[When the young Dr. Anderson finally arrives at the containment site, he is greeted by the supreme leader of the SCP-231 project… Dr. Gregory, who is very old. 】

[The two barely exchanged pleasantries, just silently walked towards SCP231-7’s containment point.] 】

[Dr. Anderson could hear nothing but footsteps.] 】

Finally, the two walked to a double-storey door, and Anderson clearly saw the nameplate inlaid on the door. 】

[Item Number: SCP-231-7]

【Project Level: Keter】

[Just seeing the term “Keter” made Dr. Anderson’s heart move. 】

In the foundation, the so-called “Keter”-level containment objects are abnormal individuals that are difficult to eliminate, uncontrollable, and even almost impossible to contain. 】

[Although Dr. Anderson has worked in the foundation for a long time, he does not know how many abnormal individuals the foundation is holding. 】

[And among all the individuals he knows, the most famous “Keter”-level containment is SCP-682, the immortal lizard! ] 】

[This big lizard not only has a fierce personality, kills people when it sees people, but also has an almost absolute sense of immortal body! ] 】

[The Foundation tried countless times to kill it, but in the end it was unsuccessful. It was also found by 682 and escaped many times, causing many casualties. 】

[If before that, Dr. Anderson still had even a little bit of luck in his heart, it is now gone. ] 】

[As he saw, the rumored “seventh pregnant woman” was indeed a dangerous SCP! ] The level is also very high! 】

[At this moment, that Dr. Gregory directly opened the door in front of the two. 】

[Dr. Anderson walked in and saw that this was not a containment room, but a monitoring room with several large screens. 】

[But on all screens, only one empty room is displayed.] 】

Not only that, Dr. Anderson also noticed that on the main console of this monitoring room, a large amount of medical information and vital organ statistics were displayed. 】

[Including heart rate index, brain wave curve, etc., etc….]

When he thought of the meaning of this medical information, Dr. Anderson felt a chill behind him. 】

[Just when Dr. Anderson was a little restless, a voice suddenly sounded on the radio in the monitoring room:]

[“Warning: The Montauk process is about to begin in 5 minutes, please report to your post. “】

[As soon as he heard this voice, Dr. Anderson only felt that he was turning over the river and the sea for a while, and he almost vomited. 】

[Dr. Gregory, who had been silent at this time, suddenly patted him on the shoulder:]

“Take it easy, Doctor, I think you’ll find that this task is not as bad as you think. “】

“Not that bad? “】

[Dr. Anderson’s face twitched, and he managed to squeeze out an ugly smile. 】

[A few minutes later, the radio in the monitoring room sounded again:]

[“Attention to everyone: The Montauk program begins now! “】

[Dr. Anderson desperately suppressed the tension in his heart and set his eyes on the surveillance screen in front of him. 】

[I saw the empty room on the screen, suddenly opened the door, and two nurses walked in with a girl. 】

[When Dr. Anderson saw the little girl’s face, he only felt that the blood all over his body was about to coagulate, and he almost fainted for a while. 】

[This child, how can it be the 7th…”

[Soon, Dr. Anderson noticed the abnormality! ] 】

[The little girl’s abdomen is unusually bulging, and she looks like she is pregnant! ] 】

[Only then did he remember some of his previous investigations into SCP-231.] 】

[Those 7 pregnant women were kidnapped by the “Son of the Crimson King” shoe sect, and then inexplicably became pregnant. ] 】

[It was not a man who caused them to conceive a fetus, but a bizarre shoe ritual.] 】

[That is, the fetus in their womb… It is not conceived, it is “given” by powerful and terrifying otherworldly beings. 】

[This situation is somewhat similar to the “Virgin Mary” in religious mythology and legend. 】

[The only difference is that the existence given to their fetuses is not a god, but an otherworldly demon. 】

[At this moment, Dr. Gregory gave the order to the intercom in front of him:]

[“SCP-231-7 is in place, releasing Class D. “】

[Immediately afterwards, the door of the little girl’s room opened again, and a D-rank officer wearing the foundation’s standard clothes walked in. 】

[The D-class officer was still holding something in his hand, but because of the angle, Dr. Anderson couldn’t see it clearly for a while.] 】

【“!!! “】

[When this D-rank person who is tall and strong and even has a somewhat hideous face… As he walked towards the little girl, Dr. Anderson felt his heart beat to the mouth of his throat, and he almost couldn’t slow down in one breath. 】

[Due to excessive nervousness, his eyes were a little black! ] 】


[Just then, he heard Dr. Gregory’s voice:]

“You can get started. “】

[Under Dr. Anderson’s terrified gaze, I saw the D-rank officer walk up to the little girl, sit on a chair, and spread what he was holding on his knees. 】

[That’s a book. 】

“Hello, Catherine, meet again,”

[D-level personnel said softly:]

“Tonight I bring you a new story called Good Night Moon, want to hear it.”] “】

[“Hmm! “】

The little girl nodded vigorously, and at the same time caught the toy in her hand in front of the murderer. 】

[Only then did Dr. Anderson discover that this little girl with a belly was actually holding a stuffed bunny toy in her hand.] 】

[“A long, long time ago…”

[The D-level officer reads the children’s book in his hand and tells Catherine a bedtime story. 】

[In the soft voice, the little girl grabbed the stuffed rabbit toy and fell asleep on the pass. 】

[After telling the story, the man closed the book and stood up, reached out and touched the little girl’s head, and then turned his head and walked out of the room. 】


[Looking at the incredible scene in front of him, Dr. Anderson was completely stunned. 】

[At this moment, he stood stiffly in place motionless. The expression on his face became extremely exciting, and for a moment he almost couldn’t believe his eyes! 】

[This is the Montauk program?] 】

[How is it possible?] 】

[Is he crazy?] 】

[Could it be… Is this some kind of spirit, god, dirt, and pollution? 】

[When he saw SCP-231-7, he was already in a deep hallucination and couldn’t extricate himself?] 】

[At this moment, a calm voice sounded in the monitoring room:]

“The Montauk program is over. “】

【“!!! “】

[Dr. Anderson turned around, and saw the white-haired Dr. Gregory standing behind him, looking at him calmly:]

“How’s it going, Dr. Anderson?”] Are there any anomalies? “】

“Uh, I—no, no anomalies, except, uh… Except—”]

[Dr. Anderson was completely stupid, not only did he not reach the meaning, but he almost bit his tongue when he spoke. 】

[Seeing this, Dr. Rigoli had a strange smile on his face:]

“The only anomaly, I guess… It’s just that the Montauk program is not what you expected. “】

[Dr. Anderson only felt that his throat was dry and involuntarily swallowed his spit:]

“As far as I know, the Montauk program … It seems like…… No…… This one. “】

“What you heard… That’s what the Foundation wants you to know. “】

Dr. Gregory put his hand on the shoulder of the young man in front of him. Explained the ins and outs to him. 】

[It turns out that the Montauk procedure has never been some kind of terrible suffering… Punishment. 】

[But if you want this kind of program to work, you have to deceive everyone and make them believe… It really is. 】

[Especially… The Crimson King himself! 】

PS: The big chapter can’t be sent, there will be 2 more chapters later.

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