As soon as they saw this title, everyone in front of the screen was a little stunned for a while.

Hermione Granger: Cthulhu? It was the one who was sealed in the underwater city of Lalayeri… Evil gods?

Hermione Granger: How did he… What SCP has it become again?

Jerome Valeska: Scp, that’s some kind of codename.

Stephen Strange: SCP stands for Secure, Contain, and Protect.

Stephen Strange: In some parallel universe, there are all kinds of dangerous weird existences.

Stephen Strange: And an organization called the SCp Foundation is dedicated to controlling these weirdness so that it doesn’t hurt ordinary people.

Hermione Granger: Are there evil wizards in these weird beings?

Stephen Strange: Well… There should be.

Hermione Granger: Wow! It’s so interesting, isn’t that another world’s Aurors?

Hermione Granger: You want to see these foundations for yourself.

Agent J: Aurors?

Hermione Granger: I read in books that they are made up of elite wizards… The wizarding world “criminal police”! Dedicated to catching evil wizards who do evil!

Hermione Granger: Sounds handsome! ^_^

Agent J: Magical police, it sounds really handsome.

Agent J: But… The style of the SCP Foundation is much more fierce and ruthless than that of the police and inspectors.

Agent J: These guys use prisoners as consumables.

Hermione Granger: Huh? Is it? And this kind of thing? (⊙o⊙)

Lori Jinx: Compared to this… I’m more concerned about how the foundation accommodates Cthulhu?

Lori Jinx: Did they still go deep into the bottom of the sea and catch that sea monster?

Loki Odinson: What sea monster? That’s the old ruler who ruled the earth! (▼ヘ▼#)

Lori Jinx: Ha! That’s all in the past, that octopus head has long been sealed at the bottom of the sea, I don’t know how many tens of thousands of years!

Nick Fury: Incredible! Could it be that the Foundation really dived into the depths of the ocean and put the sealed Cthulhu… Contained?

Nick Fury: Is the technological power of this organization really that powerful?

Agent J: If they also have some kind of alien technology, maybe they can actually do it.

The thought of some secret organization in a distant parallel universe … Unexpectedly, with such a powerful execution, the black brine egg was a little enthusiastic for a while.

Now he is no longer the director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

However, if you can establish a secret organization as powerful as the SCP Foundation in your lifetime, it will be a dead life!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[In a secret stronghold, a group of men and women dressed in dark red robes are kneeling on the ground, praying without raising their heads. 】

[“Cthulhu… Fertan! “】

[“Cthulhu… Fertan! “】

[Their prayers were filled with obsession and fanaticism, and they shuddered when they listened carefully. 】

[And the object of worship of all these men and women is not a person, but a statue! ] 】

[This statue has an octopus head, a humanoid body, and bat-like wings on its back! ] 】

[This is the Heavenly Father and Savior in their hearts… Cthulhu! 】

[In fact, more than a hundred men and women here were just ordinary people a few months ago. 】

[But just in the past time, all of them began to have the same dream at night. 】

[In the dream, the world has completely fallen, hundreds of millions of human beings have lost their lives, and human civilization has been completely destroyed. 】

[And the one who did all this was the octopus-headed god they worshipped … Cthulhu! 】

[The great Cthulhu came to earth, destroyed everything that disobeyed “Him”, and led “Him” believers to rule the world! 】

When they wake up from a nightmare, they simply see it as a dream. 】

[However, the same dreams appear every night.] 】

[And… Over time, this became less and less like a nightmare, but instead became some kind of sweet dream! 】

[In the eyes of these people, everything terrifying in the dream… Gradually seen as some kind of inevitable future! 】

[If the great Cthulhu will come and rule the world. 】

[So… Why not believe in Him one step ahead? 】

[In this way, when the greatest beings come to this world, they can also serve as the servants of this god and help him rule this world! ] 】

[With night after night dreams, such thoughts… It eventually took root in the hearts of all these people. 】

[In the end, those who experience this strange dream have become the most devout Cthulhu believers! ] 】

[All these believers began to gather in secret and formed an organization. 】

[And, relying on the images they received in their dreams, they also cast statues of Cthulhu for daily worship and even evil rituals.] 】

[And with the continuation of the dream, these believers have all received a completely new information. 】

In the dream, the great Cthulhu gave orders to each of them. 】

“Next, you have only one mission, and that is to liberate me from this place! “】

“Those who succeed in doing this will become the ruling class of the future New World!”] “】

[Through dreams, all these believers learned a terrible truth. 】

[Their Heavenly Father and Savior are currently being imprisoned by an evil organization called the SCP Foundation!] 】

[“What a blasphemy! “】

[After learning this, all the believers were angry and vowed to destroy these blasphemers at all costs! ] 】

[God who delivers them! 】

[“In the name of the great Cthulhu… Treachery and rebellion! “】

[Through the guidance of the tentacle gods in the dream, these believers spent unimaginable energy to finally investigate the true face of their enemy. 】

[The SCP Foundation is indeed an extremely powerful organization, perhaps even the strongest secret organization on earth! ] 】

[They imprisoned the secret base in Cthulhu.] Guarded by a heavily armed mobile contingent! 】

[These mobile contingents … Whether it is training or arming, it can be compared with the most elite troops in the world. 】

[If faced head-on, these believers can be said to have no chance of victory. 】

[However, no matter how powerful the mobile task force is, the other members of the SCP Foundation are still ordinary flesh and blood. 】

