“It all started in a remote warehouse. “】

A group of shoe sect organizations known as the “Son of the Crimson King” purchased this warehouse. “】

[“As the name suggests, this shoe cult organization worships the Crimson King! “】

[“This high-dimensional evil god is considered to be in the entire multiverse… One of the most powerful, terrifying, and also dangerous beings. “】

“The Crimson King is a nightmare god who represents chaotic cruelty and primordial violence. “】

“It is said that the entry of a Crimson King into the human world will bring a series of destruction and destruction, and will lead to the end of all reality as we know it. “】

“But for unknown reasons, the sons of the Crimson King still do their best to bring the evil gods they worship into our reality. “】

[“Their latest plan is to start in this humble little warehouse…”

[“Along with the ceremony held in the warehouse by the “Son of the Crimson King”, all kinds of chanting, screaming, strange noises… Finally caught the attention of those around him. “】

“Soon, the police officer who received the complaint came to investigate the warehouse. “】

“At first, these officers thought … Just for a late-night party that goes too far. “】

“But they never dreamed that they would actually meet a shoe sect member armed with heavy weapons! “】

“Seeing that these police officers with insufficient firepower are about to be completely eliminated, but tonight… It’s their lucky day. “】

“Given the terrible threat of the Crimson King. The Foundation has long been monitoring the movements of the Son Son of the Crimson Shoe Sect around the world. “】

“When the intelligence was received, the heavily armed containment team quickly descended near the warehouse. And eliminated the shoe sect elements entrenched in the warehouse as quickly as possible. “】

“But it wasn’t until then that the Foundation containment team found out… The real crisis has only just begun. “】

“In the warehouse, they found 7 pregnant girls. “】

“They are all victims of the horrific rituals of the shoe cultists. “】

“These girls are all in the third trimester of pregnancy and it seems that it won’t be long before they give birth. “】

“According to standard procedures, the containment team transported all the girls to a safe place and took them in. “】

At the same time, the fund also collected a number of notebooks and diaries in the warehouse. “】

“From these documents, the Foundation fully understands the nature of the ceremony performed by the “Son of the Crimson King.” “】

[It turned out that these girls suddenly conceived a fetus after the “son of the Crimson King” performed a series of ceremonies on them. “】

In other words, the father of these fetuses may not necessarily be human. “】

[“On the night that these seven pregnant women were taken in, the pregnant woman who was later numbered SCP231-1 suddenly developed labor pains and should have delivered a … SCP。 “】

“Even after being born, this SCP still shows incredible aggression and destructive power. “】

“Not only did it kill its own mother, it also caused a series of disasters and eventually hundreds of casualties. “】

“The people killed by this SCP included the doctors, nurses, and SCP guards in charge of security in the shelter. “】

In view of the terrible tragedy in front of them, the top management of the foundation immediately came to a conclusion. “】

“The remaining 6 pregnant women are likely to give birth … A terrible threat similar to this Scp. “】

[“Senior Investigator Dr. Robert Montauk” was assigned to study the event named SCP-231.] “】

[“I don’t know if it’s a coincidence, this “Robert Montauk” doctor has long been teaching with the “son of the Crimson King” … There was an unfortunate past. “】

“Years ago, Robert’s brother … Jacob Montauk suddenly disappeared and has since completely evaporated. “】

Dr. Robert Mondak insisted that the “son of the Crimson King” was linked to his brother’s disappearance. “】

“It must have been this shoe sect that killed his younger brother! “】

Because of this, Dr. Mondak’s hatred for this shoe sect is also growing, and he is determined to take revenge on it. “】

“Dr. Montauk not only carefully studied all the secret documents seized from the shoe sect, the son of the bonus king, but also conducted a brutal interrogation of the captured shoe sect members. “】

“In the end, Dr. Montauk developed an amazing result! “】

“That’s terrifying… Montauk program! “】

Dr. Montauk is said to have combined the various inhuman methods he had learned from shoe rituals and performed some kind of “reverse engineering” to make them even more barbaric and cruel. “】

“Because the process is so notorious, it has even spawned worse rumors within the foundation. “】

“It is rumored that after inventing this procedure, Dr. Montauk finally fell into complete madness due to excessive morbid attachment and was taken in by the foundation. “】

“Dr. Montauk invented this program for only one purpose. “】

“That is to stop these pregnant women from giving birth, so that those terrible SCPs will not be born into the world. “】

But just as Dr. Montauk’s research came out, the remaining six pregnant women also caused more disasters and misfortunes. “】

“The Foundation attempted to abort the pregnancy of Pregnant Woman No. 2, SCP231-2, but this only prematured her delivery. “】

“After the birth of the second SCP, it unsurprisingly triggered the second catastrophe, and dozens of people, including SCP231-2, died in that catastrophe. “】

“Pregnant woman No. 3, also known as SCP231-3, is rumored to have been subjected to the Montauk procedure, which ended up ending herself due to excessive pressure. “】

“The most terrifying thing is that before she died, she still gave birth to an SCP, which also caused terrible casualties. “】

[Faced with this bad situation, the Foundation exhausted all means, and they even used SCP-500, the legendary panacea that can cure all diseases. “】

“After taking a panacea. Pregnant woman No. 4, SCP231-4, successfully excreted the fetus from her body safely. “】

