At this time, in the live broadcast room.

“Miss Polaris, this name sounds so strange.”

Peter Parker’s eyes showed a hint of curiosity:

“I don’t know what she looks like.”

Little Wanda shook his head, looked at the bottom of the screen with some regret, and muttered in a low voice:

“Why can we only let these members see us, but we can’t see them?”

“This feeling… It’s like an animal in a zoo, it’s so unfair. ”

And just then someone in the chat group bubbled.

Miss Polaris: Magneto… Is my father in this place?

Wanda Maximov: Huh? What do you say? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Miss Polaris: Magneto is my father, where is he? I’m going to talk to him!


In the live broadcast room, the young Magneto Eric’s expression instantly stiffened, and he involuntarily swallowed his spit.

Why did he come up with another daughter?

Isn’t this alive? He’s only in his thirties this year!


Little Wanda glanced at Magneto with disgust, as if he saw something dirty.

This man… How many illegitimate children are out there?

At this moment, Tony Stark suddenly laughed out loud:

“I remembered!”

“In the previous image. That Quicksilver had a very small sister, several years younger than him! ”

Speaking of this, he glanced at Xiao Wang’s, and immediately continued:

“Pietro and Wanda are twins, so… That little sister could be a North Star! ”

“Yes… Is it? ”

Magneto nodded again and again when he heard this, and a complicated look finally appeared on his face.

To be honest, he is not young, but he has always been for personal vendettas… So that the fate of the mutant race struggles.

So although there were several women, there were no plans to get married at all.

But seeing yourself in the multiverse… There were actually several children, and Magneto also faintly felt a joy.

But just as he tried to say hello to the “daughter of a parallel universe”, Polaris spoke first.

Miss Polaris: Magneto? Are you Magneto? No way!

Magneto: Huh?

Miss Polaris: I’ve seen pictures of my father, and he’s nothing like you!

Miss Polaris: Besides, my father is at least in his 60s!

Magneto: Uh… Actually, we are not in the same universe…

Miss Polaris: What are you talking nonsense?

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Ahem, let me explain this.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): First of all, this newcomer, you have to understand the concept of so-called “parallel universes”.

Miss Polaris: ………… Parallel universes???

Just when Polaris was stunned to hear it and felt that all three views were subverted, a new image finally appeared on the screen.

[The picture comes to the World War II period. 】

[The young Eric is a Yu Tairen, so he was imprisoned in the Ji Zhong Camp by the people of the country. 】

[But when someone forced her to separate from her parents, Eric awakened superpowers in extreme excitement. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Although his magnetic energy superpower is not strong at this time, he can already pull the iron door through the air! ] The surrounding soldiers were calmed. 】

[This scene fell to a German officer… Sebastian Shaw’s eyes. 】

[This officer named Xiao is also a mutant and has powerful mutant abilities, but he is not satisfied with this. 】

[In order to activate Eric’s mutant ability, Xiao even did not hesitate to kill his mother in front of him! ] 】

[And at the same time, in the United States.] 】

[The other side of the ocean is already in the midst of war, but there is still peace here. 】

[Young Charles is the only son of a large family and lives a rich life in a luxurious mansion. 】

[That night he heard a strange noise, so he picked up a bat and went to the kitchen. 】

[Here, Charles did not find the thief, but saw his mother. 】

[With his telepathic ability and excellent observation, Charles immediately discovered the abnormality, and the mother in front of him was actually pretended by someone else! ] 】

[After being seen through, the “mother” instantly turned into a little girl covered in blue, which is the witch Raven. ] 】

[It turned out that the little girl sneaked into the kitchen of Charles’s house just to find something to eat. 】

[Seeing little Raven, who was also a mutant with himself, Charles adopted her and turned her into his sister. 】

[Eric and Charles, two mutants with similar ages, have embarked on completely different life trajectories. 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Miss Polaris: Control strength, decades ago during the war, this is my father’s… Childhood.

Starlight: I really didn’t expect Mr. Magneto’s childhood to be so tragic.

Charles Xavier: Eric, why did you never tell me that?

Magneto: You didn’t tell me everything about your childhood.

Charles Xavier: That’s not the same thing at all! You were a child… I actually stayed in the set, middle and camp!

Charles Xavier: This kind of thing can lead to a lifetime of psychological trauma.

