[Quicksilver first rushed to the core area where the explosion occurred. 】

[Because, this is the first area to be affected by the flames and shock waves! ] 】


[Quicksilver first folded his fingers and made a pose that he was going to do a big job. 】

[Then, he immediately took Hank McCoy, Raven the Witch, and the female agent out of the school at teleportation-like speed! ] 】


[A terrifying flame blast erupted from the bottom up, breaking through the floor of the X Academy lobby! ] 】

[At a near stop, those students in the lobby were still standing in place, even with happy smiles on their faces! ] Unconsciously, you will soon be blown to pieces! 】

[Just as soon as it was about to happen, Quicksilver’s figure rushed over like lightning. 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[At the same time that the floor was expanding and the flames rushed into the sky, the students in the lobby were moved out by him one by one. 】

[When he saw a female student on the 2nd floor, Quicksilver ran directly on the floor of the explosion and rushed to the 2nd floor with firelight. ] 】

【”Boom!! “】

[The terrible explosion finally completely destroyed the lobby, and even invaded the library! ] 】

[And when Quicksilver activated the ability… The explosion itself turned out to be slowed down countless times! 】

[Even the water in the shredded fish tank stopped in the air! ] 】

[“Hula …”

[Quicksilver grabbed a large glass bottle, casually stretched out his hand, and scooped several fish staying in the air into the bottle along with the water. 】

He held the bottle containing the fish in a girl’s hand, then held the girl and disappeared in place. 】


[The terrifying shockwave shattered the walls, shattered the blackboard, and began to rush towards the classroom! ] 】

[But in the face of Quicksilver’s high speed, this is enough to tear the human body to pieces and burn it into black charcoal… It really becomes slower than a snail! 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[Students and teachers one by one.] Pass. Saved by Quicksilver! 】

[And just when the time was running out, he simply used quilts and curtains directly to build a large number of simple life mats in the outdoor clearing. ] 】

[Even in this time of extreme crisis, Quicksilver even had the spare time to wrap a student in a quilt before throwing it out the window. 】

[“Swoosh! Sou! Sou! “】

[One by one, the students were directly thrown out the window by Quicksilver and fell onto the survival mat. 】

[“Bang! “】

[Kicking a long table out of the window, Quicksilver grabbed a student with both hands, and the whole person jumped up and stepped on the long table! ] 】

[At this moment, Quicksilver finally stopped his superpower, and the four weeks began to operate at a normal speed. 】


[With a deafening loud noise, the earth shook violently, and rubble splashed everywhere. The shock wave mixed with violent qi waves swept out, surging, destroying and decaying everywhere it passed! Let everything go to pieces! 】

[The entire Weesel Gifted Junior School is built in an ancient castle named after the Charles family, which has a history of hundreds of years. 】

[But under the fiery storm caused by the explosion of the Blackbird fighter, this hard castle was easily shattered like an eggshell. ] 】

[“Plop! Thump! “】

[Several students were thrown out of the window by Quicksilver and fell into the pool. 】

[The other students and teachers either fell on the survival mat or were moved to the grass by Quicksilver, all unharmed. 】

[When time resumed, after these students saw the scene in front of them, they were all stunned and unable to speak. 】

[I saw that the entire X Academy had been completely razed to the ground, and there was nothing formed in the wreckage, only endless flames and billowing smoke, rushing straight to the sky! ] 】

[Their memories are still stuck in the moment of class and school. 】

[But in the blink of an eye, the school was actually gone! ] And himself is somehow … Ran outside. 】

[Although no one was injured, the strange and terrifying scene in front of them still stunned these people, and many people even stared out of their eyes. ] 】

[“How did this happen?” “】

“What just happened?” “】

“Don’t look at me, I don’t know.”] “】

[The expressions of the teachers and students all stiffened at the same time. 】

[Their faces were all in a trance and disbelief, almost thinking they were dreaming.] 】

At this time, in the live broadcast room, seeing that Quicksilver successfully saved so many people, Little Wanda also applauded excitedly.

