After seeing the screen dim, the chat group also became lively.

Starlight: I don’t know if it’s my delusion, that Professor X… It seems to have changed a lot.

Nick Fury: You read that right, since the time of threatening the president, he has ceased to be a school principal, but a mutant leader!

Magneto: Hah! Charles, you really didn’t disappoint me.

Starlight: Do mutants and humans have to do it this way… Can you get along?

Magneto: Little girl, aren’t you talking nonsense?

Magneto: The law of the jungle is the truth of this world!

Magneto: If you look at the image just now, if “I” hadn’t rushed into that room at the last moment, the mutants would have been exterminated by Stryker!

Miss Polaris: Father, but… I don’t think humans need to be exterminated either.

Magneto: Oh? Didn’t you tell me before that in your world … Are mutants being hunted by humans and living a very painful life?

Magneto: As long as humanity is eliminated, there will be no such thing again!

Captain America: Hello? You’re not serious, are you?

Miss Polaris: Humans do a lot of bad things to us, but if we do the same after we have the power, what is the difference with them?

Magneto: ……… You sound exactly like Charles.

Jeromé Valeska: Ha, even if you don’t talk about humanity, if you really wipe out billions of human beings, can you support modern civilization with the number of mutants?

Jerome Valeska: If you ask me, I think… Or the statement mentioned by the little girl before is more reliable.

Charles Xavier: Learn how wizards live?

Hermione Granger: Huh? Are you talking about me?

Magneto: Charles, no matter what you think, we have to finish the brainwave booster machine too!

Magneto: In this case, in the most dangerous times, we can also use it to blackmail humans, or die with them!

Charles Xavier: ……… Without the brainwave enhancer, I wouldn’t be able to search the world for mutants.

Magneto: Ha, you agree.

Nick Fury: Using the weapon of destruction to form a “balance of terror” with humans is a good idea.

Nick Fury: But I advise you, it’s best not to let others find out about this trick.

Nick Fury: Otherwise, they’ll do everything they can to get rid of you!

Magneto: If it really gets to that point, then there is only war! (╬ ̄皿 ̄)

Just when the atmosphere in the group was a little tense, the system voice sounded again.

[Continue to play the relevant multiverse live broadcast.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “X-Men 3”]

[A new image appears on the screen.] 】

[Years ago, Professor X was not in a wheelchair, and he and Magneto did not break up. 】

[On this day, after receiving the call, the two of them took a special car to a family’s home. 】

[It turns out that this family is going to send their little daughter to Professor X’s school. 】

[However, this little girl seems to be very different. 】

[Even when she was still upstairs, she had already used her superpowers to listen to the conversations between Professor X and her parents. 】

[Looking at the girl with a guarded face in front of him, Professor X said sincerely. 】

“Jean, we’re all mutants, just like you. “】

“Is it? “】

[The little girl asked coldly. 】

[And at the same time as she spoke, on the street outside the window… All the cars, all started to float upwards! 】

【“!!! “】

[Seeing this scene through the window, Professor X’s pupils instantly contracted. 】

[And seeing the old partner’s expression was different, Magneto also quickly turned around, and then… His face also stiffened! 】

[Except for cars, almost everything on the street is floating in mid-air, even lawn mowers!] 】

[Moreover, an old man who was watering the lawn, the water sprayed from the water pipe in his hand, as if weightless, began to float into the air! ] 】

[The old man wearing sunglasses was so stunned that his mouth opened wide.] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Stan Lee? How so? ”

Little Wanda’s eyes were round, and the expression on his face was completely frozen.

She really didn’t expect to see this familiar old face here again.

“It’s actually this old man again!”

Standing beside Little Wanda, Tonisdak frowned, and his eyes instantly flashed with a trace of solemnity.

Although he didn’t seem to care, he was really shocked in his heart!

In fact, Tony, I can’t remember exactly how long ago Stan Lee was last on a live broadcast.

This mysterious old man… Always haunted, moving around the various live worlds!

Sometimes, he appears on Earth as an ordinary old man.

And sometimes, he will run to alien planets and talk and laugh with the observers!

And now he actually ran into the universe of the X-Men!

