[After killing the plug-in player, “Keyboard” returns home only to find the female player Milly watching a video replay of their previous interview. 】

[It turned out that Millie and Keyboard had developed a game together, but the game was bought by a big game developer. 】

[Millie has always suspected that this game developer… It was by stealing the code in the game they developed that led to the development of Liberty City. 】

[He went here to ask his good friend keyboard for help and let her into the company’s database.] 】

[But the keyboard was worried about affecting his work and directly refused.] 】

[Rejected by her friends, Millie decided to sneak into the game by herself and steal the information herself! ] 】

[No one expected that Guy actually appeared behind him inexplicably, which startled the female player Milly. ] 】

[Just because of this fussy chaos, both were discovered by the guards. 】


[Facing the rain of bullets from the guards, Milly didn’t say a word, took out a teleportation gun directly from the props, and opened the portal. ] 】

[Guy also followed her to Milly’s game warehouse. 】

[Seeing that Guy claimed to want to help, Milly directly revealed her level of level 195.] 】

[And Guy is only one level, it can be said that it can’t be lower.] 】

[Looking at the outright game in front of him, Milly suggested that he go out and kill people as a way to level up. 】

But Guy insisted he would never hurt innocent people. 】

“Wow! To be honest, your behavior is still full of freshness. “】

[Milly showed surprise on her face and shook her head:]

“I thought the players in this game were guys who didn’t grow up.”] “】

[Milly suggests that Guy can also use another way to level up, that is, by helping others and obtaining other people’s equipment, so that he can also gain experience points. 】

[In the end, Millie only said one word:]

“When you reach level 100, come to me again.”] “】

Seeing this, Deadpool finally couldn’t help but complain in the chat group again.

Deadpool: What are you doing? Is this variant of mine actually a good old man?

Deadpool: It’s really boring, I wish he really killed people in the game to level up, anyway, this is the game!

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: I think this is good, all the players in this game are so unscrupulous, and coming out with a good person PC is even more different!

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: Actually, I don’t like games that have too much freedom, and if I play too much, it may inspire my rush… Move, do something irrational.

Nick Fury: ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!

Nick Fury: This Miss Ganata, you’re right! Games that are too free will only inspire evil in human nature! You don’t need to play with this kind of stuff at all!

Carol Danvers: Nick… You are…

Nick Fury: Ahem, Captain Danvers, I’m here to protect the planet, someone has to carry the weight…

Tony Stark: Che, to chase this woman, you have to go up to level 100 first!

Tony Stark: Even in the game world, women still ask so much.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After getting Milly’s guidance, Guy came to the street again, and by this time his vision had completely changed.] 】

[The actions of those reckless players are now all in his eyes. 】


Shaking his head lightly and sighing, Guy decided to correct this chaotic Liberty City. 】

[Of course, he can also upgrade a little by the way so that he can meet the beautiful female player Milly again.] 】

[Next, Guy began to use the “help others” method to gain experience points.] 】

[At the beginning, he always died inexplicably because of his lack of experience. 】

[But slowly… As Guy finds the right way, he begins to acquire equipment through various good people and good deeds, and constantly upgrades. 】

[With a bit of luck, he even killed more than 100 level players! ] 】

[Gradually, many people have noticed that this NPC who never does bad things and upgrades just by helping others. 】

[Even nationally renowned TV shows have begun broadcasting Guy’s unique upgrade route. 】

“This little guy in blue. Not only is the upgrade speed record-setting. “】

[Moreover, he actually relies entirely on chivalry to gain experience points! “】

[On the TV screen, the female anchor said with an excited face:]

“Now people all over the world are asking, who is this blue-clothed brother? “】

[Even professional game streamers praised Guy. 】

“I don’t know who this blue-clad guy is, but his game level is better than all players. “】

[“You see that this guy is only in his forties, and he actually killed more than 100 episodes of high play, which is unbelievable! “】

[Players around the world were even more stunned by what Guy did. 】

“This is also too! “】

[“Who is this guy?” “】

“I don’t know, but he’s definitely a master. “】

[“Yes, he is definitely a master, although this person looks a bit like an NPC, he is everywhere doing good deeds and helping others! “】

