[With a new picture, that weird narration also sounded.] 】

[“Pietro Wilson is a staff member of the SCP Foundation and works at Base 22. “】

“On this day, he was having lunch in the restaurant at the base. “】

Suddenly, a group of heavily armed mobile contingents entered this base. “】

“After entering, they first gathered everyone in the base into the restaurant. “】

“Since these people all had identification with the foundation, the staff at the site obeyed their orders. “】

“But no one expected that when the staff arrived, these mobile contingents would directly open fire! “】


[“Under the strafing of automatic weapons, the members of the Foundation Work Council in white coats are like cutting wheat… Thrown to the ground by tongues of fire. “】

[“Aaaa “”】

[“Help! Don’t kill me! “】

“Run away, these people are crazy.”] “】

“With gunshots, exclamations, screams and pleas for mercy, countless staff members frantically fled in all directions. “】

[“Oh my God…”]

Pietro was shocked and pale, desperately trying to escape, and finally escaped from the restaurant. “】

In a panic, Pietro fled all the way inside the base. “】

“When he came to his senses, he found that… Although they know the location of the entrances and exits, those places are already occupied by mobile contingents. “】

In desperation, Pietro could only go further inside the base. “】

【”Alert! …… Alert! …… The base has been invaded! “】

“At this time, emergency lights have been lit up in the corridors inside the base, and the sirens are shrill and harsh. “】

While suppressing his beating heart, Pietro held his breath and carefully walked forward along the corridor. “】

But at this moment, he suddenly noticed something strange and couldn’t help but look back. “】

【“!!! “】

A contingent soldier armed with a firearm was standing at the back of the corridor, looking at him coldly! “】

[“Bang! “】

“In the next moment, the gunshots rang out again! Almost hit him! “】

[“! “】

Pietro ran wildly along the corridor and fled to a closed door. “】

“This door bears the clear “SCP” logo on it. “】

“It seems, there’s something inside. “】

“But now, Pietro has no choice! “】

“He either fled inside or waited to be shot!”] “】


“As soon as Pietro burst into the door, a series of bullets hit the iron gate, leaving several bullet holes in the door. “】

[“Bang! “】

[“With the last strength to firmly close the iron door and lock it, Pietro knelt on the floor and gasped loudly, feeling only his heart for a while… It almost jumped out of my throat. “】


[“I finally survived! “】

Finally calming his beating heart, Pietro began to look around the room. “】

[I saw that this place was empty, except for a shelf, the only thing that existed in the room was a battle suit hanging on the shelf. “】

“With a beautiful helmet and streamlined shape, this suit seems to be some kind of high-tech product. “】

“Pietro has heard that in this base of theirs, there is an “SCP” named SCP5000. “】

“However, this SCP seems to be classified as “Safe” level, which does not pose a danger to humans, so the degree of secrecy is not high. “】

Even Pietro had heard it in chats with staff inside the base. “】

However, he only knows the code name and project level of this SCP, and does not know what it looks like, let alone what “it” can do. “】

[“Boom! Boom! Boom! “】

At this moment, a loud roar suddenly sounded behind Pietro. “】

[“It’s those mobile contingents! “】

“They want to break down the door! Then kill me! “】

【“!!! “】

The blood that finally gushed up on Pietro’s face disappeared in an instant. “】

“Although this house is used to contain SCPs, since this is a safe level, there is no risk of escape, so the security is not strict. “】

“If those mobile task forces do do do it, it’s only a matter of time before they break down the door. “】

“However, if this is really the kind of heavily guarded security warehouse, Pietro himself will not be able to enter at all. “】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

Seeing the iron door frame that gradually began to twist under the heavy blow, Pietro’s face suddenly turned gray. “】

He knew that the other party had already used the door breaker, and he would soon be finished. “】

In desperation, Pietro turned and looked at the only thing in the room. “】

【“SCP5000。 “】

“That high-tech suit. “】

[“Just fight! “”】

With a loud roar, as if to cheer himself up, Pietro gritted his teeth, stepped forward, and took the suit off the hanging shelf. “】

First of all, he knew that this SCP was “Safe” and would not cause harm to humans. “】

[“Secondly, I am already dead, what is there to be afraid of? “】

Pietro put this high-tech suit on himself as quickly as possible. “】

He soon discovered that SCP-5000 began to automatically adapt to Pietro’s body. “】

[“Tall, short, fat and thin, hands and feet, shoulders, waistline… Everything is adjusted to fit very closely, as if tailor-made. “】

Immediately after, the sci-fi helmet automatically covered his entire head. “】

[At this time, Pietro Wilerson’s whole person was wrapped in SCP5000. “】

[“Just the next moment…”]

[“Boom! “】

With a loud bang, the iron door of the room was slammed open! “Bang” fell to the ground. “】

Before the smoke and dust could clear, the heavily armed mobile contingent stormed the room. “】

