Chapter 0124: The Navy Talks to Pirates About Character? Who believes!!!

On March 3, 1496, the bounty of 35 million Bailey West Sea ‘big’ pirates, the Newman Pirate Regiment was captured by Rear Admiral Dauberman of the Navy headquarters!

On March 15, 1496, the bounty of 27 million Bailey West Sea ‘big’ pirates, the Shaq pirate group was captured by Rear Admiral Gion of the Navy headquarters!

On April 10, 1496, the bounty was 31 million Bailey West Sea.

The “big” pirates, the Yavin pirate regiment were hunted down by Rear Admiral Daubman of the Navy Headquarters and finally caught…

1496 of the Haiyuan calendar…

As Yuan Yuan and Daoberman are taking the list of ‘big’ pirates in the West Sea listed by Lem and are in action, the West Sea has completely set off a big storm, and on average, there is a news of the arrest of a ‘big’ pirate every half month,

Let the people of the West Sea sing and celebrate together, but also let those ‘big’ pirates who have not yet been topped by the navy tremble,

Even the ‘big’ pirates who are not on the list have to sip a bottle or two of quick-acting pills every day to suppress the shock.

It’s so exciting.

Before the marshal of the Navy and the New World sea pirate Balorick Ledfeld in their West Sea war news they also watched, it turned out that the two fools they named the West Sea Star Mas was actually the sea thief Baloric Ledfield 470 virtue raised little white face, at that time they were also shocked,

No wonder that two fools of Mas did hard steel with the navy, and the feelings were covered by someone.

But shocked to shock, the sea thief Balorick Ledfield and the two fools of Maas have been pushed into the city squatting kiln, the sea thief Baloli Clyde Field descended to the West Sea,

Coupled with the fact that they have followed the two fools of Maas over the years, they have a hunch that the navy will definitely come to the West Sea to purge, so everyone with some brains after seeing the news that the sea thief Balorick Ledfield was arrested and arrested in their West Sea,

Immediately hid far away and went fishing in the mountains.

But they really didn’t expect the actions of the navy… No, it should be that ‘undead lieutenant general’ moves so fast and so ruthlessly,

Those who were punished have a pirate group that is all ranked in the top ten in the West China Sea, and now the pirate group in the top ten in the West Sea has almost been sent away by the two rear admirals of the navy headquarters, even if their mind to fish in the mountains is gone,

Every day they worry about when they wake up and open their eyes to see the navy appear in front of their eyes…

New World sea thief Balorick Ledfield is cool

Yes, their little West Sea ‘big’ pirate is a hairy wow!

And those ‘big’ pirates who received Lem’s notice were not so frightened, but on the way to the headquarters base of the 69th branch of the West Sea, they were also worried to death every day, worried about whether this ‘undead vice admiral’ would lure them to the naval base and then kill them all?

Although that Lem had said when he informed them that the ‘undead lieutenant general’ promised that they would not be touched with their character.

But…… The Navy talks about character with pirates? Isn’t that!

Although they are very worried, they cannot but go, they are all people who have made a great voyage once,

The pirates who have seen the great voyage, how fierce the navy is, is not bragging that a rear admiral can push them sideways than the navy headquarters, this time there are not only two rear admirals of the headquarters but also a vice admiral of the headquarters who can stand with the sea pirates of the new world.

They can’t help but give this face!

If they go, in case people really talk to their pirates about character, they will at least have a way to live,

But if you don’t go, then you don’t give face, you don’t give face to a lieutenant general in the department,

Then the cliff is to be smacked, just look at Newman’s guy, before Maas’s two fools have not risen, Newman is the original West Sea Star,

He was the fiercest in the West China Sea to cut people and grab territory, and as a result, he couldn’t even carry a major general of his headquarters, this is a lieutenant general!

Nine dead in one life and ten dead without life, fools also know how to choose… July 1496 in the Haiyuan calendar.

Outside the headquarters base of the 69th branch of the West Sea, a spectacle rarely seen in ten years appeared.

Although the West Sea has been very lively in recent years, this is the headquarters of the West Sea Branch and the place where the naval defense force is strongest.

And there are major generals sitting in town, even if the two fools of the West Sea Star Maas who are covered by someone have engaged in so many branch bases, they dare not come here to make trouble, let alone other pirates.

For many years, it was difficult to see a pirate within a hundred nautical miles near the headquarters, but today, there are about a dozen pirate ships of all sizes parked in the headquarters port,

One by one, the face of the famous ‘big’ pirates in the West Sea walked down from their cars, and when these dozen people saw each other, they knew that they were not fighting alone,

As if they had found an organization, they all huddled to warm up.

“Brother, you’re here too!”

“Yes, dude, I’m here too!”

“Ahem, please inside, Lieutenant General Curry is waiting for you…”

Seeing a group of tearful pirates still huddling, Lem on the side actually found that these pirates were quite pitiful, but thought that he was almost asked for Justice Island by this gang of bastards,

Quickly forcibly suppress that damn pity and come over to interrupt their tearful embrace.

“Commander Lem, everyone is also an old acquaintance, in recent years, when the two fools of Mas took the lead in building your naval base,

I didn’t do anything, and several times I sent you news, you can’t cross the river and tear down bridges and pit me.” ”

One of the ‘big’ pirates, who was in tears with Big Brother, let go of Big Brother, pulled Lem aside and whispered.

The bounty of 23 million Bailey West Sea ‘big’ pirates, “one-eyed” Robbut, who was also the former star of the West Sea,

And it is still the lawless kind, but after seven years of success out of the novice village of the West Sea and bravely crossing the great voyage half a year later, he ran back to the West Sea cleanly one by one, and it took two years to make a comeback.

Never mention the matter of bravely crossing the great voyage, and the person is much smoother than before, and it is almost the same as the two back then,

In the past, the young limelight was flourishing and never left a way back, but now it does pursue the principle of leaving a line in doing things, even if it is black and black and the other party’s pirate group,

It will not be wiped out, but will leave some basic funds for people to return blood…

probably realized that the rivers and lakes are not only fighting and killing, but also human feelings, so after returning, the relationship with Lem has also changed from the previous fight and killing to friend and foe,

Even sometimes he would give Lem some news or something, in exchange for continuing to be dashing in the West Sea, and Lem has also turned a blind eye to him over the years,

As long as it is not excessive, and it has not been aimed at him, this guy has not raised the bounty for seven years,

The bounty of 23 million was still seven years ago…

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