[“Bang! “】


[Although he is still young, Wei has been trained by Vandel since childhood, and he wears his metal boxing holster, and he is brave for a while, defeating several gang leaders in a row. ] 】

[“Huh? “】

[Hilko, who was hidden in the shadows, saw Wei so brave, his face changed, and he immediately sent his latest trump card. ] 】

[This person is the little gangster who wanted to eat Hei Wei and others in the first place. ] 】

[However, after using the shimmering potion, he has transformed into a terrifying monster. 】

[Even Vander is not his opponent, how can Wei resist it.] 】

[“Ah! “】

[As soon as the mutant made a move, he pinched Wei’s neck and threw her out casually. ] 】

[“Abominable! “】

[Feeling the terrifying power of the mutant, Wei knew that it was definitely not the opponent of this monster, and quickly climbed back desperately and closed the door hard. ] 】

[And at this moment, the explosion also sneaked into the vicinity.] 】

[Through the gap in the wall, she saw her sister in danger, and immediately took out her own Hextech crystal… Make a monkey bomb! 】

[This bomb made from monkey toys can not only move on its own, but also has a time-delayed explosion function.] 】

[But due to the angle, the explosion did not know at all, at this time Vandel’s lock has been opened, and Wei’s fat brother… The wall behind has also been chiseled! 】

[Vandel and Wei’s group could already escape safely at this time. ] 】

[But at this moment…]

[The “monkey bomb” released by the explosion exploded. 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying energy frenzy is like a terrifying wave sweeping wildly around! ] 】

[Whether it’s buildings, monsters, or the human body… It’s all falling apart! 】

[Due to some unusual good luck, the explosion was pushed out by the gas wave during the first wave of energy impact, but survived. 】

[But when the dust settled, Vandel opened his eyes, only to find that Wei’s two younger brothers had been buried in ruins and could no longer die. ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[The angry Vandel rushed out and wanted to settle accounts with Hilko! ] 】

[But in the end, because of his soft heart, he was stabbed by Hilko and thrown off the bridge to die. ] 】

[Just when he was dying, Vander suddenly discovered… Shimmering potions in the laboratory. 】

[In order to save Wei, he finally drank this potion, transformed into a monster, and when the time came, he took Wei with him… Leave this building that is about to collapse! 】

[“Take care of the explosion…”]

[After leaving this sentence to Wei, Vandel, who ran out of oil, closed his eyes forever. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[The sad and indignant Wei Yangtian howled, and his voice was full of sadness and puzzlement. 】

[She couldn’t understand at all, obviously she could almost escape safely just now, why was there that explosion all of a sudden? ] 】

[Now, her two younger brothers and adoptive father are all dead! ] 】

[Whose fault is this?] 】

[Just when Wei was in pain, a familiar voice suddenly came from behind her. 】

[It’s an explosion.] 】

“Did you see that? “】

[Explosive shouted excitedly:]

“My monkey bomb finally succeeded. “】

“Did you do it?” “】

The pain and sadness in Wei’s eyes instantly turned into anger. 】

[And at this moment, Bakugu also noticed Vandel, who was lying silently on the ground, and the goggles left by the “fat brother” next to him. ] 】

Only then did she finally react. 】

[I seem to have broken into trouble again.] 】

“It’s not… I’m not! I just wanted to help…”

[Tears could not be contained, flowing from the exploding eye sockets, she stepped back while trying to explain, but the angry Wei could not care about that much. 】

[“Snap! “】

[Wei slapped her sister’s face, then pinched her cheek and roared:]

“The fat man is right. “】

“You’re a scourge! “】

[Seeing the nosebleed that was beaten by himself… Flowing to her hands, Wei finally sobered up from her anger. 】

[Just now, she injured her only relative. 】

[Stood up with a shocked face, and Wei’s heart was full of agitated emotions. 】

[Driven by various emotional waves, she threw down the explosion, staggered across the street corner, squatted on the ground, and her whole face was distorted by pain. ] 】

[“Wei, wait a minute! Don’t drop me. “】

“Come back soon!!! “】

[Watching the only sister disappear on the street corner, Bakugu suddenly cried in horror. ] 】

[In her opinion, she has been abandoned by her sister! ] 】

[From now on, there will only be one person left! ] 】

[At this moment, in order to chase and kill Vandel and Wei, Hilko also came to this alley. ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[After crying for a while, Wei finally reacted and quickly rushed out to find her sister! ] 】