[They also have families, but also relatives, friends… and even their own lives. 】

[And these are weaknesses.] 】

[Relying on various channels, Cthulhu believers have finally targeted a researcher.] 】

[By taking his family hostage, the believers coerced the researcher… With his own authority, he called up the architectural drawings and geological data of the base. 】

[Armed with these materials, Cthulhu believers began a big project.] 】

[That’s digging tunnels.] 】

[The frontal mobile task force is purely self-brake, but if they can dig a tunnel directly to the Cthulhu holding room, then they have a chance to rescue their master as quickly as possible.] 】

[The next plan went well. 】

[It took countless time and effort to finally complete the tunnel to the Cthulhu containment room.] 】

[It’s just that all the containment rooms used to contain SCPs are all made of reinforced concrete, and it is impossible for ordinary shovels to break through. ] 】

[Faced with the last obstacle, the Cthulhu Order finally decided to make a desperate bet. 】

[They want to blow up a hole with dynamite!] Rush straight into the containment room! 】

[If you do this, you will immediately alarm the task force!] And start a firefight. 】

[But in order to save their gods, everything is taken care of.] 】

[On this day, important members of the Order climbed into the tunnel and planted explosives at the exit of the tunnel. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Accompanied by an explosion that shook the entire foundation base, a large hole was blown out of the ground near the containment room! ] 】

[Cthulhu believers rushed through the holes that had been blown up. 】

[Then, they were pleasantly surprised to see the great god they believed in. 】

[In this rather spacious containment room, there sits a strange man who is more than 4 meters tall. 】

[I saw that “he” has an octopus head, the skin on his body is completely green, and there are 10 tentacles on his back! ] 】

[From the current point of view, the appearance of God does not seem to be much different from the image in the dream, but the size is slightly smaller. 】

[In addition, there is another thing that is very weird. 】

[This great Heavenly Father and Savior did not sit on some terrifying altar of flesh and blood… Or on the throne of human bones. 】

[Cthulhu was sitting in a chair at his computer desk, even wearing headphones on his head, and was turning his head in amazement to look at the believers who broke in. 】

[On the computer screen on the table, you can see the image of a popular game.] 】

[At this moment, a female voice with a bit of excitement sounded in the speaker next to it:]

[“Great luck! Chicken tonight (winner, winner, chicken, dinner)! “】

[It looks like this great “old dominator” has just been playing a game.] 】

[Moreover, we have achieved good results. 】

[Although the scene in front of them is so strange, the worship of Cthulhu in the hearts of these believers… It has long been irreversible. 】

[“Ah! Great Father and Savior, we have finally seen you. “】

“Please accept our offerings! “】

[The believers first knelt down to salute Cthulhu, and some of them even cut their palms with knives, and then drew strange magic arrays on the carpet with blood.] 】

[Seeing this scene, the great Cthulhu was finally angry. 】

[He opened his mouth and yelled at these believers:]

“Enough, you guys, why can’t you just let me be quiet?”] “】

“I just want to play video games alone, is that demanding?”] “】

[Hearing such words, all the believers were stunned. 】

[Even if this octopus-headed god ordered them to brake immediately, they would not have the slightest hesitation. 】

[But… Video game? 】

[Is this hairy?] 】

“O great Cthulhu. We are here to save you! “】

[The head of the Cthulhu Order said boldly:]

“When the Blood Birth Ceremony is completed, we will take you out of this cell and to your sanctuary!”] “】

“Where we, our people, our lineage will serve there forever … To you, and do your best to help you conquer the world! “】

“Oh… Please…”

[Cthulhu’s face was full of impatience, he shook his head and said helplessly:]

“That’s why I came here to avoid people like you!”] “】

“So, if you are really willing to obey my orders, please go away and leave me alone!”] “】

But no matter what Cthulhu says, these believers just won’t leave. 】

In desperation, the great old dominator got up from the chair in front of the computer desk, walked alone to the bathroom in the back, and sat down in the special bathtub. 】


[Cthulhu turned on the shower and let the gentle hot water spill on his octopus tentacles. 】

[It seems that this is the only way… in order to calm his depressed mood. 】

[And it wasn’t long before the mobile task force also broke in. 】

[Then, in this containment room, gunshots and screams rang out! ] 】


“Nope! Great Cthulhu !!! “】

[“Save us!”] “】


[After all the intruding believers were beaten into a sieve, the captain of the mobile task force looked at the blood and corpses on the ground, shook his head, and then walked to the bathroom door and knocked lightly:]

“Hey, SCP-2662, are you okay?”] “】

[“I’m so sorry, we didn’t expect… This time they actually sneaked in from underground. “】

【“……… I assure you that this will not happen in the future. “】

“Uh… Just stay in the bathroom for a while, and we’ll clean it up quickly. “】

“Ah, yes! The carpet will also give you a new one. “】

“Want a new video game?” Well, it should be fine, I’ll go help you make a report…”

And seeing this, everyone in the live broadcast room was stupid.


Little Wanda’s eyes were lost, her mouth was wide open, her eyes were almost protruding from her sockets, and her expression was as if she had seen a ghost.


This is in ancient times … The old rulers who ruled the entire planet?

Did I make a mistake?

Due to excessive surprise, little Wanda’s hands involuntarily loosened, and the Book of Necronomicons she was holding in her arms… It actually fell all of a sudden, smashing on the back of her foot.


The little girl’s screams suddenly resounded throughout the live broadcast room.

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