“Okay, nice job!”

At this moment, she was genuinely happy for this “brother”.

At this time, on the other side, Bruce Wayne stood in place, the muscles on his face trembled slightly, and cold sweat had appeared on his forehead.

Just now…… What did he see?

That blue-skinned mutant apocalypse, through Charles Xavier, actually controlled the world’s black warriors… And launched them all!

When I see the countless guides… When the catapult shot straight into the sky, even with Young Master Wayne’s psychological quality, he only felt his heart tremble, and his heart was about to jump to his throat!

The whole person is like falling into an ice cave, and his body is cold to the bone!

It’s terrible!

These superpowers, known as mutants, are simply living weapons of mass destruction!

A bad one can destroy the world in minutes!

Master Wayne finally recovered from the horror caused by the apocalypse and Charles, and as a result, he immediately fell into a second shock!

Facing the X Academy that was about to be blown up, the silver-haired Quicksilver actually rescued everyone by means similar to the time stop.

At this moment, Young Master Wayne’s eyes showed an uncontrollable look of consternation, and a bunch of strange question marks appeared on his head.

What is this trick?

Can these mutants even control time?

At this moment, the chat group is by no means calm, and everyone is discussing it hotly.

Deadpool: Wow, how many superpowers does that blue-skinned monster have? This is also ridiculously strong!

Bruce Banner: This original mutant should have taken a lot of abilities from other people by constantly changing his body!

John Constantine: By changing your body, you can not only live forever, but also gain new superpowers, which is a foul!

Carol Danvers: Humph! A bunch of useless low-level abilities, even if you accumulate more, there is no point!

Carol Danvers: A truly strong man who only needs one punch to solve this apocalypse.

Ghost Rider: One punch? Hahaha, you won’t forget that this blue-skinned monster has an amazingly strong self-healing ability.

Ghost Rider: Unless… You can really destroy his body with one punch! Otherwise, he will recover!

Wanda Maksimov: Isn’t it? Even if I break his body, he can be resurrected, how can he have such a strong self-healing ability.

Deadpool: Hey, little girl, what’s so strange about that?

Deadpool: I’ve been shattered by bombs several times! But in the end, it didn’t grow back as it did.

Wanda Maksimov: Uh… It’s disgusting, you don’t talk to me anymore.

Carol Danvers: Unless completely destroyed, it can heal itself indefinitely? No kidding, where in the world is there such ability?

Carol Danvers: No matter what kind of monster it is, as long as it is crushed by my energy light, it will not survive again!

Divine Kesha: Little girl, don’t make casual assertions about things you don’t understand, otherwise… It only invites shame.

Carol Danvers: What do you say? (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Looking at Captain Marvel’s fearless speech of some ignorant people, Queen Kesha’s eyes also showed a hint of disdainful smile.

In the supergod universe, as long as the divine body is achieved, it can be regenerated almost infinitely.

And Kesha’s own divine body can be infinitely aggregated at the atomic level!

Unless you encounter a strong enemy that can shatter atoms, otherwise… She is immortal!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): To be honest, Apocalypse and Charles teach mind control, although earth-shattering, I can at least understand.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): But that Quicksilver performance is really magical!

John Constantine: yes! I also think it’s strange, does this guy use magic? Did he stop time?

Nick Fury: This Quicksilver has no time gems! How is it possible to manipulate time?

Rocky Oddinson: ………

Stephen Strange: From a medical point of view, I have a hypothesis.

Stephen Strange: The “fast” in this Quicksilver nickname is not just the speed of the body, it may also include the mind!

Wanda Maximov: Thinking?

Stephen Strange: My guess is that he should be able to put himself into a state of “thought acceleration.”

Stephen Strange: In this state, the speed of his brain and the speed of his body’s response will be thousands of times faster than ordinary people!

Stephen Strange: That is, once in this state, time is for him… This is equivalent to a 10,000-fold slowdown.

Wolverine: It’s complicated, I have a bit of a headache to hear.

Tony Stark: Huh… No wonder this kid could run that fast, but never hit anything.

