
Gently swallowing his spit, Magneto tried to say in the smoothest tone:

“I can swear I’ve never seen that woman in my life.”


Even after hearing Magneto’s answer, little Wanda’s face was still full of deep doubt,

After all, this man in front of you is a supervillain!

In the video reversing the future, his variant directly attacks Bai·· Palace, almost put the total ·· The barrels are all extinguished!

Can such a man really be believed?

And at this moment, Tony Stark walked up to little Wanda and said:

“Do you remember? Quicksilver has a very small sister. And…… There is another older sister. But the father doesn’t seem to exist at all. ”


Hearing these words, Little Wanda’s pupils contracted slightly, and he seemed to think of something amazing.

And Tony’s voice continued to sound.

“…… If I’m not mistaken, the Maximovs are probably a single-parent family. ”

“It consists of a mother, a son, two daughters.”

I saw Tony pointing to the screen, and there was already a hint of exclamation in his tone.

“And the father of these three children, most likely the one… Eric Lanschel. ”


Hearing this incredible sentence, don’t say little Wanda, even Peter Parker, who was standing on the side, was stunned.

What the hell is this?

Eric Lanshel, did he have a home in the beautiful country?

The more he thought about it, the more puzzled he became, and Peter asked directly.

“But if that’s the case, then why did he run to the east… Oh kind of place, get married again and have a daughter. ”

“Stay directly in the beautiful country…”

Just halfway through, the expression on Peter’s face suddenly stiffened, and he couldn’t say anything later.

Only then did he remember.

Why did Eric Lanshel run away in the first place?

It was because he raided Bai·· Palace, wanted!

In this case, if Eric still stays in the beautiful country, it will be a self-defeating net!

“So, that guy knows that he still has his wife and children, but he throws them all aside and doesn’t look at them for many years?”

While speaking, Xiao Wanda’s eyes also showed disdain.

Seeing the little girl’s look of disgust, Magneto was also crying and laughing for a while.

At this time, the black widow, who had been silent, suddenly said calmly:

“Judging from the previous video, when Quicksilver rescued Eric from prison, the two of them obviously met, but Eric did not recognize this son.”

“It can be seen that … He may have had a relationship with that woman, but the two should have been separated for many years. ”

Speaking of this, Black Widow’s words suddenly changed:

“However, it doesn’t matter if Eric abandoned the Quicksilver brothers and sisters… I’m not sure either. ”

“I’ll just say it! This man with no conscience must have abandoned all their orphans and widows! ”

Little Wanda stomped his foot with indignation, and then glanced at Magneto coldly, and his body took two steps back, as if he wanted to stay away from him.

And seeing this scene, the expression on Magneto’s face also became a little wonderful, and he couldn’t help but scold the “self” of another world in his heart.

But after a while, he suddenly felt a little weak.

He is in his 30s this year, but when he was young, he did do wave for a while… Child!

During that time, whether he left an illegitimate child outside, even he himself does not know!

“Wouldn’t you? Do I really have daughters and sons outside? ”

Just when he was doubting life, looking at the little Wanda with an angry face from afar, Magneto’s heart flooded with a strange thought.

Does this girl have anything to do with “me”?

At this time, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After getting important information from the female agent, Professor Charles simply brought her back to School X. 】

[But when Charles returned home, he was surprised to find that the witch Raven was waiting for him here. 】

[It turned out that after learning the information about Eric’s appearance, the witch came to ask Charles to use the brainwave enhancer to find him. ] 】

[Knowing that Eric’s wife and daughter were dead, Charles was a little worried that he would take revenge on society madly, so he immediately went to the room of the brainwave enhancer and began to search for his whereabouts. ] 】

[But Charles never expected that Eric Lanshel was by Apocalypse’s side at the moment. ] 】

[At the same time that he connected to Eric through the brainwave intensifier, Apocalypse also discovered Charles’s existence. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In an instant, the brainwaves of the apocalypse were anti-guest-based, and through the channel of the brainwave intensifier, they invaded Charles Xavier’s brain in reverse! ] 】

