Seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Magneto: Abominable! Sebastian Shaw, really want to kill him as soon as possible! Convex (艹皿艹)

Charles Xavier: ………

Feeling the anger in Magneto’s chest, Charles surprisingly did not say anything to persuade him.

After all, seeing with your own eyes … After Xiao shot the image of Magneto’s mother, he couldn’t open this mouth.

To be fair, Charles felt that if it were himself, he would not be able to let go of such hatred.

Magneto: Charles, after we go back, we must perfect the strong brainwave booster as soon as possible!

Magneto: Make it possible to cover the entire planet!

Now, although Hank McCoy has built a prototype of the brainwave enhancement machine, the coverage is still relatively small, at most less than 1/3 of the world.

As long as Xiao hides on the other side of the earth, then Magneto and the others will not find him.

Charles Xavier: This madman wants to destroy mankind! So, I’m not going to stop your revenge either.

Charles Xavier: But except for Shaw, you must not hurt the innocent!

Charles Xavier: And the woman called the White Queen, I’m going to absorb her into School X.

Magneto: Are you trying to use her as a substitute for Raven?

Charles Xavier: Where do you think of me? Besides, I also know that Raven likes it… It’s actually all you!

Hermione Granger: Wow! What is that? Is it a legendary love triangle? (*^▽^*)

Deadpool: Hahaha! That’s right, it’s a love triangle indeed!

Deadpool: But the witch named Raven… But it is a third party who intervenes!

Hermione Granger: ……… Ha? (⊙_⊙)

Lori Jinx: Cut, first the clown and that bat, now you both.

Lori Jinx: You guys… I really know how to play.

Miss Polaris: Father, have you really always loved Professor X?

Magneto: Stop! Don’t say such disgusting things, I get goosebumps when I hear it. (╯‵□)╯︵┻━┻

Wanda Maksimov: Hahaha! Everyone knows, why else do you need to cover up?

Wanda Maksimov: I see you two, it’s better to just forget it together! ^_^

Miss Polaris: Wanda… Sister? Is that you?

Wanda Maksimov: ……… Don’t call me that, I’ve never seen you. ( ̄△ ̄; )

Miss Polaris: You’re too… Is there another universe?

Wanda Maksimov: Ahem, your world, how is it now?

Little Wanda asked this sentence, in fact, it was just a topic to relieve embarrassment, and casually found a topic.

But the answer given by Polaris shocked everyone.

Miss Polaris: Smile bitterly, it’s bad…

Miss Polaris: In our world, mutants are like animals… Hunted by humans!

Miss Polaris: Every day, there are compatriots who are captured by humans, put in special mutant prisons, and then… No one had heard of them anymore.

Magneto: What? There could be such a thing, these damn humans! o(▼▼▼;)o

The thought of being in an unknown parallel universe, one’s own compatriots… How cruel treatment would be encountered! Magneto clenched his teeth in anger!

At this moment, he couldn’t wait to break the world barrier immediately, rush to that universe, and save those suffering mutants!

Tony Stark: This… The Avengers, would actually allow this kind of thing?

Miss Polaris: The Avengers? What is that? I’ve never heard of it.

Tony stark:…………

At this moment, everyone in the chat group was speechless.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After Charles and Eric recruit a group of mutants, Raven mingles with them and comes to a party in the evening. 】

[And in this carnival, Raven gave this pair of wrongdoers a nickname. ] 】

[That’s “Professor X” and “Magneto!] 】

[However, both of them only use these nicknames… Think of it as little girl’s gibberish. 】

[Fortunately, according to CIA intelligence, Charles and others found the whereabouts of the White Queen and followed her all the way to the Solstice Country. ] 】

[Faced with the combination of two of the strongest mutants on Earth, the White Queen was caught without resistance. 】

[However, neither Charles nor Eric expected that they would come to capture the White Queen, but Shaw came to attack the mutant base of the two of them. ] 】

[In the face of Raven and others, Xiao unabashedly said his ambition. ] 】

[What he wants is to start a big war and then destroy humanity, so that mutants become the masters of this world.] 】

[Under Shaw’s rhetoric, a female mutant decides to follow him and leave, while another black mutant is killed by Shaw himself because of his resistance. 】

[When Charles and Eric returned, they could only see a group of mutants who looked frustrated after being defeated. 】

[Seeing this, Charles believes that these young mutants need formal training to master their superpowers. 】

[So, he took everyone away from the CIA base, came to his ancestral mansion, and began training them.] 】

And seeing that Charles was as luxurious as a palace, in the chat group, there was an exclamation again.