Divine Kesha: Has the speed of his mind been synchronized with the speed of his body?

Bruce Wayne: Wait a minute, did you miss the point?

Bruce Wayne: The question now is are the superpowers that those mutants have, are they a little too strong?

Bruce Wayne: If they were among them… Another evil version of Professor Charles, or the 2nd and 3rd apocalypse, wants to destroy the world! So what to do?

At this moment, Wayne Wei Young Master’s vigilance against superpowers has risen to the highest point.

In his opinion, the destructive power of these mutants is simply more terrifying than clowns!

No matter how crazy the clown is, he can’t control the black martial arts and destroy the world!

But Apocalypse and Professor Charles… Almost did!

Wolverine: Wayne Boy, what exactly are you trying to say?

Bruce Wayne: I think for the peace and stability of the world, maybe there really needs to be some mechanism to monitor those mutants in the X universe!

Bruce Wayne: If tragedy happens, it’s too late!

Magneto: Stop! You bastard. Do you want all of us mutants to be captured by humans and turned into experimental animals?

Bruce Wayne: Laboratory animals? Wouldn’t you be exaggerating?

Magneto: You !!!

At this moment, a new change also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After discovering that Quicksilver saved the people in the school, Hank McCoy was also extremely relieved for a while. 】

[Laser Eye, who had just returned to school, learned that his brother Alex was not rescued by Quicksilver because he was too close to the explosion point. 】

Just as Scott was dying, a military helicopter fell from the sky, and the people on it claimed to be the military medical team. 】

“Please stay calm, medical assistance will arrive soon. “】

[But after the helicopter landed, the witch Raven was shocked when she saw the faces of the people who got off the plane. ] 】

[That’s Colonel William Stryker!] 】

Raven wanted to warn the others, but it was too late. 】

[“Fire! “】

[With Stryker’s order, the black technology weapons in the hands of the soldiers suddenly released strong high-frequency oscillating waves! ] 】

[“Plop! Thump! “】

All the students, including Quicksilver, were stunned in an instant. 】

[Only Laser Eye, who was mourning his brother in the ruins, and Night Stalker, the three of them escaped. 】

[Seeing that the situation was wrong, they immediately hid. 】

[Seeing that Stryker had brought the witch and the others on the plane, Chingray decided to teleport into the helicopter with the help of the Night Stalker and take the opportunity to rescue them.] 】

[But as soon as it was teleported into the plane, Qin and the others were immediately surprised to find that their superpowers could not be used. ] 】

[It turns out that Colonel Stryker has long developed technology that can suppress the superpowers of mutants, and the cage in this plane is made of this technology. 】

[In desperation, the three of them could only wait until the plane arrived at their destination, and then saw the plane to act. ] 】

[On the other hand, after Charles woke up, he found that he had fallen into the hands of the apocalypse, and what surprised him even more was that his psychic powers had actually failed. 】

“I can keep you from invading the minds of my subordinates. “】

“It was one of the many superpowers I’ve acquired over the course of a thousand years. “】

[Apocalypse walked to Charles and sat down, with a hint of joy on his face:]

“But to get into, and control the minds of countless people, that’s your gift.” “】

[Seeing Eric standing on the side, Charles tries to convince him to stop being an enemy of humans. 】

[But the death of his wife and daughter has made Eric’s heart like ashes, and all that remains in his mind is the idea of revenge! ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, Apocalypse ordered Charles to use his psychic abilities to deliver a message to the world. 】

“You have to tell them that the earth will be destroyed, and I am N’Sabah Nur is the destroyer!”] “】

[Under the powerful superpowers of the apocalypse, Charles could not resist and could only convey the message of the apocalypse to all mankind. 】

[But Charles still quietly conveyed the location of the apocalypse to Chingray by his own will. 】

“Damn, this blue-skinned maniac actually wants to destroy the earth?”

Seeing this, Bruce Wayne gasped, and an extremely terrifying feeling suddenly descended on his whole body.

Destroy the planet!

