“That rat after taking ‘Shimmer’… Mutated? ”

Looking at the weird scene of a mouse eating a cat on the screen, Jinx’s pupils contracted.

The battle that led to his separation from the “Wei” sisters is still fresh in Jinx’s memory.

He remembered very well that the enemy in that battle was a hideous mutant!

Could it be… Is that mutant related to the shimmering potion?

And the shimmer was made by Hilko!


Jinx’s face suddenly became extremely ugly, and his heartbeat couldn’t help but speed up.

Only now did she vaguely think of a terrible thing!

Was it really a coincidence that Hilko suddenly appeared in the place where Vandel and they died in battle?

At the same time, the chat group is also lively.

Captain America: What kind of potion is that? Can you even let a mouse eat a cat?

Alice: It looks like it should be some kind of powerful biochemical agent!

Captain America: Hiding in such a dark place, and secretly producing such a dangerous potion, this man named Hilko is probably not a good person.

Lori Jinx: We Zuan is so shady, I’m really embarrassed. (▼ヘ▼#)

Agent J: To be honest, I also think it’s an exaggeration. When those law enforcement officials went to Zuan to investigate the case, they actually had to wear defense… Poison masks!

Agent J: Isn’t that going too far?

John Constantine: Who knows, depending on the situation, this “lower city” seems to see the sun all year round, maybe… That’s the environment there.

John Constantine: And, didn’t you notice? The little ghosts before escaped back to their hometown through the sewers.

Agent J: Unbelievable! This lower city has completely become a garbage heap in the upper city.

Lori Jinx: →_→

Tony Stark: Frankly, I’m still more concerned about that weird blue crystal.

Tony Stark: This thing, soon, is probably the prototype of some kind of dangerous weapon!

Wanda Maximov: What are you doing, dangerous weapons, biological weapons, what are these two cities trying to do? Want to fight?

Lori Jinx: Hey, hey, who knows? Maybe when… The second battle of the two cities will break out. ^_^

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[At this time, the time on the screen suddenly turned back to before the crystal explosion. 】

[Young Jace, take Caitlin back to the workshop. 】

[It turned out that this workshop was funded by the Caitlin family to build Jace. 】

[“Boom! “】

[But in the next moment, the crystal’s explosion stunned Jace. 】

[In a half-stupor, Jace vaguely saw the past that happened to him in the past. 】

[It turned out that many years ago, he and his mother had been trapped in a blizzard. 】

[is a mysterious magician who uses magic to teleport them to safety.] 】

[Before leaving, this mage also gave Jace a magic crystal that had exhausted his energy. 】

[Since then, Jace has used this magic crystal as a treasure and wore it on his wrist all the time. 】

[Because of this terrible explosion, the Picheng Council was also alarmed. 】

[They tried Jess for conducting illegal experiments.] 】

[Jace argues in court, claiming that he wants to make magic scientific and accessible to all. 】

[But no one in the council believed him, because it had always been. Magic can only be abused, which will lead to wars and lead to the destruction of life.

[Therefore, Piltworth has always strictly forbidden anyone to use magic. 】

[In the end, because Jace’s mother broke into the council to intercede for him, he was not brought to justice. 】

[But Jace was still expelled from Picheng Academy, and all his research materials were confiscated and about to be destroyed.] 】

[Jace tries to go to Caitlin’s family for help again, but Caitlin’s family has decided to distance themselves from him, and Caitlin is not even allowed to be friends with Jace.] 】

[Faced with this situation of “betrayal and separation”, Jace returned to the bombed workshop in despair. 】

[Looking at the corridor below from the big hole in the building, he was momentarily distraught. 】

“Everyone didn’t believe him. 】

“Even his mother didn’t approve of him. 】

[My life’s dream will come to naught at first sight, what is the point of continuing to live? ] 】

[Just as Jace was about to take a step forward…]

[A crippled man named Victor stopped him. 】

[This person is the assistant of Heimerdinger, the dean of Picheng Academy. 】

[Victor claims that he was moved by the speech Jess made in front of the council and wanted to work with him on the means of “magical technology”. 】

[Hearing Jace’s angry claims… No one believed him, and Victor also expressed his feelings. 】