“Thank you for letting me into your brain. “】

[Accompanied by the indifferent voice of the apocalypse, the room where the brainwave enhancer was located was instantly surrounded by a strange purple color. ] 】

[And Charles Zell’s eyes also became stunned, and his expression was even more confused:]

[“I have never felt such power…”]

[Under the control of the apocalypse, Charles directly urged the brainwave enhancer and directly controlled all the black weapon launch platforms in the world! ] 】

“No more stone throwing. “】

“No more spears. “】

[Apocalypse stood still, his eyes flashing, and his mouth spat out terrifying words. 】

“No more swords. “】

“No more weapons. “】

“From now on, none of this is needed!”] “】

[Along with the order of the apocalypse, countless black guides… Bullets, flying into the sky from all over the world! 】

[At this moment, countless people around the world were frightened! ] 】

[What’s going on?] 】

[Who gave the order?] 】

[Could it be… Is the world about to be destroyed? 】

“O my God!”

See the countless guides on the screen… Bomb, almost everyone in the live broadcast room was stunned.

Everyone held their breath, opened their mouths, and looked at the screen in horror, at this moment, whether it was Tony Stark or Magneto, what emerged in their hearts was almost endless trembling!

“This apocalypse… It’s crazy. ”

Little Wanda’s face was full of horror and let out an uncontrollable scream!

And beside him, the expressions of the others were not much better.

All the black weapons of mankind were launched at the same time!

What does this mean?

You don’t need any specialists, any ordinary person can tell you.

Once all these weapons explode on the earth, human civilization will be extinct!



Among the people who saw this scene, except for a very small number of bigwigs, almost all of them fought a cold war.

Don’t…… Are they about to witness the demise of a human civilization?

“Apocalypse! Where it passes… It will only bring disaster. ”

The corners of Tonysdak’s mouth showed a hint of bitterness, unconsciously clenching his teeth.

He really didn’t expect that blue-skinned monster to be so crazy.

And…… And so powerful!

“How come, Charles, you guy…”

Magneto gasped, and a chill instantly rushed straight to the Heavenly Spirit Cover, and he was dizzy for a while, and his sweaty hairs stood up!

Are you kidding?

That’s Charles Xavier!

The strongest psychic ability on earth!

Charles’s psychic abilities, coupled with the brainwave booster, are enough to control humans all over the world!

With such terrifying power, he would actually be invaded by that apocalypse and control Charles’s mind?

That blue-skinned guy… What kind of monster is it?


In the tavern, Charles loosened his right hand, and the wine glass in his hand suddenly slipped to the ground and shattered.

I saw that he was covered in cold sweat and his mouth was wide open. Gazing in horror at the screen. The whole person is almost like falling into a dream.

Beside him, Wolverine’s expression was like seeing a ghost, his eyes were round, and the whole person was stupid.

Although both of them are mutant elites who have experienced countless storms, at this moment, all they can feel is stunned… Shock…… Unbelievable……

And…… Deep fear!

It’s terrible!

Human civilization is about to be destroyed at the hands of a mutant weirdo thousands of years ago!

And the one who single-handedly contributed to all this turned out to be Charles Xavier!

“Damn it! I’m not…… I don’t want…”

After finally coming to his senses, the cold sweat on Charles’ forehead almost dripped onto his chin, and the whole person fell into a state of panic, completely incoherent.

How is this possible?

In another world, his variant turned out to be an accomplice to the destruction of the world!

If this happens, what will he have to teach and educate people in the future?

Thinking of this, Charles Xavier’s blood in his body seemed to be coagulated, and he was completely overwhelmed by the tide of despair!