[But no one expected it, right now. The Pi City magistrate who had been bribed by Hilko… Suddenly, he emerged from the darkness and stunned her with a special drug, taking Wei away. 】

[In the alley, Hilko crouched down and asked about the explosion… Where is her sister? 】

[The explosion that had completely collapsed heard the voice of a person, and immediately pounced like a moth to a fire! ] He actually threw himself into Hilko’s arms. 】

[“Whew… Sob…… My sister doesn’t want me anymore. “】

[Holding Hilko desperately, the explosion was like grasping a life-saving straw, crying while saying:]

“She’s not my sister anymore. “】

[In the end, the little girl’s words had a trace of hatred in her voice. ] 】


Hilko first said nothing, looking at Vandel’s corpse lying not far away. 】

[The explosive words, as well as the “fact” that she was abandoned by her sister, suddenly made Hilko uncontrollably think… Own and Vandel’s past! 】

[At the beginning, he also respected Vandel so much that he regarded him as a brother, but in the end… This man actually wanted to kill him! 】

[Think about it this way, isn’t this little girl abandoned by her biological sister the same as herself at the beginning? ] 】

[Countless thoughts popped up in his mind, and Hilko, driven by incomprehensible feelings, suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged the explosion that rushed into his arms. ] 】

“It’s okay. “】

[Hilko whispered softly in Boom’s ear:]

“One day… We’re going to make them regret it…”

And seeing this in front of the screen, countless people were shocked.

Wolverine: Hey! What the hell is this, this little girl… Did he take refuge in her father-killer?

Bruce Wayne: To be exact, that blaster never saw Hilko’s face, so… I didn’t know that he was his enemy.

Stephen Strange: Well… Looking back, it seems that this was indeed the case. From beginning to end, this girl did not know who the enemy was.

Starlight: Did I make a mistake? How could this happen.

Charles Xavier: This little girl’s state of mind seemed to be abnormal from the beginning.

Bruce Wayne: Well… When his parents died in battle, Bakugan once regarded the soldiers of Picheng as strange graffiti.

Bruce Wayne: Looking back, from that time on, she should… Something went wrong.

Young Master Wayne has extremely deep research on all kinds of spirits, spirits, diseases, and diseases, so he can see the problem of the explosion at a glance.

Starlight: This is trouble, looking at the explosive situation, he seems to hate his sister!

Starlight: Will the two of them turn against each other in the future?

Tony Stark: It’s hard to say, the end of the brothers Vander and Hilko may also foreshadow… The two sisters will also repeat the mistakes of the past.

Loki Odinson: Hahaha! Does this still need to be said? That’s it for sure!

Loki Odinson: But looking at this stupid girl who is clumsy and can’t do anything, even if he follows the gang leader, it is estimated that it will not become a climate. o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Runaway Lori Jinx: ……… (▼ヘ▼#)

Loki Odinson: Huh? What do you want to say?


In Zuan’s underground space, Jinx angrily hugged the itchy monster in his arms, but was speechless for a while.

Until now, she only felt that her heart was in chaos, and her mind was almost cracked with pain!

Joy, anger, confusion, regret, hatred… All kinds of emotions rushed to her heart like a tide, violently impacting Jinx’s spiritual defenses, almost breaking her down!

Wei did not abandon himself, but was taken captive!

And Hilko, who has been regarded as a father for many years, is the murderer who killed Vandel!

Faced with such a cruel reality, what should I do in the future?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Time flies, a few years later. 】

[After inventing the core of Hex technology, Jace’s research advanced by leaps and bounds, and he invented the Hex’s flying gate that can teleport over long distances, and became a great scientist in Zhenpi City for a while. ] 】

[Joining forces with Victor, the two of them invented an improved version of the Hex’s crystal and made more powerful technological products.] 】

[But Heimerdinger thinks… This enhanced equipment is very unstable and can be dangerous, and it is recommended that he seal these achievements for 10 years before making them public. 】

[In the end, Jace listened to Heimerdinger and did not disclose his results in his Evolution Day speech.] 】

[At this time, on the other side, Hilko has become the underground king of Zuan. 】

[He and the law enforcement officer team of Picheng have made an agreement to use the Hex’s flying gate to steal… Transporting shimmering agents. 】

