After watching the relevant videos of “The Calamity of Extermination”, the chat group was also lively.

Hermione Granger: It’s scary! This clown actually cut off his face? How could there be such a thing?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: I’ve seen all kinds of humans, but so strange… It’s really unheard of.

Deadpool: Huh… Maybe that clown wants to try it out and activate his self-healing ability!

Hermione Granger: Huh? Does the clown have self-healing abilities?

Deadpool: How would he know he didn’t if he didn’t experiment? O(∩_∩)O haha~

Hermione Granger: ……… (⊙_⊙)

Jeromé Valeska: Hmph, maybe the kind of potion in the chemical pool water poisoned this guy’s brain!

Lori Jinx: One thing, I really don’t understand. That Joker, why is he afraid of Batman saying his name?

Lori Jinx: Isn’t his name Jack Napier?

Stephen Strange: Every universe may be different.

Stephen Strange: And, in the first place… The system played the “Jeromay” on demand, and only then did “Deadly Joke” play!

Lori Jinx: Oh, that is, is this guy likely to be a clown?

Hermione Granger: Huh? Clown! We have a clown in the group! ( ̄口 ̄)!!

Jeromé Valeska: Gibberish!

Jeromé Valeska: I’m a well-known construction engineer! And that crazy monster… It doesn’t matter at all!

That being said, a haze still flashed under Jeromai’s eyes.

He knew that there had always been a deep darkness hidden in his heart, like a beast that could fight to break out at any time!

For many years, Jerome has been using his superb acting skills and willpower to put that beast in a cage.

But everyone’s speech, as well as the on-demand just now, also revealed a terrifying possibility to him…

Maybe…… You really have the possibility of transforming into a freak with a face full of oil paint!

“No kidding, it’s absolutely impossible!”

With a low roar, Jerome clenched his teeth fiercely, and the muscles on his face twitched unconsciously.

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Gotham City, Wayne Building.] 】

[Bruce Wayne and Alfred walked into the research room here. 】

[Looking at the city outside the window, Fu teased… Gotham City seems to be getting younger, while he and Bruce are getting older. 】

[Hearing this, Bruce Wayne directly raised his arm and showed his muscles like Afu showing off:]

[“It’s that you’re getting older, but I’m in the prime of life, getting stronger and stronger!”] “】

[And just as Afu laughed, the tempered glass window in front of them… Bang bang! 】

[“Bang! “】

[A figure rushed straight over like a sharp arrow and aimed directly at Bruce Wayne! ] 】

[It’s Wonder Woman Diana! ] 】


[Bruce was not guarded, and was pressed to the ground by Wonder Woman, and even his head was trapped in cement! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[Next, without saying a word, Wonder Woman directly grabbed Bruce Wayne and flew out of the window and floated into the sky. ] 】

“Diana… You…”

[Feeling Wonder Woman’s extremely brutal means, and the murderous aura released from her body, Bruce’s face was full of disbelief. ] 】

[What happened?] 】

[Why does Wonder Woman attack herself?] 】

“Shut up, Bruce, I won’t listen to you anyway. “Wonder Woman carried Bruce Wayne into the air. 】

[But at this moment, Bruce took out two props from his arms and casually pasted them on Wonder Woman’s head. ] 】

“Diana… I think you’ll still listen. “】

【”Ahhh!! “】

[The violent fluctuations emitted by those two props instantly interfered with Wonder Woman’s brain, causing her hand to involuntarily loosen and throw Bruce Wayne down. ] 】

[“Click! Cha…… Bang! “】

[Just fell on a large tree, Bruce broke several thick branches in a row, and finally fell heavily to the ground. ] 】

[Fortunately, this is a park in Gotham City, full of towering trees, otherwise, Bruce might already be less fierce. ] 】


[Feeling the sharp pain all over his body, Bruce Wayne’s face was suddenly full of horror. ] 】

[A minute ago, he was still bragging in front of Fu that he was in the prime of life, but just now… I was almost killed by Wonder Woman! 】

[“Damn it! Diana! What’s going on? “】

[In the face of Bruce Wayne’s shocked questioning, Wonder Woman descended from the sky, drew her sword in her hand, and walked over expressionless:]

[“Bruce Wayne, the Alliance is here to do something that should have been done a long time ago…”

“That’s taking your life!”] “】

[“Alliance? “】

[Upon hearing this, Bruston was shocked. 】

[If Diana’s words are not bluffing, then doesn’t it mean… The entire Justice League is already ready to attack itself? 】

[The strongest superheroes on earth, all come to take their lives! ] 】

[Thinking of this possibility, Bruce Wayne immediately turned his head and shouted through the intercom while desperately trying to escape:]

[“Alfred! Hurry up and start Fenrir! Expand the smoke! “】

[“Understood, young master! “】

[After Alfred got Bruce’s order, he was in the next moment…”

