“This SCP-5000…”

Hearing that little Wanda wanted to make a similar suit himself, Tony Stark faced… There was a rare look of embarrassment.

If it is the kind of function that “automatically replenishes body energy” and allows users to “greatly increase physical strength”, Tony feels that as long as he puts in some research effort, it may not be impossible to create it.

But the invisible function of that “inverse meme” nature is too exaggerated.

When it comes to the invisibility suit, Tony himself knows many kinds of optical camouflage, light reflection, optical illusion and so on.

But who knows what’s going on with “inverse memes”?

Seeing now, although Tony has figured out the function of this function, he still does not know anything about its “principle”.

In this case, how do you want him to make it?

Tony sighed secretly, feeling a little regretful.

“Abominable! If there’s an ‘inverse meme’ object here, let me study it well. ”

As soon as he thought of this, his heart moved again, and his pupils shrank slightly.

According to the introduction on the previous screen, the so-called “reverse meme” is to make others unaware of its existence.

That being the case, if he really gets such an object … And how to study?

This kind of thing, even if it is placed in front of Tony’s eyes, he can’t see it!

And just when Tony Stark was entangled, the sentry next to him scratched his head and asked with some doubt:

“What kind of foundation is this… Why exterminate humans? And, can they do it? ”

“Hmph! Do you still need to ask? ”

Loki sneered:

“These guys can even start from nothing… Rebuilding a human civilization can be made! ”

“In comparison, just destroying the world is too simple.”


Hearing such somewhat extreme words, no one refuted for a while, even Little Wanda did not speak.

From the series of videos just now to now, the ability shown by the Foundation has left a deep impression in the hearts of everyone.

A powerful being, if the power that was originally used to protect the world… Use it to destroy the world, and it will immediately become a terrifying enemy!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

The weird narration also sounded. “】

In the safe house of the foundation, the confused Pietro suddenly had various questions in his heart after the initial shock. “】

[“What’s going on? “】

“How has the current situation deteriorated? “】

[“With these doubts in mind, Pietro turned on the TV and began to constantly change the TV channel”】

And through the authority in the safe house, he began to access some of the foundation’s materials. “】

Soon, he saw a terrifying scene on TV. “】

“On the street, a group of soldiers armed with automatic weapons … The team is firing wildly at a white monster. “】


[“For a while, the rain of bullets beat the white monster in front of him to flesh and blood. But as if it didn’t feel anything, the monster continued to rush forward. “】

[“Monster! Give me death! “】

A military officer roared, raised an anti-tank rocket launcher over his shoulder, and then jerked the trigger. “】

[“Swoosh! “】

“A rocket shot out sharply and hit the white monster. “】

[“Boom! “】

[“The terrible explosion sound was deafening, and for a while, the smoke and dust drowned the entire monster! “】

[“But in the next moment…”


[“The white monster let out a terrible strange cry and rushed out from the smoke and dust madly! ] “】

“I saw that this monster was covered in miserable white, his hands were so long that he could almost touch the ground, and his body was extremely thin, almost skin and bones, and he didn’t seem to be very strong. “】

“However, when this monster rushed in front of those soldiers, a whirlwind of flesh and blood immediately broke out! “】

[“Aaaa “】

[“Oh God! What is that? “】

“Save me!”] No……! “】

“Like the wind sweeping away leaves, the white monster waved his slender hands and effortlessly beat those soldiers to pieces, and some limbs even flew into the air! “】

“This… What the hell is this? “】

After the picture on the TV finally faded, Pietro still sat on the sofa in the safe room, staring blankly at the screen. “】

[“After a while, he suddenly realized and slapped his head:]

[“That’s right! I can check it out on the foundation’s website. “】

“With special access inside the safe house, Pietro can access the foundation’s website and access most of the SCPs. “】

When he entered the information of the white monster from before into the computer, he quickly came to a conclusion that frightened him. “】

[Item Number: SCP-096]

【Project Level: Euclid】

[alias: shy person]

[“SCP-096 is a humanoid creature approximately 2.38 meters tall. “】

“Since there were no muscles at all on the body, according to a preliminary weight analysis, it was indicated that he had mild malnutrition. “】

[“SCP-096’s arms are severely disproportionate to their bodies, with each hand being 1.5 meters long. “】

“Its whole body is white, there is no melanin, even the eyeballs are pure white. “】

[In addition, SCP-096’s facial features are very similar to those of ordinary humans, but the jaw can open to 4 times the size of a normal human. “】

[“According to research, SCP-096 does not have a high IQ, and some researchers have even speculated that he must be some kind of creature without intelligence. “】

[“In general, SCP-096 behaves extremely docile and is easily misunderstood and timid due to its excessive introversion. “】

[“At the beginning, the first containment team sent to contain SCP-096… That’s what I thought. “】

[“As soon as I arrived at the location of the target, I saw the thin body of this white monster and the appearance of sitting on his knees, and the containment team immediately felt… This object should not be difficult to contain. “】

“However, when they saw SCP-096’s face, everything changed. “】


“Finding that the containment team saw his face, SCP096 immediately began to whimper, first sobbing and then turning into loud crying. “】

[“Aaaa “】

[“The white monster opened its mouth and screamed like a baby in unrecognizable language! “】

“It seems… It was as if he had completely collapsed! “】

[“Discovering the terrifying changes in front of them, the containment staff were immediately shocked, and they all raised their guns and pulled the trigger on the white monster! “】

“But their move only completely angered the monster.” “】

[“Wow! “】

[“With a terrifying scream, the white monster entered some kind of killing frenzy! “】

