
Looking at the scene on the screen, Diana’s face was stunned, her eyes were slightly lost, and her eyes were full of incredulity.

I saw that in the video, the variant of himself fell to his knees, his nose was blue and his face was swollen.

Even the neck was covered by a lasso of truth, it seemed… It’s like a collar worn by a dog!

Moreover, “Wonder Woman” seems to have been kneeling in the snow for a long time, and even a thick layer of snow has accumulated on her head and back!

All this is too scary for Diana!

She never dreamed that in a parallel universe, her variant would be defeated by that Batman, or captured alive!

This simply does not make sense!

Almost subverted her imagination!

“This variant of mine does have the same divine power as me, and even a lot of artifacts.”

“She… I was actually caught by this mortal who was just wearing a bat costume and did not have any superpowers! ”

Diana kept adjusting her breathing rhythm, trying to calm herself down,

But the deep shocking color in her eyes, as well as the violent mood swings, were still completely unconcealable.

At this time, what surprised Diana even more was that this red Batman knew his only weakness!

That’s the lasso of mantra!

Before leaving Paradise Island, Diana was warned by her mother that although he had a demigod body, as long as he was bound by the lasso of Truth, he would lose all his divine power!

While shocked and inexplicable, Diana’s heart actually developed a trace of curiosity.

Now, she desperately wanted to know that the man in the bat costume… What is sacred?

An ordinary mortal, why is he so powerful?

“I’ll go!”

“That’s a bit of an exaggeration.”

At this time, in the live broadcast room, there was also a low exclamation.

Everyone looked back at Bruce Wayne, and most of their eyes were full of surprise and surprise.

In the previous “Batman v Superman” images, they also saw the heroic posture of Wonder Woman vs. Doomsday with their own eyes!

This woman’s combat power is so strong that she is simply above Superman!

Even Excalibur can cut off one hand of Doomsday with one blow!

Moreover, according to Diana in the group, she is still a demigod with the blood of a god flowing in her body.

How could such a powerful goddess be defeated so simply?


Clark Kent took a deep breath, and his eyes were full of amazement as he looked at Master Wayne:

“On that variant of yours… There was not even a single injury, and Diana’s face was swollen by him! ”

“How exactly is this done? That woman’s physical fitness is not much worse than mine. ”

When General Zod came to Earth before, Clark had also witnessed Diana’s attack.

In his memory, even if this woman was not as good as herself, the difference was definitely not far away!

If you add an artifact, your combat power may surpass him as a superman!

Don’t…… Red Batman, really relying on his own strength… Beat Wonder Woman?

That’s too much of a stretch.

Thinking of this, Clark actually raised a trace of worry in his heart.

Red Batman is so strong, that Red Superman… It won’t really die at his hands, right?

Meeting everyone’s astonished eyes, Young Master Wayne’s brows were also deeply wrinkled.

In fact, he himself can’t understand at all, how did Red Batman win Diana?

The difference in strength between these two sides is almost the same as the gap between ants and people!

Shouldn’t this guy in a bat suit also be an alien hidden in the earth?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Superman, with his super hearing, judged the location of Wonder Woman in an instant. ] 】

“Go on, Diana! I’m tracking the sound waves in the direction of Siberia, and in 7 seconds I’ll be with you. “】

[Hearing that Superman was about to come to the rescue, Diana, who was firmly bound by the lasso of truth, warned repeatedly:]

[Superman, this bat man is very agile and more resourceful than other humans! ] 】

[You must be careful. 】

[Before the words fell, Superman fell from the sky! ] 】

[Looking at Wonder Woman kneeling in the snow, extremely embarrassed, Superman’s face was suddenly full of anger:]

“What did you do to her?” You beast! “】


[Batman sneered:]

“Don’t worry, it’s only her self-esteem that hurts. “】

[“The intelligence shows that it is correct, Wonder Woman’s lasso is really made of the magic belt of the goddess Gaia! “】

[Glancing at Diana, who was kneeling on the ground without any resistance, Batman’s gaze fell on Superman again:]

“Now she submits to me, just like the naysayers she pressed for you before! “】

[Superman’s eyes flashed, and he immediately detected the abnormality in Batman’s body with X-rays. ] 】

[It turns out that Batman’s body has buried a bomb, as long as he presses the button on his hand, he will immediately blow himself to pieces. ] 】


[Batman also seems to have sensed that Red Superman is using superpowers, but he doesn’t care, just laughs:]

“We ordinary humans may not have those terrible abilities of yours. “】

“But in our little heads, there are hidden the most dangerous weapons in the world!”] “】

[“Oh? Is it? Superman said with an indifferent look :]

“I can see your brain directly, there’s nothing special, and so are your childish toys.”] “】

“I hope you can still be so confident in the future.”] “】

[Batman pressed the button on his hand and directly turned on the red sunlamp made by Lex Luthor. ] 】

