[After returning almost all the mass of the small universe, Cheng Xin, Guan Yifan, and Zhizi entered a spaceship. ] 】

[This spaceship was originally hidden underground in the small universe, which condensed the most advanced technology of the Trisolarans. 】

[For the fish tank made by Cheng Xin with a 5-kilogram small universe, Guan Yifan did not object. ] 】

[In his opinion, the big universe will not collapse because of these five kilograms. 】

[And Guan Yifan feels that in the small universe created by countless interstellar civilizations, there must be many civilizations that will not respond to the call of this “cosmic return movement”. ] 】

[Therefore, the mass of the big universe that is eventually taken away and cannot be returned is at least hundreds of millions of tons, and maybe even hundreds of billions of billion tons. 】

[If in this case, the big universe cannot complete the restart, it can only be regarded as the fate of the universe itself. ] 】

[The last one to enter the spaceship was Tomoko.] 】

[At this time, she has removed her kimono and changed into a warrior’s camouflage suit. 】

[Moreover, Tomoko also wears a large number of weapons and survival equipment, and the most striking thing is the katana stuck in her back.] 】

[Looking at the two human friends in the spaceship, Tomoko said calmly. 】

[“Don’t worry, I’m here, you’re here!”] “】

[Then, the ship activated and eventually passed through the portal to the large universe.] 】

[The screen went dark, and eventually a line of large characters appeared.]

[The three-body problem is the end of death forever.] 】

And just when everyone in the live broadcast room thought that this was the end, new text suddenly appeared on the screen.

[The famous scenes in this video have been saved, and anyone can use the live broadcast point to play it on-demand.] 】

“Famous scene?”

Tony raised his eyebrows, and followed the instructions of the system, using the newly appeared on-demand function.

“Wow, there are so many famous scenes.”

Looking at the densely packed famous scene titles in the system interface, Tony’s eyes also showed a hint of surprise.

These famous scenes are almost the essence of the previous broadcast images.

And what surprised him the most was that the cost of on-demand these famous scenes was surprisingly low!

For example, if Tony plans to order “Two-Way Foil Destroys the Solar System” from Death Eternal! Then he only needs to spend 10 live broadcast points.

Of all the members, Tony Stark answered the most questions correctly, and by now, he has nearly a thousand live streaming points in his hands!

In this sense, even in the live broadcast room, Tony is still the number one local tycoon.

And just when Tony was about to try this new feature, he suddenly found that the chat group was lively again.

Wanda Maksimov: How do I feel a little ominous about the 5 kg cosmic mass left by that woman Cheng Xin?

Rocky Odinson: Oh? What do you want to say?

Loki Odinson: Just because of this 5 kilograms, the restart of the universe failed, and the entire three-body universe was finished?

Wanda Maksimov: This should be… It can’t be.

Loki Odinson: Ha! Dead little ghost, are you filled with air in your head? Or do you have a problem with your ears?

Loki Odinson: Didn’t you hear what we just said?

Loki Odinson: There are so many god-level civilizations in the universe, how can they decide to collect, body, self-extinguish just because of a broadcast?

Loki Odinson: Dedicating everything to the big universe? Only Cheng Xin, the woman whose brain was in the water… will do such a stupid thing!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Yes… Is it?

Captain America: You guys are too arbitrary! Perhaps, some civilizations are willing to sacrifice and dedicate themselves for the sake of the universe!

Tony Stark: Frankly, my opinion is not optimistic either.

Tony Stark: The small universe where Cheng Xin and Guan Yifan are located, there are only two people plus a robot. So consult with each other and you can quickly come to a decision.

Tony Stark: But other god-level civilizations have built small universes that don’t know how big they are, and there may be galaxies like the solar system or even the Milky Way!

Tony Stark: There may be an unimaginable number of people inside!

Nick Fury: I see, so many people, what if someone doesn’t want to leave the small universe?

Nick Fury: Is it possible to kill all the opponents? Or forcibly tied up and pulled out together?

Captain America: This…

Upon hearing this, the captain was also a little confused.

Deep down in his heart, he hates this kind of violent measures against the people the most!

But if… There are really a large number of people who do not want to return the small universe, so what to do?

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, that’s it.

Loki Odinson: If those high-level people of god-level civilization are really so cold-blooded and ruthless, they don’t care about the lives of their own people.