And just in desperation, a new change suddenly appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

Just when the top officials of various countries were panicking, they suddenly received an incredible report. 】

[These guides… After the bomb was lifted off, it did not shoot at any target, but went straight to the sky and shot beyond the atmosphere! 】

[It seems that the Apocalypse does not intend to destroy human civilization with black weapons, but only wants to throw away all these weapons! ] 】

[In the basement, Apocalypse arrogantly issued its own declaration. 】

“You can shoot arrows into the sky at the Tower of Babel, but you will never hurt God! “】

[At the same time, Charles, wearing a brainwave booster, seems to have regained some of his sanity.] 】

[Realizing that he had been manipulated before, he quickly ordered “Shock Wave”… Alex Summers, destroy the brainwave booster completely! 】


[Under the laser light waves released by Alex, the brainwave enhancement machine was finally completely destroyed. 】

[And Charles Zell fainted.] 】


Seeing this, countless people in front of the screen breathed a sigh of relief at the same time. Completely relaxed.

“This damn blue-skinned maniac, what the hell is he trying to do?”

After scolding fiercely, Charles’s face suddenly changed

Only then did he find that the clothes of his vest were completely soaked with cold sweat.

Just now… The scene of the projectile firing caused him unprecedented horror.

His variant almost became a sinner who destroyed the world with his own hands!

This kind of thing, Charles really never dreamed of!

“Damn, when I get back, I must make sure Hank McCoy completely stop the brainwave enhancement machine research!”

“Such a dangerous thing really shouldn’t be invented.”

Just as Charles gritted his teeth and hate, a new change appeared on the screen.

[But just as everyone was leaving with the unconscious Charles, a portal suddenly opened behind them. 】

[Apocalypse took his 4 knights and actually entered the X Academy! ] 】

[“Buzz! “】

[In an instant, Charles, who was unconscious, floated up with his wheelchair, and then flew to the side of the apocalypse. 】

“The apocalypse is near, my children. “】

[Tianqi had an icy smile on his face and disappeared into the portal with Charles. 】

【”Professor!! “】

[In a hurry, Alex concentrated all his energy on the fierce mouth and violently emitted a strong laser light wave! ] 】

[“Don’t!!! “】

[Seeing this scene, Hank McCoy’s face suddenly showed extreme horror. 】

[But it’s late. 】

[Apocalypse and the others had already left through the portal, and the laser light wave released by Alex only hit a void, and then shot into the underground airport behind! ] 】

[Hank McCoy built a prototype of a Blackbird fighter in an underground airfield, but this light wave. Just hit the engine of this fighter! 】


[Accompanied by an earth-shattering explosion, the entire fighter exploded, and the terrifying high-temperature flames instantly swept in all directions! ] 】

[The engine of the Blackbird fighter uses black technology! ] 】

[In the reverse future, just with the explosion of the fighter, Storm destroyed countless sentinel robots in one go. 】

[But now, this fighter has exploded underground in X Academy!] 】

[The terrifying flames and shockwaves are enough to blast the entire academy and the trainees inside to pieces! ] 】

[At this critical juncture, a silver-haired young man just arrived at the gate of X Academy. 】

[He’s Quicksilver.] 】

[The first time I noticed something strange, the time of four weeks of Quicksilver suddenly stopped. 】

[As if he had been ready, he first put on headphones and goggles, and then rushed out sharply.] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[At the same time as Quicksilver made a move, everything in heaven and earth fell into a static state. 】

[Even the exploding flames seem to have stopped in mid-air! ] 】

“This trick again!”

Looking at the almost static picture in front of him, Loki’s eyes instantly became extremely solemn, and his heartbeat accelerated a little.

This quicksilver… What kind of superpowers do you have?

Once activated, it can actually cause this almost time-stopping effect!

It’s unbelievable!

On the other side, Little Wanda’s eyes lit up at once.

The “Brother Quicksilver” of another universe, when he shows his superpowers, is really too handsome to describe in words!

PS: Does Xiaowang want to recognize this pull-out at the end? ^_^

PS2: The “What If” series of animations starts today in the Marvel Zombie Universe! If you haven’t seen it, please hurry up and see it! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

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