Chapter 0119 – Steel Bone Void: Reports Must Be True!!!

“How can this work, this old dog… No, the super sea thief was defeated by you with your own hands by the air marshal,

Of course, you have to come in person. ”

“I’ll take more photos of you later, didn’t I say, Marshal Air, you are too low-key,

For so many years, you have always rushed to the front line of capturing pirates, and you should also spread the word so that the world can see how hard you have worked hard Marshal Air.”

“Come on! Air Marshal, take a majestic pose… Ay! Okay, one more…”

Leonardo stopped the two runner lieutenant generals who were about to come up and torture people, took out the camera and said while posing at the steel bone.

“Haha… Okay, okay, just take two pictures,

At that time, tell the Ministry of Information, don’t blow too much when reporting, it must be true…”

Steel bone empty laughed twice, while cooperating in the pose, while raising eyebrows, looking at this kid the more he looked, the more he liked it, this is simply his own son!

No way! After I go back, I have to talk to Perkins, let him pass this kid over, let him have another one…

“Guaranteed to be true! The marshal rest assured that this time the news is personally handled by me, and there will definitely be no fraud,

Guaranteed to be true! Be sure to let the world know how hard you 403 are, Marshal, and how heavy the burden on your shoulders is! ”

Leonardo understood Ichigo’s eyes, and returned Brother with an understanding look and patted his chest to assure.


The steel bone was refreshed and couldn’t help but groan, this kid said everything to his heart, people only knew that the marshal of the navy commanded the world’s navy very majestic, but they didn’t know his bitterness over the years.

In the battle of the Valley of the Gods more than ten years ago, the previous brother died in battle, and the naval strength fell to the lowest point,

At that time he was on the verge of being ordained, and as a result, this scepter, God knows how difficult that time was,

The entire navy from top to bottom, that is, Karp, Battle,

Zefa and so on prodded a few people to fight, and after the collapse of the Rocks Pirates, a turbulent era began, in that turbulent era,

In order to lead the development of the Navy, he is conscientious, diligent, and goes to work every day at the earliest.

After work at night, he is also the last to leave, and even many times he sleeps directly in the office.

God knows how he survived those days, if it weren’t for those innocent missed little sisters at No. 69 Xingfu Road who accompanied him when he was most lost, I am afraid he would have been depressed long ago…

Zefa everyone looked at the two people in front of them with black lines, one did not want Bi Lian to lick, the other was also stunned, the enjoyment of not forcing the face was almost to the sky.

We’re all here, can’t we be subtle?

“…… Air Marshal, the mastermind of this incident in the West Sea is Balorick Ledfield, and now he has been caught by you,

Look at the West Sea…”

Leonardo saw that a brother was blown by him, and received Lem’s pitiful eyes, Leonardo really couldn’t stand it,

Goosebumps are about to fall to the ground, but seeing that he is a poor man with a story like the Air Marshal, Leonardo still softened,

Let’s do good deeds and accumulate yin virtue, so that grandpa can also be dashing in the underworld…

And it’s not Lem’s fault to say this, you can only blame him for being unlucky, and Balorrick Ledfield has to come to his West Sea to do things if he doesn’t go.

When he asked him to go back to his hometown to see if the ancestral tomb had been blown up, and the luck of the super sea thief descending on the four seas could be done by him.

“…… The former commander of the 69th Branch of the West Sea Lem, who has been working diligently in the West Sea over the years, this time Baloorick Ledfeld’s appearance in the West Sea is also beyond your ability, it is understandable to continue to take the West Sea to assist Lieutenant General Curry’s aftermath. ”

The blown happy steel bone empty waved his hand casually and said to the poor West Sea Major General Lem.

He knew that Leonardo was really helping Lem, and just after seeing Lem cheering him on in the cheerleading team, it was still hard to give him a chance.

Although from the official point of view, the West Sea was made like this, the director of the West Min Min Army must be to blame,

The lightest official must also be demoted by one level, but this time it is troublesome

It’s Barorick Ledfield, the gap between a West Sea rear admiral and a new world’s top sea thief is really too big, and he is not entirely to blame for this kind of thing,

Anyway, now that Barorick Ledfield has also been stroked, he can also be regarded as a big revenge, seeing how hard he worked before,

It shows that he is also a ‘good boy’ with integrity, so give him another chance.

Although he really wants to bring Leonardo, an honest child, back to the headquarters to listen to him tell the truth from time to time, but now is not the time, the pirates in the West Sea were indeed too rampant in previous years,

If they weren’t ruthless, they really wouldn’t be talking to anyone in the West Sea.

And Leonardo was promoted too quickly, let him exercise outside, just as seniority.

“Yes! Marshal Air rest assured that his subordinates will definitely follow Marshal Air’s teachings and assist Lieutenant General Curry to complete the aftermath! ”

Lem raised his head and straightened his chest and raised his hips and solemnly saluted the steel bone, and then looked at Major General Curry with emotion, and couldn’t wait to pounce and hold Lieutenant General Curry’s head and gnaw wildly,

However, seeing Major General Gion with a knife on the side, this kind of death year was instantly extinguished.

But from today onwards, Major General Curry is his own father! Wrong!

Even closer than his own father!

His own father didn’t have such a big face to help him speak in front of his brother, originally he just thought that the first brother liked Lieutenant General Curry so much, and asked Lieutenant General Curry to help him talk,

Don’t dare to ask for exoneration, the punishment is lighter and you don’t need to go to the Justice Island, what is he working diligently in the West Sea for so many years? Isn’t it so that after retirement, you can receive that pension to go to Chambord District 5 to retire comfortably?

And if you really want to go to the military court on the island of justice, ninety-nine percent of the people who have been on the military court over the years have gone to the city to eat prison, but he has insisted on it for more than twenty years.

According to the legal age, he can retire in about ten years, and this time he will go to prison,

He was all busy for the first twenty years…

As a result, Lieutenant General Curry said in one or two sentences, the air marshal not only did not blame in the past, but also looked at the meaning of the bearish marshal,

There may be further opportunities in his retirement, when the time comes, he will retire as a lieutenant general… That happy picture.

A ‘father’ can express his gratitude to Lieutenant General Curry, which is a special gift of reinvention!!!

“Hmm! Not bad, not bad…”

Seeing the flattering Lem, the steel bone nodded with a smile, this ‘child’ is not bad,

Although not as natural as Leonardo, it is also a rare “honest person.” ”

I love to tell the truth, but unfortunately I am a little older.

“Bah! Another licking dog!!! ”

The ghost spider and others squinted their eyes to send out dangerous signals, feeling so much pressure, Lieutenant General Curry overwhelmed them, and now there is another one

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