[Among the X Academy.] 】


[At the moment after Chingre’s resurrection, Professor X seemed to sense something! ] 】

[In an instant, a powerful psychic shockwave swept the entire X Academy, shocking all the teachers and students! ] 】

[“Professor! You okay? “】

[Wolverine and Storm Girl, quickly rushed to the principal’s room, and saw Professor X said with a solemn expression:]

“Hurry up and go to that Lake Oakley!”] “】

[Lake Oakley is the relic of the previous battle with the X-Men II and the people and Stryker. 】

[Wolverine and others took the Blackbird fighter and hurried to Lake Oakley]

[When they landed on the shore of the lake, they found a terrible strange thing! ] 】

[I saw stones, water droplets, dead leaves here… All floated in the air, including even … Special glasses for laser eyes! 】

“This is … How did you do it? “】

[Wolverine and Storm looked dazed, but soon, they were on the other side of the lake and found the unconscious Chingray! ] 】

[It wasn’t until Wolverine sent Chingree back to Academy X that he learned the amazing truth from Professor X.] 】

[It turned out that when Qin Gray was a child, Professor X used his spiritual power to separate Qin Gray’s power and consciousness in order to control the terrifying phoenix power in her body. ] 】

[In other words, Professor X is artificial… Turns Chingre into a dual personality! 】

[And that dark personality that has been dormant for many years is the so-called phoenix! ] 】

[Hearing that Professor X had actually done such a thing, Wolverine was immediately furious. 】

[In his opinion, the professor’s kind of behavior … It’s just no different from those “X-weapons”! 】

In a tavern.

“What? Charles, you…!! ”

Wolverine took out the cigar in his mouth, looked at the bald Charles with an angry face, and shouted sharply:

“I remember, you must have taken that Chingrey as a student!”

“Wouldn’t it… You’ve already done something to her. ”

“What’s the start?”

Charles looked embarrassed when he heard this, and quickly shook his hand:

“Don’t talk nonsense, I’ve been teaching her seriously and never done anything to her!”

Seeing that Wolverine was still full of doubt, Charles couldn’t help but smile bitterly:

“But I know how terrifying the power of the phoenix is, once it breaks out… The earth may be gone! ”

“Such a force … How could I possibly hold on? ”

Looking at Charles’s eager look, Wolverine frowned and put the cigar back in his mouth again:

“I want to… You’re not that stupid either. ”

“However, your wheelchair-bound variant may have made a terrible mistake!”

“You put the beast in a cage, it will only make the beast more angry!”

Charles returned his gaze to the screen and sighed helplessly.

In his opinion, what that “wheelchair version of himself” did… It’s like building a dam to store water!

However, what he wanted to block was the power of the phoenix.

If one day, the dam he forged with spiritual power bursts, I am afraid it will cause unimaginable misery!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

The image continues.

[On this side, after recruiting novice subordinates, Magneto personally went out and intercepted the prison car escorting the witch. 】

[In this prisoner robbery, Magneto not only rescued the witch, but also gained two newbies, the next of which is the famous Red Tank. ] 】

[Seeing that everything was going well, just as Magneto was about to take people away, a guard suddenly fired an “injection injection” at him! ] 】

“Nope! “】

[At the moment of the first shot, the witch desperately blocked in front of Magneto and took it for him, this “injection”. ] 】


[I saw the witch fall to the ground, her body twitched, and her blue skin began to fade rapidly, revealing her human body. ] 】

[Looking at this scene in front of him, Magneto was suddenly shocked. 】

[This antidote is actually true! ] 】

[As long as the mutant is injected, it will immediately turn back to a human! ] 】

[Although shocked, Magneto still showed his cold nature. 】

[Looking at Raven, who turned back into a human in order to “save herself”, Magneto abandoned her without hesitation. 】

“I’m sorry, my dear, that you’re no longer one of us. “】

[And just when Magneto was recruiting, Qin Gray, who was in a coma in the X Academy, also woke up. ] 】

[After waking up, she seemed to have completely forgotten her ex-boyfriend’s laser eyes, and immediately became entangled with Wolverine. ] 】

[Although Wolverine has always liked Qin Gray, he quickly noticed that something was wrong and instinctively asked a rhetorical question. ] 】

“Do you know how Scott is doing? “】

【“!!! “】

[Upon hearing this, Qin Gray’s face suddenly changed, as if he recalled something incredible! ] 】

[After a while, tears suddenly flowed from her eyes, and she said in an extremely sad tone:]

