In the live broadcast room.

Looking at the dim screen, everyone was a little unfulfilled for a while.

“What did the ancients who created mankind end up destroying?”

Peter Parker’s face was full of regret.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up, turned his head to look at the Book of Dead Souls in Little Wanda’s hand, and blurted out:

“In that book of yours… Is this documented? ”


Little Wanda was stunned when she heard this, and looked down at the big book in her hand.

For the past month, the little girl has devoted most of her energy to reading this book of the dead.

However, she has no interest in the history of “Otherworldly Earth”, focusing on magic, spells, and rituals.

So, hearing Peter’s question, the little girl hesitated for less than a second, and shook her head directly:

“No, nothing is written in the book.”

“Is it…”

Peter sighed with some disappointment and said nothing more.

To be honest, seeing that now, he has developed a strong curiosity about the earth that hides alien evil gods and may be destroyed at any time!

Who would have thought that in ancient times, there were still multiple alien races that launched wars for the earth!

And both the winners and the losers disappeared from the surface of the earth for inexplicable reasons.

In the end, on the contrary, the “great ape” created by aliens at will, through continuous evolution, eventually became the overlord of the earth!

This kind of thing… It’s full of drama and irony!

“An unpredictable chaotic world?”

Standing aside, Young Master Wayne didn’t say a word, but his eyes were slightly lowered.

In his opinion, the earth that entrenched Cthulhu. Or rather… The entire universe created by the gods is a place full of chaos, darkness, and madness!

Imagine that the entire universe you live in is based on the dream of some god with no intelligence… And exist!

As long as that god opens his eyes, everything in the universe may disappear like a dream bubble!

What could be more terrifying than this?

And that Cthulhu, which may wake up at any time and destroy the human world, is just this despair, chaos, darkness… It’s just a microcosm.

In that universe, destruction or madness… Maybe it’s normal!

It seemed that he was naturally more concerned about these “dark level” things, and Young Master Wayne soon fell into deep thought.

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

【Selected for: Jerome Valeska】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Batman: Deadly Joke”]

[This live Q&A will start in one minute! ] 】


As soon as he heard the sound of the system, Bruce Wayne suddenly frowned.

This guy named Jerome, his random on-demand… How could Batman be involved?

But soon, he remembered.

Jerome also seems to be from Gotham City in a parallel universe.

“But… Can be related to Batman. ”

“The whole person is definitely not an ordinary construction engineer!”

At this thought, Young Master Wayne unconsciously glanced at the open space on the right, and a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes.

I don’t know what the reason is, after the live broadcast was turned on this time, Jerome was transferred out of the live broadcast room by the system.

Otherwise, Young Master Wayne would be able to directly question him now! Then from Jerome’s eyes, facial expressions, and even body micro-language… Dig up the deepest secrets of this man!

At this time, in that basement, Jerome reached out and took off his glasses, took out a cloth and wiped the lenses, and then blew into the glasses.

“Whew . . .”

Putting the glasses on his face again, a satisfied smile appeared on Jerome’s face.

Alone in this underground base, he can feel complete comfort and freedom.

Previously in the live broadcast room. The feeling of being stared at by that Bruce Wayne is really bad…

Thinking of this, Jerome also raised his head with a little curiosity and looked at the big screen in front of him.


In his memory, Gotham City did not have such a person.

Could it be that what will be played next… Is it his future?

At this moment, a new image also appeared on the screen.

[It’s a dark rainy night. 】

[A strange car drove to the door of Arkham Asylum and stopped. 】

[That’s a Batmobile.] 】

[Down from above, is Batman.] 】

[Gotham City Police Chief… James Gordon has been waiting for him here for a long time. 】

[Batman and Chief Gordon walked into the Arkham Asylum together and came to the door of an unidentified ward. 】

[Gordon stood outside the door, and only Batman opened the door and walked in.] 】

[In the room, a green-haired, white-skinned man wearing a hospital gown is sitting at a table playing cards. 】

[There is only one person in the entire Gotham City dressed up like this and locked up in the Arkham Asylum. ] 】

[That’s a super criminal… Clown! 】

[However, most of the Joker’s body is hidden in the darkness, and only his two hands are placed under the light.] 】

[Walking into the room, Batman sits directly opposite the Joker.] 】

[A madman in an insane asylum sat face to face with a man dressed as a bat. 】

[After sitting down, Batman directly opened the chatterbox and said in a deep voice:]

“Lately, I’ve been thinking about things between you and me. “】

[“Between us … What will it turn out to be? “】

“If this continues, we will kill each other, either you kill me or I will kill you.”] “】

[Although Batman is talking, the Joker does not respond, just keeps playing cards. ] 】

[Seeing this, Batman suppressed the impatience in his chest and continued:]

“I really don’t know, the relationship between us… Why did it develop like this? “】

“But I really don’t want to kill you…”

“Are you listening to me? “】

[That Joker doesn’t seem to take care of himself at all, Batman is finally in a hurry. ] 】

[He directly reached out and grabbed the clown’s pale palm. 】

[Soon, Batman noticed something was wrong! ] 】

[After holding the Joker’s hand, his gloves … It was actually stained with white oil paint! 】

[“This guy’s skin is white! “】

[This thought suddenly flashed in his heart, and Batman immediately grabbed the clown in front of him and pulled his head to the light. ] 】

[With just one glance, Batman immediately clenched his teeth. ] 】

[This guy wears a green wig on his head and white oil paint on his face!] 】

[He’s not a clown at all, just a fake!] 】

[And the real clown has already escaped from Arkham! ] 】

[“Damn it! “】

[Batman pulled up the fake clown in front of him, threw the green wig to Chief Gordon who broke in, and then roared loudly:]

