In the chat group, there was an uproar for a while!

Captain America: Stan Lee… Also participated in the war of our humanity? Or World War II? It can’t be!

At this moment, the shock in the heart of the captain of the United States was really indescribable.

At the beginning, the bloody storm on the battlefield, as well as the parting of life and death, he still remembers it vividly.

If there really is such a level of existence as the “Creation God” on “one’s side”, how can the war still be fought?

Loki Odinson: Hmph, human, don’t overthink it. This Stan Lee is not involved in the war at all, at most just “experience”, or “observe” the war!

Captain America: Observation? (⊙o⊙)

Loki Odinson: Hahaha, you humans… Aren’t you also very fond of watching ants fight?

Morty: Well, yes, I’ve always found ant fights funny since I was a kid.

Captain America: This… (⊙_⊙)

Starlight: Is this the experience life of the Great God level? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Agent J: I don’t understand, but I’m blown away!

Clark Kent: Think of yourself completely as a human being, observing everything in the world, but not interfering?

Bruce Wayne: Clark, with the strength of the OAA, if you really want to interfere, the human world… I don’t know what I’m going to be tossed into.

Bruce Wayne: Modified reality like Scarlet Witch is the best example.

Clark Kent: Yes, if this old man is really the creator of the multiverse, I am afraid that it is the Scarlet Witch… It’s not comparable to one ten-thousandth of him…

As soon as Bruce Wayne spoke, Clark heard what he meant.

Young Master Wayne, intentionally or unintentionally, was still secretly dissuading him from interfering in human society at will.

Since gaining the power of Silver Superman, Clark has sometimes… There will also be some impulses to find an opportunity to “apply” this force!

Otherwise, wouldn’t it be wasted?

However, when he saw what Stan Lee did, this thought faded.

Perhaps, you can also learn from him and be a calm bystander.

Unless, if you really encounter a crisis at the level of human survival, it is better not to make a casual move in the future.

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[“Roar! “】

[Dr. Connors, who has turned into a large lizard, broke into the campus and wreaked havoc in the school. 】

[Seeing that the situation was not right, Peter Parker quickly transformed into Spider-Man and trapped it with spider silk. ] 】

[But seeing that Dr. Lizard was still struggling madly, and soon to break free of the spider silk, the extraordinary Spider-Man quickly turned around and said to Gwen Stacy in his arms:]

“I have to throw you out the window.”] “】

[“Huh? “】

[Gwen Stacy thought she had misheard for a moment. 】

[But in the next moment, the amazing Spider-Man threw her out of the window.] 】


Just as Gwen Stacy was exclaiming, another spider silk shot out of the window, wrapped around his body, and hung her in the air. 】

[At this time, Dr. Lizard also broke free from the spider silk on his body and stared viciously at the extraordinary Spider-Man in front of him. ] 】

[Seeing that Gwen has been out of danger, the extraordinary Spider-Man also put down the burden, entered the posture of imminent battle without distraction, and looked at Dr. Lizard in front of him and smiled. ] 】

“Oh… It looks like there’s a big lizard who doesn’t learn well…”

[“Bang! “】

[In the next second, Dr. Lizard will take the extraordinary Spider-Man… Punched a big hole in the wall and stormed the school library together! 】

[Two creatures with extraordinary powers, just fight in the library! ] 】


[Bookshelves and other things, as long as they touch them, they will immediately fall apart! ] 】

[And in this library, there is an old man wearing headphones and listening to music! ] 】

[The most outrageous thing is that because he has his back to Spider-Man and Dr. Lizard, this old man’s face is full of intoxication, he is not aware of the fierce battle behind him, and his hands are even leisurely beating! ] 】

[And because of the existence of this old man, the background music on the video is no longer the sound of “booming” battles, but has become a calm music sound. ] 】

[The leisureliness of the old man, the gentleness of the music, and the fierce battle between Spider-Man and Dr. Lizard exist in this picture at the same time…]

[It looks weird and funny!] 】

[And as soon as they saw this white-haired old man, all the audience immediately recognized him, he was Stan Lee! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[During the battle, Dr. Lizard suddenly threw out a table and hit Stan Lee instead of hitting Spider-Man! ] 】

[But at the moment when the table was about to hit Stan Lee, the extraordinary Spider-Man quickly shot out a spider silk and stuck the table. ] 】

[Even in the face of this situation, Stan Lee still did not look back at all. 】

[I saw him listening to the music in the headphones, shaking his body, as if walking leisurely, and slowly leaving the library. ] 】

[From beginning to end, he didn’t seem to notice it at all… The existence of Dr. Lizard and Spider-Man. 】

In the live broadcast room.