[“Kill me, you must kill me!”] “】

[“In I… Kill others before! “】

“What? “】

[Wolverine was shocked when he heard this, and immediately comforted:]

“It’s okay, Professor X will cure you. “】

[Upon hearing this, Qin Gray seemed to have been pressed some switch, and his face suddenly flashed with black qi, and his expression became extremely hideous. ] 】

“I don’t want to be cured!”] “】

[“Pon! “】

[At the moment when Qin Gray “changed his face”, a strong thought power gushed out, pushing the wolf out fiercely and hitting the wall. ] 】

[“Hmph! “】

[Don’t even look at Wolverine, Chingray… Or Black Phoenix, directly broke the iron gate of X Academy with Nian Power, and walked out in a dignified manner. 】

[Professor X hurried to the scene, but only saw Wolverine lying on the ground, unconscious. 】

[After learning all the situation, the professor immediately used his psychic ability to locate Qin Gray. 】

[It turns out that she has returned to her hometown. 】

[Professor X quickly took Wolverine and Storm to Chingray’s hometown. 】

[But he didn’t expect it, but he met an old friend of his at the door! ] 】

[Magneto! 】

[It turned out that Magneto also relied on one of his mutants to detect the location of Chingrei. ] 】

[And he came to recruit this strongest mutant! ] 】

[Facing the blackened Jean Grey, Professor X and Magneto both want to convince her. 】

[But Professor X took the initiative to mention Scott’s death because he was too hasty, but it stimulated Qin Gray’s blackening even more! ] 】

[“Aaaa “】

[With a loud drink, Qin Gray’s face was covered with black qi, and the terrifying storm of superpowers swept in all directions madly. ] 】


[The whole house… All floated under the influence of this superpower! 】

[Whether it is Professor X or Magneto, in the face of this unimaginable driving force, there is no resistance! ] 】

[“Jean … You…”

[The body was pulled up from the wheelchair by Nian Power Shengsheng, and Professor X floated in the air. ] Still trying to influence the students in front of him with his psychic abilities. 】

[But Jean Grey, who has been completely transformed into Dark Phoenix… But he will never be given a chance again. 】

【“!!! “】

[I saw that the black phoenix’s eyes turned into pitch black, all the furniture around him, and even the wall itself… All turned into powder under her strong energy! 】

[And the next moment, it was Professor X’s turn! ] 】

[“Bang! “】

[In an instant, Professor X’s body was suddenly broken into countless fragments by the super energy and disappeared into the air. 】

[The strongest psychic ability on earth… Charles Xavier…]

[Die! 】

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Divine Kesha: This woman… Did you directly use the power of thought to decompose matter into atoms?

Hermione Granger: Broken down into atoms? It’s impossible, what kind of superpower is this, it’s even more terrifying than magic!

Mage Mordo: I’m a mage myself, but to tell you the truth, magic really can’t compare to the power of the phoenix.

Ganata, the daughter of the star swallower: My father once told me that wherever the phoenix passes, everything is always destroyed!

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing planet: Often a galaxy, not even a little dust left, will be burned by the flames of the phoenix!

Hermione Granger: Burn out a galaxy? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: It’s not just burning, my father said… The phoenix has no worse appetite than him, but the taste is worse than him, and generally only eats the sun, and is not interested in ordinary planets.

Carol Danvers: Oh my God…

Charles Xavier: ……… (⊙_⊙)

At this moment, Professor X only felt that his face turned pale, his body was cold, and even goosebumps appeared on his body!

He Charles Xavier… In the end, he actually died at the hands of his own students!

Even the body was annihilated!

It’s terrible!

That little girl was so terrifying!

And Wolverine, who was sitting on the side, looked at Charles’s face like a dead ash, and also felt a little unbearable, and quickly asked:

“Are you okay, that Jean Grey… How is it doing now? ”

Charles said with a stiff expression:

“It’s a little naughty, but she’s a good kid overall.”

“It’s just…”

Speaking of this, Charles only felt that his throat was dry, and he couldn’t say it for a while!

After seeing the image of “himself” disappearing, how should he face that child in the future?

Seeing this, Wolverine, who had experienced countless times, immediately understood.

After thinking about it, he suddenly spoke:

“Charles, otherwise, next time… You brought that kid here too. ”

Pointing to the large screen in front of him, Wolverine continued:

“Let him see the scene of other universes, how long and how long he sees, maybe he can broaden the child’s horizons.” It is also helpful in controlling the power of the phoenix in her body. ”

Charles sighed faintly and whispered.