Is the superpower of the apocalypse really so powerful?

If it’s true, it’s incredible!

Tonisdak, who was standing on the side, frowned at the moment.

He vaguely felt that the words of the apocalypse should be discounted, and they might not necessarily be true.

If he really destroyed the earth, then how could he live on his own?

Even if with the power of the apocalypse, he can survive in the universe, but live like that… What’s the point?

【Image continues】

[At this time, on the other side, Qin Gray, Laser Eye and the others have secretly infiltrated the base of the X-Weapon, ready to find an opportunity. ] Rescue the witch who was caught here. 】

[But inadvertently, Chingree and the others found a secret room in which a creature that looked like a beast was locked up. ] 】

“That’s not an animal, that’s a person. “】

[Qin Gray checked it telepathically, and his face suddenly showed shock. ] 】

“His memory was taken away, and those people put … This guy turned into a weapon! “】

[At this moment, a group of heavily armed X-Weapon soldiers rushed in, and Chingre ducked to the side and used his power to open the cage that trapped the “beast”. 】

[“Roar! “】

[With a terrifying roar, a half-naked, murderous man walked out from inside. 】

[He’s Wolverine!] 】


[The silver Edman alloy blade stretched out from Wolverine’s fists. 】

[Immediately afterwards, Wolverine’s hand rose and fell, and in an instant, he killed the soldiers in front of him all over the place! ] 】

[“Aaaa 】

[“Help!!! “】

[“X-Weapon escapes! Repeat! X-Weapon Escape! “】

[Hearing the news that Wolverine was out of control, Colonel Stryker’s face suddenly turned pale. 】

[He knows better than anyone else in the world how powerful this transformed monster is!] 】

[And after Wolverine gets out of trouble, it is likely to come to him for revenge! ] 】

[Hearing that the soldiers in the base were like chopping melons and cutting vegetables, and were killed by Wolverine, Colonel Stryker abandoned the base directly and fled without saying a word. ] 】

[Next, Qin Gray and the others encountered Wolverine on the road. ] 】

[With telepathic abilities, Jean Grey revives part of Wolverine’s memories. 】

[After awakening his memory, Wolverine opened the gate of the base and fled into the wind and snow. 】

“How did I get reformed again?”

In the tavern, Wolverine looked at the “himself” in the screen, which was no different from the beast, and immediately showed a crying and laughing look on his face.

By now, he already knew that in countless parallel universes, his own experience might be different.

But in this universe in front of you, the situation seems to be worse than other universes!

At least, in the “Wolverine 1” universe he watched before, he was just dunk… Injected with Edman alloy and was not brainwashed.

And this unlucky bastard in front of him who is emitted by the hood is almost transformed into human nature!

That’s pretty miserable.

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Magneto suddenly snorted coldly, stretched out his finger to point at the screen, turned his head to look at Bruce Wayne, and said in an icy voice:

“See? This is what humans do to us mutants! ”

“In their eyes, we can only be regarded as animals, no different from mice!”

“If, as you say, let humans monitor us, all mutants… will fall to the same fate as that Wolverine! ”


Hearing these words like a sharp knife, Young Master Wayne’s pupils contracted slightly, and for a moment he only felt that his throat was dry, and his mouth was a little bitter.

But I really didn’t expect that in other universes, human nature would actually degenerate to such a point!

These guys in military uniforms are doing like the devil!

“It seems that you really can’t put the power to monitor superpowers… Leave it to ZF! ”

Just when Young Master Wayne’s heart turned upside down, at this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.

Immediately afterwards, the sound of the system sounded.

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: How did Charles Xavier become bald? 】

[This question is a special question, as long as there are variants that appear in this broadcast, people can answer even if they are not in the live broadcast room.] 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

“Huh? Baldness? ”

Seeing this question, Charles in the tavern also showed a trace of doubt on his face.

What’s going on?

From the screen, the self of another universe is at most thirty or forty years old.

How could he be bald at this age?

PS: It is said that only if you are bald you can become stronger. ^_^

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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