“It hurts!”

Crouching down and covering her toes, tears welled up in Little Wanda’s eyes.

Such a big book of the dead, smashing on the foot is indeed very painful.

But even so, the little girl’s eyes were still mixed with confusion, shock… And unbelievable.

What the hell is going on?

Cthulhu… How did it come to this?

At this time, the expressions of the other people in the live broadcast room were also extremely strange.

After all, the old dominator has become a dead house that only knows how to play games!

This gap is too big!

Of all the people, the first to come to their senses… Or Bruce Wayne.

Young Master Wayne took a gentle breath, stabilized his mind, and immediately said his conclusion:

“If I’m not mistaken, Cthulhu of the SCP world… In terms of thinking patterns, it may be closer to the young people of the earth. ”

“However, it may have something to do with his age.”


Tony Stark listened thoughtfully:

“You mean…’he’ is still growing?”

Young Master Wayne gently spread his hands, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes:

“I don’t have any other explanations than that.”

“If my theory is correct, with age, maybe in thousands of years, Cthulhu will be able to become that person who is enough… The old dominator sweeping across the galaxy! ”

“Thousands of years?”

Everyone looked at each other, and they all looked at each other for a while.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[A strange narration suddenly sounded on the screen:]

SCP2662, also known as Cthulhu, is an individual who approached the SCP Foundation and asked for containment. “】

[“After long-term observation and research by the Foundation, it was determined that this exists… There is no malice towards the foundation, so that “humans”. “】

“But for some unknown reason, SCP2662 sends psychic fluctuations in an unconscious state, like some highly sentient individuals in humans. “】

“This kind of mental fluctuation will make these more perceptual humans fall into dreams related to SCP2662. “】

“Moreover, they will be unconditionally transformed into fanatical believers. “】

This tactic is considered by the Foundation to be a type of “cognitive harm” and is a meme attack. “】

[These “transformed” humans will frantically try to access SCP2662 by all means. “】

“Similar incidents have happened many times in the past. “】

“At one point, SCP-2662 was taking a shower when a group of fanatical believers broke into his containment unit. “】

“After being frightened, SCP-2662 had to leave the bathroom and come out to see what was going on. “】

“As a result, he was surprised to find… These madmen actually cut their bodies with knives, drew various patterns in his room with blood, and tried to perform blasphemous rituals here! “】

[“Oh! Oh my God, this is so unhygienic! “】

Looking at the extremely bad bloody scene in front of him, SCP-2662 couldn’t help but reach out and cover his mouth, revealing a gagging expression. “】

And seeing the God in their hearts appear in front of them, these fanatical believers are more and more excited! “】

“One of them even rushed to SCP-2662 and wiped the blood from his hands on his body. “】

“God, stop me!”] “】

[Seeing this, SCP-2662 simply screamed:”]

“I just took a shower, what are you doing?” “】

“In the end, it was the mobile task force that broke in and took down all these fanatical disciples. “】

“According to the Foundation’s research, SCP-2662’s meme harms are not limited to this. “】

“Any human being who stays with him for too long may undergo a cognitive shift into his fanatical follower. “】

“Once, two guards in charge of security entered his containment unit with a female researcher. “】

“Moreover, the female researcher was carrying a newborn piglet. “】

“At the time, SCP-2662 was having breakfast and reading the newspaper. “】

Seeing the guards and researchers in front of him, SCP-2662 thought they were here on behalf of the foundation. “】

[But even “he” did not expect that the female researcher directly cut open the piglet’s body and put the pig’s organs on the SCP-2662 breakfast plate, while shouting feverishly: “]

“Accept this pure suckling pig, O Lord! Let its lost souls be your food! “】


“SCP-2662 had a large drop of cold sweat on his forehead, but he quickly covered his face with newspaper:”]

“No thanks. I’m full. “】

“Please hurry back.”Please hurry back.”] I…… Belch…… Your Lord loves your offering. “】

“But then, something worse happened. “】

“The two guards who have been transformed by SCP-2662 … The female researcher was shot and began devouring her body on the spot. “】

Seeing this, SCP-2662 immediately threw away the newspaper, rushed into the bathroom like a fly, and vomited wildly on the specially made huge toilet. “】

[“Since two members of the Foundation’s contingent, as well as a researcher … After being “transformed” by SCP-2662, the Foundation’s project rating was upgraded from “Euclid” to “Keter”. “】

All members of the task force guarding SCP-2662 must henceforth undergo a “cognitive hazard test” every six months. “】

“After a long period of observation, the Foundation believes that SCP-2662 voluntarily entered the Foundation’s containment in order to avoid these unreasonable fanatical believers. “】

[“For SCP-2662 unconsciously released… A meme attack enough to affect human cognition, the Foundation named it…”Call of Cthulhu”! “】

Seeing this, the chat group is also lively:

Starlight: I can’t imagine I would say that, but… This Cthulhu looks so pitiful.

Morty: yes, he just wants to play games quietly, why does this always happen?

Ghost Rider: Why? Because he is an evil god! Isn’t this reason enough?

Hermione Granger: But… This octopus monster doesn’t seem to have done anything bad.

