that at this rate, within about 10 days, the entire solar system would be turned into a two-dimensional plane.] 】

[In the face of such a blow, whether it is a bunker or an ordinary spaceship, it becomes meaningless. ] 】

[The human ZF, whose mentality has completely collapsed, simply broadcast directly to all mankind, claiming that the Black Forest strike is indeed coming. ] 】

[In the face of unimaginable dimensionality reduction strikes, the bunker plan has all failed. ] 】

[In this case, the human ZF declares that fugitive doctrine is also legalized, and humans who want to escape the solar system can flee at will.] 】

[It’s just that only light-speed spacecraft can fly out of the solar system, and escape has lost its meaning. ] 】

[Hearing such a terrifying announcement, the entire human race in the solar system was frightened and stupid. ] 】

[Then although I knew that it was impossible for a spaceship that could not reach the speed of light to escape, but with the hope of luck, there were still countless humans who sat on various spaceships and wanted to escape from this galaxy that was about to turn into two dimensions. ] 】

[On the other side, Cheng Xin and his friend Ai AA were also awakened from hibernation at this time. ] 】

[At this time, they found that they were already on the latest generation of the “Star Ring” spacecraft. 】

[Thomas Vader’s widow, Cao Bin, informed them that the two-dimensional fall of the solar system had begun, and that the escape was meaningless. 】

But on Pluto, an old friend is waiting for them. 】

[Driving this spacecraft, Cheng Xin and Ai AA came to Pluto, which is farthest from the sun. 】

[In a huge stone tablet on Pluto, the two women met the elderly Luo Ji. 】

[After stepping down as the sword bearer, in order to preserve human civilization, Luo Ji built an Earth Civilization Museum here. ] 】

[Luo Ji named it “Human Tombstone”. 】

[It is somewhat ironic to say that human beings try their best to preserve their civilization, preferably for more than a billion years. 】

[But in the end, they found that the more high-tech the preservation method, the shorter the time it can last.] 】

[On the contrary, the older and more primitive the way, the longer it can be preserved.] 】

[In the end, Luo Ji and others chose the most primitive method to preserve civilization, that is, to carve words into stone. 】

[After years of accumulation, the Earth Civilization Museum on Pluto has been filled with a large number of stone carvings, as well as various heirloom artworks on Earth. 】

[After exchanging pleasantries with each other, Cheng Xin and Ai AA began to transport some world-famous paintings to the Star Ring spacecraft. 】

They don’t want these famous paintings to be two-dimensional with this museum. It’s about throwing them into the universe. 】

[In this way, there may be other aliens in the future who can get a glimpse of the civilization of mankind from these paintings.] 】

[In these artworks, Ai AA saw the starry sky painted by Van Gogh. 】

[When everyone left the museum and came outside under the stars, the two-dimensional transformation of the solar system had been fully staged. 】

[At this moment, in the sky, Neptune and Saturn have turned into a pair of huge eyes, overlooking them from the sky. 】

[With the “tile” of the entire planet, this pair of eyes is gradually expanding, and finally turns into a picture with zero thickness.] 】

[It didn’t take long for two-dimensional space to extend to Earth. 】

[Under the terrifying pull, the entire earth was slowly pulled into the plane. 】

[First, the oceans on Earth are pulled to the outside of the atmosphere and frozen into a circle of snowflakes by the low temperatures in the universe. 】

[Looking at this beautiful scene full of weirdness and horror, Luo Ji narrowed his eyes and said lightly:]

“Only the earth deserves such a garland. “】

[After Mercury was also two-dimensionalized, the sun set also began. 】

[In the middle of the blood-red sea of fire, the sun slowly sank into the two-dimensional plane. 】

[A starry sky in the sky has turned into a magnificent blood red. 】

[This is the last sunset in the human world. 】

Seeing this, the live chat group was boiling again.

Captain America: God, Earth… And the sun! , all turned into one painting!

Nick Fury: This… It’s unbelievable.

At this moment, the captain and the brine egg were all sitting in the underground base, their pupils contracted violently, and their hearts almost froze.

One of them is a super soldier above all armies, and the other is a spy king with heavy power, all of whom have seen countless winds and waves.

But the terrifying scene in front of them had already madly hit their minds, shocking their whole people!