[“Oh? Sunlamps? It’s wonderful…” Red Superman didn’t seem to notice the problem yet, but just smiled disdainfully:]

“If you let them bask at me for thousands of years, it may make me prickly.” “】

[At this moment, something happened that shocked Superman. 】

[“Bang! “】

[Batman punched Superman in the face, splashing him with blood and falling to the ground. ] 】

[“Impossible! “】

[I finally got up from the ground, and the red superman wiped the blood on his face, and his eyes were full of dazed and trance. ] 】

[If it weren’t for the strange and incomparable pain on his face, he almost couldn’t believe that all this was true! ] 】

[“How did you do it?” How did you become so strong? “】

[Since awakening the power of superman, he has never been injured so badly in decades! ] 】

[“Abominable… Then I’ll melt you with heat rays…”

[Tried to call the heat ray to fight Batman, but Red Superman was stunned again.] 】

Nothing happened. 】

[Not only is the heat ray gone, his super speed, and even the ability to fly are lost! ] 】

“You haven’t figured it out yet, have you?”] “】

[Batman flew up and kicked the red Superman a few meters away:]

“This is the red sun from your hometown. “】

“Under this light, your abilities don’t work!”] “】

[I have never really fought with anyone in my life, and after losing my superpower, the red superman’s hand-to-hand fighting ability seems to be pitifully weak. ] 】

[In front of the battle-hardened Batman, he was quickly knocked to the ground and couldn’t even stand up. ] 】

[Reaching out and grabbing Red Superman’s shirt, Batman pulls him towards an underground cell:]

“You shouldn’t have come here at all, you should have died on your planet.” “】

“You should never be an alien in human affairs!”] “】

[“Bang! “】

[Batman waved his hand. He threw Superman into the underground cell covered in red sunlight. 】

“We are not toys! Nor is it a pet trained to please you! “】

“We are human beings with dignity! “】

“Maybe now… You can appreciate the true meaning of the word ‘human’. “】

[Seeing this scene, Wonder Woman, who was bound by the lasso of truth, was also shocked:]

“Oh my God, you can’t make it like a livestock… Locked up in that cell for the rest of your life! “】

[Hearing Wonder Woman’s cry, Superman struggled to stand up in the dungeon and shouted:]

“Diana, do you hear me? “】

“Right now, you’re my only chance, as long as I’m trapped in the red light, I’m not capable. “】

“But there must be a machine that powers these red lights, and I want you to destroy it for me.” “】

“I know that breaking free of the mantra and the lasso is painful for you, but I need your help! “】

[Under the persuasion of Superman, he used all his divine power to break the lasso of truth with his life! ] 】

“Nope! “】

[Seeing this, Batman was suddenly shocked. ] 】

[“Wonder Woman, this Superman is using you! All he cares about is power! Don’t you still understand? “】

[“Fuck off! “】

[Diana punched casually and knocked the red Batman out. ] 】

[Next, Diana destroyed the generator without hesitation, and Superman, who was fully restored, rushed out of the dungeon. ] 】

[Staring at Batman, Red Superman’s eyes flashed with an ominous red light.] 】

[“The game is over! Batman. 】

It only takes a few hours of brain surgery and you’ll find a new job at the bank. “】


[Batman held the bomb detonator in his hand and sneered:]

“Superman, why do you think I would swallow that bomb before I fight you?” “】

[“I’d rather die for my ideals!”] Also not willing to be your puppet. “】

[Before pressing the detonation button, Batman also left a sentence:]

[“By the way, the one who betrayed you was Pyotr Roslov. “】

[“Boom! “】

[After an explosion, Batman’s body suddenly scattered and covered Superman’s whole body. ] 】

[Wonder Woman also suffered a huge backlash because she forcibly broke free of the lasso of truth. ] 】

[Now, she has become gray-haired and dozens of years older. 】

“This… How did I become like this? ”

Looking at the decisive look of Superman on the screen, Clark involuntarily opened his mouth, and for a moment he only felt that his world view was greatly impacted.

On the surface, this red superman did not kill anyone.

But he captures people and transforms them into obedient puppets through brain surgery, a practice that … It’s even crueler than killing people.

“Red Sunshine!”

At this time, Bruce Wayne’s eyes were also slightly cold.

He really didn’t expect that in addition to kryptonite, kryptonians actually had a second weakness!

But after taking a look at Clark, Young Master Wayne’s face collapsed again.

Now, the man has obtained the super speed of “Silver Superman” through the reward.

Unless he can turn the whole sun red, otherwise… No matter what kind of red light it is, it doesn’t mean anything to Clark!

Moreover, Young Master Wayne thought of another thing.

“This red superman does not kill with his own hands, but transforms the minds of others through brain surgery.”

“It’s too vicious, but… If it is used on psychopathic offenders, can it bring them back to normal and return to society? ”

Although Wayne felt that this idea was very wrong, it was almost like the work of a villain.

