“You’re so sweet, like a little cake.”

Hearing the “love words” that Wei said to Caitlin on the screen, Jinx was so hated that she even clenched her teeth, and her body released a terrifying murderous aura!

Kill her!

I must kill this shameless slut!

As if feeling the anger of the owner, the itchy monster hurriedly stepped forward and touched Jinx’s face with his tentacles, finally calming her anger.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In order to study Hex’s technology, Victor was so disgusted that he suddenly vomited blood and fainted in front of the experimental table. ] 】

[After a while, Victor woke up from the coma of his life and looked at Jace who was sitting next to him with a worried face, and he claimed with a wry smile… Time is running out on my own. 】

[But maybe it’s a big luck in misfortune, before he fell into a coma, Victor seemed to pass through the Hex core… What something new was discovered. 】

[In fact, the reason why Victor helped Jace to conduct research on “magic technology” was to save his life. 】

[And this time the onset of illness just gave him a stronger motivation for research! ] 】

[Through his lifeless research and development, Victor finally discovered something amazing! ] 】

[The core of Hextech technology, combined with a specific rune matrix, can actually emit new life energy and promote biological growth! ] 】

[In other words, this new invention may even save Victor’s life.] 】

[But unfortunately, after each experiment, those subjects who get “vitality” will quickly age and wither. 】

[Seeing this, Jace first comforted Victor, and then immediately brought Heimerdinger over to help, hoping to solve this problem. ] 】

[But no one expected that Heimerdinger would immediately issue a fierce opposition after seeing this new invention! ] 】

[Heimerdinger believes that this magic device that can affect living things is too dangerous and must be destroyed immediately! ] 】

[And how could Jace allow Heimerdinger… Destroy the only thing that might save your friend Victor! 】

[Next, in the council, Jace simply tore his face directly with Heimerdinger. 】

[Use yourself… Create the advantage of huge wealth for all members of the parliament, propose that everyone vote to expel Hemmerdinger from the parliament! 】

[Because of Hex’s flying door, all the councilors have long been in the same boat with Jace. 】

[Moreover, they have long had enough of the old Heimerdinger.] 】

[As a result, all the councillors unanimously agreed to put the founder of Pitworth City, who is also Jace’s teacher… Heimerdinger expelled from Parliament! 】

[At this time, on the other side, injured in a fight with the second in command, Wei took Caitlin to the slum of Zuan. ] 】

[Catherine sold her gun for a shimmering potion and healed Wei’s injuries. 】

[But Hilko relied on the tip to find the slum and was ready to kill Wei once and for all.] 】

[Facing the father-killing enemy in front of him, Wei Lingji moved, turned around and punched directly on the giant lamp post! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The lamp pillar fell with a bang, stirring up dust in the sky! ] 】

[Under the chaos, Wei and Caitlin took advantage of the chaos to escape. 】

[At the same time, through Hilko’s second-in-command, Jinx also learned the news of Wei’s return to Zuan, but at the same time, she also knew that Wei also had a Picheng magistrate with her. ] 】

[Filled with apprehension and unease, Jinx came to Zuan’s high place and lit the signal flares that Wei had given him. 】

[Let Wei say, no matter where the “explosion” is, as long as you light the signal flare, you will rush over! ] 】

Just as the signal flares burned out, the familiar voice suddenly sounded behind Jinx. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Jinx turned his head in disbelief, and saw his sister, who had grown up, standing right in front of him. 】

【”It’s really you! “】

[Wei swooped up and put her arm around her sister, her face full of surprise and disbelief. 】

[Even though he is now on the run, but seeing the familiar smoke of signal flares, Wei still rushes over to meet his sister at all costs. 】

[Being held in the arms of her sister who had been reunited for a long time, the expression on Jinx’s face kept changing, and she didn’t know how to react for a while. ] 】

[And in this surprise, confusion, fear… Under the chain of shocks of various emotions, Jinx suddenly found another person. 】

[That’s Caitlin, a policewoman in Picheng who followed Wei.] 】

[“You! You really got mixed up with the law enforcement officer! “】

[Seeing Caitlin’s figure, Jinx was immediately angry and decided the revolver machine gun in his hand! ] 】