Hermione Granger: Wow! Is this your family’s house? It’s just like the royal palace I saw on TV. (⊙o⊙)

Morty: Incredible, my eyes are spent!

Lori Jinx: Hmph! Rich people, none of them are good things.

Clark Kent: Actually, compared to the Bruce mansion, it doesn’t seem to be anything special.

Jeromé Valeska: Bruce, are you talking about Bruce Wayne, the richest man in the world?

Tony Stark: Humph! What’s so great? I just don’t like it… It’s just a person living in such an empty house!

Tony Stark: Otherwise, I would have been able to buy one in no time!

Wanda Maksimov: Wow! Stark! Then it’s settled. When you get back, you’ll buy one and let me move in with Pietro.

Tony Stark: Little Ghost! To buy a house, use your own money! Besides, you’re going to learn magic at Karma Taj.

Miss Polaris: It turns out… Professor X is really so rich.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[During the training in the mansion, there were some feelings between the witch Raven and Hank McCoy. 】

[However, Hank prefers Raven to become human. 】

[Therefore, he specially invented a serum that can suppress the weird appearance of mutants after transformation. ] 】

[After Ruiwen learned about it, she was extremely disappointed, feeling that what Hank liked was not her real self. 】

[In a state of loss, Raven took the initiative to come to Eric’s bedroom. 】

[Raven didn’t expect that Eric made her turn back to her blue skin and kissed Raven in this state. ] 】

[From this moment on, Ruiwen’s heart… He gradually left Charles. 】

[At the same time, Hank McKay injected himself with the serum of volitional transformation in order to suppress the changes in his legs. 】

[Who would have thought that there was a problem with his serum, not only did not suppress the change, but turned Hank’s whole person into a big blue monster! ] 】

[Beast Hank was born! ] 】

[At this moment, the confrontation between the two superpowers… It’s already the last moment, and the gun will be misfired at any time! 】

[In the face of this crisis, the newborn X-Men and Eric set off on the Blackbird fighter together! ] 】

[Their trip is to save the world!] 】

[At an extremely critical moment, a warship of the Winter Kingdom suddenly rushed forward without obeying the command, and it was about to provoke a war! ] 】

[It turned out to be Xiao’s accomplice… Red Devil, kill the people on this battleship and steer this battleship forward! 】

[What Xiao wants is to provoke a war and then end all mankind! ] 】

[Fortunately, at the last moment, Professor Charles, who came to the sky above the battlefield on the Blackbird fighter, used his psychic powers to control another battleship and sank the battleship where the Red Devil was! ] 】

[Among the submarines under the surface, Xiao guessed it at the first time… Charles has descended on the battlefield! 】

[He immediately put on a helmet that can be immune to psychic attacks, ready to strike himself.] 】

[Xiao’s plan is to absorb the energy of this black submarine reactor, turn himself into a humanoid black bomb, and then personally provoke the war. 】

[At this moment, the X-Men had discovered the location of the submarine, and Eric was fully capable, lifting the entire submarine from the bottom of the sea and placing it on a nearby island! ] 】

[Next, the X-Men also landed on the island, and the battle with the Hellfire Club broke out! ] 】

[After the outbreak of the war, through Charles’s spiritual guidance, Eric came to the inside of the submarine and finally found Shaw. ] 】

[However, in the face of this mutant who had just absorbed the energy of the black reactor, Eric immediately fell behind, and he didn’t even have the power to fight back. ] 】

[Fortunately, at the last moment, Eric moved smartly, manipulated the metal, and took off the “anti-psychic helmet” on Xiao’s head! ] 】