“Stan Lee is actually in my school?”

Peter Parker’s eyes were round, his face was full of horror, and even his mouth was wide open.

He studied in this high school for a few years, but he had never seen such an old man!

Little Wanda, on the other hand, frowned a little suspiciously:

“This old man is so strong, why do you pretend to be an ordinary person?”

“What if that amazing Spider-Man hadn’t stuck to that chair?”

Loki was next to him and snorted coldly:

“The gods can play with you mortals, but if you are really offended by mortals… The result can only be destruction! ”

“Destruction? No way? ”

Peter Parker had just recovered from his state of shock, and he was suddenly startled again.

If you really make a creation boss like OAA angry, what will happen?

No…… The whole world will be wiped out!

Looking at Peter’s pale face, Tony Stark said comfortingly:

“Don’t listen to Loki’s nonsense, see now, you haven’t judged it?”

“Whether this Stan Lee is the God of Creation or not, he has absolutely no malice towards mankind!”


Hearing Tony’s comfort, Peter Parker’s face was a little better.

And Bruce Wayne lowered his head thoughtfully and thought in his heart:

Stan Lee completely ignored the table that was thrown over, which should have been predicted long ago… Until Spider-Man will make a move…”

Just as everyone was making various conjectures, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[At this time, the picture turned, and came to another parallel universe. ] 】

[In this world, the spaceship piloted by Obsidian Five has just landed in New York City. 】

[They have only one purpose, that is, to capture the Infinity Stones! ] 】

[And at this time on the school bus, 16-year-old young Spider-Man Peter Parker… The cold hairs on his arms suddenly all stood up. 】

【“!!! “】

[With Superman’s spider induction, Peter Parker immediately discovered that something was wrong! ] 】

[And when he looked back, he was taken aback. 】

[A huge ring-shaped spaceship has actually appeared in the sky above the city! ] 】

[“Not good! “】

[Seeing that the situation was not good, Peter Parker immediately prepared to transform into Spider-Man and go to help. ] 】

[He woke up first… Fat Kiyu who is listening to music:】

“Ned! I need you to distract everyone. “】

[As soon as Fatty Jiyou turned around, he immediately saw the huge spaceship and reacted immediately! ] 】

[“Amazing! We’re all going to die! Aliens have invaded! “】

[Under the shouting of the fat man, all the students on the school bus were shocked. 】

“Oh my God, that’s really an alien spaceship! “】

[Seeing that the students all gathered at the rear of the car, stunned to watch the alien spacecraft, Peter Parker breathed a sigh of relief, quickly took the opportunity to open the window and jumped outside the car. ] 】

[At this time, in the driver’s seat of the school bus, a familiar voice suddenly sounded. 】

“You kids… What’s going on? “】

Stan Lee, sitting in front of the steering wheel, stretched out his hand helplessly, seemingly dissatisfied with the shouting of those students. 】

“Is it… Haven’t you all seen a spaceship? “】

And seeing this, in front of the screens in the multiverse, countless bursts of laughter suddenly sounded.

“Amazing! It is worthy of being the creation god who has seen the face of the world! The tone is so disgusting. o( ̄▽ ̄)d”

“What is a spaceship, the entire universe was created by his old man!”

“Unbelievable, it’s actually next to Spider-Man again! Does this old man like little spiders? ”

“Who knows, I also think the little spider is very cute, not old, but so righteous.”

“Does the Creator God also like children with a sense of justice?”

