At this time, the chat group is also lively.

Wolverine: This old man… This creation god seems to really like Spider-Man.

Wolverine: Seeing now, he seems to have appeared the most times around Spider-Man.

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Uh… The other two are actually variations of me, or rather… I am a variant of them.

Reed Richards: Incredulously, I was under the impression that I had never met this person.

Stephen Strange: If he really is the Creator God, even if he is standing in front of you, you may not see him, or forget about him immediately after seeing it!

Reed Richards: Creating the multiverse? Sigh…… I probably can’t study this level of strength.

Wolverine: Couldn’t your son also create the universe? You might as well study him directly.

Reed Richards: Me and Susan… (ㄒoㄒ)

Hermione Granger: Amazing, the gods who created the universe! Such a great being would actually live in your world.

Hermione Granger: It’s enviable to think about!

Nick Fury: What is envy? This kind of thing… I was scared to think about it.

Facing a little girl in another universe, the black egg simply said everything in his heart.

The thought of such an unfathomable creation god may now be invisible on the earth, silently observing mankind.

The brine egg felt that his hair stood up all over his body, and his body was cold.

In the face of such an existence, human beings really can’t even talk about ants!

Daddy: Creator God? There is a chance… Daddy wants to meet him too!

Daddy: After all, we’re about the same age and should have some common language.

Loki Odinson: Mortal, what are you kidding?

Loki Odinson: The lifespan of the gods may be greater than that of the universe you are in… Countless times longer! How is it possible to be the same age as you?

Loki Odinson: Besides, this creator seems to be only interested in superheroes, are there such heroes in your universe?

Daddy: Heroes… Well, Jackie Chan should be able to count one, but this kid is frizzy and not mature enough.

Dad: When Jackie Chan comes back, I’ll ask him… Have you ever met “Stan Lee” on the road!

Miss Polaris: Hey… If it is really this Creator God who created our world, I would also like to ask Him why… The fate of our mutants is so tragic!

Deadpool: Stan Lee? Hehe, I remembered!

Deadpool: Before! I’ve seen this guy!

Hermione Granger: What? Have you really seen it? Have you ever spoken to him?

Deadpool: I seem to have said something to him, but… I can’t remember it now.

Loki Odinson: Ha! Laughing to death. Are mortals nowadays so fond of bragging? (*^▽^*)

Stephen Strange: No! According to the ancient mage, the true high-dimensional gods are not to be looked at directly!

Stephen Strange: If mortals really look directly at the gods, even if they are not crazy on the spot, they may have amnesia! Or memory confusion.

John Constantine: So, Deadpool this guy is crazy, probably… Also related to the fact that he has met Stan Lee?

Loki Odinson: No! This guy was originally a crazy person!

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[In the evening, a man with an ugly face like mud is walking on the side of the street with his head bowed. 】

[Upon seeing this iconic face, everyone immediately recognized him as the disfigured Deadpool… Wade Wilson! 】

[Suddenly, Wade seemed to hear something and slowly stopped. 】

[With the night wind, the angry scolding of an old man came from the alley. 】

[“Little bunny, I won’t give you a dime! “】

[As soon as Wade turned around, he saw a young man with a pistol in the alley next to him, robbing an old man. 】

[“I’ve had too much hard in this life, and I will never let you rob it again…”

[Hearing the old man’s angry scolding, the young man simply grabbed the old man’s clothes, pointed a gun at his head and shouted:]

[“Old ghost, do you want to die now? “】

[Looking at the scene of common indignation in front of him, Wade Wilson’s face suddenly showed righteous indignation:]

[“Messing with things, daring to do such a thing under my nose! “】

[But in the next moment, Wade did not step forward to stop the robbers, but turned around and rushed to the other side of the road. 】

His target was a phone booth across the road. 】

[“Snap! “】

[Rushing into the phone booth with the travel bag in his hand, Wade closed the door and immediately began to change his clothes inside. 】

[But while he was changing his clothes, the robber and the old man continued to entangle. 】

“I won’t give you money!”] “】

“Shut up! “】

[“If you don’t shut up Lao Tzu again, Lao Tzu is going to shoot!”] “】

“Don’t do it, you’re hurting me.”] “】

[In the sound coming out of the alley… The smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger, but Wade Wilson is still busy changing clothes! 】

