“Nani?! Do you want to go to sea for internship in advance, or go to the new world with the Sengoku General?! ”

The deafening roar of the Yuan Yuan girl almost made the surrounding envious Leonardo was able to go out for internship in advance, and the trainees who could also mix with the Warring States General almost lost their deafness.

After receiving the notice of early graduation, Leonardo packed up his things that day, and called all the same people to the last supper that night, and he didn’t know if he would see each other again in the future, and how many people would be left when he said goodbye.

While everyone is still alive and well, it is a glance to be able to take a look, and when she said that she was going to go to the new world with the Warring States in advance, the Yuanyuan girl couldn’t help but roar.

But other people in their hearts are called an envy, this is just an internship can go out with the general, but also the new world, although I heard that the new world is very dangerous, but they have not been there, and they don’t know how dangerous it is, anyway, they only know that the new world has a lot of pirates, and all of them are big coffee, mixing experience behind the Warring States general, once the internship period is promoted, it is not easy?

If you personally catch a few sea pirates, it is possible to directly promote major general when you are officially conferred.

You must know that this is not even the treatment of the two seniors of the first nature department, it is said that the two senior of the natural department were only brushed to brigadier general when they were officially awarded the title.

As for the previous Dorag senior, that is, the son of Lieutenant General Karp, because of the influence of the two nature seniors, now the first half is full of some small shrimp, even if he can brush it is estimated that he can’t brush the major general, Leonardo goes to the New World to mix with the Warring States General, as long as he doesn’t die, the major general is hopeful!

They are estimated to go out for internship in the future, that is, in the first half, after the baptism of the son of the two nature departments and Lieutenant General Karp, the safety factor in the first half has risen, but Nima they are also difficult to brush experience, and they also have a Kuzan here, think how sad it is……

“Hey, hey, the reaction is too big, ha, in three months you will also go to the internship, I am just early, and after Lieutenant General Karp returns in a month, Kuzan will also go on the road with Lieutenant General Karp in advance…”

Looking at Yuan Yuan, who reacted a little fiercely, he spread his hands and said.


After Leonardo finished speaking, the others looked at Kuzan, who was half asleep on the side, and their eyes were about to burst into flames.

These two people are too much, one is mixed with this Warring States general, the other is mixed with the naval hero, saying that the good navy is where the dream begins?

What a naval dream…!


Kuzan doesn’t care about the stall hand, Aubrey also informed him in the morning, but it doesn’t matter who he messes with, anyway, he can play anywhere, it’s so confident, but Boss Karp is an acquaintance in the end, and it’s not bad to mix with him, that is, I heard that Boss Karp went to chase Roger all day, and this debut went to cut the boss, to be honest, he was also a little empty in his heart.

It has been almost a year since he came to the Naval Academy, and after quietly studying every night, he knows very well what kind of existence the Roger Pirates are, and he doesn’t know if Boss Karp can cover him….

“But…. That’s the new world, the place where the sea thieves gather, you haven’t graduated yet, it’s too dangerous. ”

Yuan Yuan frowned and said worriedly.

“If you come out to mix up, if you are afraid of danger, you can simply go home and herd cattle, and become a hairy navy, besides, isn’t there a Warring States General cover, I will just follow the Warring States General to brush up on the experience at that time, the Warring States General and my father are acquaintances, will the Warring States General still let me go to fight for Whitebeard?”

“Besides, it’s easier to go to the new world and get promoted, my dad gave me a target but a vice admiral, and I don’t dare to die before I reach the goal of a complete dad.”

Seeing Yuan Yuan like a fierce little brain tiger, Leonardo was a little moved, this first kiss was not stolen in vain, at least there were people besides his father and wife who cared about him.

I don’t want Kuzan this bastard, I like the new and dislike the old, there is a new person who forgets the old person, I want to find him to fight for feelings, and as a result, this bastard is sleeping here!

After comforting the Yuan Yuan girl, Leonardo couldn’t help but stare at Wang Baegg, who was lying there half-asleep.

“The wind is bleak and the water is cold, and the strong man is gone…”

Kuzan felt the look in his wife-like eyes, sat up and seriously recalled the poem he saw last night that felt more meaningful.

“Stop! The poem cannot be used indiscriminately, you first read the poem before speaking. ”

Hearing this poem read by this Wang Baegg, the domineering person who was about to awaken seemed to sense an ominous aura surrounding him, and quickly interrupted this Wang Baegg.

Labor and management have not yet gone, you curse labor and management will not be repaid….. (▼へ▼メ)


“When you get to the new world, you have to take good care of yourself Oh, you must pay attention to safety, if there is anything, you must hide behind the Warring States General, I called my sister last night and said, she said that she would say hello to the Warring States General and let the Warring States General take care of you…”


“It’s also forbidden to flirt with female pirates in the New World, no, you can’t take one more look, otherwise you will die!”

Early in the morning, at the gate of the college, Yuan Yuan ignored the people present who constantly forced them to feed them dog food, and kept nagging in Leonardo’s ear, just like an old mother who sent her son far away.

After speaking, taking advantage of Leonardo’s lack of attention, he sneaked up on him in a bright light, and then warned fiercely.


The classmates who came to see off around and the instructors who almost bowed to the son had a full belch, and they really wanted to hit someone, and in less than a year, not only solved the lifelong event, but also found a thicker thigh, and was able to mobilize Vice Admiral Tsuru, who was able to mobilize the Warring States General and the Navy hero at the same time.

The same are all people, this bastard’s luck is so good?

“Okay, okay, I’m chopping pirates, and I’m not going to travel, what sister, let’s go.”

“Dear students, instructors, there is a meeting between mountains and rivers, see you in the future…!”

Leonardo found that the leaves on the sapling still did not react at all, ignored the murderous eyes in front of him, wiped his mouth in disgust, waved at the classmates and instructors who came to see him off, and turned away dashingly.

This lady ate garlic in the morning, Mader, the taste is too strong….

“-_-|| … This kid has a set, he will bring Yuan Yuan to death, and if he has a little crane to say hello, the Warring States is not easy to handle….”

Zefa, who was watching all this from afar, saw this scene, and the powerful domineering man also heard the conversation between the two, speechless and looking at the sky.

His plan with the Warring States is to let Little Curry and Borusalino go to the front line to brush the sea thief to stimulate his self-motivation, as long as he doesn’t die, it doesn’t matter if he breaks the face, but now Xiao Tsuru takes care of this kid for the sake of greeting the Warring States in the garden, with the feelings that the Warring States have been thinking about for Xiao Tsuru for decades, the plan is estimated to be difficult to implement…

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