[Standing in front of everyone in the Avengers, Doctor Strange told the terrible truth. 】

[Wanda is not only a mutant, but since birth, she has possessed powerful magic that is not her own. 】

[That’s Chaos Magic!] 】

[Unlike normal magicians, Scarlet Witch did not master magical power through acquired efforts. 】

[So, Wanda never really learned to control her magic, but just abused it endlessly.] 】

[As long as something happens that makes her unhappy and disliked, Wanda wants to use chaos magic to change everything.] 】

[This is the modified reality! ] 】

[Every time Wanda does this kind of thing, it will only make her more subservient to her own desires. More addicted to Chaos magic. 】

[Slowly, the Scarlet Witch lost herself. 】

[Or rather, she was in turn controlled by Chaos Magic…]

[Next, Scarlet Witch encountered the biggest problem of his life. 】

[She falls in love with the robot Vision, but for well-known reasons, Vision can’t have had a child with her.] 】

[Under the desperate desire to “want children”, Scarlet Witch naturally turned her hope to Chaos Magic. 】

[Like Aladdin’s magic lamp, she used chaos magic to modify reality and “make” two children for herself. 】

[However, these two children are products of magic after all, they are very unstable, and they disappear after not lasting long. 】

[Faced with the child’s gain and loss, Scarlet Witch had a mental breakdown. 】

[In this situation, Wanda’s magic mentor… Agatha Harkness erased all her memories of her child. 】

[Everyone thought that things had passed like this, but in fact they didn’t…]

[Not long ago, Wanda and the wasp were basking on the beach. 】

[The wasp girl inadvertently said that she leaked her mouth, which reminded Wanda of… I used to have two children! 】

[But now, those two children are gone, and their memories have been erased! ] 】

[After recalling all this, Wanda, who broke down again mentally, blamed everything on the Avengers! ] 】

[She believes that the Avengers took her child! ] 】

[That’s why she wants revenge!] 】

Seeing this, countless people in front of the screen were shocked.

Hermione Granger: How is it possible to make two children out of thin air, and can magic still do such a thing? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Daddy: Daddy was also shocked, I had never heard of this kind of magic!

Miss Polaris: Sister, you are so powerful.

Wanda Maksimov: I don’t want to be so powerful. (ㄒoㄒ)

In the live broadcast room, Xiao Wanda only felt dizzy, and the murder was like turning over the river, which was extremely uncomfortable.

In the world of “Wanda and Vision”, “myself” fell into madness because of the tragic death of her husband Vision.

Not only did he use magic to create Vision and two children, but he also lived a dreamlike life in Westview Town.

Unexpectedly, in this 616 universe, “myself” fell into the same pit again!

However, this variant of his own is not crazy because of vision, but because of those two children!

The most outrageous thing is that from the current situation, it is precisely because the Scarlet Witch is crazy, so… She killed her husband with her own hands!

Don’t…… Scarlet Witch in the multiverse, isn’t there a normal one?

At this time, Magneto, who was standing next to Little Wanda, also did not look good.

From the words between the previous Avengers, he quickly came to a simple conclusion.

In this 616 universe, Wanda has long since severed relations with his father Magneto and joined the Avengers!

How so?

If there are both Magneto and Avengers in this world, they are definitely hostile relationships!

When Wanda did this, didn’t she turn her back on her father and turn her back on the enemy?

At this time, in a certain underground base of S.H.I.E.L.D.


The muscles on Hawkeye Clint Barton’s face twitched, and finally only a bitter smile appeared.

“It turns out that in other universes, I can still rely on my own strength… Shoot down the alien mothership. ”

“It’s really surprising.”

The brine egg looked up at Hawkeye’s ugly expression, frowned and said:

“Clint, I’ve always valued you.”

“If that Avengers does exist, you’re definitely one of them.”

Hawkeye nodded and didn’t say anything, but deep down, he still sighed.

He knew very well in his heart that as a person without any superpowers, how could he be compared with Avengers such as Thor and Iron Man?

At this time, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After getting Doctor Strange’s guidance, the Avengers finally locked the suspect who attacked them.] 】

[Next, all the members of the Avengers came to the door of the Scarlet Witch’s house. 】

[Inside, Scarlet Witch has just prepared a table of meals to share with her husband Vision, teacher Agatha, and her two young sons. 】

[At this moment, the voice of Captain America suddenly remembered in the restaurant:]

“Wanda, let me help you. “】

[The captain looked at Wanda’s side, his face expressionless, and his eyes were full of pain. ] 】

[Not long ago, Vision was still being used in front of him… The female Hulk is torn in half! 】

[Now this “vision” is clearly fake! ] 】

[That is to say, in this restaurant, except for Scarlet Witch herself, the rest of the people… From the old people to the children, it was “made” by her! 】