[At this time, the old man had simply pulled his neck and shouted. 】

[“Help, who will save me?”] “】

[Just when the old man was desperately asking for help, Wade had just taken off… I put down all my clothes, and put two pieces of PP on the glass door of the phone booth! 】

[“Oh my God, the world that kills this day… Is there no one to help me? “】

[No matter how desperate the old man was for help, Wade Wilson still insisted on changing clothes in the phone booth. 】

“TMD, give me your wallet quickly!”] The robber seemed to be getting more and more impatient. 】


[And the most outrageous thing is that just after Wade Wilson successfully changed into a red tights and became Deadpool, he actually made another call in the phone booth. ] 】

“Can I talk to Larry?”] “】

“He’s not there? Well…… Forget it, tell him that Wade called…”

[Just as Wade Wilson hung up the phone and continued to toss his tights, in the alley… Finally, there was a gunshot. 】

[“Bang! “】

【“!!! “】

[Finally sensing that something was wrong, Deadpool quickly rushed out of the phone booth and put a pose on the street. ] 】

[At this moment, from the side, there was another old man’s voice. 】

[“Wow! Your uniform is good. “】

[Deadpool turned his head and immediately pointed to the old man who praised him… Shouted :]

[“Stan Lee! You shut up! “】

[After shouting at Stan Lee, Deadpool immediately rushed into the alley with a heroic and fearless gesture.] 】

“Oh… Oh my God…”]

[Only glanced into the alley, and Deadpool immediately shook his head in disappointment. 】

[The old man had been shot in the murderous part and collapsed in a pool of his own blood, apparently dead.] 】

[And that young robber has lost his shadow.] 】

“Hey… Unfortunately, it seems that I have been in that phone booth for too long. “】

[Suddenly, Deadpool’s mind moved again.] 】

“While in the phone booth… Maybe I should have called the police directly. “】

“Forget it, it’s dead anyway. “】

[At this thought, Deadpool simply turned around and lay on the ground, resting his head on the body of the dead old man. 】

[This nervous guy actually used the dead man as his pillow! ] 】

“In other words, the weirdest thing is… How could that phone booth appear on a street corner? “】

[While pillowing the dead man, Deadpool also cocked Erlang’s legs and said inexplicable words in his mouth:]

[“Isn’t this kind of thing gone after the 90s?”] “】

Seeing this, in front of the big screens in the multiverse, they actually fell into silence for a while.

It seems that everyone does not know how to face such a strange sight!

After a while, fierce arguments suddenly exploded everywhere!

“God, what do I see?”

“That Deadpool… Dare to tell Stan Lee to shut up! ”

“Is he crazy? That’s the Creator God! ”

“Incredible, this crazy guy… How did you know Stan Lee’s name? ”

“The most outrageous thing is that Stan Lee actually didn’t kill him!”

“The temper of this Creator God… It’s really nice. ”

“Bah! This garbage Deadpool, if he hadn’t dragged his feet, how could that old man have been killed by robbers. ”

“yes! Stan Lee really wants to slaughter him, and that is also for the Skywalk…”

And just when in the multiverse, countless people are arguing fiercely, the chat group is also lively.

John Constantine: Oh God! Lucifer! I’m not dazzled, am I? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: Unbelievable! This madman in tights actually scolded the Creator God, and he survived! (⊙_⊙)

Deadpool: Wow hahaha! Now, you all know how powerful my Uncle Deadpool is, right?

Loki Odinson: You… How exactly did you know Stan Lee’s real name, did you… Have you seen him before?

Deadpool: Humph, why am I telling you? Hahaha! o(* ̄︶ ̄*)o

Miss Polaris: I can’t understand why this madman can see the Creator God, but I can’t touch it?

Morty: I’ve heard Rick say that some crazy people have different brainwaves than normal people, so… Can attract some strange presences.

Miss Polaris: Huh? (O_O)

Thanos Thanos: Humph, ridiculous!

Ganata, the daughter of the Star Swallower: yes, it’s ridiculous. If you were crazy enough to see the God of Creation, Thanos would have seen Stan Lee a long time ago.

Thanos Thanos: You… Haha, even if Stan Lee is really the god who created the universe, I am not afraid of him!