It took half a day for the captain to come to his senses.

He first swallowed his spit with difficulty, then turned his head to look at the brine egg, and said in a deep voice:

“Nick, you seem to have said before that there are also various alien civilizations in this universe we are in, and one of them also has evil forces! That’s right? ”

Looking at the captain with a serious face, the brine shrugged:

“That’s true, but…”

He pointed to the screen and said with some helplessness:

“If we really run into such an opponent, then I’m afraid we won’t be useful.” You can only count on more powerful characters to withstand it. ”

“More powerful characters? Who? ”

Hearing the captain’s question, the egg was about to say Captain Marvel.

But when he thought of Carol Danvers’ shocked and inexplicable scream in the group just now, he suddenly felt a little lacking in confidence, and his face became even more ugly.

Trouble, if even Captain Marvel can’t fully rely on it, then who exactly to count on to protect the earth?

A series of thoughts turned in his mind instantly, and the brine egg suddenly lit up his eyes and thought of a place!

Karma Taj!

Where that group of mages gathered, there was even an Infinity Stone inside, as well as a Supreme Mage!

“Amazing, this is really terrifying!”

In the tavern, Wolverine’s eyes were straight, and the glass full of wine in his hand was suspended in the air, and he was motionless for half a day and forgot to drink.

With self-healing genes, Wolverine has traversed the battlefield for many years, even experiencing black bomb explosions.

Before that, he had always thought that there was nothing worth fearing in this world!

But now, that belief is rapidly disintegrating and vanishing.

No matter how strong your healing ability is, in the face of this dimensionality reduction blow, don’t you have to turn into a picture in an instant?

“This dimensionality reduction power is simply awe-inspiring… No! Makes people shudder! ”

Charles Xavier was a little incoherent, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and his whole person was shrouded in panic.

It’s scary.

After being leveled, the sun looks like a lotus. Bag·· Egg-like!

How can there be such a terrifying technological force in the world?

That’s an exaggeration.

If this earth really encounters such an attack as a two-way foil, then let alone resist, or even escape, you can only close your eyes and wait for death.

“Hey… In the face of such great power, the so-called superpowers of our mutants are simply like a joke. ”

With a long sigh, Charles Xavier took the bottle next to him and poured himself a glass of wine.

Drinking the wine, he suddenly remembered something, reached into his pocket, and took out a business card.

Although he came into contact with this live broadcast system, Charles did not forget his old profession… Educate.

Today he accepted someone’s commission to recruit a girl who might be a mutant.

On this business card, the time and address are written, as well as the girl’s name.

[Jean Grey! 】

At this time, seeing that the sun and the earth were all two-dimensional, countless people’s mentalities in front of the screen collapsed.

If the earth where you are really encountering a two-way foil, such a perverted attack.

So what else can be done except wait for death?

Defense, can you block dimensionality reduction strikes?

Flee, do you have a lightspeed ship?

This is simply hopeless.

Of all, the only exception was Dr. Manhattan.

“Except for a few hurdles to overcome… The principle of dimensionality reduction from three-dimensional space to two-dimensional plane has been roughly understood. ”

His hands were glowing strangely blue, and Dr. Manhattan was concentrating on experiments.

After receiving the inspiration given to him by the image, this high-dimensional observer is working hard to practice real dimensionality reduction!

Beyond that, Dr. Manhattan had other things he wanted to pursue.

“Once the dimensionality reduction from 3D to 3D is completed, the next step is to make a real two-way foil, and… Ascend from 2D to 3D! ”

His eyes flashed with excitement, and Manhattan was concentrated, not even glancing at the big screen next to him.

At the same time, in front of the screen, there is a second Dr. Manhattan.

The so-called doppelganger technique now comes in handy.