Ghost Rider: Its very existence can unleash terrifying meme attacks!

Ghost Rider: That’s what caused so many horrific tragedies!

Hermione Granger: But Cthulhu doesn’t want to! Didn’t you see? He looked at the eyes of those madmen, believers, and disciples… It’s even full of fear!

Hermione Granger: In order to avoid these crazy people, he even took the initiative to find this foundation and let them lock themselves up!

Jeromé Valeska: What a pathetic guy.

Jerome Valeska: If he wants, he can become the god that these madmen believe in.

Jerome Valeska: The result… Instead, he chose to make himself a prisoner.

Venom: Hmm… If I were him, I would definitely choose to be the god of those madmen!

Venom: In that case, I will have this endless stream of “wicked brains” to eat! ^_^

Agent J: Good guys, turn normal people into crazy villains first, and then eat their brains!

Agent J: You really have a talent to become an evil god.

Hermione Granger: Seeing it now, I probably understand that if the SCP Foundation were Aurors, these fanatical believers would be Death Eaters…

Venom: Death Eaters? What is that? Ghouls who eat corpses?

Hermione Granger: ………

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

That strange narration voice also sounded again.

[“SCP-2662 is one of the few in the Foundation’s containment… There are no “malicious” individuals towards humans. “】

“On the contrary, there is a very prestigious existence in the foundation, which has almost infinite malice towards mankind! “】

[“It is the famous ScP-682, aka Immortal Lizard!”] “】

“Although it looks like a giant crocodile or an enlarged lizard, SCP-682 actually possesses an unusual IQ and extremely cunning thinking ability. “】

[“His logical intelligence … Maybe even beyond ordinary humans. “】

“Moreover, SCP-682 is also able to communicate with ordinary people in human language. “】

“However, if someone really dares to stand in front of it and talk to it, the final result will generally be torn to pieces by SCP-682. “】

[“The reason why SCP-682 has been able to break through the containment countless times and terrify the countless guards in the foundation is because it possesses three extremely powerful abilities. “】

[“The first ability is the super vitality that will not die instantly no matter what damage it takes. “】

[“In order to execute SCP-682, the Foundation once sent SCP096… The shy person is placed in a cell at the same time as it. “】

[In the end, the terrible conflict between the two sides lasted for more than twenty hours, and the “shy people” shattered 85% of the body tissues of the immortal lizard… And then ate it! “】

“But even with only one head left, SCP-682 is still not dead! “】

[“After this battle, shy people will be frightened and cry whenever they see SCP-682 in the future! “】

[“SCP-682’s second ability is its super regenerative ability. “】

[Even though only one head was left by the “shy man”, SCP-682 still relied on his powerful regenerative ability to grow the lost body back again! “】

“And the third ability is the ability to adapt almost incomprehensibly! “】

“Not only can SCP-682 survive and regenerate from all types of attacks, it can further evolve its body to be immune to similar attacks. “】

“Not only that, he can even learn similar attacks! “】

“It is precisely because of the incredible ability of SCP-682 that the Foundation has not dared to attack him with black bullets. “】

[“Previously, someone did propose to attack SCP-682 with a super-large black bullet, hoping to vaporize it all at once! “】

In response to such a proposal, an O5 committee member responded directly:]

[“If 682 survives and adapts (masters) the Black Energy attack… Then we are unimaginably finished! “】

“So… You can’t do that! “】

“In order to kill SCP-682 as safely as possible, the Foundation has made countless attempts. “】

“From the beginning, they used the most common method of execution, which was SCP-173… Killer statue! “】

“Any creature that is in the same room as this statue and then looks away from it will immediately be twisted by this concrete statue. “】

When SCP-682 was sent into the laboratory where 173 was placed, the Immortal Lizard immediately began to retreat and let out a violent scream. “】

[“With some kind of sixth sense, this lizard monster judged in an instant… What is it that you are facing. “】

For the next 6 hours, SCP-682 stared at 173 without blinking. “】

“In this case, the statue doesn’t make any moves at all. “】

[“In desperation, the Foundation could only order the guards to hit SCP-682’s eyes from a long distance with a sniper rifle! “】

[“At this point, SCP-682’s gaze is removed! “】

[“Click! “】

[“With a crisp sound, multiple scars suddenly appeared on SCP-682’s neck and body! “】

“But with its powerful vitality and regenerative abilities, SCP-682 survived and was not killed by 173 seconds! “】

“Next, something horrible happened. “】

[“In order to prevent the Foundation from continuing to attack both eyes with sniper rifles, SCP-682’s entire body… Suddenly, a lot of eyes grew! “】

“And, on these eyes… They were actually covered with a layer of transparent hard carapace! “】

[“This monster actually grew a “bulletproof eye”! ] “】

[“In this case, even the sniper shooter is ineffective against him! “】

[Moreover, by staring at these countless pairs of eyes on SCP-6682, SCP-173 can no longer move. “】

Seeing this, the researchers of the foundation were stunned. “】

[Such an incredible “adaptability” simply shocked their eyes and subverted their imagination! “】

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