In the live broadcast room.

“What? The NPCs in that game all came to life. ”

Seeing this, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room.

Bruce Wayne’s eyes changed, but before he could speak, Tony Stark was already exclaiming:

“What the hell, the entire game’s NPCs have come to life?”

Tony’s eyes were round, and there was a warning look in his eyes:

“This kind of AI game code is too dangerous! One is not good… Maybe you’ll come up with a ‘matrix’. ”


As soon as he heard this term, Peter Parker gasped next to him.

But he remembers very well, isn’t the matrix in the Matrix world a perfect virtual reality?

And the mechanical race that created this virtual reality and trapped all human consciousness in it, initially, was just made by humans… AI at your service!

Not to mention… In the previous hypothetical world, the artificial intelligence robot Ultron almost destroyed a universe!

Just when Peter was almost a little frightened, Black Widow suddenly calmly spoke:

“You’re worried too much.”

“These NPCs were originally designed as characters in the game.”

“They gained personality because of the original game… Life Infinity had a design that brought the characters to life.”

“That is to say, until now, these NPCs are still alive according to the setting.”


Bruce Wayne chewed the term, and his eyes became a little strange.

“They live like living people, all because of the gameplay?”

The black widow was expressionless and said lightly:

“Even in real life, the vast majority of people … Not alive according to the setting yet. ”

“Ah, this…”

Listening to these cold words, everyone was speechless for a while.

But the originally tense atmosphere in the live broadcast room has eased a lot.

If these living artificial intelligences are still essentially living according to the setting of the code.

That seems… There really is no need to worry too much.

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Just when the two were in chaos, the keyboard’s brain lit up, and suddenly remembered something. ] 】

[It turned out that Antoine, the owner of the game company, claimed that after 48 hours, he would upgrade the first generation of Liberty City to the second generation. 】

[But through careful observation, the keyboard found that the second generation of Liberty City and the first generation have nothing to do with each other, it is simply a new game. ] 】

[As long as the upgrade is over, the entire Liberty City generation will be completely deleted.] 】

[By then, their original game code, as well as the living NPCs in the game, including Guy… It’s all going to be gone! 】

[For now, only by finding the scene of the original game in the game and proving that the company owner has stolen their original game can the “life” of these NPCs be saved.] 】

[Keyboard suggestion, Millie go to Guy for help.] 】

[Millie re-enters the game and takes Guy to the save point where players gather and tells him the truth.] 】

“The whole Liberty City is a game, we are players, we all live in the real world. “】

[The expression on Milly’s face was ugly, but she continued:]

“But you can only live here, so you can never leave Liberty City.”] “】

“And you’re just an NPC… Non-player characters, i.e. tool people in the game. “】

“You exist to make the game more interesting. “】

[Guy was stunned to hear this, and couldn’t help but widen his mouth, and his face showed disbelief. 】

“You’re trying to tell me… I’m fake, the whole world is fake, I’m not even the protagonist? “】

[The more he spoke, the more angry he became, and Guy asked angrily:]

“Millie, why are you telling me this? I love you. “】

[Milly looked heavy and said slowly:]

“You think you love me, it’s because that’s how your program is written. “】

[Hear here.] Guy couldn’t stand it anymore and threw Millie straight away and left the player’s gathering place. 】

[Guy sadly came to the beach and found that the situation was really exactly the same as Millie said, and there was no way for him to leave this virtual game world. ] 】

[Looking at the sea, Guy roared loudly.] 】

[“All this is fake! “】

[After learning the truth of everything, Guy Wan walked aimlessly on the street in disbelief, telling everyone around him that everything was meaningless. 】

[But the next second, two cars sped by, and Guy almost died on the spot.] 】

[Frustrated, Guy goes to find his black friend to tell the truth.] 】

[But I didn’t expect that the black friend was very optimistic, claiming that whether it is a real person or not, as long as he is real at this moment, then it is meaningful. ] 】

[Guy listened to it and instantly understood the meaning of life. 】

[Next, in order to save this free city from being deleted, Guy took his friend to the player’s castle and tried to steal the video evidence that Milly asked for again.] 】