“I feel… Stan Lee just loves superheroes. ”

Just as everyone was talking, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[After the end of the superhero civil war, Peter Parker the little spider finally officially became a superhero. 】

[However, as a fledgling, he still has nothing major to do, patrolling the sky over the city all day to deal with some petty theft. ] 】

[On this day, he saw a man with a tool trying to pry open the door of a car. 】

[“Thief! “】

[Seeing this, the little spider immediately jumped down and glued the man to the car with a cobweb! ] He also pulled the man’s head and slammed the car door. 】

[“Bang! “】

[No one expected that this collision actually triggered the alarm system of this car! ]

[The loud alarm sounded all over the neighborhood at once! ] 】

[“Shhh Backbite…… Shhh

[I don’t know that I just ran into trouble, and Spider-Man proudly taught this man a lesson. ] 】

“Don’t steal someone else’s car, that’s a bad thing.”] “】

[But the man roared angrily:]

“This is my car, you idiot.”] “】

[At the same time, amid the loud vehicle sirens, the windows of the neighbors were all open!] 】

[One angry voice after another, one after another. 】

“Quickly turn off this alarm. “】

[“Hell, I just finished the night shift, you’re so noisy, how can I sleep?”] “】

[Seeing that all the neighbors pointed the finger at themselves, the little spider was suddenly stupid. ] 】

[He just wanted to help, who knows… How could this happen? 】

“I thought he was stealing a car, I didn’t mean it. “】

[Just as the little spider was sweating and trying to explain, a white-haired old man also poked his head out of the window, looked at him and said sternly:]

[“Spider boy, you give me care, don’t force me to go down and clean you up! “】

[This white-haired old man is Stan Lee! ] 】

And seeing this, in front of the screen of the multiverse, there was another burst of laughter.

“Wha! You see that Spider-Man’s pitiful look, I feel like he’s about to cry. ”

“Che, just now someone said that Stan Lee likes Spider-Man, why didn’t I see it?”

“However, this time it was indeed the kid who made a mistake and made a noise about the neighbors.”

“How did he know, the man who pried the car… Actually the owner of the car? ”

“That’s what Stan Lee should know, but he’s the Creator God?”

“Probably, this old man just took the opportunity to teach Little Spider a lesson, and wanted him to make him later… Don’t be so frizzy. ”

“Listening to you say that, it’s like Stan Lee… I still like this kid very much. ”

In the live broadcast room, Tonis Dak also glanced thoughtfully at Peter, who was standing on the side.

It seems that Stan Lee is interested in this kid… And the attention put into the variant, which is indeed somewhat unusual!

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[The picture turned, and returned to the extraordinary Spider-Man universe. ] 】

[At Peter Parker’s high school graduation, he was late because he needed to be chivalrous as the Amazing Spider-Man. 】

[Seeing one student after another receiving the diploma from the principal, Peter Parker was nowhere to be seen. 】

[Seeing this scene, not only Aunt Mei was a little anxious, but an old man sitting in the audience looked left and right, seemingly searching for someone. ] 】

[This white-haired old man is indeed Stan Lee again. 】

[At this moment, the extraordinary Spider-Man grabbed the spider silk, and finally came to the back of the venue at the last moment. ] 】

[Seeing that time was urgent, Peter Parker didn’t even have time to take off the spider suit, but quickly put the bachelor’s suit on the outside of his body. ] 】

[When he changed into his bachelor’s uniform, the principal just called out the name “Peter Parker”. 】

“Oops, I’m really late. “】

[Finding that the situation was not good, Peter Parker took off his bachelor’s hat and ran hard to the venue. 】

[But he forgot… He is still wearing a Spider-Man uniform and a Spider-Man hood on his face! 】

[Looking at Spider-Man in a bachelor’s suit from afar, Stan Lee in the audience pointed at him in surprise and shouted:]

“Hey! I seem to recognize that guy! “】

In the live broadcast room.

“Good fellow!”

Seeing this, the extraordinary Spider-Man Peter Parker couldn’t help but gasp for air, and for a moment he was afraid.

Almost a little!

Fortunately, the rest of the audience did not notice this Stan Lee.

Otherwise, wouldn’t the secret identity of “oneself” be exposed?

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