【Image continues】

As the only star in the solar system, the two-dimensional transformation of the sun took an hour. 】

[At the same time, Venus and Mars have all turned into pictures.] 】

Soon, the largest planet in the solar system, Jupiter, was also swallowed up in two-dimensional space. 】

[Next, it’s the turn of the final Pluto.] 】

[At this time, Luo Ji ordered the second daughter to quickly take the Star Ring and leave Pluto, while he himself decided to stay in the museum and wait for the final end. 】

[The Star Ring flew into the starry sky, and just when they looked back at the solar system in space, they saw an extremely shocking picture. ] 】

[The solar system, which has been two-dimensionalized, looks like Van Gogh’s starry sky… Very similar! 】

[Could it be that Van Gogh was in a nightmare… Did you see the last apocalyptic scene of the solar system, which is why you painted this picture? 】

[Just when Cheng Xin, who thought he would die, was about to scatter the cultural relics and famous paintings on the ship into space, Luo Ji contacted them through communication. 】

[At this time, Luo Ji finally told the truth. 】

[It turns out that this Star Ring has the only light-speed drive engine in the world! ] It is a light-speed spaceship. 】

[Of all mankind, only these two can escape.] 】

[At this moment, the two women were all stunned. 】

[Cheng Xin finally learned from Roger’s mouth that the result of all this was completely due to Wade’s unfinished will. 】

[In the 35 years since Wade’s death, his remnants were blown out of the crater by Redias, the Wall-Facer, on Mercury and a secret base was rebuilt. 】

[Then they worked hard to finally successfully produce the curvature engine at the speed of light in this secret base.] 】

[Next, Luo Ji told Cheng Xin about the relationship between the “Lightspeed Spaceship” and the “Black Domain”. 】

[To put it simply, as long as all mankind creates more than 1,000 light-speed spacecraft and flies out of the solar system, the trajectory they leave behind can turn the solar system into a low-light-speed black field. 】

[This is the Cosmic Security Statement.] 】

[In other words, Cheng Xin stopped Thomas Vader’s lightspeed spacecraft plan, not only blocking the way for humans to escape, but even blocking the way for humans to issue a cosmic security statement. ] 】

[After Vader’s death, the remnants of his army wasted 35 years in order to build a secret base. 】

If this time had not been wasted, humans would have built 1,000 light-speed spacecraft by now.] 】

[Hearing this, Cheng Xin was like being struck by lightning, and the whole person was stupid. ] 】

[After saying this, Luo Ji looked at the lost soul through the screen, and there was no love in his eyes, like a torch on the Last Judgment Day. ] 】

[After listening, Cheng Xin only felt that his soul was about to be crushed by guilt. 】

[But just as she was about to die to apologize.] Cheng Xin suddenly thought that he and Ai AA were the only two humans who had escaped from the earth. 】

[If she chooses to commit suicide now, won’t she kill half of humanity again?] 】

[And in this desperate situation, Cheng Xin actually began to hate Thomas Vader again. ] 】

[If he had not kept his promise, would mankind have been saved?] 】

Seeing this, a storm of anger suddenly broke out in the chat group!

Wanda Maksimov: What kind of devil is this woman?

Wanda Maksimov: He killed all mankind, and even said that he was the only human being, so he could not die??? Convex (艹皿艹)

John Constantine: It’s terrible, it’s really terrible!

John Constantine: I thought… I have seen the most horrific sights of hell.

John Constantine: But now I know that the most terrible devil turned out to be in the world.

John Constantine: Even if you add up all the three demon kings of hell, it is not comparable to a finger of this woman named Cheng Xin!

Captain America: I personally don’t like to kill women, but if I have the opportunity, I am also willing to get my hands dirty and get rid of this demon for the sake of all mankind! (▼ヘ▼#)

Natasha Romanoff: First the sword-wielding man, then the light-speed spacecraft, it can be said that this Cheng Xin has been made twice… They were all in the position of deciding the survival of mankind, but she messed it all up twice!

Loki Odinson: I see… She may have done it on purpose, just to kill all mankind! Wha… O(∩_∩)O haha~

Magneto: If yes, then this Cheng Xin can be said to have successfully completed the task, and even… And managed to survive!

Natasha Romanoff: I am now… Something suddenly came to mind.

Natasha Romanoff: The name of this video is Three-Body Death.

Natasha Romanoff: Excuse me… Who do you think that “Grim Reaper” refers to?

Seeing Black Widow’s speech, the group members from the multiverse suddenly all froze and couldn’t make a sound.

After a long time, Tony Stark asked uncertainly in the group.

Tony Stark: That “immortal Grim Reaper” shouldn’t … It’s this Cheng Xin, right?

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