“Stop thinking about it.”

Looking down at the eager little Wanda, black lines appeared on Tonislak’s forehead, and he almost couldn’t help but roll his eyes for a while.

The little girl’s face was full of impatient excitement, and she seemed to have completely forgotten the previous “Azathos Asking for Divine Magic”.

Just when Tony couldn’t help but want to persuade her, little Wanda carefully looked at the Book of Dead in his hand, and his little face collapsed.

“No, the side effects of this yellow mark are great.”

“As long as you see it, you will see the king of yellow in a nightmare at night!”

“If you don’t have enough willpower, you will fall into madness after waking up!”

Upon hearing this, Bruce Wayne said thoughtfully:

“This and ‘Cthulhu’s call’… It’s kind of like that. ”

“Although Hasta and Cthulhu are old enemies of each other, they really deserve to be brothers…”

Peter Parker, who was standing on the side, also said with a disgusted face:

“Yes, their bodies seem to be similar to octopuses, and they even have tentacles!”

“Just thinking… It’s uncomfortable. ”

“Hmph! What a mortal mind. Loki first snorted coldly at this time, and then said proudly:

“That Hasta’s sensing range… All over the universe, whenever someone mentions His name, they can immediately detect it and send a doppelganger! ”

“This is the true power of the gods of the universe!”

“Ordinary mortals… A power that you can’t even dream of! ”

Peter and Wanda looked at each other and couldn’t refute it for a while.

Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne looked at each other, both seeing the caution in each other’s eyes.

Hasta’s astonishing approach to “if mentioned, it must be known” has almost reminded them of… The most powerful foreign gods!

“Hasta and Cthulhu are both descendants of the Oneness of All Things ‘Yugsotos’…”

Tony muttered:

“‘Yogurt Sotos’ claims to be the master of all laws of the universe, the founder of time and space.”

“Perhaps, Hasta’s perception of the nature of the law… And the ability to transmit, that is, inheritance is Yogurt Sotos’s. ”

“Wouldn’t you?”

Peter Parker’s eyes widened as he listened:

“The same brothers, that Cthulhu, why didn’t he inherit such a powerful skill?”

Tonis Dak spread his hands:

“This kind of thing… Who knows. ”

“Besides, the descendants and descendants of the outer gods… God knows how many there are, maybe thousands! ”

“If everyone could inherit powerful laws, then the universe would have been dominated by these old dominators long ago!”

Hearing this, the sentinel, who had been silent, suddenly scratched his head and said a little blandly:

“I don’t know what dominators are, but seeing now… Whether it is Cthulhu or Hasta, they are all sealed by strong enemies. ”

“It seems… The strong people in the universe are really powerful! ”

“Even the children of the outer gods may not be able to beat them!”

Young Master Wayne lowered his head slightly, and secretly groaned in his heart:

“Defeat the strong of the old dominators?”

“They… And who are they? ”

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

“In antiquity, the old rulers, including Cthulhu, descended on Earth and tried to conquer the planet. “】

“But…”However…”They were not the first alien races to come to Earth. “】

[“As early as when the natural environment of the earth had just stabilized, a group of powerful alien races crossed space with their flesh and bodies and landed on the south pole of the earth. “】

[“These creatures are the earliest alien races to “land” since the formation of the earth, and can also be called the earliest “conquerors” of the earth! ] “】

“After the improvement of bioengineering, the body of the ancients is extremely tough, not only can withstand the vacuum and high pressure of space, but also easily adapt to the extreme environment of the deep sea. “】

“Next, these alien creatures spent hundreds of millions of years conquering all of Earth’s oceans and evolving the ability to survive on land. “】

[“Because the history of these creatures on Earth is too old, the primitive races of later generations… By instinct, in awe, call them “Old, Ones!” )”】

“In the heyday of the Ancients, they were the undisputed overlords of the planet, ruling all habitable places on the planet. “】

“The ancients” possess powerful biological and genetic technologies unimaginable to future generations, and their lifespan is so long that they can hardly die naturally. “】

“They can modify their bodies as they wish, adapting them to almost all the natural environment in the universe. “】

“It is by relying on this improved super flesh and body that the ancients were able to cross the galaxy and descend on the earth. “】

“After descending to Earth, the ancients modified their genes again to adapt to the Earth’s environment. “】

“When the ancients first descended on Earth, this young planet even had only one Wang Yang, and there was no land at all. “】

“So, the Ancients first modified their bodies to adapt them to survive in the deep sea. “】

“Subsequently, they used their bioengineering techniques to create various cellular organisms in the ocean for prey, or food.” “】

“With the passage of hundreds of millions of years, the earth’s geological environment has also undergone vicissitudes. “】

“A large amount of land began to rise from the ocean, forming a large … Land plate. “】

In response to such changes, many ancient people have once again modified their bodies to adapt to life on land, and successfully landed on land and built new cities on land. “】

“In order to catch food on land, the ancients created all kinds of new creatures to serve them. “】

“Among these new species is a kind of “great ape.”] “】

“But even the ancients did not think … The creature they created evolved in the natural environment of the earth, and after countless years, successfully became the master of the planet. “】

Listening to the narration and seeing the familiar “erectus ape” on the screen, countless people in front of the big screen were stunned.

Agent J: Shenma? Human beings are… Created by some kind of alien monster?

Stephen Strange: It seems that this is it. (⊙_⊙)

Wonder Woman Diana: No, in the legend of our paradise island, humans were created by Zeus.

Stephen Strange: Probably… The creation legend of each world is different.