[Losing this helmet, Xiao was “fixed” by Charles’s psychic power in an instant! ] 】


[Looking at Shaw like a clay sculpture in front of him, Eric first took the helmet and put it on his head, isolating Charles’s spiritual dialogue in his head. 】

[Then, he took out a coin that had been cherished for a long time, threw it casually, and slowly shot it at Xiao’s brain! ] 】

[At this moment, Xiao is still under Charles’s psychic control. 】

[However, because he was worried that this mutant would start a war, and he didn’t want Eric to die at his hands, he didn’t want Eric to die at his hands until the last moment… Charles didn’t lift mind control either! 】

[“Ugh! “】

[The coin passed through Shaw’s head and took his life. 】


[And Charles, who was controlling Xiao in his mind, also felt great pain and screamed bitterly. ] 】

[Next, Eric, wearing Shaw’s helmet on his head, flew down from the submarine and landed on the island in the posture of a victor. 】

[Before he landed, he also threw Xiao’s body out.] 】


[Seeing the leader’s corpse fall to the ground like garbage, all the mutants of the Hellfire Club lost the desire to fight. ] 】

[But at this moment, the warship formations of the other two superpowers received orders from their superiors at the same time. 】

[Take this opportunity to completely kill those mutants on the island! ] 】

[Through the battle just now, the leader of the human race has realized the threat of mutants. 】

[So, they are ready to kill this threat here once and for all!] 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! Swish! “】

[With the piercing sound of breaking the air, countless flights… Bombs, flying from the battleships on both sides, shot straight towards the island! 】

[At this moment, the picture on the screen suddenly froze.] 】

[Immediately after, the sound of the system sounded.] 】

【New Q&A begins! 】 】

[Question: Who caused Charles’s legs to be paralyzed? 】

[This question is a special question that can be answered by all people in the live broadcast room and chat group.] 】

[Answer A: American Fleet]

[Answer B: The Winter Fleet. 】

[Answer C: Eric]

[Answer D: The witch Raven.] 】

【Please start answering! 】 Everyone only has one chance to grab a chance]

[Those who answer correctly will receive live streaming points and random rewards.] 】

[Random rewards may come from countless dimensional worlds.] 】

[Failure to answer the question will trigger an unknown penalty! ] 】

According to this question, many people are slightly surprised.

In a tavern.

“Paralyzed !!!”

Charles Xavier, who had a light head, was shocked, and suddenly felt a coolness on his back.

After seeing those previous images, he already knew that in the future… He may be paralyzed in both legs and become a hapless bastard in a wheelchair.

Until now, he didn’t know who caused all this to happen.

But from the point of view of the system… Is it Raven or Eric the person who caused him to sit in a wheelchair?

How so?

These two people, one is his sister, the other is his good brother!

In the live broadcast room.

“I paralyzed Charles? It can’t be. ”

Magneto frowned, and instinctively eliminated “himself” first.

In his mind, the relationship between Raven and Charles is also extremely close, and it doesn’t look like he will suddenly jump back.

If you say so, sure enough… Or is it because of the attack of the battleships of both sides?

But…… Which side exactly?

Just as Magneto was deep in thought, someone in the chat group suddenly bubbled.

Miss Polaris: My answer is C: Eric!

Miss Polaris: It was Eric who caused Charles’ legs to be paralyzed!

Soon, the sound of the system sounded.

【Ding! After Miss Polaris answered, the question and answer system began to decide…】

【Ding! Miss Polaris answered correctly. 】

“Correct ???”

“Eric, it’s actually you!”

“Wouldn’t you?”

Upon hearing this, everyone was taken aback.

And Magneto himself widened his eyes, and he could hardly close his mouth.

How can it be?

Even if there was a conflict of ideas between himself and Charles, it didn’t come to it… I’m going to make him crippled.”

At this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Miss Polaris gets 100 live broadcast points, which can be used to on-demand the multiverse]

[Miss Polaris gets a random reward……… Perfect Sun Ladder! 】

PS: In addition to the game version of Resident Evil, is anyone interested in Johnny Silverhand’s 2077 Adventure? ^_^

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