Faced with the incredible fact of “Batman kills”, it seems that many people in the chat group are unwilling to believe it.

The Flash Barry Allen: This… It’s unlikely, isn’t that Batman with the “no-kill principle”?

Jerome Valeska: I don’t know what the “no-kill principle” is, but I probably understand by now why this video is called a “fatal joke”.

Lori Jinx: That joke changed Batman!

Jeromé Valeska: That’s right!

Jerome Valeska: Maybe before hearing the joke, this man dressed as a bat had his own guidelines.

Jeromé Valeska: But he listened to the joke and chose to laugh wildly with the clown… That proves that Batman recognizes that he is a madman!

Jerome Valeska: And like that madman in the asylum, he couldn’t have saved the Joker!

Wolverine: No one… You can step on a pillar of light with a flashlight and walk over.

Jerome Valeska: In this case, as a madman who realizes his own nature, what Batman can do… There is only one left.

Jeromé Valeska: That is to kill this incurable clown in front of you! That’s it!

Jerome Valeska: So, the Joker’s laughter will disappear, only Batman’s maniacal laughter will remain!

After this speech, Jerome, who was sitting in the chair, let out a long breath, the corners of his mouth were raised high, and an extremely satisfied smile appeared on his face.

In addition to his amazing IQ, he also has an extraordinary ability to figure out people’s hearts.

It is precisely because of this that Jerome was able to play everyone else around at a very young age, making everyone think that his brother was a bad boy, and he… A good kid who was bullied by Jerome!

So Jerome thinks that his analysis of the Joker and Batman… Absolutely nothing went wrong!

Before being in that live broadcast room, in order to hide himself, he could only stop many speeches and did not dare to really say his thoughts.

But now located in his own home, Jerome has no such concerns at all, and can express his mind directly, saying whatever he wants!

Starlight: You… This Jerome’s words sounded so reasonable, I was speechless. (⊙o⊙)

Hermione Granger: So that Batman, like the Joker, is also a madman?

Daddy: Only magic can defeat magic, and sometimes… And only a madman can defeat a madman!

Bruce wayne:………… →_→

Although his heart was full of all kinds of stirring emotions, Bruce Wayne was at the moment… I was completely speechless.

He didn’t care what other people thought of him, but Young Master Wayne asked himself: One day, if he faced a crazy clown who could not be saved, would he really be able to adhere to… the “principle of not killing”?

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Xiao Wanda’s pupils suddenly shrunk and exclaimed:

“Oops! Not good, Batman killed the Joker. ”

“In that case, will he turn into a laughing bat?”


Upon hearing this, the rest of the people in the live broadcast room were immediately shocked, and Bruce Wayne gasped uncontrollably!

Laughing bats!

The most evil, craziest and cruelest fallen Batman in that multiverse!

And the reason why he became like this is entirely because he was lured and killed by the clown, and finally infected with the clown’s poison gas!

“It won’t!”

Young Master Wayne thought carefully, his face turned even paler, and a chill rushed straight from his back to the heavenly spirit cover!

He was thinking… The Joker deliberately said that “deadly joke” in front of Batman, could it be, just to provoke Batman to kill himself?

In this way, even if there is no poison gas, a Batman who has no scruples and no principle of not killing… And so it was born!

Although there is one less Joker in the world, there is one more fallen Batman who is countless times more dangerous than him!

This situation is like a replica of the laughing bat!

At this thought, Young Master Wayne only felt dizzy, and his heart was full of remorse.

Just now, he was still hesitating whether to kill the clown when he met him, but now he wants to come…

Myself…… Sure enough, you must not kill!

Otherwise, I am afraid it will cause a disaster worse than the clown or worse!

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

[Selected Object: Bruce Wayne]

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Batman: Annihilation – Endgame”]

[This live Q&A will start in one minute! ] 】

“Extermination? Final? ”

Hearing these two ominous words, Bruce Wayne’s heart that had finally calmed down quickly began to beat “thump” again.

But no matter how worried he was, the picture on the screen lit up again.

Along with the familiar Gotham City picture, a calm narration voice also sounded.