“He was under a hail of bullets… Almost killed the containment team in front of him. “】

“The most terrifying thing is that because the white monster’s attack is so ferocious, the containment team that died under him can’t even find the wreckage! “】

“In this terrible slaughter… In the killing, the only one who survived was… Containment Squad Leader! “】

[This is because, due to the angle, the captain did not directly see the face of the white monster! ] “】

“Moreover, the captain’s brain is also moving quickly. “】

From the reason for the monster’s attack to the reason for his own safety, the guild leader quickly summed up a possibility. “】

“This monster can’t be seen in the face! “】

[“Looking at SCP-096 who was squatting down again in the distance, holding his hands on his knees, like a very shy shy, the captain immediately had a bold idea! “】

“He approached the white monster from behind, covered his head with a bag, and… SCP-096, which did not resist, was contained. “】

[“The bold guess of the leader of the containment squad… That’s right! “】

[“As long as no one sees his face, this white monster is a very docile guy who doesn’t even understand resistance! “】

“At that time, no one in the foundation thought that they had just taken in a … Probably one of the deadliest SCPs of all time! “】

“After successfully containing the white monster, the foundation immediately began to study it. “】

“And then… A series of tragedies struck. “】

First, the Foundation sent “one-off” D-level personnel to approach SCP-096 to understand its attack patterns. “】

As a result, just like in the first incarnation, SCP-096 would cover his face with his hands and cry loudly. “】

“It’s as if he’s suffering from some kind of unbearably powerful emotional distress. “】

[“Such crying and wailing will last for 1 to 2 minutes.”

Then, as if the strings had been broken, SCP096 would stop crying, get up from the ground, and then rush to everyone who had seen his face and kill them all. “】

“Through subsequent research and experimentation, the Foundation discovered even more terrifying facts. “】

“Those D-class personnel who were used as experimental objects, even if they did not see SCP-096’s face with their own eyes, just saw his video and even photos, would automatically trigger the killing pattern of this white monster. “】

“This monster seems to have a weird sixth sense, which can instinctively perceive… Who is it, who sees his own face! “】

“And… Where is the other party! “】

[“This monster’s “sixth sense” can even allow him to accurately “locate” the position of the ‘observer’. “】

“Upon realizing that he was being observed, SCP-096 would immediately break down the door, and no matter how strong the containment chamber, could stop him from doing so. “】

“And, no matter how far away the person who saw his face was and SCP-096, the result was the same.” “】

“This monster will find that person and kill him. “】

[Even if the observer “hides in a ship in the sea, or an airplane in mid-air…”

“He can find you and kill you!”] 】

“It seems that as long as someone observes and sees SP096’s face, then, there is nothing that can stop this monster… Hunt down and kill observers! “】

Based on various aspects of research and analysis, the Foundation’s researchers judged that 096 is a very shy monster that does not dare to approach humans. “】

However, he could not stand any human looking directly into his face. “】

Because of this, SCP-096 usually uses his huge hands to cover his face to prevent his face from being seen. “】

However, once someone sees his face and activates Kill Mode, it can cause unimaginable tragedy. “】

“This is because, as soon as it enters killing mode, SCP-096 will run wildly with its hands open and hunt down its observers. “】

“During this process, he will not cover his face with his hands. “】

[Therefore, during SCP-096’s pursuit of the Observer, anyone who sees his face along the way will be hunted down by SCP-096. And in these “new chasing processes”, if someone sees him again, then…”

[“This will form some kind of terrifying chain of death, and the deaths and injuries caused will also be unimaginably large! “】

“So, after several containment accidents with heavy casualties, one of the doctors in the foundation even proposed … Completely eliminate SCP-096 and eradicate this terrible hidden danger forever! “】

But his request was rejected by the foundation. “】

However, what followed was a horrific event that ultimately changed the SCP Foundation’s mind and agreed to SCP-096’s execution. “】

[“It turns out that in the 90s, a mountaineer inadvertently ingested the image of SCP-096 into the photograph while photographing his companion. “】

“But none of them thought that the little black dot in the distance of the photo was actually a terrible monster! “】

“More than a decade later, when these climbers were looking at old photos, their gaze … Inadvertently swept over the little black dot in the photo. “】

“At that moment, they didn’t even realize what they were seeing. “】

[However, SCP-096 sensed it. “】

[“Although, the little black dot on the photo is only a few pixels! “】

[But this monster, with its innate sixth sense, felt it for the first time… Someone is looking at their face! “】

[“Aaaa “”】

SCP-096 first fell into grief and anguish, and two minutes later, he effortlessly shredded the shelter made of steel and rushed with a frantic momentum towards the town where the two climbers lived. “】

[“Killing mode… Initiate! “】

“Although SCP-096 was eventually repossessed by the Foundation, the tragedy resulted in a horrific loss of life, including an infant. “】

“After such a harsh blow, the Foundation finally granted SCP-096’s request for execution. “】

“In order to avoid more loss of life, this monster… Gotta die! “】

【”Divine Horse??? “】

In the safe house of the foundation, Pietro looked at the materials and images on the laptop in front of him, his eyes were as wide as copper bells, and cold sweat even broke out on his forehead. “】

“Just now, he saw with his own eyes… SCP-096 appeared on TV! “】

[“All over the world, how many people are on television… See the face of this monster? “】

[“10,000? “】

[“100,000? “】

“Or millions? “】

“Besides, did you see your face just now?” “】

Pietro desperately recalled, but found that his mind was blank, and his brain was almost crashing. “】

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