Seeing the endless emergence of Diga Ultraman, which seems to never run out of your skills, everyone in the group was also a little surprised.

Lori Jinx: It’s strange, this Ultraman has so many abilities and so much power, why… Why don’t you use big moves right away?

Wanda Maksimov: Yes, if I were Ultraman, as soon as I saw the enemy, I would directly blast the enemy into slag with the light cannon!

Ghost Rider: It’s not that simple, as far as I’ve observed, Ultraman’s big move… Before you can use it, you need to charge it!

Ghost Knight: Therefore, he needs to consume the enemy’s physical strength first, and even use control skills to “fix” the enemy, and then amplify the move.

Ghost Rider: Otherwise, if you make a bad move, you will be caught by the enemy.

Big bones boiled into soup: Wow! How do you know so much?

Ganata, daughter of the Star Swallower: Haha, this messenger of mine mainly relies on big moves against the enemy, and his experience in this area is very rich!

Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: In addition, this Ultraman, I suggest that if you encounter an enemy in the future, first use the “power form” to knock the opponent down, and then directly fire the light cannon!

Big bones boiled into soup: so… Will there be some victory?

Ganata, the daughter of Star Swallowing: If it was a real Ultraman, of course it didn’t need to be so troublesome.

Ganata, Daughter of Star Swallowing: But you’re not familiar with Ultraman’s combat right now.

Big bones boiled into soup: but… If I win every time with this tricky method, then my combat effectiveness will not improve.

Big bones boiled into soup: In this way, once you encounter those real strong enemies, what should you do?

Big bones boiled into soup: So, thank you very much for the suggestion, but I decided to fight in my own way.

Ganata, the Daughter of Star Swallowing: Oh… Is this the “personality” of human beings?

Ganata, the Daughter of Star Swallowing: It’s so interesting, Earth is such an interesting place. ^_^

And at this moment, the sound of the system sounded again.

[Ding… Pick random lucky members…]

【Selected Target: Ghost Rider】

[Start broadcasting related multiverse live broadcasts.] 】

[The content of this broadcast is decided: “Ruins”]

“What? Ruin? ”

Seeing this title, the Ghost Knight was also a little puzzled for a while.

In his mind, no matter what universe he is in, his own variant, the hellish flame that should burn forever on his body, chasing and killing those sinners all the time!

And this “ruin” … Is it the stronghold of evil destroyed by “oneself”?

Under the curious gaze of the Ghost Knight, a new image finally appeared on the screen.

[“Boom! “】

[With a violent explosion, a Patriot missile shot straight into the sky, just hitting the Avengers’ Kun-style fighter! ] 】

[Because the temperature of the flame caused by the explosion is so high, even the rain in the air has turned into steam! ] 】


[Countless pieces of wreckage fell from mid-air, including those of fighters… There are also human ones…]

[Those Avengers on the Quinn fighter include Iron Man Tony Stark and American Captain Steve Rogers. Hornet Hope and the others were all blown to pieces, and there were no corpses! 】

[This amazing scene was also seen by a photojournalist on the page. 】

[The journalist’s name is “Philip Shelton.] 】

And seeing this, everyone is stupid.

Captain America: The Avengers… It’s all gone!

Peter Parker (The Amazing Spider-Man): Why, how so? ( ̄△ ̄; )

Tony Stark: Patriot! Damn it! It’s the hands of the military!

Nick Fury: How so? Could it be Hydra again?

Tony Stark: I don’t know, but… This world is definitely not normal!

Seeing that in this brand new parallel universe, “himself” was blown to pieces as soon as he appeared, Tony was not only shocked, but also a strong anger welled up in his heart!

What’s going on in this world?

The Avengers… How could it be wiped out by the military?

Just when everyone was shocked and even speechless, a new image appeared on the screen.