[It turns out that he is from Zuan, and even if he enters Picheng Academy, no one around him can look at this lame and poor Xiacheng man. ] 】

“But I think your research has a lot of potential… I want to help you. “】

[Looking at the thin man on crutches in front of him, Jace suddenly felt a stream of heat gushing out of his heart. 】

[Even to the point of such exhaustion, there are still people in the world who are willing to believe in themselves! ] 】

[At this time, on the other side, the search and pressure of the Picheng magistrate on Zuan began to increase. 】

[Faced with this bad situation, “Wei” decided to fight back and fight with the people of Picheng! ] 】

But Vandel told him that he was just like “Wei” when he was a child. 】

[Back then, driven by anger, Vandel rushed across the bridge with the Zuan people, preparing to fight the Picheng people to the death. 】

[Results… But it’s just that many people died in vain. 】

[Among them, including “Wei” and explosive parents. 】

[Picheng’s strength is too strong, they can’t beat it at all. ] 】

[Therefore, after realizing that there was no chance of victory in the war, Vander decided to stop and decided to use his own means to reach a compromise with Picheng. ] 】

[“If you start a war, someone will die, who do you decide to let die?”] “】

[After listening to Vandel’s talk, “Wei” returned home, saw the young explosion, and finally made up his mind and took the initiative to stand up and apologize to calm the dispute this time. ] 】

[After all, in the end, this incident was caused by her taking someone to steal something. ] 】

[Therefore, it is natural for her to come out and take responsibility. 】

[But Vandel discovered his actions, threw “Wei” into the cellar and locked him up, deciding to stand up and apologize himself.] 】

[But none of them expected that Marcos, the law enforcement officer… has been bought by the gang leader Hilko. 】

[This self-surrender operation has become a disaster! ] 】

[Hilko ordered the mutant little brother who took the shimmer… Killed the female magistrate and captured Vandel! 】

[After capturing Vander back to his underground lair, Hilko looked in front of him… “Boss Zuan”, who was lying on the ground like mud, had an angry look on his face. 】

[Originally. Many years ago, he and Vandel were good brothers and once challenged Picheng together. 】

[But later, Vandel turned against him, and even compromised with Picheng and became a lackey of those high-class people! ] 】

[After years of lurking, Hilko has finally developed a potion called Shimmer, which can transform humans into powerful mutants. 】

[This time, he is ready to use this potion as a bargaining chip, ready to compete with Piltover! ] 】

In the underground space of Zuan.


The blood on Jinx’s face disappeared instantly, his eyes showed horror, and his body trembled slightly.

Years ago, he still remembers years ago, when “Wei” suddenly broke into their home and was arrested for drug trafficking.

Then, “Wei” took the rest of his friends to rescue him, but left himself behind.

But from beginning to end, “Wei” did not say who the enemy was, only said that she herself did not know!

But now it seems that the person who took away his adoptive father in the first place turned out to be his “new adoptive father”… Hilko!

“This… This…”

Jinx’s eyes rolled up slightly, and there was a frenzy in his eyes, as if he was about to enter some kind of madness again.

For her, this state is actually a kind of protective mechanism against some huge impact that cannot be resisted.

The reason for this is only because Jinx thought of one thing.

Do you say… Was the person who killed Vandel the same person as Hilko?

If that’s the case, then yourself…

Just when Jinx was about to go crazy again, the 999 Tickle suddenly pounced.


The orange mud monster not only hugged her, but also made a worried sound.

Smelling the fragrance in his nose and feeling the itchy hug, Jinx’s mind finally stabilized again.

This is SCP-999’s superpower, and anyone who is around it will feel peace and tranquility.

But even so, Jinx only felt that his heart was beating wildly and could not calm down at all.

“What to do? If it really is… That should…”

At this time, Jinx had only one thought in his mind.

If it was really Hilko who killed Vandel, then he himself for so many years… Does it count as recognizing the thief as the father?

Just as Jinx doubts life, a new image appears on the screen.