Is there no limit to this old man’s crossing?

And at this moment, the chat group also exploded.

Thor: Damn, how come this old man who cuts my hair again! o(▼▼▼;)o

Nick Fury: Incredible! Stan Lee… I actually ran into the world of the X-Men.

Stephen Strange: Nick Fury, haven’t you found out Stan Lee’s identity until now?

Nick Fury: No! I used all my resources and turned over the population of the world several times, even people with the same name, I checked many times.

Nick Fury: But… There is no existence of this old man at all!

Nick Fury: He’s definitely not one of us on Earth!

Morty: Can you appear in various parallel universes? Unbelievable!

Morty: It’s amazing that besides Rick, there are people who can travel freely in parallel universes!

Hermione Granger: As good as you say, who is this Stan Lee?

Daddy: Whoever he is, he must be a great old man.

Tony Stark: I don’t know! No one knows the origin of this old man! It’s like a… The biggest puzzle in the multiverse!

Divine Kesha: Being able to travel through countless multiverses must be a strong person who transcends a single universe!

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: That’s not right! If such a figure really exists, why have I never heard of it?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: My father… I’ve never mentioned this person to me!

Just when everyone was puzzled, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[Shocked by the power shown by Jean Grey once, Professor X sincerely invites him to join his school, and promises to help Chingray control her superpowers! ] 】

[Then time flies, and it comes to the modern era. 】

After being threatened by Professor X, the president finally decided to compromise. 】

[In this context, humans and mutants join hands to deal with the mutant problem that has emerged in society. 】

[In order to do this, ZF even set up a mutant department, with Hank the Beast as the minister. 】

[But on this day, there was another emergency. 】

[It turned out that the head of a large enterprise, in order to restore his mutant son to normal, specially invented an “antidote” that was enough to eliminate the mutant gene. ] 】

[Any mutant can immediately turn back into a human as long as they receive this antidote injection. 】

[After this news was exposed, there was an uproar in the world! ] 】

[And this drug, in fact, is this big enterprise… It was created after studying the genes of a mutant. 】

[The only ability of young bald mutants is to make the abilities of all mutants disappear! ] 】

[In the face of this shocking news, all the mutants immediately divided into two factions. 】

[One of them believes that they are originally ordinary people, so there is nothing wrong with being ordinary human again.] 】

[Another faction, led by Magneto, believes that mutant talents are the next stage of human evolution. 】

[Therefore, they are firmly opposed to “going backwards” back to humanity! ] 】

[And just as fierce conflict broke out within the mutants, Laser-Eyed Scott was driving alone on the road on a motorcycle. 】

[His target is where his girlfriend Jean Grey is.] 】

[After coming to the lake that had been flooded, the laser eye suddenly heard a strange sound. 】


“What? “】

Following this voice, Scott came to the lake with an incredulous look. 】

[“Boom! “】

[Right in front of him, a monstrous wave appeared on the lake, as if a monster in the water was turning over the river! ] 】

[“Ahhh! “】

[One accidentally, Scott was hit by the waves. 】

[But when he raised his head, he saw a dazzling light suddenly appear in front of him, and a woman’s figure actually slowly walked out of the bright light! ] 】

[“Jean? Is that you? “】

[Looking at his girlfriend who was haunted by dreams in front of him, Scott thought he was dreaming for a while! ] 】

[I saw that the woman who appeared in front of him was the phoenix girl Qin Gray, who should have died a long time ago! ] 】

[“How come!!! “】

[Laser Eye stepped forward excitedly and held Jean Grey in her arms. 】

[Next, Qin Gray used a special ability to suppress the laser in Scott’s eyes, and the two passionate Wen together…]

[But just when the two were kissing, the mutation suddenly appeared! ] 】

【“!!! “】

[Scott suddenly opened his eyes that returned to normal, and his eyes suddenly showed extreme horror. ] 】

[Qin Gray’s mouth is pure, and it seems that he is frantically absorbing the energy in his body! ] 】

[It’s like sucking him dry!] 】

PS: I’m going to write a “Stan Lee guest album” this week and write all the pictures that the father of Marvel has appeared in! What do you think? ^_^

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