[“Poof! “】

[A large amount of smoke, coming out of Gotham City’s sewer entrance, quickly covered nearly 10 blocks. 】

[Among them, naturally includes the parks in Gotham City.] 】

[“Huh? “】

[The view was completely blocked by smoke, and Diana temporarily lost Bruce Wayne’s position. 】

[But soon, she heard… From a distance came the sound of a heavy object hitting the ground! 】

[“Boom! “】

[This object is so big, the vibration when it lands makes the earth shake slightly. 】


[Wait until the smoke gradually clears, Diana can see clearly… That object was not some extraterrestrial meteorite, but a huge machine armor! 】

[Then, from inside the armor, a voice that was extremely familiar to her came out. 】

[“Diana! You think you can finish me off? “】

[“On my turf? “】

“My city? “】

[Sitting inside the Fenrir’s armor, Bruce Wayne yelled loudly:]

【”Then come on! “】

“Welcome to Gotham! “】

[This set of armor is the world’s strongest combat weapon created by Bruce Wayne after exhausting astronomical funds! ] 】

[It is said that his investment in this set of armor has exceeded more than 60% of the world’s military expenditure. 】

[And the “Fenrir Armor” has been created since the day it was created to deal with the most powerful enemy in the world.] 】

[In other words… It’s Justice League! 】

[However, even Bruce Wayne himself did not think of it. He actually … So soon there is a chance to use this armor! 】

[Finding that Bruce Wayne was hiding in the split armor, Diana did not hesitate for a second, and directly rushed up. ] 】

[The most powerful woman and the strongest armor in the world instantly began to collide head-on! ] 】

[“Bang! Rumble! Boom…”

[Shortly after the confrontation, through the latest computer on Fenrir’s armor, Bruce Wayne came to a bad conclusion. 】

[Diana really wanted to kill herself. 】

[Her pupils are not dilated, and her movements are not at all hesitant, and her move is fatal! ] 】

[Whether Diana was under mind control or not, she didn’t keep her hand! ] 】

[So, Bruce Wayne has only one option left. 】

[That’s going all out!] Fight to the death with Wonder Woman! 】

[“Bang! “】

[Fenrir Armor threw a punch that sent Wonder Woman flying far away.] 】

[“Diana! Whatever is controlling you, you have to cheer up. “】

[Bruce Wayne doesn’t seem to have given up and continues to shout in Fenrir’s armor:]

[“Tell me! Who manipulated you? “】

[“Bruce, you have too much nonsense! “】

[Standing up unharmed from the ruins of the building, Diana raised the extremely sharp God Slayer Sword in her hand and shouted loudly:]

“No matter what kind of armor you hide in, in this world… There is nothing I have to chop off! “】

[“Kill! “】

[Wonder Woman rushed up… With just one sword, he cut off Fenrir’s armored arm! 】

[Immediately after, she plunged her sword into the inside of the armor and stabbed Bruce Wayne inside! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[Fenrir’s armor fell heavily to the ground, and blood continued to gush out from the gaps in the armor. 】

[Bruce Wayne, who was operating inside, had a bloody face and said with his last strength:]

“Diana… For…… Why? “】

[Looking at the Fenrir armor that kept “bleeding” on the ground, Wonder Woman’s face was full of pride after victory, and she said proudly:]

“That’s the end of it, Bruce, this is the end for you. “】

[But no one expected that this scene of Wonder Woman’s defeat of Batman was actually just a lie, a fantasy. ] 】

[At this moment in the real world, Wonder Woman is standing in place with her sword raised, her eyes confused, her expression in a trance, and she seems to be daydreaming. ] 】

[And around her neck, a silver-white rope is being wrapped.] 】

[It turns out that this rope… It is Bruce Wayne’s special means to deal with Wonder Woman. 】

[It’s called the Rope of Blindness.] 】

[It was Hephaestus, the god of fire, who created the second magic rope when he was in doubt after casting Wonder Woman’s mantra lasso. ] 】

[Contrary to the lasso of mantra, anyone who is entangled in this rope will see the illusion of their “wishes”. 】

[The only time “Wonder Woman” will stop in battle is when she thinks she has won. 】

[So, this rope is the perfect “anti-Wonder Woman treasure”! ] 】


[Seeing Wonder Woman smiling and standing in place without moving, Bruce Wayne, sitting in Fenrir’s armor, finally breathed a sigh of relief. ] 】

[In order to find the artifact that restrained Wonder Woman, he searched for nearly two years on the “Magic Item Black Market” before finding this legendary “Blinding Rope”. ] 】

[And this rope is usually placed inside Fenrir’s armor by him.] 】

[This armor is specially built by Batman… Deal with other superheroes! 】

[It’s an “anti-superhero armor”! ] 】

[After solving Wonder Woman, Bruce Wayne quickly asked Alfred in the base if he had tracked down anyone else in the alliance. 】

