【Image continues】

[Although shocked by the ruthlessness of Amanda Waller and Colonel Fleg, none of these criminals are fuel-efficient lamps.] 】

[Even if the body is injected with nanobombs, some of them still risk death to escape! ] 】

[The first thing to bear the brunt is the death shot! ] 】

[This black man was the first to find the clown woman and said that he wanted to cooperate with her.] Moreover, she actually saw through … The Joker has contacted Harley Quinn! 】

After the two made a plan, Harley was responsible for relaying the news to the other members of the Suicide Squad. 】

[But no one expected that the flame ability who was known as Diablo was docile by nature and had no intention of fleeing at all. ] 】

[And the “killer crocodile” … It’s almost not human, and it’s hard to even communicate. 】

[In this kind of deceitful situation, a group of monsters that are not people and ghosts suddenly appeared in front of everyone, and the two sides immediately started a fierce battle. 】

[In the chaos, the suicide squad shows their talents and fights with the enemy. 】

[But Colonel Fletcher was nothing more than a mortal in the flesh, and soon fell into the wind and was lifted up and captured by a group of monsters. 】

[“Oops! “】

[Seeing this scene, the first reaction of the dead shot came. ] 】

[According to Amanda Waller, once these people who were injected with nano-bombs were too far away from Colonel Fletcher, then the bomb in their necks would automatically explode! ] 】

[In other words, if this American soldier is captured by a monster, this group of suicide squads will all be finished! ] 】

[“Halle! If he dies, we won’t live! “】

[Sensing the urgency of the situation, Death Shot quickly ordered Harry Quinn to save people! ] 】

[Seeing that the situation was critical, the clown girl could only helplessly rush up, fight off the monster, and rescue Colonel Fleg. ] 】

[And just when the clown woman was saving people, the death shot was also standing on the roof of the car, holding a gun in both hands, full of firepower, killing a group of monsters and corpses all over the field! ] 】


[No matter how many monsters rushed up, they couldn’t even get close to him. 】

[In the end, even the troops in the rear were dumbfounded, and involuntarily stopped shooting. ] 】

[After killing all the monsters in this wave of charge, Death Shot jumped out of the car and walked to Colonel Fletcher, who had just been rescued by the clown girl… said coldly:]

“That’s how I fight wars. “】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Agent J: Wow! Seemingly…… Even if my variant becomes a criminal, he is still quite powerful! It’s me. ^_^

Deadpool: Aren’t you men in black a man who fights with alien weapons? I think this dead shot… It should be much better than you.

Agent J: Ahem, I can’t say that, dealing with those dangerous aliens all day, my strength has also improved very quickly!

Bruce Wayne: That Colonel Fletcher is too much, even if he is a criminal, he can’t say kill and kill!

Bruce Wayne: What’s the difference between being so careless and a perpetrator?

Wolverine: This person is an officer, I don’t know how many people he has killed on the battlefield, how can he care about this kind of thing?

Wolverine: Besides, this kind of garbage criminal, a few more deaths, the world can be a little better.

Bruce wayne:…………

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen,

The image continues.

[At this time, in Midway City, the enchanted witch is transforming all the captured humans into monsters under her control. 】

[This is his and his wizard brother’s ultimate plan. 】

[Turn all humans into monsters, and then their brother and sister will rule everything.] 】

[And the suicide squad finally came to a building after some trekking.] 】

[Their mission is to rescue the target alive from this building.] 】

[But as soon as they entered the building, everyone encountered a large number of monsters. 】

[In the chaos, Diablo finally showed his flame ability, burning the monster to ashes with a terrifying flame, shocking everyone. 】

[And just as he was climbing the stairs, Harry Quinn looked at the space below the stairs, and suddenly thought uncontrollably… Past events. 】

[At the beginning, when he was a psychiatrist, he fell madly in love with the clown and spared no effort to save her from the Arkham asylum. 】

[However, the Joker immediately abandoned her.] 】

[Driven by anger and sadness, Harry Quinn drove madly to catch up with Little Hand, and said that if he didn’t get his love, he would even die with the Joker! ] 】

[Facing this woman who was driven crazy by herself, the Joker brought Harry to… The chemical plant that made your own. 】

[And looking at the churning chemical liquid tank below, Harry Quinn jumped directly without saying a word! ] 】