[But even Hilko has not yet been able to cover the sky in Zuan. ] 】

[In a steal ··· Running in motion, another Zuan gang… The wildfire gang shot and wanted to rob the glimmer! 】

[Right now.] A girl with blue twisted braids and an arrogant and maniacal smile on her face… Suddenly appeared! 】

[“Whahahaha! “】

[The girl laughed maniacally while frantically pouring her own bombs on the wildfire gang! ] For a while, the opponent was in a hurry. 】

[In the midst of the chaotic battle, the girl saw a member of the wildfire gang with red hair, and in a trance, she actually hallucinated, seeing the enemy as her sister Wei who abandoned her in the first place! ] 】


[Painful memories suddenly welled up in her head, and the girl Jinx suddenly fell into complete madness! ] 】

[She took out a light machine gun and began to strafe indiscriminately, killing not only the enemy, but also her own people. 】

[However, over the past few years, Hilko has completely regarded Jinx as his daughter. 】

[Even if she broke into trouble this time and caused a whole batch of goods to be scrapped, Hilko did not blame her. 】

And seeing this, the chat group is bombed again!

Deadpool: Groove! Jinx! That explosion turned out to be Jinx.

Loki Odinson: Hmph, no wonder that woman just showed that face.

Rocky Odinson: Hey! Little girl, have you settled your grudge with your sister? Or rather… Did you kill her?

Lori Jinx: What nonsense are you talking about? Watch out I slaughter you! Convex (艹皿艹)

Rocky Odinson: Oh? I heard you say with my own ears just now… That woman is no longer your sister!

Loki Odinson: Did I hear you wrong? Or did you not say this?

Runaway Lori Jinx: ……… (▼皿▼;)

Bruce Wayne: Judging by the situation, you just learned the truth, so next… What are you going to do? Keep messing around with that Hilko?

Lori Jinx: Don’t worry about it…

Starlight: No! That man was a bad guy, and Vandel was killed by him! How did you……

Rocky Odinson: Oh, you’re not right, it was actually the one who really killed those people in the first place… Monkey bomb! ^_^

Runaway Lori Jinx: Abominable! You bastard, wait and see for me!

Although he is still saying cruel words, Jinx is actually in a state of confusion at the moment, and he doesn’t know what to do next.

Even if she wanted to go to her sister, she didn’t know at all… Where is Wei?

And Hilko ………

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen

【Image continues】

[Although Hilko did not hold Jinx responsible, he also let him calm down by himself and leave the mess to others to clean up]

[His words stung Jinx’s fragile heart. 】

[Mistaken for Hilko who felt that he was useless, angry Jinx… Directly on the night of Evolution Day, he created an explosion, killing 6 law enforcement officers and snatching a new version of the Hex Crystal. 】

[Because of this, Jace suggests stopping all research on Hextech until the gem is recovered.]

[Who knows, under the mediation of a black female congressman, he was directly promoted to a councillor and was specifically responsible for this matter. ] 】

[On the other hand, Caitlin, a policewoman in Picheng who was forced to recuperate at home because she was involved in the Jinx bombing, decided to investigate the case privately. 】

[So, she came to Stillwater Prison to interrogate the prisoners and find clues. 】

[However, Caitlin accidentally found another person. 】


[It turned out that since he was taken away by law enforcement officer Max, Wei was put in prison by him and did not see the light of day for many years. ] 】

[And in order to investigate the case and look for clues, Caitlin took it upon herself and used the amnesty decree signed by Councilor Jess himself to release Wei! ] 】

[Wei took Caitlin to Zuan, and after finding clues through her own channels, Wei subdued Sevica, Hilko’s second-in-command, and forced her to ask her about the whereabouts of the explosion. ] 】

[But the second-in-command told Wei with a smug look:]

[Your sister has changed her name to Jinx, and now… She has become Hilko’s daughter! 】

[Hearing such shocking news, Wei was suddenly shocked and stiffened, and one was accidentally injured by the second-in-command. ] 】

[In the end, it was Caitlin who rescued her.] 】


Seeing this, Jinx was pleasantly surprised again.

For so many years, Wei has been locked up in prison!

No wonder, Jinxben didn’t hear anything about her!

And just when he was excited, a trace of anger rose in Jinx’s heart.

“That woman named Caitlin actually dares to be so close to her sister?”

“She’s looking for death.”

PS: Strive to finish writing about the Battle of the Two Cities today. Then there’s the Self-Kill Squad, Pale Knight!

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