“Lex Luthor this guy is level 9 intelligence?”

“Can he persuade Superman to commit suicide in 14 minutes?”

Hearing these two words, Bruce Wayne’s expression suddenly became solemn.

And in his eyes, a flash of essence involuntarily flashed.

Maybe…… That’s the only hope against that silver superman!

With a power beyond human imagination, on a realistic level, no matter how you use it, it is impossible to defeat this superman.

Psychologically, or spiritually, it may be this invincible alien… The last weakness!

“But… 14 minutes is also too long. ”

Young Master Wayne fell into a deep groan.

“Unless you can be caught off guard like that red light!” One move wins! Knock Superman down before he can react! ”

“But such a mental attack … Which is so easy to send out. ”

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[As soon as Bleniac pulled Lex Luthor into the interior of the palace, the alarm sounded. 】

[It turns out that it was the Amazon family and the green lantern legion of the beautiful country that crossed the border and killed it in a big way! ] 】

[Superman immediately left the Luthor matter behind and flew out directly to meet the Green Lantern Legion. ] 】

“That’s Superman!”] He’s coming! “】

【”According to our original plan! “】

[“Hurry up and trap him!”] “】

[Led by Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern Corps used the light ring in his hand to conjure up one green cage after another, hoping that he could trap Superman inside. ] 】

[Just listening to the “boom”, Superman effortlessly smashed this green cage.] 】

[Immediately afterwards, I saw a flash of light, and the green light ring in Hal Jordan’s hand was snatched by Superman. ] 】

“You want to take this thought-based weapon against me, a person whose thinking speed is countless times faster than you? “】

“Colonel Jordan, you’re not smart enough. “】

[Red Superman threw the green light ring directly into his mouth and bit it into pieces without care. ] 】

“Just take care of yourself here, and I’ll come back and reprogram you when it’s over.” “】

[After leaving a creepy statement, Superman disappeared directly into the end of the sky.] 】

[His next target is the Amazons led by Diana.] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Just in an instant, the red superman flew in front of the Amazon:]

“Don’t force me to hurt you, Diana, I don’t want to. “】

[Facing the old lover with gray hair in front of him.] Superman’s eyes lit up with an ominous red light :]

“But if I really need it, I won’t hesitate.” “】

[Soon, the Amazon family led by Wonder Woman was also beaten by Superman alone. ] 】

[Faced with this terrifying scene, the beautiful country side was completely panicked! ] 】

[In desperation, they frantically put Luthor’s previous supervillain… All released! 】

[But in the face of Red Superman, these rabble still don’t play any role.] 】

“I’ll go, this Superman is really powerful.”

Watch the red Superman on the screen as if he was destroying and destroying all enemies.

Little Wanda, as well as Peter and the others all widened their eyes, their pupils contracted, and their hearts raced, as if they forgot to breathe.

In previous images, they have also seen Clark the Man of Steel’s shot.

However, because Clark is too soft-hearted, he never kills when dealing with humans! And when facing such a strong enemy as Doom Day, he was pressed and beaten by the other party!

So…… Instead, they somewhat underestimate the power of Superman.

And now, little Wanda and others have seen … What is the true god of the world!

Even Wonder Woman is still vulnerable in front of the serious Superman!

For those so-called supervillains, they were all killed in an instant!

It’s almost indescribable in human language alone… This is incredibly powerful!

It’s as if, the very existence of this man is synonymous with invincibility!

“Good fellow!”

Tonis Dak took a deep breath, and for a moment felt that his heartbeat was slightly faster.

The strength displayed by Superman on the screen really left a deep impression on him.

Strength! Velocity! Defense!

No flaws!

If faced with such an enemy, Tony felt… If your reaction is a little slower, you will be knocked down by the other party in an instant! Don’t use the Void Engine!

Thinking of this, Tony couldn’t help but glance back at Bruce Wayne.

Now he seems to understand that this guy’s variant would be so afraid of Superman’s existence.

Such an existence that seems to come out of myths and legends, once it acts arbitrarily, human beings may not even have room to resist!

Just like this “red super-Earth” shown on the screen, billions of people around the world have been “conquered” by Superman.

If you are facing just an ordinary tyrant, you may be able to wait for him to die naturally, but… Who knows how many years Superman will live.

Of all the people, the most silent was Sentinel, Robert Reynolds.