Loki Odinson: Then I have to ask, why should such a cold person care about the survival of any big universe?

Divine Kesha: …………

In the face of Loki’s questioning, Keisha was speechless for a while.

No matter how attached she is to the just order, Keisha cannot force all the angels under her seat to die in order to save the universe.

In the Merlot Heavenly Court Hall, Angel Yan looked at the slightly wrinkled appearance of Divine Kesha, and suddenly raised his head and shouted:

“Queen Kesha! If it is your order, even if it is for me to die now, Hiko will not complain. ”

The angel also quickly nodded:

“Yes, and I believe… All the angels in Merlot’s heavenly court thought so. ”

“As long as it is for justice and the entire universe, no matter how much sacrifice we make, we will never hesitate!”

Hearing the statements of the love generals, Divine Kesha nodded gently, but there was some bitterness in his heart.

Maintaining justice and order is indeed her lifelong wish.

But…… If the price is the entire angelic civilization, Keisha really doesn’t know if she can do it!

At this time, Hexi, who was standing at His Highness, just let out a silent breath.

If you want to wear a crown, you must bear its weight.

The reason why she left the Merlot Heavenly Court and stayed away from Quan… Force vortex, actually… I just don’t want to take on such a responsibility anymore.


“Father… You are…”

Looking at Odin, who looked gloomy and sat on the throne without saying a word, Thor stepped forward. His face was full of doubts, and he didn’t seem to understand why his father was suddenly unhappy.

“It’s okay.”

Odin waved his hand lightly to signal Th to step back, while shaking his head without a trace.

Just now, Odin had already drawn a conclusion in his heart.

If one day, he really encounters a problem like “big universe, small universe”, then Odin feels that he will definitely choose to stay in the small universe!

After all, he is first and foremost the god-king of Asgard!

Odin is more concerned about his people than the entire universe!

As long as you can keep Asgard, the big universe or something… What does it have to do with him?

Carol Danvers: To be honest, do you think that three-body universe can be restarted?

Stephen Strange: Who knows? Of course, I hope that they can return to the ten-dimensional world, and also have a true cosmic order, so that they will not be knocked down to the dimension again, or even reduced to the dark forest.

Stephen Strange: But this kind of thing… I don’t count if I said it.

John Constantine: I’m pessimistic.

Stephen Strange: Huh?

John Constantine: After I got lung cancer, I kind of know that no matter how good you usually do good and accumulate virtue, do chivalry and righteousness, and get unlucky, no one will come to help you.

John Constantine: Good people don’t live long! (▼へ▼メ)

Stephen Strange: ………

John Constantine: If a great benevolent person like me is still like this, how can a dark, cruel, bloody, chaotic place in the three-body universe have a good outcome?

Carol Danvers: That’s a shame, and to be honest, I really want to see a three-body universe that becomes brighter.

Just when everyone was sighing for the fate of the three-body universe, the cold voice of the system suddenly sounded.

[Start inviting special guests to join the live chat group! ] 】

[Bruce Wayne has joined the live chat group! ] 】

[Ghost Rider has joined the live chat group! ] 】

In an underground cave, Bruce Wayne’s pupils contracted violently, and his eyes showed uncontrollable consternation.

I saw that a huge space was dug out of this underground cave, which was filled with all kinds of high-tech equipment.

And Bruce Wayne… Or Batman, at this time, is dressed in civilian clothes and standing in front of a dummy to practice fighting.

But this huge transparent screen appeared right in front of his eyes, floating in mid-air.

“Young Master, what is this?”

The butler Alfred also noticed the abnormality, and when he came over to see it, he was taken aback.

“You step down first, it’s better to get out of here.”

Bruce Wayne’s expression was extremely solemn, and while signaling Fu to leave the bat cave as soon as possible, he picked up the remote control next to him and tried to scan the screen with the high-tech sensor in the hole.

If behind this screen are enemies, then … Since he can invade his lair silently, his strength is absolutely amazing!

Facing such an opponent, if one is not careful, he and Alfred may have to die here!

Meanwhile, the Marvel Universe.

“Don’t! Don’t kill me!!! ”

A speeding party with a face full of flesh, his face muscles twisted wildly, is desperately begging for mercy.

Just a few days ago, he had just hit and killed a passerby on a mountain road and escaped afterwards.

Originally, after dealing with that motorcycle, he thought that the matter had passed, who knows … A devil actually came to the door!