[And moved by Harry Quinn’s madness, the Joker himself jumped.] 】

[Inside the chemical jar, two crazy men and women hugged each other. 】

[This is the birth of Harley Quinn, the clown girl. 】

[The suicide squad finally broke a bloody road and rushed into the depths of the building, but only then did they discover that the character they wanted to rescue turned out to be Amanda Waller. 】

[It turns out that this woman insisted on staying in this city in order to study the seductive witch. ] 】

[And seeing the rescuers coming, Amanda directly pulled out her gun without saying a word, killing all the subordinates in the base. ] 】

[Kill people and kill people.] 】

“Wow! This woman is really inhumane. “】

[Looking at this scene in front of him, even the death shot as a professional killer couldn’t help but marvel. ] 】

[Armed with a remote control device capable of blowing up all the criminals, Amanda fearlessly shocked the entire suicide squad. 】

[Next, he led everyone to the roof of the building, ready to leave by helicopter. 】

[But even this ruthless woman never expected that the person who controlled the helicopter was actually a clown! ] 】

[It turns out that this crazy super criminal not only found a way to shield the nanobomb, but also started ahead of time and hijacked this helicopter! ] 】

[“Come on! Baby! “】

[The clown raised his gun and fired while throwing a rope from the helicopter.] 】

[And Harry Quinn completely ignored the tongues of fire around him, with a crazy smile on his face, and rushed out desperately, right in mid-air… Jumped on that rope! 】

[“Damn it! Can’t run away, detonate the bomb! “】

[From afar, the clown girl is about to escape, Amanda Waller, you angrily ordered! ] 】

[But Colonel Fletcher told him a bad answer.] 】

[“I can’t detonate, someone blocked the signal!”] “】

[Furious, Amanda rushes to Deathshot’s side and orders him to kill the clown girl immediately, trading her life for his freedom. 】

[No one expected that the death shot that usually kills without blinking was actually a kind of robe friendship with the clown girl, and deliberately shot off, ready to let her go. ] 】


[Amanda Waller’s eyes flashed with a cold light, and then he directly picked up the intercom and ordered the other subordinates in the city to shoot down the helicopter. ] 】

[And at this time on the helicopter, the clown and the clown girl who were finally reunited just hugged each other, and the violent explosion suddenly shook the entire helicopter! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[It’s a rocket fired by Amanda’s subordinates!] 】

[Looking at the roof of the building not far below, the clown was originally going to jump down with the clown girl. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Who knew that the helicopter suddenly exploded for the second time, causing a violent shock! ] Shocked the clown girl and flew out! 】

[And the clown himself… But together with the exploding helicopter, it hit another building and disappeared in the firelight. 】

“The Joker and Harley Quinn are finished! “】

Leaving this sentence with a cold face, Amanda Waller called another helicopter and prepared to leave. 】

[But at this moment, the helicopter was attacked by the “wizard brother” and fell directly, and Amanda Waller was also captured.] 】

[Seeing this, Colonel Fletcher quickly ordered the suicide squad to join him in rescuing Amanda. 】

[Although reluctant, faced with the threat of bombs, this group of criminals can only pinch their noses and start another rescue mission. 】

[Just left the building, the suicide squad met the clown girl who was in great trouble, and the gang of criminals were reunited again. ] 】

[Coming to the scene of Amanda’s helicopter crash, the suicide squad found several classified documents here. 】

[Under the questioning of the death shot, Colonel Fletcher had to confess. 】

[The escape of the witch and the disaster that swept the entire city were all caused by Amanda Waller. 】

[And the reason why this black woman brought the suicide squad over is to prepare to take these criminals… Be your own scapegoat! 】

[Hearing this, everyone was angry. 】

[The death shot directly means that Lao Tzu is not working, even if Colonel Fletcher detonates the bomb, he will go to the bar to drink.] 】

[And the rest of the suicide squad members also followed, leaving Colonel Fletcher alone in the rain, staring blankly at his girlfriend’s photo. ] 】

[And just as the members of the suicide squad were drinking and chatting about the past, Colonel Fletcher suddenly walked in again, claiming that the female archaeologist possessed by the witch was the love of his life, and he wanted to save people no matter what! ] 】

