The image continues.

[The beauty and the decadent brother ran around in the secret passage in a panic, and finally accidentally entered an ancient secret room]

[Here, they saw five stone slabs with five people depicted on each of them.] 】

[Looking at the murals on these five stone slabs, the beauty suddenly reacted:]

[“Five … It’s a ritual. “】

“They want us to die, and they want us to be punished before we die!” “】

[“Punishment? “】

[Decadent brother Martin, at this time I was a little confused:]

“Why should we be punished? “】

[At this time, a familiar female voice suddenly sounded in the room. 】

“Because you are young. “】

【“!!! “】

[The beauty and the decadent brother looked back and saw a middle-aged woman wearing a professional suit, slowly walking out of the secret passage on the other side. ] 】

[From the voice, they quickly detected the true identity of this woman. 】

[She was on the radio before… The woman who claims that both of them must die! 】

[It seems that this middle-aged woman is the supreme head of an underground base! ] 】

[Facing the beautiful woman with a gun in front of her, the defenseless middle-aged woman was fearless and calmly began to introduce it:]

[It turns out that in order for the ancient gods underground to continue to sleep, their organization must find 5 young people every year. ] 】

[Then in a certain order… Let let the monsters kill them! 】

“If this is not done, the gods who ruled the earth in ancient times will awaken! “】

“But the rituals in other regions have all failed. “】

[Just as the middle-aged lady was speaking, the entire basement suddenly emitted a violent vibration, and it seemed that it was about to collapse. 】

[Seeing this, the lady’s face became more serious, and I saw him staring at the decadent brother and saying:]

“In 8 minutes, the sun will rise!”] “】

“If you were alive by then, the world would perish!” “】

[“Ha! “】

[Brother Decadent sneered when he heard it:]

“Maybe that’s the right thing. “】

“If all my friends must be killed first for the survival of mankind, then this bad world… It just needs to change! “】

“It’s not a matter of change! “】

[The middle-aged woman finally got excited:]

[“Once the ancient gods awaken, everyone on the earth may die a painful death! “】

“Including you! “】

[The woman looked directly at the decadent brother and said word by word:]

“You can choose to die with everyone in the world. “】

“You can also choose to live for them… And die! “】

[Hearing this dilemma, Brother Decadent was also in a dilemma for a while. ] 】

[Although he doesn’t want to die, judging from the situation in front of him, no matter how he chooses, it seems to be a dead end in the end. ] 】

[The only difference.] It is whether he wants to pull all mankind or not… Just die with him! 】

[At this moment, the decadent brother suddenly noticed that the middle-aged woman’s eyes were different, and quickly turned around. ] 】

[I saw that the beauty was already holding a firearm and aiming at his head. ] 】


[Seeing his companion who fought his life to save it, he raised a gun against himself. Decadent brother was also speechless for a while. 】

[The beauty said in an excited voice:]

[“Martin! This is about the whole world…”

[Seeing this, the middle-aged woman was also next to encourage her:]

“That’s right, now the fate of the whole world is in your hands. “】

[“There is no other choice, you can only start! “】

[Hearing this, the beautiful woman’s face showed sadness and pain, and she looked at the decadent Gomartin and said:]

“I’m sorry…”]

[Just as the beauty was about to pull the trigger, a werewolf suddenly appeared from behind her. ] 】

[Indifferently looking at the monster emerging from the darkness, Brother Decadent did not give a warning, but said with a deep face:]

“yes, I’m sorry too. “】

[At the next moment, the werewolf roared, opened his blood basin and mouth, and bit the beautiful woman’s shoulder fiercely! ] 】


[With a series of screams, the beauty was suddenly thrown to the ground by the werewolf! ] The pistol in his hand also fell to the ground. 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Next, Martin quickly grabbed the pistol and fired several shots in a row, shocking the werewolf away. ] 】

[But even so, the beauty has been torn by the werewolf and covered in blood, and she is dying. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, when Martin was fighting with the middle-aged woman, the beautiful woman lying on the ground waiting to die suddenly found that the “girl zombie” of the Buckner zombie family suddenly walked into the secret room with an axe! ] 】


[It seems that thanks to Martin’s kindness in shooting away the werewolf just now, the beauty used her last strength to warn Martin. ] 】

[Seeing this, Martin quickly turned over, and the axe in the hand of this zombie girl… Just cut the middle-aged woman’s brain! 】

[Then, Martin took the opportunity to fly up and kick the girl zombie and the middle-aged woman off the cliff and fall into the endless space below the secret room.] 】

[At this moment, the vibration in the secret room became even more intense. 】

[Obviously, dawn is coming!] 】

[And the ancient gods… Also about to wake up! 】

[Shaking his tired body, Martin lay down next to the dying beauty and asked in a low voice:]

“How are you now?”] “】

[The beauty was covered in blood, and it seemed that it was time to return to the light, and said indifferently:]

[“It’s about to die…”]

[Seeing this, Martin sighed and said:]

[“I’m so sorry, I was before…”

“Nope! I should just apologize. “】

[The beauty seems to have reached the point of “people are dying, and their words are good”, and quickly apologized for her previous near shooting and killing Martin. ] 】

“It doesn’t matter, I can totally understand you. “】

At this point, Martin lit his last cigarette. 】

[Smelling the smell of cigarettes, the face of the dying beauty also showed expectation, but it seemed embarrassed to ask for it.] 】

[Taking a deep breath of the cigarette, Martin took the cigarette and handed it to the beauty casually:]

“I’m so sorry, I deliberately let you be attacked by werewolves before, and… And the world is dying. “】


[The beauty took a puff of her cigarette and said in a trembling voice:]

[“You were right, human…”

[She said sadly:]

“Maybe… It’s time to give other species some chances. “】

[In the next second, an even more intense vibration came! ] 】

[Ancient God! 】

[Obviously, the ancient gods are about to wake up and are about to subvert this world! ] 】

[“Great Evil God? Huh…”]

[Looking at the imminent end of the world in front of him, Martin smoked a cigarette, but his face showed an expression of looking down on everything. 】

[The beauty who only took her last breath said with some curiosity:]

“If I have the chance, I really want to see it. “】

[Well said! “】

[Martin smiled and nodded:]

“So that’s a fun weekend.” “】

[Next, in a series of earth-shaking roars, an incredibly huge giant hand suddenly broke through the ground, crushing the entire forest hut into pieces in an instant! ] 】

[“Boom la la…”

[The ground where the cabin in the forest was originally located exploded, and tens of thousands of tons of earth and rock rushed straight into the sky like a fountain! ] 】

[A giant taller than a mountain slowly emerged from the ground! ] 】

[It raised its head to look at the stars in the sky, raised its hands, and let out a deafening roar! ] 】

[This is the “old god” who ruled the ancient world! ] 】

[The power of mankind is vulnerable in front of him. 】

[And since it has been resurrected… The age of mankind is about to come to an end! 】

[Just after the giant appeared, the screen dimmed down. 】

[End of the broadcast of “Cabin in the Woods”. 】

In the live broadcast room.

Looking at this thrilling ending on the screen, the live broadcast room suddenly fell into death-like silence.

The atmosphere is particularly depressing!



For a while, no one knew what to say.

After a long time, Peter Parker shouted in an exclamation-like voice:

“No, that world… Did it just perish? ”

PS: The next chapter is the SCP Foundation, Toaster & Inverse Meme Section! ^_^

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