[Unexpectedly, the player who owns this castle is a fan of Guy, and he is very excited when he sees him. ] 】

[“I’ll go, you’re the blue-clothed guy, it’s really you.”] “】

“I’m your fan, you’re my idol, and you can take whatever you want in my warehouse.”] “】

[Looking at Guy, the bald player “Channing Tatum” was almost incoherent with excitement:]

“Hey! The old irons on the Internet are optimistic! “】

“That’s the little brother in blue!”] He came to my vault and robbed me! “】

After a series of excited speeches, “Channing Tatum” finally took out the video of Milly’s heart and handed it to Guy. 】

[By this time, this player seemed to be completely energetic. 】

“Hey, do you want to shoot me?”] “】

[“Otherwise… I’ll dance to show you. “】

“Channing Tatum” said while dancing:]

[“Do you want to see me use Thanos’ gloves… Give you guys a snap finger dance?? “】

Temple 2


Sitting on the throne, Thanos, who was still a little bored, suddenly opened his eyes, and a bunch of strange question marks appeared above his head.

What’s going on?

For the image in front of him, Thanos is not interested at all.

In his opinion, this is just a virtual reality trick made by some stupid earth humans in some parallel universe.


What did he hear just now?

Thanos’ gloves?

Snap finger dance?

What the hell is this?

At this moment, there was also an uproar in the chat group.

Stephen Strange: What? Didn’t I hear it wrong, that Joker-like player, mentioned Thanos’ gloves?

Loki Odinson: And snap fingers, hell, what kind of dance is this!

As soon as he thought of Thanos, Loki couldn’t help but feel a little hairy on his body, and an inexplicable sense of discord welled up in his heart.

Deadpool: Wow hahaha! It is worthy of being my variant in the universe, and it is really not simple! ^_^

John Constantine: What do you mean by that? Could it be that this universe… Isn’t it just virtual reality?

Wolverine: There’s something I’ve always found strange, but I haven’t said it before.

Wolverine: At the beginning of this video, the player who was killed by Millie sounds a lot like me.

Charles Xavier: What does it mean that the voice sounds like you? Could it be… Does this world also have Wolverine?

Deadpool: Wow, Wolverine, you guy! I actually came to play my variant of the game too! The taste is quite high.

Bruce Wayne: That said, there are Thanos and mutants in this universe, and even… Even ordinary people know Thanos’ Infinity Gauntlet and snapping fingers!

Master Mordo: This… It’s unbelievable! Even in Karma Taj, only senior mages and supreme mages know about the secret of the Infinity Stones!

Bruce Banner: Even ordinary people know that Thanos exists! Hiss…… How deep is the water of this universe?

While everyone was shocked, the captain of the United States suddenly spoke.

Captain America: Look at these ordinary people, without scruples about Thanos, perhaps… They successfully defeated this purple potato monster and thwarted his plot!

While saying this, the captain’s heart was also excited.

In other universes, Thanos really lost at the hands of righteous heroes!

Carol Danvers: Ordinary people should not be able to do it, there are definitely superheroes in this world!

Thanos Thanos: ……… What a waste.

Deadpool: How? Purple potato monster, what are you talking about again? ^_^

On Temple 2, Thanos frowned a little angrily.

So far, he has seen several unfinished waste Thanos!

Some even collected 5 Infinity Stones, but in the end they could only be killed in seconds.

In the endless multiverse, who knows how many more wastes are roaming outside?

What a shame!

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After getting the video, Guy went to Milly’s warehouse, waited for the other party to go online, and handed the video to her.] 】

[At the same time, game streamers and players around the world are captivated by Guy’s behavior in the game.] 】

[Through Guy Walking Chivalry… But still upgrading super fast, they feel that maybe they should also treat NPCs well, instead of doing things for no reason. 】

[Even, even various Internet celebrities began to express their approval of Guy’s behavior. ] 】

[Due to the change in the direction of online reviews, the pre-sale of the “Killing Edition” Liberty City 2 that game companies are preparing to launch has fallen sharply. 】

“Pre-sales are down 60 percent, and the game will be live in another 48 hours. “】

[The owner of the company is furious, ready to kick Guy out of the game. 】

[The keyboard told the boss the truth at this time, but this did not stop the boss, but only made him worse.] 】