[The picture turned, and suddenly came to Piltover again. 】

[Jace and Victor the Cripple have worked together to perfect Hextech, and if this theory is correct, they can use technology to control magic.] 】

[In order to convince Parliament, these two men must produce results. 】

[But all the Hextech cores have been confiscated and are now hidden in the laboratory of the dean of the academy, Heimerdinger, and will be completely destroyed tomorrow. ] 】

[In order to pursue their dreams, the two decided to take a desperate step tonight. ] 】

[As Hemmerdinger’s assistant, Victor also has the keys to the laboratory.] 】

[But neither of them expected that their actions would be discovered by Congresswoman Mel.] 】

[At this moment of despair, Jace suddenly opened his performative personality and gave an impassioned speech to the black congresswoman. 】

“This technology really exists, and no matter what, ‘it’ will change the world!” “】

“And we should be the leaders of this technology.” “】

“Please, give us a chance.”] “】

[Looking at the two young men in front of her, the female councillor’s eyes flashed, and finally decided to place a bet on them, and then helped them deal with the guards. 】

[After breaking into Heimerdinger’s laboratory, Jess and Victor took out the Hextech core inside and began their own experiments. 】

[However, the movement of the experiment was too large, which still attracted the attention of the guards, and Heimerdinger himself also brought people to break into the laboratory! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! “】

[Hearing the noise from the door behind him, Jace took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and recalled the spell cast by the mage who had saved his life as a child. 】

[Relying on the remaining memory, the instrument that Jess worked hard to adjust finally successfully activated the core of HexTechnology Technology. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Just as Hemmerdinger led people to break through the door and rush in, a dazzling light suddenly advanced in the laboratory! ] 】

[Everything in the room, including Jace and Victor… All floated in mid-air. 】

[This is the core strength of HexTech!] 】

[The power of magic controlled by technology! ] 】

[Faced with the miracle in front of him, Heimerdinger was stunned. 】

[The congresswoman who heard the sound rushed to claim with a smile:]

“Next, it’s time to start the era of magic!”] “】

[Jace, who was floating in the air, also laughed with raised eyebrows:]

“It should be… The era of Hextech! “】

[Just when Piltover is about to usher in a turning point in the development of science and technology, the lower city Zuan will also usher in big changes. 】

[“Wei” who heard the location of Vandel’s arrest and hurried home. 】

[She picked up Vandel’s former fist holster and prepared to save people.] 】

[She brought all her friends, but refused her sister to explode.] 】

[After all, this time the enemy can even be captured by Vandel, which shows that its strength is strong! ] 】

[“Wei” doesn’t want her sister to take risks. 】

[“I can’t lose you…”

[Leave a signal generator, “Wei” head will not return… Left with two friends. 】

[However, the explosion, who was left alone at home, was extremely excited and entered a state of collapse. 】

[“Woooo Aaaah! Don’t leave me behind!!! “】

[Originally inferior and sensitive, she felt… I must have been regarded as a burden by my sister and thrown down. 】

[If others look down on her, the explosion can be tolerated, but if even my sister is like this… How is she going to live? 】

[Just when the explosion was almost crazy, she suddenly discovered the Hextech crystal she stole from Jace’s workshop. ] 】

[Explosion! 】

[This crystal can explode, moreover, it is powerful enough to destroy a building! ] 】

[Looking at the crystal in front of him, Bakugao’s eyes suddenly showed hope. ] 】

[Perhaps, with such power, she can help her sister! ] 】

[The screen now turns to the other side.] 】

[“Wei” took the two younger brothers to break into the enemy’s lair, and finally succeeded in finding Vandel, who was tied to a chair. ] 】

[But soon she realized that it was a trap! 】

[After all, along the way, they didn’t even see a single guard, which is too simple.] 】

[Sure enough. Hilko, with a group of gang leaders, soon appeared behind them, blocking the way back. 】

[Unknowingly, Hilko has unexpectedly unified all the forces of Zuan under his command! ] 】

[Faced with the desperate situation in front of him, “Wei” did not give up! ] 】

[One of her two younger brothers is responsible for unlocking Vandel, and the other is responsible for chiseling walls with brute force!] 】

[“Wei” took Vandel’s fist and prepared to block these gang leaders alone! ] 】

[The hideous and terrifying gangster in front of the face, still the “Wei” of the girl, is ready to fight for his life! ] 】

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