[“What about people? “】

“Where’s that guy?”] “】

“The members of the task force frantically searched the room, but at a glance they could tell… This room is simply empty! There is no one inside! “】

“In the eyes of the members of the task force, the only thing that exists in the room is an empty shelf. “】

“Just a minute ago, there was a high-tech suit called ScP-5000 hanging from the shelf. “】

“Guard the door and don’t let him escape.”] “】

[“Hell, why can’t you find it? “】

A voice full of anger and confusion rang out in the room. The members of the task force looked around, but saw nothing. “】

“They never dreamed that Pietro Wilerson, wearing SCP-5000 suits, was standing right next to them! “】

【“??? “】

Inside the suit, Pietro’s eyes widened, almost unable to believe what he was seeing. “】

“At the moment when the gate was blasted open, he thought he was dead.” “】

“I watched the members of the task force walking around her with firearms in hand, but none of them glanced in his direction. “】

In Pietro’s heart, an incredible idea suddenly arose. “】

“Is it… Does this suit have stealth function? “】

“So, these people can’t see him? “】

[“Isn’t that right? “】

Pietro stretched out his hand and shook it in front of him. “】

“Through the high-tech helmet, he can clearly see his arms. “】

Next, Pietro boldly walked up to a member of the task force. “】

“The other party still doesn’t have any reaction. “】

“Strange, I don’t seem to be invisible now, but they just can’t see me!”] “】

Confirming that he would not be killed, Pietro let out a long sigh of relief, and then a thought suddenly popped into his mind. “】

As a staff member of the Foundation, Pietro also knows some basic SCP common sense. “】

One of them is the concept of “inverse memes.” “】

[The so-called “meme” is the spread, similar to the “meme” on the Internet, which can spread quickly. “】

And “inverse memes” are anti-propagation. “】

[“Any SCP that possesses the concept of “inverse memes” has the ability to counter-propagate. “】

[Simply put, you either can’t see, hear, or feel “it” at all. “】

“Either you saw it and heard it, but you can’t remember it!”] As soon as you turn around, you forget! “】

Fortunately, SCP-5000 only exerts this “reverse memetic” effect after being put on by the host. “】

Otherwise, the foundation would not have been able to contain “it” at all. “】

“Because… Humans have no way of confirming the existence of “it” or not. “】

[“The function of this suit should be ‘cognitive exclusion’. “】

Pietro’s eyes showed abruptness. “】

[“After the suit is activated, it cannot make itself invisible, but can make the brains of those around it “shield” it. “】

“Even if Pietro stands in front of these people, their brains can’t receive the relevant visual signals. “】

While the task force continued to search the empty room in vain, Pietro walked out directly swaggering. “】

On his way to the base exit, Pietro witnessed horrific conditions. “】

“His colleagues, his friends, all were killed. “】

“Those task forces, after merciless shooting, even stopped and fired at the heads of every corpse. “】

“It seems that the only mission of these people is to kill everyone and make sure that no one survives. “】

Seeing this, the flame of anger burned in Pietro’s heart. “】

At the same time, he discovered more about the suit. “】

“In addition to shielding visual cognition, SCP-5000 appears to shield hearing. “】

“When Pietro walks, he sometimes makes sounds because he steps on something. “】

But none of the members of the task force looked in his direction. “】

“Obviously, their hearing is blocked. “】

“As long as inside this suit, Pietro is a perfect invisible man. “】

But just as he walked out of the base gate, Pietro suddenly thought of something again. “】

[“Myself… How do I take this suit off? “】

[“Carefully searching around the body, Pietro did not find any… A button or zipper to remove the suit. “】

[“Recalling just now, this battle suit seemed to come to life, automatically covering his body! “】


[“Pietro swallowed his spit a little nervously, and began to worry… Will this suit be like those cursed items in legend, once it is on the body, it will not be able to break free! “】

But soon, the worry in his heart was overshadowed by anger! “】

Looking back at Base 22 with hatred, Pietro turned around and walked into the current desert without hesitation. “】

“As a Foundation employee, Pietro has long been trained to know that in the event of an irresistible anomaly, the next thing he will do is to cross the desert and go to the nearest SCP Foundation safe house! “】

“There, he not only gets food, he drinks water… All aspects of supply, you can also get in touch with the foundation directly! “】

“What Pietro wants most, apart from asking the foundation, is to get further information. “】

“Who are those armed contingents?”] “】

[“Was it sent by an organization hostile to the SCP Foundation?” “】

[“Also, this suit on my body… How exactly do I take it off? “】

And while Pietro was trudging through the desert, he suddenly discovered another incredible thing. “】

[“Strange words suddenly appeared on his suit helmet. “】

At first, these words were words that he could not understand, and then they were transformed into the language of recognition. “】

[“First of all, the text shows his vital signs, heartbeat, blood pressure, breathing… Wait a minute. “】

“Secondly, there are also functions that can be started on the text. “】

“The only thing that can be activated at present is the “diary archiving” function. “】