“Sinner! Look into my eyes! ”

A raging fire burned on his skull, and the Ghost Rider grabbed the speeding party’s clothes with both hands and pulled him to his eyes.

Looking at the flame skeleton in front of him, the speeding party has been frightened.

But his gaze was still involuntarily sucked by the flames in the eyes of the Evil Spirit Knight.

With just one glance, he felt like his soul was being roasted by flames!


The speeding party let out a bitter scream.

In this moment, he seemed to recall all the crimes he had committed in his life!

At the same time, he also felt it firsthand… All the suffering of those victims!

By the time the speeding party’s body was completely stiff, its eyes had become like lava.

His soul has been completely destroyed by hellfire!


Throwing the body to the ground, the Ghost Knight turned his head and was about to leave.

But at this moment, a huge screen suddenly appeared in front of him.


Wanda Maksimov: Ghost Rider? What is this name? Or do you say… Nickname?

John Constantine: Evil spirits… Could it be some kind of ghost? If it’s in my world, I can also try to treat it.

Ghost Rider: ……… Treat me? Charlatan, you are so daring.

Deadpool: Wow! Disastrous! It’s really weird.

JJ: Oh, you don’t see anything again, do you?

Deadpool: Haha! You can’t believe me when I say it! This Ghost Knight… It turned out to be a flame skeleton.

Captain America: Flame skeleton?

Deadpool: That’s right, he only has a skeleton left in his head! And there are flames burning on the skeleton!

Deadpool: It’s so funny, I’ve never seen anything so strange in my life!

Magneto: Flame Skull? Wait, is this Ghost Knight a mutant?

Charles Xavier: The average mutant only has one superpower. Being able to transform and release flames is a rarity.

Ghost Rider: ……… The guy called Deadpool. Where are you hiding to peek at me? Don’t hurry up and get out yet!

Deadpool: Even if I figure it out, what can I do? Do you still want to burn me with your fire?

Deadpool: Haha! Even if you stand and let you burn for ten days and ten nights, you can’t hurt a single cold hair of my Uncle Deadpool!”

Ghost Rider: Humph! What a big breath.

Bruce wayne:………… What is this place? Who are you? Who made this screen?

Bruce Banner: Phew… The newcomer’s tone was finally less violent.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Two newcomers, you don’t need to be nervous, this system won’t hurt you.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Let me introduce the specific situation………

Soon, Peter told the live broadcast space and the chat group in detail.

Hearing such an incredible thing, even if these two Mengxin were not ordinary people, they were shocked for a while.

Ghost Rider: This system has the ability to span the multiverse? Such power! …… Isn’t it already surpassing the Hell Demon King?

John Constantine: The Demon of Hell? Wait a minute, you won’t live in the same universe as me, will you? Who is the Demon King you met?

John Constantine: Lucifer? Beelzebub? Still is…… Azazel?

Ghost Rider: ……… Neither.

Bruce Wayne: Hell? Lucifer? You’re not kidding, are you?

Just Peter’s words, Bruce Wayne, who has always been very suspicious, does not seem to be so easy to believe.

Tony Stark: Hehe, this system seems to have another “on-demand playback” function!

Tony Stark: Exactly, an eye-opener for both of you!

As soon as the words fell, Tony opened the new panel of the system and used 10 live broadcast points to broadcast the scene of “Two-Way Foil Destroying the Solar System” on demand!

Immediately afterwards, the two-dimensional scene of the solar system reappeared on the screen.

“What? This is…… No way!! ”

“What a joke! What is this?? ”

Watch Neptune and Saturn being sucked into two-dimensional space, and finally turn into a pair of big eyes suspended in the universe.

Finally, even the Earth and the Sun … It has also become a two-dimensional picture.

Not to mention that a mortal in the flesh like Bruce Wayne, even the evil spirit knight who has the power of hell also opened his skeleton mouth wide, and the whole person was stunned in the local area.

The terrifying picture shocks their minds and shocks their hearts!

At this moment, in addition to shock, these two new hearts were shocked!

The cold and bone-deep feeling instantly hit the whole body of the two, and the fear could not be contained. As if to freeze their souls and shatter their bodies!

The entire solar system turned into a picture in the end.

World…… How could there be such a terrifying power?

PS: Beitman has already joined, and whether Supoman or the clown will join next is still under consideration. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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