[“You painted fellow, tell me quickly, where is the clown?”] “】


[At the same time, in a corner of Gotham City, a shabby dressed operator is nervously asking a person next to him:]

“You’ve seen this amusement park, haven’t you?”] Interested? “】

[“Ha! This place is a real mess. “】

[A man with green hair, white oil paint, and a cane in his hand is mercilessly facing the dilapidated amusement park in front of him… Accusations :]

[“This ghost place is dirty, smelly and broken, if a child dares to come here to play, I am afraid that he will die at any time! “】

“So… Don’t like it? “】

[The operator’s face is disappointed. 】

[This amusement park has been closed for a long time, this weirdo, madman, criminal in front of me… It could be his last chance to sell it! 】

“Don’t like it? Aha! “】

[The green-haired weirdo turned his head sharply and had an exaggerated smile on his face:]

“I’m crazy about this!”] “】

[Sure enough, this weird guy is the clown who just escaped from Arkham Asylum not long ago! ] 】

[After this madman successfully escaped, he actually ran here to buy a dilapidated playground that had been abandoned for many years. 】

“What? “】

[The operator was stunned to hear it, and almost couldn’t believe his ears:]

“I mean… Don’t you think I’m asking too much? “】

[“Too high? I also think that you have kept the price too low and let me take advantage of it.” “】

[The clown held the cane tent under his armpit and walked to the playground with an excited face. Say as you walk :]

“In short, money is not a problem for me, at least not now. “】

[While speaking, the clown moved his gaze to a fat woman poster next to him. 】

[At this moment, his thoughts suddenly drifted to many years ago. 】

[At that time, he was not yet a super criminal “Joker”. 】

At that time, money was definitely a big problem for him. 】

[The clown at that time was just a poor middle-aged man. 】

[After a day of rushing, he returned home in frustration, almost afraid to face his wife with a big belly in front of him. 】

[But the wife still greeted with a smile and asked earnestly:]

“Honey, how’s it going? Do they like your performance? “】

[“I… I seem to have messed up a joke. “】

[The hair has not yet turned green, and the skin has not turned white, this sluggish middle-aged man turned around, seemingly not daring to look at his wife’s face at all. ] 】


[The wife showed a regretful look on her face and put her hand on the table. 】

[But it was this “oh” that actually detonated the long-accumulated emotions in men’s hearts! ] 】

[“Oh? What do you mean? Even you came to mock me? “】

[The man yelled at his wife:]

“I know you’re trying to say, oh, why didn’t you get a job again? “】

“Oh, how can we afford to have children after birth? “】

“Do you think I’m not in a hurry? “】

“You think I go out every day… What is the purpose of telling people jokes? “】

[“Oh God! “】

[The man turned around, his face full of sadness:]

[“I stood on stage telling jokes, but no one in the audience laughed! “】

“I feel… I’m a big joke myself! “】

[And after venting his emotions, the man suddenly turned around, put his arm around his wife’s waist, and cried:]

“Oh… Oh my God, I didn’t mean to get angry with you. “】

[“Marry me such a trash! You’ve suffered too much! “】

[“Honey! I didn’t mean that…”

“I’m just a waste!”] And I can’t even afford to raise you! “】

“Oh my God, what are we going to do in the future?”] “】

[Faced with her husband, who seemed to have completely collapsed, the wife quickly comforted her. 】

[Under the comfort of his wife, the man finally sorted out his emotions and slowly walked to the window. ] 】

[Right now, it’s raining outside, but… The man had no view outside the window, only a solid wall. 】

[Obviously, the apartment they live in is in a very bad location, there is no ventilation and lighting at all. 】

“I’ve had enough! “】

The man looked at the wall in front of him. There was a cold light in his eyes, ]

“In any case, I also want to make enough money before the baby is born, and then take you both out of this damn place together!”] “】

And seeing this, the chat group also became lively.

Hermione Granger: What does that mean? How can I not understand at all?

Starlight: Joker! That crazy clown, turned out to be such an unfortunate person?

Agent J: Feeling… It’s kind of like the “Joker” that was played before

John Constantine: Originally just a bottom of society, after suffering a series of heavy blows, this completely collapsed and degenerate, for the sake of the super criminal clown!

Agent J: Look at this guy’s unlucky look, it’s really similar.

Loki Odinson: Maybe this hapless bastard is also the illegitimate son of Thomas Wayne. Hahaha…

In the live broadcast room, after Loki spoke, he glanced back at Master Wayne with some smugness.

But to his surprise, Young Master Wayne didn’t look at the big screen at all, and was frowning and pondering something.


After a while, Bruce Wayne suddenly spoke:

“Now it seems that this video … It’s the story that revolves around Batman and the Joker. ”

“However, through random on-demand, the person who turned on this video was not me, but that Jerome Valeska!”

“Could it be that he is the Batman of his universe? Or…”

“He’s the Joker!”

When he said the last conjecture, Bruce Wayne’s voice suddenly became cold!

Several people in the live broadcast room were taken aback when they heard it.

“What? Clown? ”

Little Wanda’s eyes were round and full of disbelief.

“How can that nerd in a red suit be a clown?”


Surprisingly, Tony Stark nodded slightly, and also glanced at the big screen in front of him:

“Don’t you see? The impoverished guy on the screen should be the clown of the past. ”

“This guy and the previous ‘Arthur’, originally all ordinary people, but after experiencing a series of changes, they degenerated into super criminals!”

Tony Stark said word by word: ”

Since the two of them are like this, then that Jerome … Probably too! “


In a certain concrete basement, Jerome’s eyes widened, his eyes full of shock and dazedness.

“I… Will it become a clown in the future? ”

PS: Next, first “Deadly Joke”, “Annihilation”, Dionysian factor, and then “Dark Night Metal”! Zhenglian vs. Laughing Bat! ^_^

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