[But he could only get a negative reply.] 】

[That’s because no one can track down the next attacker.] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[With a flash of red light that could not be seen with the naked eye, Fenrir’s armor did not have time to react, and a piece of iron armor was cut off by this lightning! ] 】

[It’s The Flash!] 】

[Once the Flash accelerates, no human can see him, let alone react! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[Inside the armor, Bruce Wayne involuntarily let out a roar! ] 】

[This is driven by tension! ] 】

[With human reactions, it is simply impossible to fight the Flash. 】

[However, he spent astronomical sums of money to build this armor… There is a program dedicated to “Anti-Flash”! 】

[This is a supercomputer engine with a computing speed close to the speed of light!] 】

[As long as the Flash has not entered superluminal mode, then the armored supercomputer engine… You can calculate its mode of action and even predict the Flash’s movement path! 】

[Fortunately, the current Flash seems to have no intention of traveling through time and space. 】

[Therefore, his actions were quickly predicted by the supercomputer. 】

[“Ugh! “】

[I saw a large number of special chemical agents shot out of Fenrir’s armor, which instantly turned the ground in front of the Flash into an extremely slippery “ice”]

“Aaaaaa 】

[Due to the speed is too fast, the Flash temporarily stopped his foot and stepped on this ice! ] 】

[Then, his whole body was like bowling, sliding far away.] 】


[The Flash was completely unable to control his body, and went head-on to a building directly opposite. 】

[2nd Justice League member… The Flash… Lose. 】

[Next, Arthur, the sea king holding the Aquaman Trident, also appeared in front of Bruce Wayne. 】

[“Bruce, your tricks and tricks end here! “】

[“Fight me brightly! We…”

[Before Arthur could finish his words, Bruce Wayne manipulated the armor. A strange pile of powder was shot at him. 】


[Those powders instantly began to multiply wildly, wrapping the sea king’s whole person inside, looking like a silkworm chrysalis. ] 】

“This is magnesium carbide powder, specifically designed to absorb moisture from your body. “】

[Bruce Wayne manipulated the armor and stepped forward, facing Arthur, who was completely “dehydrated” in front of him, and said indifferently:]

“I’m sorry Arthur, street fighting… It’s never been upright. “】

[“Now honestly tell me, who is the mastermind of this matter? “】

[Due to “dehydration”, Aquaman Arthur was unable to resist at all, and in the face of Fenrir’s armor, he still said coldly:]

“Bruce Wayne, in my eyes… You are already a dead man! “】

【“!!! “】

[Looking at Aquaman Arthur’s confident look, a haze suddenly rose in Batman’s heart. ] 】

[If the next thing that appeared in front of him was the steel bone, Batman would have been ready to restrain it… Electronic magnetic neural network. 】

[If it’s Green Lantern Hal Jordan, then inside Fenier’s armor, a yellow crystal neutralizer used to restrain the green lantern ring has long been installed.]

[But among all the people, there is only one person, and Batman does not want to face it anyway. 】

[“Please… Don’t be him next. “】

[And while Batman was secretly praying… Just listen to the “bang”. The huge Fennir armor was knocked out like a ball! 】


[Finnier’s armor pierced the walls of the building and flew into a theater. 】

[Next, a man with blood-red eyes wearing a red cloak descended from the sky. 】

[He’s exactly the enemy Batman least wants to face… Superman! 】

“Oh, I’m sorry, Bruce. “】

“I just … It seems to have broken your ‘Justice League Destroyer’ armor. “】

[According to the murderous Superman in front of him, Batman forcibly suppressed the horror in his heart and asked loudly inside the armor:]

“Tell me Clark, who made you like this!”] “】

[“Who? Hey, hey, hey…”

[Superman suddenly let out a weird laugh:]

[Actually, this whole thing is ridiculous…”]

“Laughing? “】

[Listening to Superman’s weird laughter, Batman’s pupils contracted violently and muttered involuntarily:]

[“No… It can’t be him! “】

[And with super hearing, Superman seems to hear Batman’s exclamation.] 】

[Then, the corners of his mouth opened and revealed a maniacal smile like a clown:]

“You guessed it, it’s him! “】

“And… No one came to your rescue this time. Hahahahaha…”]

[Maniacal Superman! ] 】

[Superman, as well as the entire Justice League, has been harmed by the clown’s maniacal laughter and poisonous gas, and has completely blackened and gone crazy! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“What? Maniacal Superman? ”

Looking at the crazy and brutal smile on Superman’s face on the screen, most of the people in the live broadcast room were taken aback.

Among them, the most shocking is Clark Kent himself.

“Oops! This is trouble. ”

Clark gasped for air, only to feel a chill instantly soak his heart and lungs!

Before, that laughing bat almost destroyed the entire universe!

And if this superman also laughs wildly, how much disaster will he cause?

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