“However, this already formed SCP caused another mass casualty incident and killed SCP231-4, as well as many others present. “】

“The Foundation attempted to apply the Montauk program to SCP231-5, but again failed. “】

“This time, the SCP that was born not only caused a large number of deaths, but even destroyed the shelter used by the Foundation to house SCp231…”Site-231-Aleph”! “】

[“The Montauk program, in a different way, led to the “SCP231-6 incident”]

“But this time, things are a little different. “】

“A Foundation agent, after learning the details of the Montauk process, felt guilty about his role in it. “】

“Under the condemnation of his conscience, he chose to flee with SCP231-6. “】

“The resulting fighting and firefight resulted in the premature birth of SCP231-6, the sixth pregnant woman. “】

“The SCP that was produced killed her… That betrayal agent… As well as all the creatures nearby. “】

“According to the Foundation’s observations, with each new fetus born, its catastrophe level rises. “】

[In other words, if SCP-231-7 is giving birth, then… The baby she gave birth to is likely to trigger an XK-level scenario…”

“That is, the end of the world! “】

“After much research and careful consideration, the Foundation firmly believes that only the implementation of the Montauk procedure on Scp2317 every hour can ensure that she… Will not give birth to the baby who is enough to destroy the world! “】

“This is the only way for all mankind to survive. “】

“It is rumored that D-class personnel who were forced to carry out the procedure themselves were even given explosive collars. “】

“So, if they show even a second of hesitation in the program, the Foundation can blow their heads off!” “】

“Inside the foundation, the horror and cruelty of the Montauk process has been rendered to the point of distorting people’s voices. “】

“Although no one knows what this program is, everyone has heard that even if you take a closer look at the Montauk program… ‘it’ may cause you incurable mental trauma! “】

[It is precisely because of this that when Foundation Fellow Dr. Anderson Montgomery learned … He will be involved in SCP-231 and will assist the team in executing the Montauk procedure…”

“He almost scared to pee. “】

And seeing this, the chat group suddenly exploded.

Starlight: What? What exactly is that program? Why does it scared me so much? (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: Uh… Although I don’t know the specifics, I can probably guess.

Deadpool: Previously, when I was captured by the X-Weapon branch and forced to conduct various experiments, what I experienced… It should be something like that.

Wolverine: Hmm… If that’s the case, I can understand that.

God of War Kratos: Hmph, isn’t it hellish pain for the living? I’ve been through this kind of thing for a long time.

Captain America: How do you act like it doesn’t matter? That’s a pregnant woman!

Thanos Thanos: Human compassion… Is it so shallow?

Captain America: Monster! What did you say?

Thanos Thanos: Just sacrificing a woman can prevent the end of your world.

Thanos Thanos: It’s a good deal by any measure.

Captain America: You!!!

Lori Jinx: Abominable… This group of useless guys …

The thought of the pregnant woman having to endure inhuman suffering to ensure that the world would not be destroyed by evil gods, even the sharp-mouthed Jinx had nothing to say for a while.


As if sensing her low state of mind, the orange slime monster SCP-999 suddenly pounced and leaned on Jinx’s body.

And at this moment, Jinx’s low mood was peaceful again.

Sniffing the fragrance like a hundred flowers in her nostrils, Jinx let out a long breath, reached out and hugged the cute SCP-999 tightly, and muttered in a low voice:

“Why? Why is there so much suffering in the world? ”

And at this time in the live broadcast room.


Bruce Wayne clenched his fists, and the green tendons on his forehead protruded, and he was really angry for a while!

He couldn’t imagine that in another world, there was a pregnant woman who was suffering day and night!

And all this is actually done in the name of saving the world!

At this time, next to him, Little Wanda, who has always been the most energetic, is also holding his head, seemingly speechless.

Looking at the appearance of Master Wayne and the little girl, Tony Stark’s face was as heavy as water, and he didn’t say a word, and many thoughts suddenly turned in his heart.

In just a split second, he could judge that in another universe, this so-called SCP Foundation was facing the famous moral dilemma, the so-called train dilemma.

Should we sacrifice the minority in order to save the majority?

If the question is more general, and now before the Foundation … This is a more explicit multiple-choice question.

Should we sacrifice a pregnant woman to save the world?

And in this awkward silence, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

When he learned that he would be involved in the Montauk process, Dr. Anderson broke out in a cold sweat. “】

“As a senior researcher, he knows that the SCP Foundation avoids extreme situations and even K-level scenarios… Will do something horrible. “】

[“For example, beings such as SCP-2845 “Stag” and SCP-974 “Treehouse Predators” must be periodically provided by the Foundation to keep them stable. “】

“But… There are rumors about the Montauk program, it’s too scary! “】

“Even as a senior researcher, he doesn’t think he can bear it. “】

Dr. Anderson then sprang into action, questioning all acquaintances he knew at the foundation in an attempt to obtain any information about the Montauk process. “】

“But all the information he got only made Dr. Anderson panic even more.” “】

[“It is said that all those who have participated in the Montauk proceedings have volunteered … or involuntary acceptance of memory deletion. “】

Some people even comforted him like this:”]

“At least after doing this, you can forget about it completely…”

“After the Foundation and Dr. Anderson were all ready, he was finally blindfolded and taken to the containment site containing SCP-231-7. “】

“A new round of the Montauk process is about to begin. “】

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