Hermione Granger: Unbelievable! These alien races, why did they create the great apes? What does this mean to them?

Rocky Odinson: Hehe, maybe it’s used for food too! ^_^

Hermione Granger: … Food…… ( ̄ mouth ̄)!!!

Wonder Woman Diana: Making up lies to deceive little girls, is this what the god of fraud does? It’s ridiculous!

Rocky Odinson: Humph! How do you know that what I said must be wrong?

Bruce Wayne: There’s no point in talking about this kind of thing, and right now my biggest concern is that if these ancients were the first to take over the earth, then… When did Cthulhu come again?

Bruce Wayne: What happened between Cthulhu and the Ancients?

God of War Kratos: Ha, do you still need to ask?

Kratos, God of War: You fancy a piece of land occupied by someone else, then the result … It can only be war!

Kratos, God of War: Kill the people in the land, take the rest as slaves, and snatch everything!

God of War Kratos: Whether it is a human or a monster from the stars, you can only go this way in the end!

Bruce wayne:…………

Nick Fury: War, maybe that’s the only constant truth in the universe.

Jeromé Valeska: Was there a war between Cthulhu and the Ancients? So…… Later, Cthulhu was sealed, is it the hand of the ancients?

Hermione Granger: Uh… I remember that the one that sealed Cthulhu seemed to be the “ancient god”.

Jeromé Valeska: Maybe the ancient gods are another title for the ancients.

Tony Stark: Who knows, in short, the earth later became the world of humans, whether it was Cthulhu or the ancients, all withdrew from the stage!

Rocky Odinson: Humph! This is only temporary. Don’t rejoice too soon!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[That calm narration voice also sounded again.] 】

“The civilization of the ancients reached its peak 1 billion years ago, building huge cities on Earth’s land and seas and engaging in thriving trade. “】

“And better to build cities, build cities and engage in other great projects, the Ancients, and also created many lower races to enslave. “】

“One of the most commonly used is a monster called “Hugus”. “】

“However, the process of ruling the earth by the ancients was far from smooth. “】

[“In order to protect the planet they occupied, the ancients had to fight one shocking battle after another with other alien invaders who came across the starry sky! “】

“This is called Earth Battle! “】

[“It is said that the first to wage war with the ancients… It is a cosmic race called the “Flying Hydra”. “】

“In this terrifying alien race, only part of the body is made of matter, and what the rest is made of is unknown. “】

[With their strange bodies, the “Flying Hydras” crisscrossed the universe and conquered several planets. “】

“After coming to Earth hundreds of millions of years ago, they quickly occupied large tracts of land and tried to expand their power into the oceans. “】

“However, the ancients who were based on the sea immediately launched a counterattack and drove the flying hydra back to land. “】

“From then on, these monsters never dared to go into the sea again. “】

[“The first battle for supremacy on the earth ended in the victory of the ancients. “】

“After repelling the flying hydra, hundreds of millions of years have passed. “】

“This time, another powerful being in the universe, carrying his own star family, crossed space and descended to Earth. “】

“He is the great Cthulhu! “】

[The so-called “Star Dependents”, also known as the “Follower Race”, are the servants of the old dominators in the universe! ] “】

[“Before descending on Earth, Cthulhu was shuttling through the cosmic galaxy, selecting… Planets and races fit to rule and conquer! “】

[And the “Star Dependents” are the cosmic races that Cthulhu took in this process. “】

“After meeting the great Cthulhu, these Star Dependents immediately surrendered to His feet and decided to follow Cthulhu to conquer the sea of stars. “】

[“Among the Star Clans of Cthulhu, the most famous is the legendary ‘Deep Diver!’] ’】

[“Led by the leaders “Dagon” and “Hydra”, the Deep Divers followed the great Cthulhu and launched wave after wave of attacks against the then Earth Overlord… “Ancients”. “】

“Despite their best efforts, the Ancients were unable to defeat Cthulhu and his dependents. “】

Finally, after countless years of anxiety and stalemate, the Ancients and Cthulhu finally gave up war and established peace. “】

“Since then, all the land on the surface of the earth’s seas has been brought under the rule of Cthulhu. “】

“And the ancients retreated from the ground and took over all the seas. “】

“After occupying the land, the Star Clan built many cities for the great Cthulhu under the command of Dagon and other leaders. “】

“These cities were built so that their ruler, Cthulhu, could rest and sleep in them. “】

[“Of all the cities built by the Star Clan, the most prestigious and magnificent is the city of “Lalaye”! “】

[“The city built by the Star Clan is the most famous… It’s that weird angle that doesn’t conform to normal geometry. “】

“But unfortunately, although Cthulhu ruled all the land of the earth, after many years, it was defeated by a great war and finally sealed. “】

Since then, the land belonging to the Cthulhu and Star Clans has all sunk into the sea. “】

“After this catastrophic event, most of the Star Clans on Earth fell into a deep sleep with Cthulhu. “】

[However, it is said that there are also many dependents who have not slept, but have been in the deep sea, waiting for their masters to wake up…”

[“After the disappearance of Cthulhu and its dependents, the ancients… Once again became the undisputed ruler of the earth. “】

“They started to expand their places of residence on a massive scale across the globe. “】

“From land to sea, almost everywhere the cities of the ancients. “】

“But since then, hundreds of millions of years have passed, and these powerful ancient creatures that are enough to compete with Cthulhu have finally disappeared! “】

“No one knows what happened in ancient times. “】

[End of “Cthulhu Mythos Part 1”. 】

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