Seeing the Trisolaran language and the Earth human language that appeared on the radio, Cheng Xin Guan Yifan and Tomoko hugged together excitedly.

Being able to appear in such a cosmic broadcast proves that both the Earth civilization and the three-body civilization have been remembered by the universe.

These two planets, which are only 4 light-years apart, have left their mark on the universe.

Seeing the two people and a robot hugging each other on the screen, little Wanda, Peter, these young people were a little moved.

“Unexpectedly, in another universe… The civilization of human beings on earth has actually developed to this point. ”

Peter’s eyes widened slightly, and there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

A civilization that can broadcast countless small universes in the universe is definitely a first-class god-level civilization!

And to leave a place in the hearts of such a civilization as an object worthy of broadcasting, mankind is proud enough.

You know, when facing the invasion of the Trisolarans, how desperate and helpless human beings were.

But after I don’t know how many years, mankind has finally gained a foothold in the universe!

It has even been recognized by a god-level civilization!

But just when Peter and others were excited. Tony and Black Widow frowned at the same time.

“Something is wrong.”

Strange also showed a hint of confusion on his face, and said in a low voice:

“This cosmic return movement feels like a call to … Those civilizations living in the small universe actively choose to perish for the rebirth of the big universe! ”


Hearing this, the excitement on Peter’s face gradually faded, and he blinked, as if he still didn’t understand.

Looking at Strange, Tony nodded slightly:

“In the previous image. Tomoko once said… In the small universe, the flow of time is very slow. ”

“According to Tomoko, as long as you stay in this small universe for 10 years, the big universe will collapse into a singularity, and then a new big bang will usher in!”

“Whether it’s the Big Bang or direct expansion to death.” It can’t affect the civilization in the small universe! ”

“So those civilizations hiding in the small universe can completely ignore anything, just wait for the dust of the big universe outside to settle.”

“But if someone goes out now, they … Or their descendants can only perish with the big universe! ”

Upon hearing this, Little Wanda’s eyes widened and he said with a look of shock.

“Isn’t that right? If you can survive if you stay in the small universe, and go out is wait for death, then how can anyone go out? ”

“Hmph! It’s ridiculous. ”

Loki snorted coldly, with a disdainful smile on his face:

“This is a three-body universe, full of dark forests, low-level civilizations… It’s all about the relationship between hunters and prey.

“And between higher civilizations … Endless wars, even the ten-dimensional universe into three-dimensional! ”

“In such a dark and cold place, will anyone really take the initiative to leave the small universe and run to the big universe to meet the end because of a broadcast?”

“You’re right.”

Black Widow’s face was calm and calm, and she said lightly:

“The object of this broadcast should be those civilizations that have the ability to create small universes.

“And such a civilization should have survived through an unknown number of struggles.”

“The most extreme situation is like the three-body civilization, in order to cope with the difficult natural environment, almost wiped out its feelings and became a creature with zero morality!”

“These civilizations have paid so much to survive, just because you broadcast together, you take the initiative to kill yourself?”

Black Widow slowly shook her head:

“I don’t think so.”

“Hmph, hmph… And that’s not all. ”

Loki said while sneering:

“More than 1.5 million languages appeared in this broadcast.”

“In other words, there are at least so many civilizations in the universe that have created a small universe that belongs to them!”

“In these civilizations, there are really a few fools who choose to kill themselves. But the other civilizations all continue to stay in the small universe, waiting for the Big Bang, or the demise of the big universe. ”

“Didn’t these idiots die in vain?”

Hearing this, everyone was speechless, and finally Tonis Dak sighed in a low voice:

“Even if I am willing to go out, I don’t know if other civilizations will go out!”

“This is back to the ‘chain of suspicions’ situation!”

Hearing this, someone in the chat group finally couldn’t help it.

Captain USA: Tony Stark, I worked with your father before, and he was an amazing man.

Captain USA: But what you’re saying now really disappoints me.

Captain America: If all civilizations think like you, and no one is willing to return the quality of the small universe, then isn’t the big universe finished?

Captain America: It’s like when there was a war, if no one was willing to be a soldier, now the earth may already be under that brittle rule!

Loki Oddinson: Here it is again, why do you guys like moral kidnapping so much?

Loki Odinson: What else to pull into battle! Could it be that in the human world, even children and babies have to go to war?