Looking at Superman’s actions on the screen, the Sentinel’s eyes did not blink, and there was a trace in his eyes… Envy.

He could see that in this universe, Superman was in everyone’s heart… All have unimaginable weight!

Whether it is to be revered, hated, or even feared!

In fact, that earth is almost revolving around Superman!

In the memory of the sentinel, when others look at themselves, they most often reveal … Instead, it’s the kind of look that looks at a madman.

That’s too big a gap.

Just then, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Soon, the spacecraft operated by Brainiac had flown over the White House. 】

[All the defenses of the beautiful country have been defeated, and even the supervillain created by Lex Luthor has been defeated by Superman’s embarrassment. ] 】

“Mrs. Luthor, I want you to get out of here. “】

[Superman dashingly fell from the sky, fell on the lawn of the White House, looked at the old Louis Luthor and said:]

“We’re going to destroy everything within a five-mile radius of the Pentagon, but I don’t want anyone to get hurt.” “】

[Looking at this in front of you… Superman, who had a relationship 40 years ago, Louise said categorically :]

“I’m sorry Superman, this is my home, and I won’t give an intrace.”) “】

“I don’t think you understand yet, ma’am. “】

[Superman patiently explained:]

[“Your country’s air force has been defeated, and your superpower unit has just been crushed by me, and Millikan is dead! “】

“You don’t have anything left to deal with me. “】

“Actually, we still have a shell. “】

Louise pointed to an envelope stuck in her pocket. 】

“If you think I’m joking, look at the envelope in my pocket.” “】

[It turns out that this letter is Luthor’s final plan! ] 】

[When Louis said this to Superman, she couldn’t help but recall what Luthor had said to her last night:]

[“You ask me what I’m doing, haha, do you know what ‘words are better than swords’? “】

[At that time, Lex Luthor smiled wickedly while holding a pen and writing on paper:]

[“I distilled all my hatred of Superman and all his fears of himself into one sentence! “】

[“Superman may be able to ignore a black strike, but my words… It can definitely break through his indestructible iron heart! “】

[“Envelopes? “】

[Hearing Louise’s words, Superman suddenly froze and tried to penetrate the envelope with his x gaze to spy on the contents of the paper. 】

When he did this, Superman also recalled what Brainiac said to him. 】

“Talking to a level 9 intelligent creature is more dangerous than any death trap. According to my calculations, Luthor can convince you to kill yourself in 14 minutes! 】

[Although it has been guessed, Lex Luthor is ready to use a psychic attack against himself. 】

[But as the absolute monarch who rules billions of people around the world, the conceit in Superman’s heart still makes him continue to watch. 】


[At the moment of seeing the contents of the envelope, Superman seemed to have been hit by kryptonite, and the whole person froze in place]

[I saw that his expression was full of shock and shock, and his eyes even welled up uncontrollably! ] 】

[The invincible man of steel, the most powerful being on earth, and the ruler of mankind… I actually cried! 】

“Oh my God, what did I do?”] “】

[Red Superman fell to his knees weakly, crying bitterly and hanging his head. ] 】

“I just want to end war and famine, I just want the best life for everyone. “】

“You have to believe me…”]

[At this moment, Superman’s heart seems to be completely broken. 】

“This… This…”

[Looking at Superman who was crying silently in front of her, Louise also opened her mouth in disbelief, and she couldn’t believe her eyes. ] 】

[Although she had also fantasized about what powerful means Luthor might have used in this envelope, the scene in front of her was so terrifying that it almost made Louise think she was dreaming! ] 】

[“What’s written on this?” “】

[Louise was shocked and inexplicably tore open the envelope, took out the letter paper, and saw that only a short sentence was written on the paper:]

“Superman, why don’t you stuff the whole world into one bottle? “】

In the live broadcast room.

“What’s going on? How did this Superman do it? ”

Looking at Superman kneeling on his knees and regretting his lonely appearance, little Wanda blinked, and the whole person was a little messy.

Why is this sentence so powerful?

Wouldn’t it be magic?

“So it is, this Luthor is really not simple.”

Looking at Little Wanda’s confused look, Tony let out a soft breath, reached out and patted her on the head:

“Do you remember? The alien named Brainiac once attacked Earth, shrunk a city in the Winter Kingdom, and put it in a bottle. ”

“This mechanical life form just treats human civilization as a specimen.”