“Wanda, come to your senses, they’re not your children or your family. “】

“These … It’s all your fantasy! “】

“Nope! “】

[The scarlet witch shouted, and a red skull and a large number of hydra soldiers suddenly appeared around her. 】


[Those soldiers raised their guns and pointed them at the captain of the United States and opened fire madly! ] 】


[Captain America hurriedly raised his shield to resist, but in the chaos, he was forced to retreat from the window. ] 】

“Don’t try to take the child away from me!”] “】

[With a roar, the Scarlet Witch, dressed in a red sorcerer’s robe, rushed out of the house with a raging momentum, hovering over the heads of the Avengers and others. ] 】

[“Wanda! “】

[“It’s really her! “】

[Seeing this scene in front of them, the avengers immediately understood. 】

[It’s this crazy woman in front of you… Kill your husband Vision, kill Hawkeye, and kill Ant-Man! 】

[“Abominable! You lunatic. “】

[Thinking of his dead companion, Captain Marvel Carolton was furious, and directly rushed towards the Scarlet Witch in the air. 】

[But at this moment, her old enemy suddenly appeared in front of Carol! ] 】

[Not only that, but in the crowd of the Avengers on the ground, a large number of strong people have also emerged! ] 】

[There are not only Red Skulls inside, Ultron robots, but even Hulk Hulk who has long been thrown into the universe by the Illuminati! ] 】

【”Be careful! “】

[“Hell, where did these guys come from? “】

[“Hulk! No way! “】

“The Hulk is furious!!! “】

[Seeing this group of enemies out of nowhere, the Avengers had to rush to fight in panic and fell into a melee. 】

[And Captain America, Iron Man and others were even more shocked at this time. ] 】

[Only now did they know that the Chaos Magic of the Scarlet Witch… It’s really powerful to this point! 】

[Able to create reality out of thin air!] 】

[And just when the Avengers were entangled in the monster created by Wanda, along with a strong magical aura, Doctor Strange also appeared in front of Scarlet Witch! ] 】

[“Wanda Maksimov! “】

[Doctor Strange stood in the air, and his right hand released strong magic fluctuations. ] 】

“Your actions have hurt your friends and hurt yourself! “】

“Stop for me now, right away!”] “】

“Nope! “】

[“Wanda seems to have completely lost her mind, and in the face of Doctor Strange, she released a scarlet magic light wave without hesitation! 】

[“Boom! “】

[The magical rays released by Doctor Strange and Scarlet Witch collided together, blooming with a dazzling light, just like a small sun, lighting up most of the night sky! ] 】

[“Ha! “】

[Wanda shouted, and unexpectedly created a giant out of thin air that emitted cold flames and his head was like eternal burning fire. 】

[Dormammu! 】

[Scarlet Witch actually used chaos magic to create Doctor Strange’s biggest nemesis… “Dormammu”! ] 】

[“Wanda! You stop me! “】

[After confronting “Dormammu” once, Doctor Strange immediately determined two things. 】

[First, this Dormammu is indeed fake! ] 】

[Second, you can’t let the Scarlet Witch continue to distort reality! ] 】

[Otherwise, no one knows what she will do next!] 】

[“Boom! “】

[Doctor Strange squeezed out a strange spell mark with both hands, and a huge eye appeared behind him. ] 】

[“In front of the Eye of Agomoto, everything will be revealed! “】

[Doctor Strange yells:]

[“Wanda! Your madness will end here! “】


[Facing the light of Agomoto’s Eye, the frenzied color in Scarlet Witch’s eyes finally began to fade. ] 】

[Immediately afterwards, her whole person fell from the sky like a broken kite. ] 】

[Captain America hurriedly rushed forward, and finally caught the unconscious Scarlet Witch before landing. ] 】

[At this moment, another uninvited guest suddenly fell from the sky. 】

[Magneto. 】

[He also seems to have sensed his daughter’s crazy moves, so he came specially and picked up the unconscious Wanda from the captain.] 】

[But by now, the big mistake has been made.] 】

[In Wanda’s home, the body of her teacher Agatha Harkness is found.] 】

[This Wanda’s magic mentor… Obviously, it has long been killed by her own hands, and even the corpse has become a dry corpse, I don’t know how long it has been dead. 】

[After the series of blows of the Scarlet Witch, the Avengers have also reached the brink of collapse. ] 】

[Because of the crazy gaffe at the conference before, Iron Man is being asked to hold accountable, and the company’s stock price has plummeted! ] 】

[Now Tony Stark is already insured. 】

[In this case, he can no longer operate for the Avengers… Offer even a penny! 】

[And several heroes led by the female Hulk have suffered great trauma because of the previous melee and chose to leave the Avengers. ] 】

[Seeing that everything was irretrievable, the remaining Avengers members ate the last meal in the ruins of the original base. ] 】

[After eating, when the depressed Avengers came to the door of the base, ready to officially disclose the news of the dissolution of the Avengers.

