Seeing this, the chat group became lively again.

Hermione Granger: It’s incredible that there are such shameless aliens in the world, who are kneeling and begging for mercy… Just for a sneak attack!

Wanda Maksimov: yes, so brazen, even meaner than Loki!

Loki Odinson: What do you say? Damn little ghost, what does this have to do with me? Convex (艹皿艹)

Stephen Strange: I have to say that although Loki is treacherous and cunning, he still has high self-esteem, and he probably can’t do such things as kneeling and begging for mercy.

Loki Odinson: Hey, of course I can’t do it! Wait, I won’t lose to this field at all!

Wanda Maksimov: Hahaha! Don’t laugh, we all know.

Wanda Maximov: Loki’s fate… It’s a hundred battles and defeats, but it’s not so easy to die! (*^▽^*)

Rocky Oddinson: ……… Damn it. ╥﹏╥

Captain America: Dagu, listen up, next time, if you meet that despicable Raichulan starman, you must not be confused by his performance, and directly beat him to death in one breath!

Big bones boiled into soup: beat to death???

Captain America: That’s right, this alien himself admitted, he came to invade Earth! If you don’t destroy it, the people of the earth are suffering!

Big bones boiled into soup: Uh… I know.

Lori Jinx: Hehe, don’t always think that Daigu is a fool.

Lori Jinx: Judging from the performance just now, he has absorbed it… The experience of the previous “suspended animation monster” has obviously grown!

The Flash Barry Allen: Only such a person can become the guardian saint of the earth!

At this moment, a new image appeared on the screen,

[Image continues.] 】

[This day is the eve of Halloween. 】

[The victory team detected that a strong magnetic field appeared in the city. 】

[Just when everyone was about to go out to investigate, Captain Megumi felt that he should not disturb everyone’s joyful atmosphere on the night of the festival. ] 】

[So, in order to hide their eyes, the members of the victory team all changed into Halloween costumes and blended into the joyful crowd. ] 】

[In the crowd, Daigu suddenly discovered that a witch who gave candy to children was actually in the mirror… No reflections! 】

[And the witch also seemed to notice Daigu’s gaze, and quickly collected the stall and left. ] 】

[Daigu tracked her all the way and finally came to a strange villa that appeared out of thin air. 】

[Daigu walked through a door with a gun on guard, but it seemed to pass through the “portal” and entered a new world! ] 】

[In this new world in the portal, Daigu meets three children. 】

[Their faces are pale and they look like ghosts.] 】

[Dagu was scratching his head, and a monster tens of meters tall suddenly appeared from behind him, shooting a ray of light at him! ] 】


[Daigu screamed and was caught. 】

[At this time, in the base, Ye Rui of the victory team found that for many years, as long as it was Halloween, a large number of children around the world would disappear. ] 】

[It’s as if, there’s an unknown being kidnapping them!] 】

[It didn’t take long for Daigu to wake up in a sealed glass jar. 】

[Right in front of Daigu, that terrible witch sucked away a child’s “dream” and turned him into a pale-faced walking dead. 】

[The witch laughed strangely: “Anyway… When children grow up, they will definitely abandon their dreams like toys! “】

[After glancing at Dagu, the witch directly turned her head in disdain and walked away:]

“Devouring the rotten wishes of adults will only break my stomach. ”

[Not long after, the children who had eaten the candy distributed by the witch all seemed to sleepwalk, left their homes, and walked all the way to a mysterious location. 】

[In this location, a huge pumpkin boat was drilled! ] 】

[Seeing these sleepwalking children… As they were about to enter the pumpkin boat, the victorious team members who noticed the strange condition finally rushed over, trying to stop the children. 】

[But the children, as if confused, desperately want to rush into the pumpkin boat! ] 】

[Seeing this, the witch appeared on the roof of the pumpkin boat and shouted loudly:]

[“Look! Adults are enemies! “】

“What adults do is take away children’s dreams and freedom. “】

[Seeing the witch’s non-stop gibberish, a victorious team member directly raised a gun and hit her! ] 】

[“Ah! “】

[Just after the witch’s screams disappeared, those children actually came to their senses.] 】

