[A dark night appeared on the screen. 】

[In the middle of the night, a familiar Batmobile drove into Arkham Asylum. 】

[But it was not Batman who stepped down from the car, but a handsome man in a suit. ] 】

[In the face of this man, the guards of the madhouse all showed great respect, and some even offered to lead the way for him. ] 】

[However, the man refused very gentlemanly.] 】

“No need, I know the way myself. “】

[This man seems to be more familiar with Arkham Asylum than the guards.] 】

[It was like he was home, in this labyrinthine place, he easily found his destination.] 】

[“Click! “】

[The guard who followed the man took out a bunch of keys and opened a cell door.] 】

[When the cell door opened and the light from the corridor shone into the room, I saw that the cell was locked with iron chains, like a trapped beast… It turned out to be Batman! 】

[Looking at Batman, who was embarrassed and became a prisoner under the stairs, the handsome man asked calmly. ] 】

“How is he doing?” “】

[The prison guard standing behind the man quickly replied respectfully:]

[“Mr. Clown… No! Mr. Napier, who had been quiet and did not say a word. “】

[“Hula la! “】

[Watching the man known as Mr. Napier walk to his cell, Batman stood up sharply and pulled the chains on his body. A series of icy sounds were emitted. 】

[“Huh… Batman. “】

[Mr. Napier raised his head slightly, looked at Batman who was staring at him like a beast, and said indifferently:]

“I need you to do me a favor. “】

In the live broadcast room.

“Shenma ???”

Looking at the strange scene on the screen, Bruce Wayne’s gaze instantly froze, his eyes were filled with disbelief, his expression was in a trance, and he felt like he was in a dream for a while!


That crazy madman criminal actually turned into some kind of superior person!

Even the jailer of the Arkham Asylum must look up to him!

And Batman… was put in a madhouse!

Even his Batmobile was taken away by the Joker!

How is this possible?

“Parallel universe, is this a parallel universe?”

Swallowing a mouthful of spit with difficulty, Young Master Wayne still only felt that his throat was extremely dry, and his heart was beating wildly!

Even if this is a parallel universe, this is crazy!

The relationship between Batman and the Joker, in this world, is actually reversed!

Is this world a distorted world where good and evil are reversed?

Good people, bad people, crazy people, normal people … All anti?


Looking at Young Master Wayne’s pale face, straight eyes, and the appearance of the whole person suffering a huge blow, Loki also snickered on the side.

And the rest of the people in the live broadcast room were also surprised by the scene in front of them.

“What the hell, Batman was put in an insane asylum? The clown has become a normal person instead? ”

Peter Parker’s eyes were round, his voice was full of incredulity, and he almost reached out to wipe his eyes for a while.

And hearing Peter’s questioning voice, Loki stopped snickering:

“What’s so strange about this, that Joker aside, speaking of Batman…”

Glancing at Bruce Wayne, who had an extremely ugly face. Loki said coldly:

“Do you think that the man who dresses himself up like a bat and rushes out every night to beat up criminals… Is it normal? ”


Peter was stunned when asked, and involuntarily looked back at Young Master Wayne, and his face also showed a hint of embarrassment.

There was a sudden silence in the live broadcast room.

The scene looks a little weird!

At this time, Young Master Wayne glared back at Loki indifferently, and immediately withdrew his gaze, frowning and pondering.

He didn’t care what others thought of him, or even being locked up in the Farcam asylum. But…… What kind of conspiracy is the clown, that madman, dressing himself up as a normal person?

And what frightened Young Master Wayne the most was that looking at the attitude of those jailers towards the clown, no matter what this “Mr. Napier” conspiracy was, he might have succeeded!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Timeline, came to a year ago. 】

[On the streets of Gotham City, a cat-and-mouse chase drama was staged again. 】


[The clown slid on a skateboard, smiling maniacally, and scurrying around the streets of Gotham City.] 】

【”Come on! Batman! “】

“Just like before, let’s use a variety of classic moves to open this festival. “】

[“The first is to fly over the suspension bridge! “】

“And then there’s rooftop racing! “】


[Following the clown who stepped on the skateboard and drove the Batmobile, Batman first flew over the suspension bridge, and then rushed to the roof! ] 】


