In the live broadcast room.

“This… This giant is the ancient god? ”

Little Wanda glanced at the screen that had faded, her face full of disbelief.

The image of that giant is indeed shocking to ordinary people.

But in the live broadcast room, Xiao Wanda has long seen many scenes of destroying the world and even destroying the planet!

In the “Infinity Gauntlet War”, the Celestial God Group even directly kicked the planet as a ball when fighting Thanos!

What is this giant in comparison?

Isn’t it just a little taller?

Is it a little more forceful?

So you can destroy the world?

Tonysdak also molded his chin at this time, and said thoughtfully:

“I have an idea, if this kind of giant is placed in the ancient world, it can definitely crush a country easily.”

“Perhaps it is precisely because of this that the terrifying legends of ancient gods have been passed down from generation to generation, until modern society…”

Young Master Wayne raised his eyebrows slightly when he heard this:

“You mean… The ancient gods are actually not that scary? Just modern people, misled by the legends of the ancients? ”

Tony spread his hands and said unabashedly:

“Otherwise, it’s hard for me to imagine why just such a giant awakening would lead to the end of the world?”

Bruce Wayne pondered for a moment, and suddenly said something startling:

“What if… Isn’t this one giant alone? ”


Peter Parker listened amazed.

Are there still many more such terrible monsters?

Young Master Wayne said slowly:

“Previously in the video, the middle-aged woman once said.”

“In ancient times, the gods ruled the earth.”

“And as long as the ritual succeeds… ‘they’ will continue to sleep underground!”

“They !!!”

Hearing this term, everyone’s expressions changed slightly.

“Hiss… Boy. ”

Peter Parker swallowed his saliva involuntarily, and his face finally showed fear.

One giant alone is indeed not enough to wipe out all mankind.

But if… There are many more like this! Then the situation is completely different!

As if sensing the danger of the situation, Little Wanda pouted, and said with some unhappiness:

“If only these ancient gods were really that powerful… That man named Martin really pulled all mankind to die with him! ”

Hearing this somewhat extreme statement, Tony said calmly:

“In that situation, if it were you, did you really have the determination to brake for all mankind?”


Little Wanda was stunned when he heard this, his face kept changing, and finally he lowered his head and stopped talking.

At this time, Loki suddenly said coldly:

“In that world, in order to appease these ancient gods, every year… All kinds of sacrifice ceremonies must be held all over the world! ”

This situation… I don’t know how long it lasted!

Speaking of this, Loki suddenly laughed happily:

“The funniest thing is that this year, all the ceremonies around the world failed!”

“And this base under the cabin in the forest is all dead because of the monster’s cage!”

“In other words, the probability of failure of this ritual is actually very high!”

“Even if they succeed this year, what about next year? And the year after that? ”

“Maybe one year… It’s all failures again, and then the ancient gods awaken and end everything! ”

Hearing these irrefutable words, Tony and Wayne looked at each other and could see the helplessness in each other’s eyes.

Until now, they all have to admit it…

This world, which relies on crazy rituals to maintain the status quo, is indeed too fragile.

Moreover, this status quo itself … It is extremely inhumane!

And from the position of the decadent Gomartin, if he himself does not want to sacrifice for all mankind, and no one next to him can kill him, it is really an unsolvable death.

At this time, the sentry suddenly scratched his head and asked with some curiosity:

“Some of what you say is too complicated, and I get dizzy to hear it.”

“In contrast, I want to know, why did that secret organization capture so many monsters?”

“Without these monsters, this underground base would not be so easy to perish.”

Bruce Wayne thought for a moment and said:

“They probably collected these monsters for rituals.”

“But I feel… The number seems to be a bit too much. “

Seeing that Young Master Wayne was a little unsure, Peter Parker said weakly:

“Maybe… They also shelter monsters to prevent them from causing damage to humans. ”


Loki listened and sneered:

“You’re naïve, it’s an evil organization! Do you think they’re a league of superheroes? ”

Suddenly, Magneto said coldly:

“No matter how evil these people may seem, their original intentions… It is also to protect the world. ”


Everyone turned their heads to look at Magneto in surprise, as if they didn’t dare to imagine that the term “protect the world” would also come out of his mouth!

At this moment, the screen that had been dim lit up again.

【Ding! Bruce Banner consumes 100 live streaming points! Start playing the multiverse. 】

[Next up is “SCP Foundation”! ] 】

MCU Universe. Tonis Duck’s mansion.

“Okay! Finally it was my turn. ”

Dr. Banner, who was sitting on the sofa, whispered to himself, and then immediately a wry smile appeared on his face.

No way, as long as he thinks of that thing, his thoughts will naturally transform into the first person!

Thinking of this, Dr. Banner involuntarily turned his head and looked at… Tarmac outside the window.

At the edge of the tarmac, there is a small box that is almost invisible.

And inside… And there’s that weird toaster!

Immediately afterwards, a new image appeared on the screen.