[“Snap! “】

[In the end, Colonel Fletcher directly smashed the device that controlled the bomb in everyone’s neck on the table. 】

[Seeing this scene, plus Colonel Fletcher also took out the letter written by his daughter to him, and shot dead to express his willingness to help. ]

[But then Colonel Fletcher must tell the truth and let the world know that this time… These criminals are not evildoers, but heroes! 】

[And just as the Suicide Squad was about to storm the wizard base camp, the witch sensed their arrival and unleashed illusions on the Suicide Squad through the air. ] 】

[At this moment, everyone fell into a hallucination. 】

[In this fantasy, the death shot kills Batman, while Harry Quinn marries the Joker and lives the life of an ordinary housewife. 】

[Fortunately, Diablo sensed that something was wrong and woke everyone up from their hallucinations.] 】

[Discovering that her hallucination was invalid, the seductive witch, who was at the critical moment of casting the spell, had to call her brother out. ] 】

[The male witch is not only infinitely powerful, his body is invulnerable, but he also has a strange regeneration ability, and he has the suicide squad and others to retreat. ] 】

[At the moment of crisis, Diablo finally suppressed his fear of his ability and bravely stood up, exerting his flame ability to the extreme! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[I saw the terrifying flame spreading on Diablo’s body, and quickly changed into a huge burning man! ] Fought with the witch again. 】

[But no matter how strong this guy is, Diablo is still a human after all, his strength is limited, and he will be unable to do so. ] 】

[With the last bit of strength, Lyaporo led the male witch to the position he had previously set. ] 】

[Choked by the witch, Diablo shouted with his last strength.] 】

[“Blow him up! “】

[Seeing this, Colonel Fletcher gritted his teeth… His men were ordered to detonate bombs installed in the sewers, blowing the entire square, along with Diablo and the witch, to smithereens. 】

[“Boom! “】

[“Brother! “】

[Looking at this scene in front of her, the enchanted witch suddenly let out an incredulous scream. ] 】

[But by this time, the spell of the Enchanted Witch had been completed, and he began to control the massive storm and launch attacks on all parts of the world. 】

[The suicide squad rushed up, but they couldn’t beat each other at all. 】

[In the end, it was the clown who first pretended to surrender, and then took the opportunity to pick up the magic blade of the katana, slashed the witch, and took out her heart.] 】

[After losing her heart, the witch’s strength was greatly reduced, and she was killed by a dead shot and detonated with a pistol. ] 】

[Just after the big job, the suicide squad is still ready to enjoy freedom. 】

[Who knew that Amanda suddenly appeared and took out a brand new bomb controller! ] 】

[At this time, the Suicide Squad is about to get the freedom in hand… It’s gone again. 】

[Everyone was put back in jail. 】

[Fortunately, Harry Quinn still relied on the credit he made this time and asked for a coffee machine from Amanda.] 】

[And Death Shot was able to reunite with his daughter.] 】

[And just when the clown girl was drinking coffee in the prison, suddenly a group of people rushed into the prison and cut the railing of the prison with a chainsaw! ] 】

[When the leader took off his mask, the clown girl suddenly let out an incredible cry of surprise! ] 】

[“Pudding! “】

[I saw that this person was full of green hair and had miserable white makeup painted on his face, it was the clown! ] 】

[At this moment, the screen gradually dimmed.] 】

[“Suicide Squad” ends on demand. 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Clown girl? A crazy woman indeed. ”

Young Master Wayne’s eyes flickered, and he suddenly felt that he might have discovered a new continent.

From the previous video, I know that the crazy clown is almost a combination of sin and chaos.

But now it seems that at least he still has someone to care about.

Harry Quinn.

Clown…… Would you really fall in love with this woman?

Moreover, the birth of the clown is actually related to the chemical plant?

Didn’t he say before that his mouth was cut by his father!

It seems that this madman’s words really can’t be taken seriously.

When Young Master Wayne pondered, the screen that had been dim lit up again.

【Ding! Bruce Wayne consumes 100 live streaming points! Start playing the multiverse. 】

[The next thing that will be played is “Pale Knight”! ] 】

PS: “Pale Knight” is ready to play “Deadly Joke” after “Pale Knight”.

PS2: In addition, do you think you would like to tell us about the origin of the Dionysian factor? This also explains why the clown always does not die. ^_^

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