Alone in the desert, Pietro, with nothing to do, began to use this magical suit to record everything that had just happened to him. “】

【“…… Just like that, I left Base 22…”

Just after talking about his experience to the helmet, looking at the yellow sand in front of him, Pietro suddenly felt a little dry mouth. “】

“Maybe I should rehydrate myself.”] “】

“As soon as this thought arises, Pietro discovers that the writing on his helmet says… His body is completely healthy and does not show any symptoms of dehydration at all. “】

“Moreover, judging by the time display, he has been trudging in the desert for several hours without stopping. “】

“This… How is this possible? “】

“Pietro is just an ordinary foundation employee, not a trained super soldier? “】

[“Where did he get such strong physical strength? “】

At this moment, Pietro also felt the abnormality in his body. “】

[“Endless physical strength is constantly coming out, making Pietro feel that he can even go on like this until the sky is old! “】

[“It seems that as long as he wears this suit, Pietro has unlimited physical strength! “】

“Moreover, his body can also be guaranteed by unlimited energy. “】

[Now he seems to have become a “human perpetual motion machine”! “】

“Relying on the infinite physical energy provided by the suit, Pietro finally crossed the desert and entered the secret safe house of the foundation. “】

【”Knock knock…”】

“The first thing Pietro did after entering the safe house… It was to find a bottle of water and pour it all into the stomach. “】

“Although SCP5000. He can be provided with all the nutrients and energy he needs, but as a living being, his thirst for water can be instinctive. “】

After settling down, Pietro turned on the television in the safe house. “】

“All the channels on TV are currently broadcasting the same thing. “】

[It was this incident that almost scared Pietro’s jaw! “】

“What? How is this possible? “】

[” Pietro was stunned to look at the TV screen in front of him, the surprised expression on his face directly froze, and his pupils expanded outward in an instant, so shocked that he almost fainted! ] “】

[“I saw that I could see it everywhere on the screen, and it was unscrupulous… Ravaging SCPs around the world! “】

[“All kinds of terrifying monsters have killed countless humans! “】

“It’s as if overnight, someone took all of the Foundation’s SCPs… All released! “】

[“What’s going on? What’s going on? “】

Pietro was completely knocked down by terror and sat down weakly on the safe sofa. “】

“As an employee of the Foundation, he knows very well how terrifying those SCPs that are contained are! “】

“If these monsters are really released, then… Human civilization can be destroyed at any time! “】

At this moment, on the TV channel he was watching, a news anchor appeared. “】

[I saw the anchor’s face turned pale, and he said in a nervous voice:]

“Now all over the world. All under the crazy attack of monsters! And this station, just received the latest news! “】

[“An organization that calls itself the SCP Foundation claims … Take responsibility for the attacks of all these monsters! “】

[“The news anchor opened a piece of paper in front of the camera and read it out in a trembling voice:”]

The foundation’s supreme governing body, which calls itself the “O5 Committee,” has just issued the following statement. “】

“For those who are still not aware of our presence, the organization we represent is called the ‘SCP Foundation.'” “】

“Our previous mission was to contain and study ‘anomalous items, entities, and all sorts of other phenomena.'” “】

“This mission has been the focus of our organization for hundreds of years. “】

“But due to circumstances beyond our control, the directive has now changed. Our new mission… It will be the extermination of all mankind! “】

[“After that, there will be no further communication…”

【“!!! “】

[“In the Scp-5000 suit, Pietro opened his mouth wide, only to feel that his scalp was numb, and goosebumps came out all over his body! “】

[“Right now, his three views are shattered! “】

[“The SCP Foundation has declared war on all mankind! “】

“How could there be such a thing?”] “】

[“Isn’t the purpose of the existence of this foundation to protect the human world? “】

[“Pietro only felt that his head was buzzing, his thinking became extremely chaotic, and even his brain was about to short circuit! “】

And at this moment, Pietro suddenly thought of a terrifying possibility. “】

“Before, the contingent sent to eliminate their base. Could it be that it was not from a hostile organization, but from a foundation? “】

“The Foundation not only wants to destroy all of humanity, but also wants to destroy itself? “】

In the live broadcast room.

There was silence, silence.

Almost all of them had a puzzled and pensive look on their faces, as if they were the actions of the Foundation suddenly standing against humanity… Puzzled and shocked.


Why did this organization act so crazy?

“O5 Committee! Are they the supreme controllers of the SCP Foundation? ”

Bruce Wayne’s eyebrows moved, as if to get to the heart of the matter.

At this moment, an untimely voice suddenly sounded.

“What a powerful suit.”

Little Wanda stared at the screen deadly, and little stars seemed to appear in her eyes.

“Stark! That SCP-5000 suit seems to have more functionality than your steel suit! ”

“Do you make such a suit?”

PS: Some readers in the comment area feel that the number of words is small, so let’s have a big chapter today.

PS2: Countless SCPs are released, next… Exciting chapters are coming!

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