[I don’t know if it’s a thief with a weak heart or a dark ghost, she actually feels… Wei came with a magistrate to catch himself! 】

“Is that what you came back for?” For this blue stone I snatched back? “】


[A maniacal smile appeared on Jinx’s face again:]

“You’re pretending to be like that… Sister! “】

[Just when this sister was suspicious, the Wildfire Gang suddenly appeared! ] And went on the offensive. 】

[After a chaotic battle, although Wei picked up the Hex Gem, she was knocked unconscious by the Wildfire Gang and captured along with Caitlin. 】

[After being caught in the Wildfire Gang, Wei was surprised to find that the leader of this gang… It’s actually a friend I once knew as a child:】

[Ike! 】

[Persuaded by Caitlin, Ike decides to return the Hex Gem to stop the upcoming Battle of Two Cities, while revealing to the Council who is behind the real control of Zuan… Hilko. 】

[At the same time, Jinx also approached his adoptive father Hilko and asked him why he deceived himself?] 】

[Hilko is also clever, claiming that Wei came to find the crystal with the magistrate, not you at all. 】

“Have you forgotten how he abandoned you in the first place? “】

“Who picked you up?”] 】

“Who has taken care of you for so many years. “】

“I am your family, and everyone else will betray you except me!”] “】

[Looking at the ugly and hideous man in front of him, Jinx was shaken again. 】

[Sister who abandoned her for many years, but after stealing the Hex’s gem, she suddenly returned…”

[Is this really a coincidence?] 】

[In the middle of the night, Wei, Ike, and Caitlin arrive on the bridge between Picheng and Zuan. 】

[Wei decided to go to Zuan alone to find Jinx, and let Caitlin and Ike go to Skin City to find the council and clarify the truth. 】

[So, the three hugged each other and said goodbye. 】

[But it’s good to die, the picture of Wei and Caitlin hugging together is just in the eyes of Jinx, who is hiding at the top of the bridge! ] Suddenly vinegar! 】

[“Abominable! “】

[After a while, at the bridge, Caitlin and Ike met the law enforcement officer of Pi City, and Caitlin quickly revealed her identity and claimed that they were here to expose Hilko. ] 】

[But at this moment, standing in front of them is Sheriff Max, who has been bought by Hilko for many years! ] 】

[For him, if Hilko is exposed, he is finished! ] 】

[So, the sheriff didn’t say a word, and raising his hand at Ike was a shot! ] 】

“What? “】

[At this time, Wei, who had already reached the end of the bridge, was taken aback when he heard this gunshot. 】

[“Caitlin! “】

Out of concern, she quickly turned around and rushed back. 】

[Seeing this scene, Jinx, who was hiding at the top of the bridge, immediately collapsed again. ] 】

[In his eyes, Wei chose Caitlin again this time and abandoned her. 】

[This is the second time!] 】

[How many times does this sister have to abandon herself?] 】

[In a fury, Jinx immediately released his own army of bomb fireflies and blew up the Picheng law enforcement officer on the bridge. ] 】

[But even Jinx herself did not expect that if she hadn’t done this, Caitlin might have been shot and killed by Sheriff Max.] 】

[In other words, Jinx released fireflies, in fact, he saved his love rival…]

[After killing the law enforcement officer, Jinx appeared as if walking leisurely, and first pocketed the Hex’s gem on the ground. ] 】

[But at this moment, she saw Wei who was carefully holding Caitlin. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[At this moment, Jinx’s hallucination appeared again! ] 】

[In a trance, she seemed to see Caitlin smiling proudly, as if she was mocking her.] 】


[Under the frenzy, Jinx frantically raised the revolver machine gun in his hand and poured out a tongue of fire at Caitlin and Wei! ] 】

[And at the critical moment, Ike rushed out and fought Jinx. ] 】

[It turned out that he had worn body armor before, and Sheriff Max’s shot did not kill him. ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[Jinx fired several shots, but was dodged by Ike! ] 】

[Next, she saw a flower in front of her, and she was thrown to the ground by Ike! ] 】

[“Touch! Touch! “】

[Ike suppressed Jinx, and there were a few punches in her face, so that Jinx’s nosebleed spurted wildly, and he had no power to fight back. ] 】

[But just when Ike raised his fist again, he saw a familiar childhood friend in front of him, and this punch couldn’t be beaten. ] 】