[In the end, the boss decided to restart the game completely, initialize everything, just like reinstalling the system, and clear all the history! ] 】

[At this time, Guy and Millie returned to the player gathering place to watch the video recording, and found the original game “Infinite Life” developed by Millie.] 】

[At this time, the embezzlement of the company owner was confirmed.] 】

[Just when the two thought they were done, the entire system began to reset, and all online players were forced offline. 】

[As soon as Guy left the gathering point, he found that all the characters on the street were disappearing, and finally it was his turn. 】

[When Millie went online again, she found that Guy had completely disrecognized herself and became the conformist NPC again.] 】

[After desperately going offline, Millie received a call from the keyboard. 】

[It turns out that although the system is reset, Guy’s original data has not been deleted.] 】

[And Guy’s original setting is that he must meet Millie to activate its artificial intelligence, and maybe it can retrigger Guy’s hidden memory. ] 】

[“His character is set up to never meet his true love. “】

“But when I set his true love in mind, I treated you like a model! “】

“So one day, when he met you in Liberty City, everything changed! “】

“He is no longer an NPC, but a self-aware creature! “】

“Your existence rewrote his code, and you brought him back to life!”] 】

“And I believe … You can definitely succeed again, too! “】

[Hearing this, a look of hope appeared in Milly’s eyes again. 】

[She re-enters the game, takes Guy into the alley, and takes the initiative to text him!] 】

[This time, Millie not only awakens Guy’s memory code, but even recalls the initial program of the game.] 】

[That is to say, this free city actually uses the original code of the game invented by Milly…”Infinite Life.] 】

[The underlying structure of this original code is hidden outside the game’s beach.] 】

[In order to make the original code present in the game, Guy gathered all the NPCs in the game.] 】

[Guy told them that as long as they can connect to another area across the beach, everyone can be like themselves, without having to follow the settings and procedures… Get a free life. 】

[And at this time, the company owner finally discovered Milly’s true identity. ] 】

[Unable to kick him out of the game, the boss orders another programmer to mouse and wipe Milly and Guy out of the game!] 】

[By modifying the game, the mouse makes all the buildings on both sides of the road crush Guy and Millie’s car, trying to crush the two of them to pieces.] 】

[Seeing that the situation was critical, the programmer keyboard also helped, and rescued the two people by modifying the game. 】

Just as the two came to the coast on the other side of the city, the keyboard came to the boss with his laptop. 】

[While gesturing his middle finger to the boss, he pressed the enter button.] 】

[“Oh Lala…”]

[In front of Guy and Millie’s eyes, the building falls apart and a passage is paved on the beach. 】

[Just walk up this passage and go to the end of the sea level to find evidence that the boss has stolen the game.] 】

[Seeing the burning eyebrows, the boss of the company began to upload the ultimate boss! ] Cancel all players’ accounts at the same time! 】

[Even Millie could only helplessly disappear from the game. ] 】

[In order to find the evidence of the boss’s crime, Guy wanted to walk through the sea passage, but a strong man who was two meters tall and had Guy’s face suddenly appeared in front of him! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[This strong man kicked Guy out with a casual kick. ] 】

[Guy’s black old friend also rushed over, wanting to use funny means to divert the attention of the strong man boss, but the result was also killed in an instant. ] 】

[“Bang! Rumble! Crash! “】

[In front of this “super self” of the “power upgrade enhanced version”, Guy even knocked off his glasses, and could only be helplessly flattened. ] 】

[And just when Guy was knocked to the ground, and the super strong man changed into a huge red fist and was about to rush up to give him a fatal blow…]

[Guy finally saw the glasses and picked them up and put them on his face.] 】

[“Props! “】

[Guy rolled over and took out a vibranium shield from the props, blocking the super strong man’s fist abruptly! ] 】

[Meanwhile, in a certain café, a familiar man… Steve Rogers looked at the game image on his phone and couldn’t help but complain. 】

“What the hell is this?”] “】


Looking at the bearded self on the screen, the captain of the United States first looked confused, and then his eyes could not contain the surprise.

This is me!

Sure enough, there are superheroes in this world!

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