But this thought is like a weed, as long as it arises, it is difficult to eliminate …

I saw that Young Master Wayne’s expression changed rapidly, his face was full of entanglement, and he seemed to be deeply caught in the battle between heaven and man.


【Image continues】

[Another 20 years have passed. 】

[Under the rule of Red Superman, the Kingdom of Solstice continues to prosper. 】

[However, the country’s power has also become more and more centralized, and all bills are under Superman’s approval. 】

[Wonder Woman Diana, since she was injured because of the diagnosis of the mantra lasso, her whole temperament has changed greatly, and it didn’t take long to leave Superman and return to Paradise Island. ] 】

[As for the Peter Roslov who was a foreign country and betrayed Superman … He was also transformed by Superman with brain surgery and turned into an obedient puppet. 】

[After capturing the CPU of World Collector Brainiac, Superman recompiles its program to become his steward and assistant in governance.] 】

With the help of this level 12 artificial intelligence, Superman’s domination of the earth has risen to a whole new level. 】

On his 63rd birthday, 6 billion people around the world had already submitted to Superman. 】

[Under Superman’s rule, all adults have jobs and all children have personal interests. 】

[Everyone has 8 hours of sleep, crime, disease, all of them are gone. 】

[Almost the whole world is running like clockwork, without the slightest error.] 】

Of the 6 billion people, no one complains about Superman’s rule, not even in private. 】

[Superman built a palace for himself at the North Pole, and the workers who cleaned him in this palace were all former Batman’s subordinates. ] 】

[However, these members of the Bat Gang have undergone brain surgery and become tame cleaners.] 】

[Standing in his palace, Red Superman is receiving a report from Brainiac.] 】

[“Superman! Global productivity has increased by 8 percentage points, life expectancy has risen to 112 years, and everything is booming. “】

“Right now, the only one in the world that is still resisting Superman’s rule is the Beautiful Country.”] 】

“However, the country is also on the brink of civil war and collapse. “】

“You should immediately enter their country and let them live happily like the rest of the world. “】

[Faced with this situation, Superman rejected Blediak’s offer to send troops to the beautiful country. 】

[Red Superman is ready to wait for the beautiful country to collapse on its own, and then take the initiative to throw himself into his arms. ] 】

[But Superman did not expect that on the other side of the ocean, Lex Luthor would be elected to the position of president of the beautiful country. ] 】

Under Luthor’s rule, the economy of the beautiful country has recovered at an astonishing rate, and the living standards of the people have improved. 】

But Lex Luthor didn’t do all this for the sake of the country or the people. 】

[There is only one person in his heart, and that is Superman! ] 】

[In the 40s, the beautiful country once discovered an alien spaceship that crashed on Earth. 】

[From the ship, they captured the body of an alien and the green light ring it wore on his hand. 】

[Lex Luthor spent 18 years cracking the code of the green lantern ring, and used this ring to cultivate a whole green lantern legion! ] 】

[The commander of this Green Lantern Corps is none other than Colonel Hal Jordan of the Beautiful National Army! ] 】

[While Lex Luthor was preparing to defeat Superman, Louise was not idle. 】

[She came to Paradise Island and successfully obtained the support of Wonder Woman Diana. 】

[Since his youthful appearance was ruined because he helped Superman, for this man he once loved deeply… Diana had only hatred in her heart! 】

[But no one expected that after gathering a large number of troops and foreign aid, Lex Luthor actually appeared alone in Superman’s palace. ] 】

[Looking at his appearance, he is actually ready to challenge the most powerful existence on earth alone! ] 】

“Luthor, what are you doing here? I thought you were preparing your ultimate weapon. “】

[Superman seems to be very surprised by Luthor’s appearance. 】


[Lex Luthor lit a cigarette nonchalantly:]

“The Amazons or the Green Lantern Corps. are not enough to beat you. “】

[“To defeat your evil empire… I am only going to use one weapon. “】

[I saw Luthor knock on his head:]

[“Man of Steel, are you ready to duel with the most dangerous mind in the world? “】

[Before Superman could speak, a large number of mechanical tentacles stretched out from the inside of this palace, pulling Lex Luthor into the palace. ] 】

[Seeing this, Superman was taken aback. 】

“Brainiac, what are you doing? “】

[Brainiac, who has turned into a robot, said in an emotionless voice: ]

“I can’t let you argue with him, Superman. 】

[Talking to a level 9 intelligent creature is more dangerous than any death trap.] “】

“According to my calculations, he can persuade you to kill yourself within 14 minutes. “】

[At the same time, on an airport in the beautiful country, Hal Jordan raised the green light ring in his hand and shouted his oath to the green lantern corps in front of him:]

[“The day is clear, the night is vast! “】

[“There is nothing to hide! “】

[“Evil traitors, fear my divine light! “】

[“Green light is always bright, the light of all worlds! “】

PS: DC also has an if-if series, called “Elseworlds”, which has the story of Superman falling into Gotham City and being adopted by the Waynes.

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