“What? The Avengers disbanded? ”

Hearing this, many people in front of the screen were surprised.

In their impression, even in other parallel universes, the Avengers are still a powerful organization composed of superheroes, shouldering the mission of maintaining world peace and fighting evil.

What happened to bring such a powerful alliance apart?

Is it some kind of terrifying enemy that is difficult to match?


In the live broadcast room, Xiao Wanda suddenly felt that her heart began to beat faster, and her face became a little unpleasant.

Just now the system also said that this is about the multiverse… The Story of the Strongest Scarlet Witch!

How…… Immediately a “Avengers disbanded” appeared?

Shouldn’t the two have anything to do with each other?

Under everyone’s nervous and expectant gazes, a new image appeared on the screen.

[In the base prepared by Tony Stark for the Avengers, the members of the Alliance… Under the costume of the butler Jarvis, drinking tea and chatting. 】

[“Boom! “】

[But at the next moment, with a loud bang, someone destroyed the gate of the Avengers Base and broke in head-on! ] 】

[From the monitor, the superheroes were immediately surprised to find… The interloper turned out to be a long-dead Avenger… Jack of the Heart. 】

[As a friend of Hearted Jack, Ant-Man Scott Lang immediately rushed to Heartheart Jack for the first time, wanting to ask what was going on. ] 】

[Ant-talent just voiced his doubts, this long-dead Jack of the Red Heart suddenly exploded! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[The terrifying explosions and fires shook the entire Avengers base! ] 】

[When the superheroes rushed out, they could only see… A big hole blown up in the ground! 】

[Ant-Man Scott Lang, directly blown up into a pile of dry bones by a terrible explosion! ] 】

[Looking at the terrifying scene in front of them, the captain of the United States and the others who hurriedly rushed out were all stunned. ] 】

[Ant-Man, but a powerful hero in the Avengers. 】

[How inexplicably, I was killed by someone in seconds?] 】

[And… How did this Jack with Hearts come back from the dead? 】

[Why did you run here to expose yourself?] 】

[What the hell is going on here?] 】

[And just when the Avengers base was attacked, another leader of the Avengers, Iron Man… Tonis Darke is also in trouble. 】

[At this moment, Tony Stark is wearing an Iron Man suit and is in the United ·· and·· At the General Assembly, numerous representatives of various countries spoke. 】

[But somehow, Tony suddenly became manic as if he had taken the wrong medicine. 】

“Listen to me, you riffraff in a suit! “】

[Tony foamed at the mouth and said appalling crazy words in front of countless representatives:]

“We might as well vote now, wipe that garbage country of yours off the map, and build a theme park there!”] “】

[He not only insulted and insulted the representatives of various countries indiscriminately, but even opened the palm cannon of his right palm! ] Threaten to evaporate one of the representatives in place! 】

[Finally waking up from this crazy state, Tony quickly left the podium and ran down the corridor sweating. 】

[When I think of myself… Almost killing the dignitaries in front of everyone, the cold sweat on Tony’s head flowed to his chin. 】

[Under the extreme panic, Iron Man also confided in the Scarlet Witch who rushed over, almost thinking that he had drunk before… It led to bad consequences. 】

[It turns out that Tony Stark of the 616 universe is a serious alcoholic, and after drinking, he often loses control! ] 】

[And at this moment, Tony also got an alarm from the Avengers base! ] 】

[The base has been attacked! ] 】

[At this time, in the base of the Avengers, Captain America and others are comforting… Ant-Man’s wife, the Wasp. 】

[The wasp girl was originally also a member of the Avengers, but now she has inexplicably become an undead! ] 】

[And at this time of mess, even more terrible things happened! ] 】

[A fighter suddenly fell from the sky and rushed to the Avengers base! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Another violent explosion, terrifying flames and impacts spread in all directions, and the flames rushed straight to the sky! ] 】

“Be careful! “】

[At the moment of the attack, the captain of the United States dodged the direct impact of the plane and the impact of the explosion. 】

[But when the captain just came to his senses, he saw the pilot of the plane walking out of the fire without care. ] 】

[Vision! 】

[This person who piloted the Kun-type fighter and launched a self-brake-style attack on the Avengers base turned out to be the hallucination of one of the members of the Avengers! ] 】

[Looking at the stunned captain in front of him, and the other Avengers members, Vision suddenly said shocking words in an emotionless electronic voice! ] 】

[Vision claims… I’m out of control! 】

[Moreover, the Avengers, as a group, have also failed! ] 】

[Next, all they can meet is destruction! ] 】

[As soon as the words fell, Vision opened its mouth again and spit out several silver-white metal balls from its mouth! ] 】

[“Ugh! Swish! Swish! “】

[Under the horrified gaze of everyone in the Avengers, these metal balls changed rapidly as soon as they landed… Turned into one Ultron robot after another! 】

[“Boom! Bang! Crash! “】

[As soon as these Ultron robots appeared, they immediately launched a fierce attack on the Avengers! ] 】

“Damn, where did these robots come from? “】

[Also, what’s wrong with Vision? “】

[“You ask me, who do I ask?”] “】

[Incomprehensible disasters continue to come, and the Avengers superheroes are all in chaos. 】

[However, in the face of the onslaught of Ultron robots, they can only instinctively fight! ] 】

[In the midst of a melee, the female Hulk killed the red eye, not only destroyed the Ultron robot in front of her, but even tore Vision to pieces. ] 】