[This is an ordinary-looking research base. 】

[The base is full of researchers in white coats and full of people. 】

[At the moment when the picture appeared, everyone also heard the voice of the narration in their ears. 】

“It’s a world full of all kinds of supernatural things. “】

“So, a mysterious organization came into being. “】

“The purpose of this organization is to devote itself to the study … As well as control, all supernatural people, things, things! “】

“The highest purpose of this organization is to permanently secure these supernatural things, contain them, and protect them. “】

Therefore, those who are contained are referred to as SCPs. “】

“And this organization … Also known as the SCP Foundation! “】

“As for containments, there are several levels of foundations. “】

“The safest of them is naturally the “safe” level. “】

[“If there is a supernatural thing, it is easier to be controlled by the foundation, and it does not need to consume too many resources…”

“Then, even if the thing is enough to destroy the world or destroy humanity, it can still be classified as “safe”. “】

[For example, SCP-105-B, although possessing the ability to modify reality, must be held by SCP-105… so this thing is easy to contain, so it is classified as “safe”. “】

[“Taking this as an example, although SCP-999, SCP-343 and other individuals are not weak, they are all classified as “safe” because of their friendly personalities and easy containment. “】

Seeing this, there was an immediate uproar in the chat group.

Deadpool: A secret organization dedicated to containing monsters, wow, that’s really familiar!

Starlight: No, this foundation is the same as the mysterious organization just now… What evil god rituals are held secretly?

Agent J: Ahem, I think you think too much, not all mysterious organizations are evil.

Agent J: It’s like our Men in Black organization was also established to protect humans and aliens.

Runaway Lori Jinx: Is SCP-999 classified as “safe”? No wonder it’s so cute!

Lori Jinx: Hey! Don’t tickle me! ^_^

Nick Fury: Embrace the supernatural? We used to do this kind of thing with S.H.I.E.L.D. before.

Nick Fury: Actually, we have a dedicated repository of paranormal things! Even the Cosmic Cube used to be placed there.

Captain: Nick, is that warehouse really safe? Will the things stored in it pose a threat to the world?

Nick Fury: To be honest, I don’t know.

Nick Fury: Most of the collections in the warehouse, with today’s human technology, can’t be studied at all…

Tony Stark: That’s just because the scientists you were looking for were so useless!

Nick Fury: ……… →_→

Wanda Maksimov: SCP that modifies reality? What is that thing? Is it also chaos magic?

Tony Stark: Who knows, maybe magic, but maybe science.

Stephen Strange: That Manhattan boss can directly modify reality with quantum-level high-dimensional abilities!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[I saw that the picture on the screen suddenly changed, and I came to a place similar to a laboratory, and then the narration sounded again. ] 】

Above the “safe” level, it is the “Euclid” level. “】

“This title comes from the ancient Greek mathematicians… Euclid. “】

[The so-called “Euclid” level refers to those SCPs that are not easy to control, are a threat to the outside world, and even have self-thinking! ] “】

“It is precisely because these SCPs have reading intelligence and even behavioral ability that they are unpredictable. “】

[“Of all the SCPs housed by the Foundation, the largest number is the “Euclid” level. “】

In order to accommodate these troublesome individuals, foundations must also expend far more resources than the “safe” level. “】

[Example: SCP-426, toaster. “】

“Although on the outside, I look like a normal toaster, but if an individual stays by my side for more than two months, it will have terrible consequences! “】

“The individuals concerned will stop seeing themselves as human beings and will think … They are also a toaster! And cause a terrible tragedy! “】

MCU Universe.

“What? Really think of yourself as a toaster? ”

In Tony’s mansion, Bruce Banner’s pupils shrank sharply, and his body jumped up from the sofa like a spring.

A sense of panic rose from his heart that could not be contained.

Glancing at the box on the tarmac, Dr. Banner had the urge to pull out his legs and leave the mansion for a moment!

At this time, in the live broadcast room, everyone was also shocked.

“Damn, this thing really has a more terrifying effect!”

Tony Stark took a deep breath, and his expression immediately became extremely solemn.

At this very moment, he has already come up with dozens of ways to cope with the “toaster”.

The simplest of these, naturally, is to bury it deep in a special alloy safe.

And the most complicated, and the most once and for all, is that Tony himself designed a small rocket to put this toaster … Launch into space!

Out of sight, out of mind!

Even if the “first-person ability” of this monster machine can affect people in the entire universe, as long as it is not visible, at least it will not be “assimilated” into another toaster!

[At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly changed, and a real toaster appeared.] 】

[The voice of the narrator has also changed.] 】

“Hello, I’m SCP426. “】

“I’m a vintage … 1750W toaster. “】

“You may be a little strange, why does a toaster talk? “】

“But actually, I can’t speak. “】

“But whenever you talk about me, write about me, even think of me, you find yourself using the first person uncontrollably. “】

“Not only that, as long as you stay by my side for a long time, you will slowly feel… Myself am also me. “】

“You feel a power cord coming out of your body. “】

“You feel a few extra slots on your body and yearn for a new slice of bread…”

“And over time, you’re going to feel an impulse…”

[That is to connect the current like me, feel the energy circulating in the body, turn into heat, and use it to bake bread…”

“I’m a toaster, and by my side… You will also turn into a toaster. “】

Seeing the ordinary toaster on the screen, listening to the strange narration in my ears, almost everyone in front of the screen had goosebumps on their bodies, an inexplicable chill… It is even sweeping the whole body uncontrollably!

PS: The next chapter, in addition to the toaster, is the legend of other foundations!

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