[A whole car came and went on the roof, I don’t know how many buildings were damaged and how much damage was caused. 】

[But in order to catch the Joker, Batman didn’t hesitate even for a second. 】

[Then, led by the Joker, the two broke into a construction site on the highway. 】

[And even in the face of construction workers on the highway, Batman only quickly hit the steering wheel and did not slow down at all. ] 】

[“Run! “】

[Facing the roaring Batmobile, several workers were shocked, and one of them was almost flown away! ] 】

[Fortunately, Nightwing, who caught up on a motorcycle, saved the construction worker in the nick of time. 】

[And after the Joker rushed into the industrial area alone, Batman got out of the car and chased after him. ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[The security guard of the industrial park wanted to tell Batman where the Joker went, but he didn’t expect that Batman was like a brute bull, rushing straight over and bringing the security guard to the ground. ] 】

[Seeing this scene, Batgirl Barbara Gordon and Nightwing both widened their eyes in shock. ] 】

[Batman is usually known for being calm, how did he become manic like this today? ] 】

[But they soon found that no matter what they said, Batman didn’t seem to hear it, just ran desperately! ] 】

[It seems that he will not stop if he does not catch the clown today.] 】

[And when Batman rushed into the Joker’s workshop, he suddenly heard a laugh full of irony:]

[“Hahahaha, my good partner, today ‘the two of us’ put on an excellent and wonderful performance for Gotham City. “】

“However, did you go a little too far just now? “】

[“On the Batmobile, you almost crushed that builder to death.”] “】

“Not to mention … Did you destroy those roofs before? “】

[The Joker stood high in the workshop, seemingly not planning to run away anymore, but mocked Batman:]

[“These losses, are you ready to compensate yourself, or let Gotham City compensate? “】

[Facing the Joker’s words, Batman finally responded in a gloomy voice:]

[“Joker, this is not a show! “】

[At this time, outside, the Gotham City police also arrived at the scene. ] 】

[And focus on the abandoned factory building in front of you.] Sheriff James Gordon suddenly felt that something was wrong, and asked his subordinates in a low voice:]

[“What is the clown doing here?”] In this building… What exactly is hidden? “】

[Another policeman quickly responded:]

[“Medicine! “】

“In this building, there are only some medical garbage that will be destroyed quickly! “】

[The picture is back inside the workshop, and the Joker doesn’t care what Batman says, just gushes endless:]

“What surprised me the most was that just now… You actually flew that security guard without hesitation! “】

[“If you continue like this, your personality will collapse!” “】

“At that point, even I won’t be able to help you. “】

[“Help me? “】

[Batman took out a flashlight, followed the Joker’s voice in the dark workshop, and slowly walked up the stairs. ] 】

[Obviously knowing that Batman is getting closer and closer, but the Joker has no intention of stopping at all, and the more he talks, the more excited he gets:]

“Of course I’m helping you!”] “】

“For so long, I have been challenging you in various ways to make you stronger. “】

“The relationship between us is so delicate! “】

[“I am not only your most troublesome opponent, but also the fan who loves you the most! “】


[Listening to the Joker’s laughter getting closer and closer, Batman’s footsteps slowed down, but in the face of the provocation in the Joker’s words, he couldn’t help but say:]

“I have nothing to do with you! “】

[As soon as Batman’s words fell, the Joker held an axe and rushed out from the shadows! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Having long raised his vigilance to the peak, Batman dodged the Joker’s attack as soon as he flashed, and then punched him fiercely on his face covered in white oil paint. ] 】

[“Woo! “】

[The clown’s body fell backwards, and the blood from his nose stained his face red. 】

[But even so, he laughed maniacally again:]

[“Admit it, Batman, the two of us are a couple made in heaven! “】

[“At this point, we only need one more shot between us to get back together!”] “】


[Hearing these bad words, Batman’s forehead jumped and said coldly:]

“You’re not worth mentioning at all!”] It’s the same for me, it’s for Gotham, it’s the same for everyone. “】

[“Huh… Batman, by now, are you still going to fool yourself? “】

[Gently wiped the blood flowing out of his nostrils, and the clown’s voice suddenly became cold. ] 】