Little Wanda seemed to have thought of something, but he hadn’t fully figured it out for a while.

At this time, Bruce Wayne said in a deep voice:

“My variation in this world… Before death, it was said that humans are not superhuman pets. ”

“But under Superman’s rule, all humans must grow, work, live according to his instructions…”

“Everything is under Superman’s control.”

“If someone is unwilling, he will forcibly transform his mind and become a puppet.”

“This practice … It is to treat all mankind as his pets! ”

“In other words, stuffing the whole world into an invisible bottle!”

Hearing this, Peter finally came to his senses and couldn’t help but gasp.

Indeed, in the face of superman, whether it is intelligence or physical ability, which is enough to crush all human beings, ordinary people really seem to be inferior to cats and dogs!

What is the point of this life like a pet, living in a bottle for the owner to see?

At this time, Clark’s face did not change in particular.

In fact, from an early age, his father taught him … Don’t show superpowers.

Even in extreme cases, don’t step in to the rescue of others.

For this, his adoptive father even sacrificed his own life.

So, Clark really didn’t quite understand, why did Red Superman go so extreme?

If humans really don’t want your interference, then you just leave it alone?

At this time, a new change appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[At this time, the spaceship controlled by Brainiac also flew above Superman’s head. 】

[Seeing this, Superman said bitterly:]

[“Brainiac, I’m just another alien who bullies underdeveloped species, and there’s no difference from you! “】

“This is morally unforgivable. “】

[Blebbyak responded in an icy voice:]

[“Superman, if you don’t do one thing and don’t stop at two, and now you give up halfway, it is equivalent to losing your previous achievements! This is the real moral corruption! “】

[Superman shook his head:]

“At least human beings have the right to make mistakes, I am not a person of this planet, and I have no right to interfere with them to such an extent. “】

“Turn off your weapons, comrade, let’s go home.”] “】

“Well, it seems that you have made up your mind, but I can’t accept it! “】

[As soon as Brainiac’s words fell, a green light suddenly fell from the sky and slammed Superman to the ground. ] 】

[This is the brilliance of kryptonite! ] 】

“Do you really think… Can you reprogram me? Just by your fingers that are as clumsy as humans? 】

[“I’m a level 12 intelligent lifeform! “】

[Blaignac’s icy voice resounded in the world:]

“I have never followed your orders, it is you who have always followed my commands!”] “】

“Under my guidance, you continue to expand, annexing one country after another. “】

“Originally, the entire universe would eventually prosper within my cage! “】

“It’s a pity that you can’t see the day when my plan is done. “】


[Before the words were finished, Brainiac’s voice suddenly stopped, and the huge mechanical spaceship stopped in midair. ] 】

[The highest level 12 artificial intelligence in the universe… The power actually went off. 】

“Hahaha, that’s what a clumsy human finger can do. “】

[Inside the Brainiac spacecraft, Lex Luthor held a tool and laughed proudly. 】

“Getting me inside this thing was the first mistake this robot made!”] “】

“And his biggest mistake is underestimating human intelligence!” “】


[Through the communicator, Lex Luthor spoke like a declaration of victory:]

[“It’s time for you to get down…”]

[Bleniac’s spaceship was powered off, there was no kryptonite light shining, Superman was immediately resurrected with blood, he easily rushed into the spaceship, and pulled out Bleniac’s CPU again. ] 】

[But no one expected that Superman’s move actually triggered the spacecraft’s self-destruction program. ] 】

[At this moment, Lex Luthor was suddenly stunned, and even cold sweat broke out on his bald head:]

【“oh,my,god! “】

[“The 6 mini black holes powering this spacecraft are about to explode! “】

“Superman, what should we do!”] “】

“What do you think? “】

[Superman pushed Brainiac’s spaceship without hesitation and rushed into space. ] 】

[Seeing this, Luthor exclaimed in a lost voice:]

“This spaceship explodes powerful enough to destroy everything within 15 million miles, Superman! Even you can’t escape. “】


[Listening to Luthor’s exclamation over the communicator, Superman suddenly grinned:]

“Lex, I know you won’t receive this news anytime soon, but I’m still going to say… You’re doing a great move, old friend. “】

[“Boom! “】

[In the depths of the universe, terrifying explosions shook infinite space. 】

[Superman’s figure also disappeared along with Brainiac’s spaceship.] 】

[After Superman disappeared, the economy of the Solstice Kingdom collapsed for a while. 】