Captain America: Babies? What are you talking nonsense? I was in my twenties when I was drafted into the army.

Tony Stark: I think Loki means… Ordinary civilizations may not be qualified to be responsible for the survival of the universe at all.

Tony Stark: It is to fight for the survival of the big universe, and it should also be those god-level civilizations first.

Captain USA: ???

Seeing that the captain of the United States still seemed to be a little incomprehensible, Tony had to explain further.

Tony Stark: Tomoko once told Cheng Xin that the small universe they were in was mass-produced by trisolarans and numbered more than 600.

Stephen Strange: Yes 647.

Tony Stark: At the time, it was only a few hundred years before the home planet of the Samsung was destroyed. And these aliens actually developed the technology of the small universe.

Tony Stark: Imagine how huge the small universe they have created should be for those great god civilizations that have survived since the ten-dimensional universe?

Tony Stark: Probably, Cheng Xin’s small universe is not even as good as one billionth of others!

Captain America: This… What exactly are you trying to say?

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, don’t you understand this? Are you also the same as my stupid brother, an iron-minded head? ^_^

Captain America: …………

Tony Stark: That was made clear in the Return to Movement statement. The mass of the large universe will perish if it falls below a certain critical value.

Tony Stark: And by returning the “mass” above the critical value, the universe can collapse back to the singularity.

Tony Stark: If the missing mass is compared to the sea, and those god-level civilizations take away, it should be equivalent to rivers!

Tony Stark: If you really want to “save” the sea, then you have to return these rivers!

Tony Stark: Otherwise, even if those lower civilizations still have a few droplets, can they still fill the sea?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Uh… I also understand, this is the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Those god-level civilizations that have survived from the ten-dimensional universe to the present have taken away an unimaginable amount of cosmic quality!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): If these civilizations are not returned, the other civilizations may not be able to fill the gaps.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, Spider-Boy, I didn’t expect you to get the hang of it.

Loki Odinson: At the end of the day, that’s it! If these god-level civilizations are unwilling to sacrifice themselves, then others are on it, and they may also give it for nothing!

Loki Odinson: In that case, it’s better for everyone to stay in the small universe and wait quietly for the universe outside to collapse!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Uh… I didn’t mean that, I meant to say… You can communicate with those god-level civilizations to see if you can…

Dr. Manhattan: Communication? Kid, your idea is good. But the pocket universe is difficult to invade from the outside unless the door is opened from the inside.

Dr. Manhattan: And do you really think that you can convince those god-level civilizations to leave the small universe and come out and wait for their demise by words?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Uh…

Peter was also confused at this time.

He was not an eloquent person in the first place.

And…… This is to ask the entire civilization to give up the chance to survive, but take the initiative to choose the end!

That’s probably too difficult.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, something very interesting suddenly occurred to me.

Loki Oddinson: If there is a real civilization… Convinced all other civilizations to leave the small universe, and then this civilization hid in when the big universe was restarted, so what to do?

Loki Odinson: The rest of the civilization is all finished, and this civilization that hides in the small universe… You can dominate the entire universe! O(∩_∩)O haha~

Wanda Maksimov: What? It’s also too despicable. ( ̄ mouth ̄)!

Nick Fury: That’s a universe where the dark forest is the norm.

Nick Fury: What do you think the alien civilizations there will care about… Despicable is not mean?

John Constantine: Too bad are all these interstellar civilizations ruled by the devil? Can people still trust each other?

Tony Stark: That’s the classic chain of suspicion.

Tony Stark: Even if you want to believe me, how do you know… Won’t I escape back into the little universe at the last minute?

Captain America: This! This…… ( ̄△ ̄; )

Hearing this, the captain also completely understood.

But in addition to understanding, he still involuntarily felt a trace of sadness in his heart.

In that three-body universe full of coldness and darkness, even in the last moments of the universe, there is still a lot of mistrust between civilizations.

And this distrust may lead to the demise of the entire universe!

Loki Odinson: Oh, I suddenly remembered the two famous quotes of the Trisolarans.

Rocky Odinson: “What do you have to do with it” “The Lord doesn’t care”!

Rocky Odinson: Anyway, as long as you hide in the small universe, the big universe has nothing to do with you anyway, so why should you care about the survival of the big universe?

Divine Kesha: Stop! Your thoughts will only kill the entire universe!