[“Hahaha! “】

[With her nosebleed all over her face, Jinx smiled maniacally again. 】


[Hearing a strange noise around him, Ike turned his head and looked at it, and his pupils suddenly shrank sharply. ] 】

[I saw that on Jinx’s right hand, a grenade that pulled off the latch actually rolled out! ] 】

[This woman is really crazy! ] 】

[At such a close distance, she is ready to die with Ike!] 】


[The grenade exploded.] 】

[At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.] 】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Deadpool: Wow haha! This woman is really crazy, I like it! ^_^

Runaway Lori Jinx: Pervert! me off.

Reed Richards: Interesting, on the one hand, it has strong combat effectiveness, on the other hand, it has extraordinary scientific research and development capabilities.

Reed Richards: In that sense, this girl is really a genius.

Agent J: But at the same time, she’s also a criminal, plus neuropathy!

Agent J: If you ask me, I think this girl should be put in a mental hospital!

Originally a police officer, so, when Agent J saw those Picheng law enforcement officers… When he was killed by Jinx’s firefly bomb, he actually raised a trace of common hatred for a while.

Bruce Wayne: I also agree with you on this point, this Miss Jinx, who refuses to believe even her own sister, it can be said that paranoia is extremely serious and in urgent need of treatment.

Lori Jinx: Hmph, I’m fine now, don’t worry about it.

Bruce Wayne: Oh? Is it because of that SCP?

Bruce Wayne: According to the previous foundation, SCP999 seems to be able to treat all kinds of psychological trauma, even spirit, disease and disease!

Bruce Wayne: Is this mud monster really that effective?

Runaway Lori Jinx: ………

Wanda Maksimov: Huh… It is worthy of the opportunity to surpass the existence of the Crimson King in the future, and cure this little madman so quickly. ^_^

Lori Jinx: Bah! You are the madman. o(▼▼▼;)o

Although his mouth was still hard, seeing the image on the screen, Jinx was also a little uneasy in his heart.

In another universe, or rather in the future, do you really use grenades… Blew yourself up?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the battle on the bridge, Hilko came down to the bridge with his men and rescued Jinx, who was seriously injured. 】

[Moreover, no one expected that Jinx would steal the Hex Gem from his hands at some point, and Wei and the others brought it back to Picheng, but it was just an empty box. ] 】

[In the early morning, Jace took the congresswoman to the bridge together, and when he saw the cruel scene of corpses on the ground, he was immediately shocked and even vomited directly. ] 】

[Under the arrangement of Councillor Caitlin’s mother, Wei and Caitlin came to the council and told them about Hilko’s methods and evil deeds. 】

[But the council was reluctant to attack Hilko. Instead, he wanted to negotiate with him and use peaceful means to get the Hex core back. 】

[Seeing these businessmen in front of me… There was no fighting spirit and bloodiness at all, and in a fit of anger, he left the parliament directly. 】

[And next.] She did not give up either, but found the only person in the council who advocated the use of force against Hilko … Jess. 】

“Do you want Hilko to have evil retribution? “】

[Wei said word by word:]

“Hilko is using a shimmering potion to control Zuan. “】

“As long as its supply chain is blocked, his subordinates will soon betray!” “】

[“Oh? So what exactly should be done? “】

[In the face of this detailed information, Jace seems to have been convinced. 】

[“Destroy his pharmaceutical base! “】

[“Be quick and ruthless, hit him by surprise! “】

When it comes to his plan, Wei’s face is full of confidence. 】

[As the former controller of Zuan… Vandel’s righteous daughter, although Wei has just been released, she already knows Hilko’s situation well. 】

[Her plan happened to hit Hilko’s seven inches! ] 】

[At this time, the two people who both took revenge on Silco walked together! ] 】

[And from Jace, Wei also got what he dreamed of, a high-tech boxing set powered by the core of Hextech technology! ] 】

[Atlas boxing set! ] 】

[And before the action, Jace also brought the giant hammer he made with Hex. ] 】

[Mercury’s Hammer! 】

[Two Avengers with burning anger in their hearts have finally joined forces to attack! ] 】

PS: The next chapter ends the battle of the two cities and opens the self-braking squad!

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