[On this day, Batman once again fought against the Joker. “】

“After a series of battles, the Joker was defeated by Batman again and sent to Arkham Asylum. “】

“Here, the Joker, encounters a villain named “Puppeteer”. “】

For unknown reasons, the Joker asked the puppeteer to cut off his face and dumped it in the Arkham Asylum. “】

[“On the second day, when the insane asylum staff opened the cell door, they were horrified to find it… A bloody piece of dough was randomly discarded on the ground. “】

And the clown has disappeared without a trace. “】

“This madman … He actually cut off and abandoned his face! “】

“And then, just go! “】

In the live broadcast room.


Seeing this, everyone was almost stunned, and little Wanda exclaimed:

“How is it possible, the clown guy, actually took the initiative to let others cut his face?”

“Is he really completely crazy?”


Bruce Wayne didn’t say a word, but his brows furrowed tightly.

Out of a certain sixth sense, he felt that behind the scenes of this matter, I am afraid that there was a terrible conspiracy hidden!

No matter why, being able to make the clown cut off his face … The goal to be achieved is probably not simple!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the clown was peeled off, he disappeared in Gotham City. 】

[Without this madman, Gotham City seems to have returned to relative tranquility, and people die every day… The numbers seem to be decreasing. 】

However, this “peace” did not last long. 】

[That night, the Joker returned to Gotham City again, and the first thing he did was to infiltrate the Gotham City Police Department and retrieve the one that was kept as evidence… Own cheek! 】

[In the process of retrieving the “face”, the clown also mercilessly killed several policemen. 】

[Next, a crime trailer of the clown also appeared on TV. ] 】

[It seems that his next target is Shi Chang.] 】

[After learning of the return of his old enemy, Batman immediately intervened and did everything he could to protect Shi Chang. ] 】

[However, he still underestimated the Joker’s evil intelligence. 】

[Chief Shi, who was protected by countless policemen, was fine, but those policemen were attacked by some new type of “laughing poison gas” and died cleanly. 】

[After analyzing this new poison gas, Batman found that three components of the poison were meaningless. 】

[And the initials of these three ingredients are “ACE”]

[Hearing these three letters, Batman immediately understood. 】

[The clown used this method to tell him… The location of the next game. 】

[That’s the ACE chemical plant! ] Where it all began! 】

[Back then, it was here that Batman forced the Joker into the chemical pool, thus creating this unprecedented madman! ] 】

[After making all the preparations, Batman came to the ace chemical factory. Here he met a man exactly like he was back then. 】

[A man wearing a red hood and a red cape!] 】

[“You are not a clown, who are you?”] “】

[But from the body of this “red hood”, there is a clown’s voice:]

“You drove me into the pool right here. “】

“Those chemicals burned my skin, but they made me see my true self! “】

[Batman had just rushed to the side of the red hood, and a huge hammer suddenly appeared from the side, knocking him out and landing in a chemical container next to him. ] 】

[“Hahahaha, Batman, you are too slow, you are already old! Weak! Fat! “】

“But … Don’t worry, I’ll come to your rescue, I’ll put you… Save from your weak companions! “】

[The clown’s maniacal laughter continued, but the red hood took off the hood on his head. 】

[It turns out that this person is really not a clown, but Harry Quinn! ] 】

[At the same time, the chemical agent that the Joker soaked in back then also flowed into the chemical container where Batman was! ] 】

[It seems that the Joker actually wants to transform Batman into his own appearance! ] 】

[“Abominable! “】

[In desperation, Batman had to detonate a small bomb on his body, blowing up a large hole in the container, but he himself was also injured. ] 】

[I managed to escape the trap set by the Joker, but as soon as Batman returned home, he found that the ace chemical factory was just a sound, and the Joker’s real target was Alfred! ] 】

[This madman who doesn’t even have a face actually broke into Wayne’s mansion and kidnapped Alfred! ] 】

[Thinking of Alfred falling into the hands of that perverted maniac, Batman was suddenly anxious. ] 】

[However, he deserves to be the best detective on the planet, and although he goes around in circles, he finally locks the position of the Joker. ] 】

[That’s the reservoir in Gotham City.] 】

[After seeing the Joker, Batman asked directly without saying a word:]

“Where is Alfred Pennyworth?” “】

[“Hahaha! “】

[At this moment, the clown is like wearing a mask, bringing his own skin to his face. 】

[But in the gap between the dough, you can still see the red muscles below, which is terrifying to the extreme, and it doesn’t look like a human being! ] 】