[And in his tone, there is a hint of pride:]

[“After so many years, you still don’t know how powerful I am? “】

[“As long as I want, I can defeat you at any time, and even make the whole city rise against you! “】

“But I didn’t do it because I didn’t want to destroy this … A playground we all own! “】

“Admit it, the city… It’s an amusement park that you and I have created together! “】

“Its sole purpose is to entertain the two of us!”] “】

“It is precisely because of fear of me that Gotham City will allow this monster of yours to exist!”] “】

“The relationship between the two of us, but no one is indispensable.”] “】

“Are you finished? Listening to these increasingly sharp words, Batman’s tone actually rose a few degrees. 】

[“Ha! “】

[The axe had long been thrown aside, and the clown with his bare hands suddenly rushed forward and threw a punch at Batman, but he dodged it again. ] 】

[And after a punch, the clown began to gush again! ] It seems that these words have been hidden in his heart for a long time, and today he just spit it out. 】

[“Batman! I’m the only one who understands you! “】

[“You dress like a bat every day, swaggering outside, this behavior has nothing to do with justice, just self-satisfaction! “】

“You want to fill the emptiness in your heart, but you can’t see it at all… Everything you do is in vain! “】

[“For you now, crime is the cure for your mental illness! “】

[“Gotham, I’m good… It’s all your victims! “】

[“Stop! “】

[The Joker’s sharp words seem to poke at the pain points hidden in Batman’s heart! ] 】

[Batman, who was originally in a somewhat abnormal state, completely couldn’t hold back his emotions now! ] The madness erupted. 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Pressing the Joker to the ground, Batman violently swung his fist, like a storm, hitting the enemy again and again that was powerless to resist.] 】

[One punch! ] 】

[Two punches! ] 】

[Five punches! ] 】

[Ten punches! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! ……”】

[Soon, Batman’s fist was stained red with the Joker’s blood. ] 】

[At this time, Sheriff Gordon, Barbara the Batgirl. Nightwing, as well as a group of policemen, also arrived at the scene one after another. 】

[But watching Batman squandering the Joker, they all just watched silently, and none of them stepped forward to stop it. ] 】

[After all, this clown is a villain who has done countless harms, even if he is punched a few times, then what? ] 】


[In the face of this fierce attack, the clown whose face was covered in blood and was almost beaten into a human shape was actually even more energetic! ] 】

[Facing the fist that rained down, the clown actually opened his eyes wide and roared loudly:]

[“Admit it, Batman! “】

[“For Gotham City, you are the biggest villain here! “】

[“Stop! “】

[Under the fury, Batman seems to be completely out of control! ] 】

[He threw a punch with all his strength, and forced the clown to fly backwards, crushing a wooden box. ] 】


[Countless medicine bottles tumbled out of the wooden box and scattered all over the place. 】

[“Hey, hey, hey…”]

[The clown casually picked up a bottle of medicine from the ground and laughed with difficulty:]

“I know Gotham City better than any of you!” 】

“But for you… I’m just a madman with a painted face! “】

[Trying to raise the medicine bottle in his hand high, the clown looked into the eyes of the bottle of medicine. Also full of complexity :]

“So, I have no choice… Can only come to this place… to prove to you…”

“If this medicine can make me better, then I can make Gotham better!”] “】

“You want to get better?” “】

[Batman’s words reveal deep anger, like a volcano about to erupt:]

[“Okay, then open my mouth! “】

[Open the Joker’s mouth with one hand, Batman with the other… Poured the whole bottle of unknown medicine into the clown’s mouth! 】

[Later, Batman covered the Joker’s mouth tightly with his hand, forcing him to swallow all the medicine into his throat.] 】


[Blocked by dozens of pills in the throat, the clown’s eyes rolled white, and his mouth was covered with blood, and he let out a desperate roar:]

[“I… I don’t…… Can’t breathe anymore…. (I,can,t,breathe)”】


[At the scene, almost all the people were stunned by the scene in front of them, and stood in place unable to move. 】

[Is this fierce and violent man really Batman?] 】

[How could he do such a thing?] 】

[And at this moment, no one noticed that a witness had already taken out his mobile phone and put the image in front of him… All of them were recorded! 】

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