[Now, among the members of the Avengers… Another one died! 】

[Seeing that the female Hulk was like a mad tiger, the captain hurriedly tried to stop her, but he didn’t expect it… He even suffered from her attack! 】

[Now, the remaining Avengers have to fight with the crazy female Hulk again! ] 】

[“Bang! Rumble! “】


[Although the female Hulk is not as powerful as her cousin Bruce Banner, she also has amazing strength. 】

[In an instant, she knocked Captain America, Wasp Girl and others to the ground. ] 】

[Fortunately, at the last moment, Iron Man Tony Stark, who received the alarm, fell from the sky and knocked out the female Hulk, quelling this Avengers civil war. ] 】

[After everything calmed down, in the face of this attack after attack, Captain America and Iron Man quickly came to a conclusion. 】

[There are enemies against them!] 】

[Otherwise, so many unfortunate things… How could it all be concentrated in this moment? 】

[Where in the world are there so many coincidences!] 】

Seeing this, the chat group suddenly became lively.

Captain America: The man behind the attack… Who the hell is it?

Captain America: Is it related to the Scarlet Witch?

Thinking of the strongest Scarlet Witch mentioned by the system before, the captain immediately thought of her.

Wanda Maksimov: Wait a minute, don’t you see? In this universe, Scarlet Witch and Iron Man are both members of the Avengers!

Wanda Maksimov: They’re still good friends! How can they attack each other?

Bruce Wayne: Whether it was Scarlet Witch or not, the person who launched this attack obviously had “mind control” means.

Bruce Wayne: What the female Hulk looked like when she went crazy, and Tony Stark’s situation at the convention… Almost identical!

Tony Stark: But my variant, in the end, managed to control myself! It’s me. ^_^

Bruce Banner: Smile bitterly, maybe because of the Hulk’s bloodline, so that the female Hulk can’t control her emotions.

Captain America: Dr. Banner, your cousin… Also does Hulk power?

Bruce Banner: I don’t know, I haven’t seen Jennifer in a long time.

Wanda Maximov: If it’s “mind control,” it has nothing to do with Scarlet Witch.

Rocky Odinson: Little Ghost! What are you kidding? Do you think everyone has not seen “Westview Town”?

Loki Odinson: Your variant, but with magic… Take a town under control!

Wanda Maksimov: ……… ( ̄△ ̄; )

At this time, Xiao Wanda was more and more panicked in his heart.

Could it be that this really has something to do with its own variation?

Impossible, why would she do such a thing?

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[He felt that the situation was wrong, and Captain America and Iron Man immediately decided to launch the highest level summoning order! ] 】

[Summon all the superheroes you can summon to the Avengers base!] 】

[But these heroes have just arrived, and alien spaceships suddenly appear in the sky. ] 】

[It’s actually a Kree Star.] 】

[These aliens… I actually chose this point in time to launch an attack on the earth! 】

[In this war against aliens, although there are many superheroes, one hero has fallen. ] 】

[He is Hawkeye!] 】

[In the melee, the arrow barrel on Hawkeye’s back was shot by the Kree laser, and it was about to explode. ] 】

[In order not to give his life in vain, Hawkeye simply held a flying Kree soldier directly, rushed into an alien mothership, and died with the enemy. ] 】

[Because of Hawkeye’s heroic sacrifice, the alien invasion was repelled.] 】

[However, the already traumatized Avengers… At this moment, there were even more casualties. 】

[Hawkeye… Clint Barton simply died without a corpse, and even the body could not be found! 】

[The most terrifying thing is that the mysterious enemy is still hidden behind the scenes! ] 】

[No one knows, who is he?] 】

[When will the next attack be launched?] 】

[Faced with this passive beating, the Avengers are extremely depressed. 】

[At this moment, someone finally fell from the sky and brought them the answer! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[With a magical aura, Supreme Mage… Doctor Strange, descended on the Avengers base. 】

[Relying on the power of the Supreme Mage, Doctor Strange has seen through this series of attacks! ] 】

[He claims that someone used forbidden magic, manipulated probabilities, and modified reality, which led to this series of catastrophic dooms… Debuts to the Avengers! 】

[In other words, the person who attacked the Avengers is a powerful magician! ] 】

[Hearing this, everyone in the Avengers woke up. 】

[“Wanda! “】

“Is it the Scarlet Witch?” “】

[In everyone’s impression, people who can modify reality with magic… It seems that she is the only one. 】

[“Impossible! “】

[Immediately there was a fierce rebuttal from the Avengers:]

“She’s disassociated from his father, Magneto! “】

“But Wanda is really a weirdo. “】

“yes… I actually married a robot…”

[Soon, the entire Avengers were like a pot exploded, and people began to argue with each other and justify each other, but no one could convince anyone! ] 】

[But it soon became apparent that although the Captain of the United States issued the highest level summoning order, Scarlet Witch Wanda did not appear in the base! ] 】

[Slowly, everyone is sure of one thing. 】

[Scarlet Witch is the biggest suspect in the attack on the Avengers! ] 】

In the live broadcast room.

“What? It’s true…… It’s me? ”

Little Wanda’s eyes were round, her face was pale, and cold sweat even appeared on her forehead.

She wasn’t a silly child.

Seeing now, Wanda is almost certain that Doctor Strange’s judgment is not wrong!

What happened to the Avengers is obviously the result of being modified reality!

But…… Why?

If in Westview Town, Scarlet Witch died because of Vision … That’s what goes crazy.

Here, she killed Vision with her own hands!

Own robot husband!

What the hell is going on here?

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