Early the next morning, in the port of Marin Fandor, on a giant ship of generals, Sengoku stood at the bow of the ship and looked at the calm sea, temporarily putting down the depression in his heart to arouse endless pride!

This is Xuan…….

“Sengoku Admiral, Cadet Curry of the Navy Headquarters . Leonardo to report! ”

Before the Warring States finished expressing the pride in his heart, the dragon suit adjutant wore a straight naval cadet uniform, with the ancestral “kindness knife” pinned to his waist, brown broken hair, a lively canine beautiful boy, Leonardo who looked left and right ran over.

Living in Marin Fandor all these years, although he has never been to sea, but he has also seen a lot of warships, and his father did not take him to board his warship to play, not honestly, this lieutenant general-level warship is the same as the general-level warship… No, this can’t be called a warship anymore, this Nima is a giant ship, this general giant ship is much bigger than his father’s warship!

The three giants on his father’s warship were almost stuffed with splints, but on this giant ship of the Warring States, followed by several big men who were about eleven or two meters above sea level, squatting where the eyes looked like small mountains, but the deck was still empty, plus three layers of cabins nearly 100 meters high, and the sea behemoths were properly secured.

The difference between this Vice Admiral Nima’s warship and the general’s giant ship is too special!

Leonardo looked around at the same time, the people around him were also looking at this figure who recently dominated the headlines of Marin Fando, seventeen-year-old Jianhao, can compete with the little monster of nature brought by Lieutenant General Karp, the most important thing is to provoke the sister of Lieutenant General He, the little girl in the garden, this achievement is every drop on others is the ancestral grave smoke, but the result is concentrated on the boy who looks a little handsome and looks like a dog, people can’t help but sigh, Lieutenant General Curry gave birth to a superb son!

“…. Unexpectedly, Brother Curry will hand over the “work cloth” to you now, it seems that he has given you “high hopes”, before you go to the new world, you should first familiarize yourself with the things on the ship with Mickey. ”

Warring States looked at the boy in front of him with a smile on his face, he was quite handsome and dressed up very spiritually, but he had some lazy temperament, but there was a shadow of a big brother, and he was sure that this was his own son, but when he saw the “kind knife” on Leonardo’s waist, the whole person was not good, the name of the “kind knife” is thunderous, and he has not been sheathed for decades to cut people with a big fast knife twenty-one jobs, there is only such a knife in the world… This is given “high hopes” by Big Brother!

Because Xiao He said hello, he has been a little hesitant in the past two days, but when he saw this “kind knife” made him decide to hone this kid well, women and anything casually coaxed, the future of the navy is a blood loss.


“Brother Mickey, is the situation in the New World bad? This time, the Warring States General brought so many people, even the giant race went up. ”

While following the adjutant of the Warring States while listening to him introduce the things on the ship, he asked curiously when he saw that there were not only Giant Vice Admirals on the giant ship, but also some Giant Race officers in the cabin.

To know that the giant race is the treasure of the navy, under normal circumstances, it is rarely dispatched, even if it is only occasionally dispatched one or two, not to say how fierce the giant race, in the One Piece world, not tall can be used as a tank, on the contrary, many giant races of combat power is actually not very strong, but the starting point of the giant race is much higher than ordinary people, and people’s life expectancy is very long, it is one or two hundred years old, far beyond the life of ordinary people, if it has not reached the level of advanced combat power, the dry fight is more or less look at the size, If nothing else, the speed of fighting small soldiers is several times faster than ordinary people.

Qing small soldiers are powerful, durable and long, a giant navy can be used for more than a hundred years if nothing else, economic and affordable, who doesn’t love such workers?

Now there are not many giant races in the world, especially those pure-blooded giants, now most of the sea are hybrid-blood giants, they have tall bodies, but they do not have the long lifespan of giants, and these giants on board are purebloods, if not a large-scale battle, the navy will not dispatch so many giants at once, in case of death one is a loss.

“Hee-hee…. In fact, the situation is not as bad as you think, although the new world is a paradise for sea pirates, but the situation in the new world is very chaotic, it is common for pirates to kill each other, usually few pirates enter the sphere of influence of our new world, but there are always some pirates who have just entered the new world want to make a name for themselves with the help of our navy, so from time to time there will be some pirates running to the sphere of influence of our navy to do things, such things happen every day in the new world, This time, even the lieutenant generals of the giant race have set off for the new world, because the new world’s hundred beast pirate group, BIGMOM pirate, terence pirate group, Ward pirate group several famous pirate groups have been more active recently, and the warring states general is worried that the battle between them is likely to affect several bases in our new world, so I didn’t bring more people to take precautions. ”

Looks more anxious, but only in his thirties single dog Mitch heard Leonardo’s old brother, immediately smiled, looking at the little brother in front of him is more and more pleasing to the eye, the friendship is directly full, patiently explained to the little brother.

“Whoops! It seems that the new world is fighting fiercely! Is it fierce? I heard that the Hundred Beast Pirates and the BIGMOM Pirates and the Ward Pirates are quite famous…”

Hearing Mickey’s explanation, and some of the pirate groups he was familiar with, Leonardo nodded more clearly, the current new world is too much chaotic compared to the situation of the four emperors juxtaposing to divide the new world, before the four emperors did not stand together, the new world can be described as a hundred schools of thought, all want to get ahead and share the cake, but the cake is so big, the quota is limited, there are always people who can’t get it, but those sea pirates are unruly, my life is up to my representative of heaven, nature protection sat down and talked well, It’s who’s bigger than whose fist is.

The excitement of the new world now far exceeds that of the new world of the four emperors more than twenty years later.

“Indeed, the sea pirates of the New World are divided into four echelons, like the whitebeard, golden lion, Roger and our old opponent of the air marshal “Red Earl” Balorick Ledfeld is a personal first echelon of sea pirates, but this “Red Earl” Balorick Ledfield is different from the other three sea pirates, the other three sea pirates have established their own pirate group, this Balorick Ledfield has been a loner for so many years, and his whereabouts are mysterious. ”

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