Loki Odinson: Ha! Everyone will say beautiful words, so what can you do?

Divine Kesha: ………… I can’t trust you, and you can’t trust me. This chain of suspicion is really hateful!

Divine Kesha: So, what is missing in that three-body universe is true order!

Divine Kesha: Unless there are truly strong people who stand up and lead other civilizations!

Divine Kesha: Otherwise, even if the universe is restarted, this sad battle and the dark forest will only continue.

Carol Danvers: Leading all civilizations in the universe is too difficult.

Although Captain Marvel also has amazing superpowers, all she can do is maintain peace in a small part of the universe.

Divine Kesha: If you don’t do it because it’s difficult, the dark forest will never be broken!

At this time, Dr. Manhattan did not seem to care about the demise of the universe at all, but raised another topic.

Dr. Manhattan: Speaking of order, Tony Stark, you’ve said before that the Zeros want to save the universe and bring new order!

Dr. Manhattan: What do you think is that new order?

Tony Stark: Ahem, I was just guessing at the time, but I didn’t expect to guess correctly.

Tony Stark: In my opinion, if those zeroers can really restart the universe back to its original ten-dimensional state. So…… The civilization born in this new universe should not follow the chain of suspicion and strife in the old universe.

Tony Stark: If these zeroers can avoid the restart of the universe. Then, they can become the enforcers and order-maintainers of this new universe!

Divine Kesha: Yes! Only the strong can maintain order, and only order can stop the dark forest of fighting and terror!

Dr. Manhattan: It makes sense, the original three-body universe is because there is no real strong person, so all god-level civilizations with similar strength will fight endlessly until the universe is crushed.

Dr. Manhattan: If there really is such an order, such a whole new universe, a completely different picture of civilization may be born.

Loki Odinson: Ha! You guys think too simply.

Loki Odinson: Have you all forgotten that the little universe exists? The small universe created by those ten-dimensional civilizations does not know how huge it is!

Loki Odinson: Even if the universe is restarted, the high-dimensional civilizations that survive in these universes can still enter that new universe again and continue their previous war!

Hearing this, a flash of light suddenly flashed in Tony’s mind, as if he had been struck by lightning, and suddenly realized.

Tony Stark: That’s right! I understand! That’s why there will be people… Release this Cosmic Return Campaign statement!

Wanda Maximov: Huh?

Dr. Manhattan: Oh… Is that so?

Deadpool: What? What did you, the Blue Big Eagle, come to mind?

Tony Stark: Sigh, it looks like this statement is more sinister than I thought.

Captain America: Dangerous? Isn’t this a call to self… · A statement of cattle?

Tony Stark: It’s not that simple.

Tony Stark: The god-level civilization that issued these statements may be worried… In the new universe, there will be too many “old civilizations” left!

Tony Stark: That’s why they try… Use this statement to deceive the civilizations in those small universes!

Tony Stark: Otherwise, after the universe restarts, these god-level civilizations will have more enemies!

Captain America: What do you say? (⊙_⊙)

Divine Kesha: Damn, that’s too much. (▼ヘ▼#)

At this moment, like the captain, Kesha, these group members of the “orderly and kind” camp, almost all of them were stunned, their breathing was completely stagnant, their thoughts were almost interrupted, and only one thought remained in their minds.


This three-body universe is really too dark!

Even at the moment when the great universe is facing its survival, those advanced civilizations… I was still thinking about getting rid of dissidents!

In fact, after seeing Tony’s speech, others only felt a chill down their spine, and a cold breath instantly swept through their bodies.

It’s terrible.

The three-body universe is really like a living hell!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Faced with this return statement, Cheng Xin finally made his own decision and was ready to return all the mass in the small universe to the big universe. 】

[This means that she, Guan Yifan, and Tomoko can only face extinction in the big universe in the end. 】

[The only thing left is the memory in the drifting bottle.] 】

[The memory has left the imprint of the civilization of the three bodies and the earth, and will avoid the collapse and go to the new big universe. 】

[At the last moment before leaving the small universe, Cheng Xin cautiously left the ecological ball that occupied 5 kilograms of cosmic mass. 】

[It contains a few small fish and aquatic plants.] 】

PS: Death has come to an end forever, and then there is Captain America 3 Civil War! Two more unexpected newcomers will join! ^_^

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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