[However, the Joker still laughed while saying to Batman:]

“Honey, you’re always so anxious. “】

[“Don’t meet again, don’t you kiss me, don’t you hug me, don’t you even give me a bat dart?”] “】

[“Maniac! “】

[Thinking of Alfred’s life and death uncertain, Batman angrily rushed towards the Joker, who knew that he accidentally fell into the Joker’s trap for a while. ] 】

[After a fight, although Batman broke free from the trap bullet, he was hit by the Joker’s paralyzing toxin, paralyzed and unable to move, and was kicked off the reservoir dam by the Joker. ] 】

[When Batman wakes up, he finds himself lying in the Batcave.] 】

[It turns out that it was Nightwing who saved Batman before. 】

[And including Batgirl, Jason Todd, Damian Wayne… These bat family members are also all gathered here. 】

[Although these members of the Bat family offer to help, Batman is worried… They can be killed by clowns. 】

[So, in the end, I decided to investigate the whereabouts of the clown by myself. ] 】

[Batman took a lot of effort to find the Joker’s base camp. ] 】

[He made it all the way and defeated all of the Joker’s subordinates.] 】

[However, in the end, he still fell into the clown’s trap and was arrested.] 】

[When Batman wakes up from his coma, he is immediately horrified to discover that the Joker didn’t just catch him.] He also caught all the members of the Bat family! 】

[Including his own son Damian Wayne, the members of the bat family in front of him are all bandaged on their heads, looking as if they have just undergone plastic surgery! ] 】

[And standing in front of these terrified bat family members, the clown even claimed triumphantly… He has cut off the skin of all of them! 】

[This is his ultimate revenge on Batman!] Destroy all his relatives and friends around him! 】

[However, the Joker still underestimates Batman too much. 】

[He already recognized his location and knew that there was water nearby.] 】

[Grabbing a gap, Batman breaks free from the chair that binds him and uses a mini-bomb to blast a gap in the cave.] 】


[The water rushed in and washed the clowns away.] 】

[Seizing the opportunity, Batman quickly untied the bandage on his biological son Damian’s face. ] 】

[Only then did he realize that the clown hadn’t cut off his face at all.] 】

[Everything before was just the Joker’s psychological tactics, wanting to crush the minds of Batman and others. ] 】

[After confirming that the family was all safe, Batman chased him out desperately. ] 】

[This time, he must not let go of the evil clown. 】

“Damn maniac, don’t you want to run. “】

[After finding the Joker, Batman threw a heavy punch without hesitation, almost knocking the skin on the Joker’s face flying. ] 】

[Seeing that he couldn’t escape no matter what, the clown actually found an opportunity to jump off the nearby waterfall cliff and take the opportunity to kill himself! ] 】

[But Batman reached out and grabbed the Joker. ] 】

[Looking at the clown in front of him who is not even afraid of death, Batman suddenly performed a trick… Similar psychological tactics to the Joker! 】

“After investigating, I finally know who you are. “】

[“Impossible! “】

[The clown’s crazy face finally showed a look of horror. ] 】

[It seems… He is also unwilling to let Batman know his true identity. 】

“You’re lying to me, you’re playing my old tricks. “】

[Batman put his mouth to the Joker’s ear and said softly:]

[“Joker, let me tell you, your real name is…”

[“Stop! “】

[The Joker struggled frantically, repelled Batman with the electric shock props on his body, and “successfully” let himself… Fell off the cliff. 】

[Batman looked down, and could only see the Joker’s peeled face, constantly rolling and floating in the raging waves of the waterfall…]

[And the figure of the clown has disappeared without a trace. ] 】

[After Batman returned to the Batcave, everything about the Joker’s identity in the computer is still unknown. ] 】

[Before, as the Joker said, Batman used his tricks against him. 】

[It’s all just a bluff. 】

[Since then, the Joker seems to have really passed away and never appeared in front of Batman again. 】

[Until, one day…]

[This day is a day that Batman will never forget.] 】

[On this day, the entire Justice League stood on the opposite side of him. 】

[They have only one goal, and that is to kill Batman!] 】

PS: The next chapter is Batman’s solo battle in the Justice League! The legend of the strongest human beings on earth begins! ^_^

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