[By constantly helping others, Guy finally rose to level 102, reaching Millie’s level requirements for him. 】

[Back at the bank again, his black friend was surprised to find that Guy’s body had become taller and stronger, just like a changed person! ] 】

[At this time. Another robber broke in. 】

[The highly ranked Guy subdued him effortlessly, and also took sunglasses from the robber’s face and handed them to his black friend, wanting to change his fate. 】

[My friend seemed to be a little moved, but finally refused.] 】

[At this point, the screen comes to the other side.] 】

With the help of the programmer “keyboard”, Milly finally sneaked into the company’s database and got the video she wanted.] 】

[But Millie triggers the guard trap when she leaves, and a large number of armed guards appear, and a rain of bullets sweeps in. ] 】

[At this critical juncture, the greatly increased level of Guy appeared on a motorcycle! ] 】

[Next, Guy and the female player teamed up, and the digital guards that appeared were defeated.] 】

[Seeing the endless gushing of guards, Ai Yi quickly pulled up the motorcycle and invited the female player to escape with him. ] 】

[Seeing this, the female player jumped on the fuel tank of the motorcycle at once, and then asked with some doubt:]

[“Do you have a pistol in your pocket?” “】

[Guy quickly replied:]

“No, two to be exact. “】

[Take out two pistols from Guy’s pocket, the female player keeps spinning on the motorcycle, the guns are deadly, and the guards who appear are killed one by one! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Guy drove the female player out of the window on a motorcycle, and then the two entered some kind of bullet time.] 】

[Looking at Guy with eyes staring straight at her, the female player tilted her head:]

“I don’t think this motorcycle can fly. “】

[Guy smirked: “Of course not. “】

[“Jump quickly.”] “】

[In an instant, the female player took out the glider from the prop bar and fled with Guy. ] 】

[After successfully escaping, female player Milly was also shocked by Guy’s upgrade speed, and even suspected that he might be a game company insider to upgrade so quickly.] 】

【”All this you do, your record upgrade speed, is simply a slap in the face to the world! “】

[“How exactly did you do it?” “】

[In the face of the female player’s questioning, Guy can only claim with a confused look that he doesn’t know anything, and claims that he is just an ordinary bank clerk. ] 】

Next, Guy takes Millie to the edge of the map and invites her to bubblegum-flavored ice cream. 】

[But no one expected that Millie actually liked this taste very much, and the relationship between the two instantly became closer. ] 】

[Next, the two also played on the swing together, and finally succeeded in receiving the text.] 】

[After letting go of Milly, Guy let out a long breath, his face full of amazement. 】

“Wow, this feels so much better than ice cream. “】

[At this moment, Milly sensed someone knocking on his door, asked Guy to meet in the real world, and then went offline.] 】

[In the real world, Millie stands up and opens the door, and a shocked keyboard comes in. 】

[It turned out that the keyboard ran face recognition in the company, only to find that Guy was not a player at all, but an NPC in the game. ] 】

[The keyboard excitedly told Millie that the company had stolen their original game code and used it in the Liberty City game.] 】

[But the most incredible thing is that there is artificial intelligence code in their game that allows the game characters to grow freely!] 】

“Millie, listen to me. “】

[The keyboard’s excited eyes are lit up:]

[“That blue-clothed guy who upgrades particularly fast, he’s not a player. “】

“It’s generated by algorithms, but it thinks it’s a living person!” “】

“He is the first true artificial intelligence in history. “】

[Hearing this, Milly was completely stunned. 】

[She actually had a feeling with an NPC and picked up a text with her.] 】

[At this time, the keyboard is still gushing about the new things he found in the game:]

“You know what? A barista NPC learned to make cappuccinos by experimenting. “】

“Do you know how hard that is? Not even me! “】

【”What we have always dreamed of is now come true! “】

“No, this can’t be true. “】

[Millie almost collapsed when she heard it, and shouted to herself:]

“I asked him to write me!”] “】

“How many years, how many years I haven’t taken over a good man. “】

“The result … He is not a human being!!! “】

[The keyboard listened to the side with a dull face, and the eyes were about to pop out:]

[“There is no such action option in the game.”] “】

[Millie has a weird smile on her face:]

“Oh, he can do it.”] “】

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