[Finally… It was Lex Luthor who absorbed them into the United States of the World under his rule. 】

[Not only that, by absorbing the scientific knowledge left by Superman and Brainiac, Luthor’s scientific research strength has also continued to grow by leaps and bounds. 】

[Soon, all of humanity was brought under the rule of Lex Luthor. 】

[When he was 120 years old, the entire solar system was colonized by humans… The average life expectancy of human beings has also increased to a respectable 800 years. 】

[After living for more than 2,000 years, Lex Luthor left such a last word when he was dying. 】

[“The greatest achievement of my life is defeating that alien! “】

“I saved all mankind from Him. “】

“Damn it!”

Seeing this, Little Wanda puffed out his cheeks angrily, and his face was full of unhappiness.

“What the hell?”

“It turns out that even Superman’s final sacrifice… Is it all within Lex Luthor’s calculations? ”

“That’s right.”

Loki said coldly, this man really saw through Superman’s hypocritical character!

“I even suspect… Bleniac’s ship will self-destruct, also within this Luthor’s calculation! ”

“He stayed in that spaceship for so long, how could he not even know the existence of the self-destruct program?”


Upon hearing this, even Bruce Wayne changed color a little.

It seems that Lex Luthor in this red super universe has a terrifyingly high intelligence!

Little Wanda became even more angry when she heard this, and said while stamping her foot:

“Lex Luthor is such a bastard, why can he live so long.”

“Not only that.”

Loki sneered:

“This guy’s last means of domination is no different from that red superman at all!”

“All mankind is enslaved by his high technology!”

“Saving humanity from aliens… Is it so that they will be ruled by your tyranny? ”

“This Lex Luthor is much more evil than Superman!”

Tony nodded slightly:

“At least Superman stopped as soon as he knew he was wrong.”

“And this Luthor, until he dies, still thinks he is right, how sad.”

“Pathetically… Is it? ……”

The expression on Bruce Wayne’s face suddenly became very strange.

Lex Luthor may have become the greatest hero in human history! Sung forever by the world!

Where is this sad?

Just when everyone thought that this video had ended, new content suddenly appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[A middle-aged man wearing glasses appeared at Luthor’s funeral. 】

[The glasses man originally thought… Louise was able to recognize herself. 】

[In the end, he was still disappointed. 】

[Superman can be said to be dead. 】

[He is invisible among human beings and can witness with his own eyes how the human race will prosper without his own interference! ] 】

[After Luthor’s death, his descendants became the greatest family in human history! ] It has brought human civilization to one peak after another. 】

[Under the guidance of the Luthor family, human beings have been prospering for a billion years and have evolved into the most advanced species in the known universe! ] 】

[However, a direct descendant of Lex Luthor, Joe L, but discovered a terrible truth. 】

[After a billion years, the sun in the solar system is no longer golden, but has become an ominous bright red.] 】

[Moreover, the Earth has begun to move closer to the sun. 】

【Joe · L could not change the fate of the Earth swallowed by the sun, nor could he convince his compatriots … Destruction is coming. 】

[So, he decided to do one thing. 】

【Joe · L built a spaceship that could travel through time and took his son Carl L send back to the past! 】

[In that primitive era when humanity was still weak and primitive, under the light of the golden sun, his son would have unimaginable superpowers! ] 】

[Just before the destruction of the earth, Joe L launched this spaceship! 】


[At the moment when the spacecraft disappeared into the air, the earth was completely sucked into it by the sun and turned into nothing. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[In 1938, a spaceship broke through the night sky and fell to the ground. 】

[Two simple peasant couples, discovered the spaceship… And babies in spaceships. 】

“Shenma ???”

Seeing this, all the people in front of the screen were stunned!

And Clark Kent, as if he saw a ghost, the whole person was completely frozen in place, his eyes were lost, and even his spirit was in a trance.

“So Superman is actually an earthling from the future?”

Peter Parker’s voice was full of astonishment and disbelief, as if even he couldn’t believe what he said.

“More than that!”

Little Wanda grabbed her hair and shouted:

“This guy is still the descendant of that bastard Lex Luthor!”

“How could there be such a thing?”

PS: The next chapter will start “Deadpool Slaughter Marvel Universe”^_^!

PS2: Collect! Ask for flowers! Ask for review votes! Ask for a monthly pass! All for support!

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