They were all shocked by what they saw. 】

[I saw countless people, holding candles and photos of the Avengers, coming to the gate of the base that had turned into ruins.] 】

[They are not only silently mourning for the dead heroes, but also blessing the heroic combination of “Avengers”! ] 】

[Seeing this touching scene in front of them, the Avengers were all silent. 】

At this moment, the screen dimmed.

And seeing this, the chat group is also lively.

Hermione Granger: That’s awesome, that Doctor Strange is amazing. (*^▽^*)

Hermione Granger: It’s so easy to defeat that evil witch! Simply a model of wizarding!

Daddy: Huh… So daddy I have long said that magic can only be defeated with magic! ^_^

Miss Polaris: What are you talking nonsense? My sister is not evil, she just… She’s just crazy.

Wanda Maximov: ╥_╥… Don’t call me sister in the future, I don’t know you.

Stephen Strange: Even the Hulk and… Dormammu can be “made”! Is this the strongest Scarlet Witch? It’s really impressive.

Master Mordo: No! I’m afraid it’s not that simple.

Stephen Strange: Huh?

Master Mordo: That Dormammu is just an inferior imitation, not even one percent of the strength of his real body.

Mage Mordo: The source of Chaos magic is the god of Hades, Sithorne! If the maximum power of this magic can be unleashed, it is said that … Can shake the multiverse!

Carol Danverse: The multiverse, just that crazy woman? What are you kidding?

Master Mordo: I also hope I guessed wrong, but…

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[The crazy Scarlet Witch Wanda was killed by his father… Magneto took away, but this is not the end, but only the beginning…”


[With the cry of the baby, Scarlet Witch Wanda held the two newborn babies in her arms. 】

It seems that she has just given birth to a pair of healthy twins. 】

[Next to Scarlet Witch again, there is still her husband Vision, as well as superheroes such as pro-Magneto, brother Quicksilver, and Captain America…”

[The situation looks warm and beautiful, it is simply enviable. 】

[And at this moment, an icy voice sounded in Wanda’s ears.] 】

[“Wanda! Hurry up and restore it all! “】

[I saw a bald old man in a wheelchair enter this room with an eager face. 】

[He is Professor X, Charles Xavier. 】

[“Wanda! Come to your senses, there is no one else in this room but you and me! “】

“You don’t have children either! “】

“Nope! No! No! “】

[In the desperate cries of the Scarlet Witch, everything around her began to fall apart! ] 】

[Including his two infants, Magneto Quicksilver, Captain America… All turned to ashes and scattered with the wind! 】

[It turns out that these people were all created by her with “Chaos Magic”! ] 】


[After everything disappeared, the Scarlet Witch slumped on the ground and cried. 】

[At that moment, she finally recalled what she had done before! ] 】

[After a complete madness, she personally killed Ant-Man, Hawkeye, and her husband Vision! ] 】

[And looking at the Scarlet Witch crying in front of him, Professor X’s forehead was full of cold sweat, and his eyes were full of solemnity. ] 】

[Next, the screen turned and came to New York.] 】

[At the invitation of Professor X, the X-Men led by Laser Eye came to Stark Building. 】

[After entering the conference room, Laser Eye and the others were taken aback. 】

[It turns out that Professor X didn’t just invite them, but also invited the Avengers who had been disbanded… A large number of former members. 】

[Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Female Hulk, and even Doctor Strange!] 】

[After everyone arrived, Professor X frankly stated the reason why he gathered so many superheroes. 】

[That’s the decision to Scarlet Witch… Wanda’s fate! 】

[At this moment, the picture suddenly turned back to where Scarlet Witch Wanda was. 】

[Quicksilver also came to Wanda’s side at some point, he looked at his sister who was falling into a deep sleep, the whole person seemed to collapse, slumped on the ground, unable to even stand up. ] 】

[At this time, Magneto, dressed in civilian clothes, appeared behind Quicksilver. 】

[Turning his head, Quicksilver looked at his father and said desperately:]

“They’re going to kill her!”] “】

[Quicksilver got excited fiercely:]

“All the X-Men, all the Avengers, they’re in New York right now… Discussing how to kill her. “】

“I was there just now, I heard it with my own ears! “】

“They will come here and kill my sister, your own daughter. “】

[Looking at the extremely excited Quicksilver in front of him, Magneto let out a long sigh:]

[“Pietro… They may be right…”

In the live broadcast room.


Seeing this scene, Little Wanda’s whole person was completely frozen, his eyes staring at the screen were full of fear, and there was only one thought in his mind:

This…… Is this also my end?

Being treated as a supervillain, surrounded by all the superheroes, and… Just die like that?

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