[Image continues.] 】

[“Philip Shelton”, originally a famous photographer for the Daily Bugle,

[For unknown reasons, he gave up this privileged position and decided instead to pursue the traces of those “superhumans”. 】

[In the eyes of the people around him, Philip is completely crazy! ] 】

[But Philip feels that the world itself… It’s already getting more and more abnormal! 】

[Just a few years ago, billionaire and genius engineer Tony Stark was full of ambition and used his genius mind to end a war. 】

[Later, in the midst of civil unrest in California, President X sent out guards to sweep up the opposition. 】

[At that time, Tony Stark stood up again.] Try to mediate with his mind and eloquence. 】

[But in the end, he was hit by a grenade from the guards, causing shrapnel to enter his body and seriously injured! ] 】

[Although injured, Tony’s genius mind… It finally came in handy. 】

[He made a steel suit for himself! ] Not only suppressed the shrapnel in the body, but also became a so-called “superhero” … Iron Man! 】

[However, Iron Man did not run to the street to fight righteously, but gathered scientists such as Hank Pym and sect leaders such as Stephen Strange to form an organization called “Avengers”. ] 】

[This Avengers has only one goal, that is, to overthrow the rule of President X! ] 】

[And now, the so-called “Avengers” have been completely destroyed, Iron Man is also dead and dead, and President X seems to … It’s already a big win… 】

[However, Philip Shelton’s journey has only just begun. 】

[Out of unquenchable curiosity, Philip wanted to know, where did these so-called “superhumans” and “superheroes” come from in the first place?] 】

[During this thrilling journey, Philip learned a lot of horrible facts. 】

[For example, a teenage hero named Matt Murdoch was shot in the eye by radioactive raw materials in an accident. 】

[This accident not only blinded Matt Murdoch, but also burned his nerves, eventually causing him to die in the hospital. 】

[Next, Philip was in a bar again.] Meet a Kama-sama named “Logan”. 】

[This unlucky bastard Logan’s bones… He suffered from a serious disease, which directly caused his flesh and bones to rot, and the bones on the back of his hands were even exposed! 】

[Suffering from such a serious illness, Logan has long been invincible, just buying drunk in the bar all day, I don’t know when… will die on the side of the road. 】

[And in Philip’s pursuit, the fate of other so-called superheroes has gradually surfaced in front of his eyes. ] 】

[The leader of the Black Panther organization, “T’Challa”, is treated as a criminal. Jailed. 】

[Hawkeye Clint Patton in the Avengers, shot for various crimes.] 】

But not every Avenger is dead. 】

[Like the famous Scarlet Witch… Wanda Maximov Lansher, who in turn accused other Avengers members, became a tainted witness, but survived. 】

[And the most outrageous thing is that, according to Philip’s interview, in the space not far from the earth, a cosmic person stepping on a silver skateboard… Just died there! 】

[This guy doesn’t need air at all, but for some reason, he actually took a deep breath in the universe! ] 】

[But the problem is that there is simply a vacuum in the universe, there is no air.] 】

[So… This silver-clad glider could not suck anything, and in the end he could only scratch his fierce chest and beat himself to death. 】

[Not only that, according to the observation of a space telescope, outside the orbit of Mars, it seems that a cosmic giant wearing a purple crown has appeared! ] 】

[No one knows who he is and why he died outside of Mars?] 】

And seeing this, countless people in front of the screen are stupid.

Ganata, daughter of Star Swallowing: Father! How could you… Again…… (ㄒoㄒ)

At this moment, Swallowing Mei really wanted to cry without tears.

She could see clearly that the giant corpse floating in the orbit of Mars on the screen happened to be his “father”… Planet Devourer!

Of course, the dead one is a variant.

But…… This is the first time that Swallowing Star has died inexplicably?

Why does the God of Creation always die so humiliated?

Tony Stark: Something is wrong, the world is crazy, it’s a crazy parallel universe!

PS: 4 more today! Write about Warhammer next week! And DC Rebirth, The New Batman, Doomsday Bell, Zombie Universe!

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