“This… Let me think about it. ”

To be honest, there is a degree in “pedagogy”, but Charles is not very clear either… How to educate a little girl of 10 years …

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[After the death of Professor X, X College suddenly fell into grief. 】

[And Magneto took the opportunity to draw Dark Phoenix into his camp. ] 】

[With the help of the strongest mutant on Earth, Magneto suddenly became arrogant. 】

[He sent a letter of war directly to the President of the United States, claiming on television … As long as that antidote exists, mutants will continue to attack humans! 】

[After being threatened by Magneto, the president was immediately furious and directly decided to go to war with him! ] 】

[Under the president’s order, the soldiers all put down their guns and replaced them with plastic “antidote weapons.] 】

[As long as you are hit by the “antidote bomb” fired in these weapons, the mutant will immediately become an ordinary person! ] 】

[On this night, the president used the satellite to locate the location of Magneto and the others, and ordered the soldiers equipped with antidote weapons to attack. 】

[But after waiting for those soldiers to enter the field, they found that the large number of people detected by the satellite were all created by just a mutant doppelganger! ] 】

[Magneto is striking the east and the west! ] 】

[In fact, Magneto’s only purpose is to completely destroy the laboratory that developed the antidote.] 】

[After shaking a shot and dividing the tiger from the mountain, he immediately brought people to the old Jin… Mountain. 】

[Moreover, as soon as Magneto came, he demolished the Golden Gate Bridge with the power of thunder! ] And then suspended in the air! 】

[Relying on this bridge, Magneto gave his mutant subordinates out of thin air… A path to the island where the laboratory is located has been opened! 】

[“Kill! “】

[With Magneto’s order, his army of mutants rushed to that laboratory like a sea of mountains! ] 】

[Seeing Magneto’s momentum on TV, the X-Men, who lost Professor X, finally cheered up. ] 】

[Even in order to inherit Professor X’s legacy, they can’t allow Magneto to act like this! ] 】

[“Kill! Kill these humans. “】

[“Equip the antidote weapon! Fight with these mutants! “】

[On that remote island, the mutant army of Magnets and the soldiers equipped with antidote weapons suddenly became a battle]

[In the face of this… A weapon that can turn mutants into humans with one shot, Magneto is also extremely cautious, and does not dare to rush to the forefront at all. 】

[Just when the two sides were fighting, the X-Men were riding on the Blackbird fighter… It also descended on the battlefield! 】

[Next, the X-Men and Magneto’s subordinates.] A new round of war began! 】

[In the chaos, the iceman successfully defeated the burning man, and the battle situation began to gradually reverse! ] 】

[However, in the face of the king of magnetism, no one can do anything good! ] 】

[At the last moment, Wolverine suddenly came up with a clever plan, he rushed out to attract Magneto’s attention, but let the beast take the opportunity to sneak attack. ] 】

[Sure enough, at the last moment, the beast rushed out from behind and punched the antidote injection into Magneto’s body! ] 】


[Looking at the syringe on his chest in disbelief, Magneto fell to the ground trembling. 】

[Lost the superpower to control magnetism, now he is just an ordinary old man. ] 】

[After the defeat of the boss, the army of mutants under Magneto dispersed as birds and beasts. ] 】

[But next, the X-Men must also face a… Probably the strongest enemy ever! 】

[Dark Phoenix… Jean Grey! 】

[And watching the black phoenix fall from the sky, the surrounding human soldiers all raised the “antidote weapon” in their hands. ] 】

[“Whoops! “】

[Countless “antidote bullets” swept towards the black phoenix like a violent storm. 】

[“Hmph! “】

[The black phoenix let out a cold breath, and all the bullets hovered in midair, and then were decomposed into invisible dust. ] 】

[Turning his head to look at the human who raised his gun and aimed at him, the black phoenix slowly overflowed with murderous energy, slowly floating into the air, and seemed to be about to release a big move! ] 】

[Seeing this, Wolverine suddenly shouted in horror:]


[But at this moment, the black phoenix just glanced coldly, and the countless human soldiers in front of him instantly collapsed, all turning into dust! ] 】

[Not only that, everywhere the black phoenix passed, all houses collapsed, roads collapsed, and all materials began to fall apart! ] 】

[This is the power of the phoenix! ] 】

PS: Has everyone seen “Game of Thrones” starring Phoenix Girl?

PS2: The next chapter begins “The Strongest Scarlet Witch!” And then there’s “Stan Lee Cameo Collection”!

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