Ganata, the daughter of the star-swallowing star: Wow! It looks like you’re really crazier than Deadpool!

At this time, in the live broadcast room, Tony Stark and Bruce Wayne looked at each other and could see the confusion in each other’s eyes.

Don’t…… Does Deadpool, that crazy guy, really know Stan Lee?

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

“What? That bastard from weapon x, looking for my girlfriend? “】

[After getting a warning from his friend, Wade Wilson… Hurriedly came to the nightclub where his girlfriend worked, wanting to save her! 】

[Because he has been disfigured by weapon X, Wade did not dare to meet his girlfriend before. 】

[Even when he came to the nightclub, he still covered most of his face with a hoodie.] 】

[When Wade Wilson was walking through the dancing crowd, the DJ in charge of DJing next to him suddenly shouted:]

“Hey! Let’s all come to the dance floor. “】

[Unbelievably, this DJ’s voice seems to be extremely old! ] 】

[And if you look closely, you will find … This gray-haired guy is actually Stan Lee! 】

[This creation god who created countless multiverses actually came to this nightclub to DJe! ] 】

[Stan Lee still has high-end headphones around his neck, and he is wearing extremely fashionable clothes, and he shouts into the microphone excitedly:]

[“Don’t be shy, let’s let it go! “】

Seeing such a bright and green light on the screen, wine, pool, meat and forest-like scene, countless people in front of the screen were stupid.

“This… It can’t be, Creator God… Would you actually let loose a wreckage like this? ”

“Unbelievable, I won’t be blinded.”

“Wait a minute, maybe that Deadpool met Stan Lee in a place like this!”

“What? Can you know the Creator God in a nightclub? What kind of luck is this? ”

“Wait, if the Creator God really wants to come to the world to experience life, then that makes sense.”

“You mean… Is this kind of lower ninth class place also part of the world? ”

“God, my head is dizzy.”

“Wha! It’s great, I like this kind of god, it’s so real and grounded! It’s completely different from those stodgy gods. ”

After watching Stan Lee’s one image after another, countless viewers in front of the screen, some doubtful, some confused, some excited, and some fell into deep thought.

This white-haired old man is really too unfathomable, and his whereabouts are even more elusive!

From the current point of view, he really seems to be a real “observer”, hidden in various places in the world, silently watching those superheroes!

At this moment, a new image suddenly appeared on the screen.

【Image continues】

[Picture, came to the old gold mountain. 】

[Eddie Bullock and Venom teamed up to thwart the plot of Riot and Dr. Drake and save the world. 】

[But even so, in the face of his “ex-girlfriend”, Eddie Bullock still couldn’t say a word to reconcile with the other party, just exchanged a few pleasantries, and broke up with her. ] 】

[Although he said goodbye to his girlfriend, Eddie Bullock still turned back step by step, and seemed reluctant to leave her. ] 】

[At this moment, an old voice suddenly sounded in his ears. 】

“Hey, don’t give up on her like that. “】

[I saw a white-haired old man with a pet dog, stretched out his finger to point at Eddie Bullock, and said kindly:]

“Both of you. “】

[Looking at the strange old man in front of him, Eddie Bullock looked confused and replied involuntarily:]

“We … None of it. “】

[At this moment, the venom in Eddie’s body also asked:]

“Who is that old man?” Do you recognize him? “】

[Eddie was speechless, just bent down and touched the pet dog led by the old man. 】

[Looking at the dog in front of him, Venom suddenly spoke again:]

[“Wait a minute! This thing looks delicious, can I eat it? “】

[But Eddie Bullock ignored Venom’s muttering, and just walked away without thinking about himself…]

Old King Mountain, among the apartments.

“Huh? Stan Lee? In our universe… And Stan Lee! ”

Looking at the familiar old man on the screen, Eddie Bullock’s eyes widened, the whole person was completely sluggish, and only one sentence echoed in his mind:

“Creator God!”

“Creation God OAA… It’s also in my world! ”

Just when Eddie Bullock was stunned by the image on the screen, everyone’s current screen suddenly gradually dimmed.

[“Stan Lee” album Part 1 ends.] 】

PS: “Stan Lee” album Part 2, which will be finished next week.

PS2: Next, there’s the “Strongest Stick” series! ^_^

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