When Zefa’s adjutant helped the two of them with the admission procedures, the next step was the pre-admission test for the trainees.

The pre-admission test is as simple as fighting an instructor to see how strong the student was before admission.

For this kind of test, Leonardo, who has been practiced by the old Curry since he was a child, plus in the final analysis, is also a systematic man, although the system father is not powerful, but as a traverser plus a systematic man at the age of sixteen can not do a small karami, then it is really a shame to peers, after all, these years of practice are there, plus the huge vitality given by the small sapling of psychology, making him simply a perpetual motion machine, the amount of training is far beyond his peers, even the old Curry is breathtaking, With his knowledge reserve as a lieutenant general for many years, he can’t say a reason, but it can only be attributed to the fact that the living conditions in this era are getting better and better, and the balanced nutrition makes each generation stronger than the next…

Navy Six He has only learned to shave and Lan feet with old Curry before, and Old Curry is also good at shaving and moon steps, after all, Old Curry is playing with swords, iron blocks, finger guns and paper painting Old Curry is not proficient, limited to theory, Navy Six Style will not require everyone to learn together, this is different from person to person, for example, some people like hand-to-hand combat, will learn iron, finger guns and paper painting if there is spare power to shave by the way, but human experience is always limited, few people can learn the Navy Six style proficiently.

Of course, Kapu and Zefa such pure body art powerhouses are an exception, but think that Kapu and Zefa, pure body art powerhouses, if you do not train the naval six style to the full level, it seems that it is difficult to be promoted to the general, such as the old Curry this type of sword players, the means of attack are in kendo, the rest of his life is practicing swords, the finger gun and lan foot in the naval sixth style are a little redundant, and there is also no time to contact the other six styles, it is enough to be proficient in shaving and moon steps, and wait until the cultivation of armed color domineering and seeing and smelling domineering, Iron and paper drawings are a bit redundant.

And although Leonardo also plays swords like old Curry, but at present, kendo has not yet reached the realm of chopping steel, and will not recite seven words like green algae head to increase damage, the damage of basic kendo attacks is not high, so he temporarily learns one more Arashi foot and one more attack method, and if you step in the moon, you will have time to learn it in the future.

Even so, even if you don’t use a sword to overturn this Dazuo instructor, it is easy.

But……. As the old saying goes, it is not to fight and kill when you come out, but to love the world, not to mention that people are still instructors, and it is not a shame to make people lose face in front of so many people.

I didn’t see that after a few unknown passers-by turned over this instructor before, the other instructors did not give them a good face, and it is estimated that the small shoes will be worn until graduation in the future, and the performance is too prominent, which is not in line with the obscene development policy he has been implementing!

When casually fighting with this instructor, whenever the instructor punched him, he appropriately showed surprise, shock, and then narrowly dodged the instructor’s attack, and a unique protracted battle began.

“This trainee, be careful, drink!”


“Phew, phew: Good risk…”

Leonardo looked at the instructor who slammed a punch with a surprised face, as if he was shocked that the instructor’s fist power could actually break the wind, and seemed to be surprised at the speed of this instructor, when he saw that the fist was about to hit the face, after a coquettish move dodged the taught fist, he retreated two positions, half kneeling on the ground to show a panting look, and then muttered, trying to control the volume to the range that the instructor could hear.

To be honest, in his last life, he was not an actor major, have he seen the cultivation of actors, this drama is really tired, after today, he will no longer complain about those small fresh meat that can’t move the salary of more than 100 million, but it is not easy to make money!

“Haha, this trainee reacted well, come again, drink…”

Maybe it was a few trainees in front that made him lose face, and finally met a trainee who was at a similar level to him, seemed to have a dish than him but did not have much food, and was very surprised by his face, this instructor looked at the teenager opposite with appreciation in his eyes, and added him a few more chicken legs to each meal in the future….

“….. Ay! It’s really worthy of being the son of Brother Curry…”

Zefa, who was watching the battle from afar, naturally would not be moved by Leonardo’s pompous acting skills, looking at the big brother son who has been driving hundreds of rounds with Sato Gogo, Zefa was speechless in his heart, in his eyes, this little devil has at least hundreds of ways to start the game without two rounds to give Sato seconds, but now he behaves like a weak chicken and Sato Gogo.

“Oh? Instructor Zefa, you mean that Lieutenant General Curry’s son has not realized his true strength? ”

The assistant beside Zefa understood what the boss meant, carefully looked at the direction of the battle, and never saw a reason, and asked curiously.

“Brother Curry often said a sentence, life three bowls of noodles, love, scene and decency, in this regard, no one in the entire Navy can compare to Brother Curry, as the saying goes, it is good to be a person and leave a line to meet each other in the future, the strength of Curry Jr. is not only that, the reason why he did not want to defeat Sato like those people before, is that he does not want Sato to lose face under the audience, after all, he is an instructor of the academy, Curry Jr. is still a student, and he will live and study here for the next two years……. Didn’t you see how much fun Sato played? ”

Although he doesn’t know much about the strength of this little ghost, the child who has practiced with Big Brother since he was a child is not even able to do Sato, who has been seriously injured, this child has completely inherited the character of his big brother, too sleek, too good at being a person.

Of course, this is not a disadvantage, no matter where you are, you can be a person, people who do things smoothly generally do not suffer losses, and live longer, his big brother is like this, recall the scene when he was a recruit who had just joined the army, the first lesson Big Brother gave them, even now he still remembers it vividly.

But if it is a teenage ghost, it is already so smooth, not necessarily a good thing, lacking the hard work of young people, even if the most genius character has no sharpness, it is difficult to have much achievement in the end, can only be a casual fool like Brother Curry…….


“Si Guoyi! How old is this kid, he can think of so much! ”

The assistant next to him was instantly shocked to look at the little figure who was still pretending to die, but he didn’t expect that a simple entrance test would actually be played by this little ghost, if he also knew this truth back then, he wouldn’t have mixed up until now he is still a special major general………

(PS: Thanks Dad for the tip, monthly pass!) )

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