[But… There are still no children, who have already boarded that pumpkin boat! 】

[Moreover, the ship began to sink into the ground, and it seemed… It’s about escaping to a different dimension! 】

[Fortunately, the space inside the pumpkin boat has also collapsed. ] 】

[Daigu took the opportunity to escape from the glass jar, and got the Digga Divine Light Rod that fell to the ground! ] 】

[“Ugh! “】

[With a flash of light, Digga Ultraman appeared! ] 】

[After Ultraman appeared, he immediately lifted the pumpkin boat out of the other dimensional space! ] 】

[At this moment, from the pumpkin boat, the witch riding a broom flew out. 】

[“Abominable! Dare to spoil my business! “】

[The witch shouted, her body began to twist wildly, and finally turned into that… In the alien space, stun the giant of Daigu! 】

[This alien monster is Kilambo! ] 】

[Just as Digga and Kirambo were confronting each other, the moon in the sky… It even showed a weird smile like a clown! 】

[“Bang! Syllable! Crash! “】

[After Digga and Kilambo confronted each other for a while, a fierce battle finally broke out. 】

[But just when the two were fighting, Kilambo’s figure suddenly disappeared. ] 】


[With a strange laugh, this alien monster suddenly appeared behind Diga, a series of sneak attacks… Fight Ultraman can only defend. 】

[Just when Ultraman finally stabilized his figure and was ready to counterattack, Kilambo suddenly disappeared again. ] 】

[This alien monster actually has the ability to teleport! ] 】

[Next, Kilambo appeared in front of Ultraman again, but this time, it turned out to be a dozen… Or even dozens of her! 】

[After teleportation, now it’s the Doppelganger! ] 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! Crackling! “】

[In the face of dozens of Kilamb’s siege, Ultraman suddenly entered an extreme adversity, and could only parry and resist, completely unable to fight back! ] 】

[“Tick Tick!!! “】

[After only fighting for a while, the signal light before Ultraman’s murder actually turned on! ] 】

[The time when this signal light is not on is fixed! ] 】

[If Ultraman is in adversity, then, his transformation time… It may be shortened! 】

[Seeing that the countless Kilambo in front of him began to rotate continuously, dazzling people, Diga Ultraman suddenly shook his head and stood up abruptly! ] 】

[I saw him clench his fists and wave to the sides of his side! ] The signal light before the murder actually lit up… A golden light as bright as the sun! 】

[“Oh! “】

[Under the illumination of this golden light, those countless Kilambo illusions were like green smoke, disappearing without a trace in an instant! ] 】

[It turns out that this flash is Digga Ultraman… A trick to break the opponent’s “illusion” and “doppelganger”! 】

[“Bang! Bang! Bang! “】

[After watching the illusion disappear, the Kilambo body that appeared beside him, Diga Ultraman did not hesitate and rushed up to be an old punch! ] 】

[At the end, Ultraman grabbed Kilambo’s body and threw it into the sky! ] Then with a wave of his right hand, a golden light shot out violently, just hitting the enemy flying in the air! 】

【“!!! “】

[Incredibly, after being hit by this golden light, Kilambo’s body… It was “solidified” in the air out of thin air, as if it was mastered by an invisible hand! 】

[“Ha! “】

[Seeing that the enemy had no way to escape, Digga Ultraman spread out his arms, condensed infinite energy, and released the most powerful move that was familiar. ] 】

[“Woo Pei Li Ao Light! “】


[Completely “fixed” by Ultraman’s control skills, Kilambo could only float stupidly in the air and take this strongest blow abruptly! ] 】

[“Boom! “】

[After being hit by the light of Zai Peliao, with a deafening loud noise, Kirambo’s body exploded in the air! ] Turn into countless golden debris and spill from the sky! 】

[Just after Kilambo was completely destroyed, those zombie-like children suddenly had blood on their faces. 】

[Their dreams taken away by aliens have all returned. 】

Seeing this scene, some people in the chat group also exclaimed.

Hermione Granger: How many skills does this Digga Ultraman master?

Hermione Granger: Could it be that his superpowers will never run out? ( ̄△ ̄; )

PS: End Digga tomorrow and start Marvel ruins, cosmic god Iron Man, dervish, Warhammer!

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