Magneto: Don’t worry about it, I’m fine!

Magneto: But wait until I kill that Xiao, that’s even better! Convex (艹皿艹)

Seeing the image of Xiao killing his mother with his own hands on the screen, the long-dormant anger in Magneto’s heart… It’s burning like crazy again!

Miss Polaris: You… Did this happen to my father when he was younger?

Magneto: I don’t know, but I believe in his love for the mutant race anyway… And I should be the same!

Miss Polaris: The mutant race… Smile bitterly, that’s right.

Miss Polaris: A big hero like you, who thinks all day about how to save mutants, how can you have time to pay attention to a girl?

Magneto: You… Haven’t recognized my “variant” yet?

Miss Polaris: “Variant”? Is that what you call yourself?

Miss Polaris: But you guessed right. I had only seen my father on TV and in the newspapers, and had never met him.

Magneto: This…

Upon hearing this, Magneto’s mood suddenly became extremely complicated.

Having lost both parents since he was a child, he has few memories of family affection.

However, Magneto doesn’t want to… Like him, his own children have been orphaned since childhood!

And in this awkward silence, a new image appeared on the screen again.

[Image continues.] 】

[Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it will be more than ten years later. 】

[As an adult, Charles not only received higher education, but also became a professor in a university, specializing in variant genes. 】

[Raven, the witch girl after becoming an adult, seems to have developed feelings for Charles, and is not satisfied with being a little sister. ] 】

[At this time, on the other side, the adult Eric is full of hatred for Xiao in his heart, and he is bent on finding him for revenge. ] 】

[And Xiao has now secretly entangled a group of mutants, ready to provoke the two superpowers to war with each other! ] 】

[However, Shaw’s conspiracy was accidentally discovered by CIA female agent Mora.] 】

[Discovering that the conspiracy was related to mutants, Mora approached Professor Charles, who specializes in mutant genes. 】

[Just by glancing at Mora, Charles used his psychic ability to read Mora’s memory. 】

[Recognizing how dangerous Shaw is, Charles decides to work with the American government to catch this crazy mutant. 】

[But on the night of Charles’ action, in order to take revenge, Magneto Eric also boarded Shaw’s ship! ] 】

[However, Xiao already has a female psychic ability beside him. 】

[That’s the White Queen… Emma Furst! 】


[The White Queen just glanced at Magneto and broke his psychic defenses and knocked him down on the deck! ] 】

[At this moment, Charles and the troops of the American side also arrived. 】

[Although these mortal troops… They were vulnerable to the mutants under Xiao, but they at least diverted Xiao and the White Queen’s attention. 】

[Taking advantage of this opportunity, Eric jumped into the sea and used his super powers to control the anchor and chains, cutting the entire ship in half! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[In a series of earth-shattering explosions, Xiao and the White Queen escaped into the submarine in the cabin and dived to the bottom of the sea, ready to escape.] 】

[Seeing that the enemy was about to escape, Eric tried to pull the entire submarine with his super power at all costs, but due to insufficient strength, he was dragged into the water by the submarine! ] Seeing is going to drown alive! 】

[“Nope! You hurry up and let go.” “】

[Charles used his psychic ability to detect Eric’s situation and was immediately shocked. 】

[After persuasion failed, Charles jumped into the water himself, did his best to convince Eric, and finally saved him in the nick of time. 】

[Charles and Eric, two destined friends and archenemies, finally meet for the first time. 】

[In light of Shaw’s threat, the CIA has finally decided to set up a new mutant division. 】

[After entering this department, Charles finally met his other old partner… Hank McCoy. 】

[It was in this department that Hank McCoy showed Charles his new invention, the prototype of the brainwave enhancement machine.] 】

[Using this brainwave enhancement machine, Charles can find new mutants.] 】

[Since then, Charles and Eric have worked together to find their companions all over the world. 】

[However, when they found Wolverine in a tavern, they touched a nose of ash. 】

[Facing these two strongest mutants on the planet, Wolverine only said one word:]

[“Get out of the way for Lao Tzu.”] “】

[Just when Charles and Eric were constantly recruiting new mutants, Xiao also sent the White Queen to the Winter Kingdom, preparing to provoke a black war and exterminate humans! ] 】

PS: One more chapter in the evening.

PS2: God of War 4 PC version has been released, and it is said that the graphics have been improved. ^_^

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