Spokesperson for the headquarters of the Navy

Spokesperson for the headquarters of the Navy


205 Chapters Ongoing Status

(a.k.a.: Spokesperson of the Navy Headquarters)

1495 year of the Haiyuan calendar.

“Naval Radio and Television, Naval Radio and Television!!”

“Hello everyone, I am the spokesperson of the Navy headquarters, General C


(a.k.a.: Spokesperson of the Navy Headquarters)

1495 year of the Haiyuan calendar.

“Naval Radio and Television, Naval Radio and Television!!”

“Hello everyone, I am the spokesperson of the Navy headquarters, General Curry Leonar, this is the scene of the New World Armageddon between the Flying Pirates and the Roger Pirates….. Groove! The golden lion is coming, and the Buddha is on top…! ”

Feilu Fiction Network exclusive signed novel: “Spokesperson of the Navy Headquarters”; This novel and characters are purely fictional, if there are similarities, they are purely coincidental and should not be imitated.


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