Chapter 0132 – Chambord Land is still a man’s paradise!!

Roger is gone.

The next day before dawn, really can’t stand the sad atmosphere of parting, Roger slowly left alone in a small broken boat,

As for where he went, it is estimated that only Renly, who stayed with him last night and taught Roger various girl-flirting techniques, knew…

Roger’s departure also announced the official dissolution of the One Piece team, and when he woke up early the next morning, the crew of Roger’s Pirate Group took a deep look at their companions who had lived together for decades,

They have left this sad place to start a new life for the rest of their lives.

The dissolution of the Roger Pirates is secret, except for the Whitebeard Pirates and the Roger Pirates, everyone in the rivers and lakes does not know that this legendary pirate group that set off a monstrous wave on the sea has been disbanded,

But now the momentum of the pirates has risen, even if you know that the dissolution of the Roger Pirates Group will not change anything, the Roger Pirates to the top is just the fuse to open a new era,

A new era has begun, and this fuse has become less important15.

“Chambord! What a great place! ”

Leonardo and Gion arrived at Area 60 of the Chambordi Islands, and from the port all the way to the naval base, surrounded by bubbles,

Bubble culture permeates every part of the island, and all the facilities are built on those bubbles, which makes Leonardo can’t help but feel the magic of nature.

“Yes, Chambord is still a man’s paradise.”

However, Leonardo’s emotion changed when he heard Gion’s ears, thinking that this stinky guy was not eating enough in the bowl,

Still staring at the pot, glaring at him viciously, tonight the old lady wants you to look good.


Feeling the rich killing intent on the other side around him, in order to be able to spend every night safely, Leonardo was very witty and did not answer,

As if I didn’t hear it, I continued to want to go to the station, the former commander of the Chambord base, Lieutenant General Terai is an old lieutenant general,

Over the years, Chambordina has eaten a brain full of fat, two meters five or eight altitudes is a body that weighs three meals, I don’t know if I can fight,

Anyway, he has already been transferred to the mountain to guard the fish pond and wait for the abdication to give way to Xian.

However, this is all normal operation, successive vice admirals transferred to Chambord to be competent base commanders, each of them came Kong Wu powerful,

When I go, the brain is full of fat, so people are already used to it, nothing else,

Chambord Ripper!

The Chambordi Islands are a mangrove tree named the world’s largest mangrove, which formed the Chambord Islands because its roots are always exposed on the water.

It is divided into seventy-nine districts, interspersed with the branches of the world’s largest mangrove tree, each with a corresponding number engraved on it.

The naval station is located in the Chambord Islands 60 to 69, which is not only the naval station, but also the entrance to the world government.

Not only the navy but also the world government those who do not know how many guards of the CP, the safety factor may as well be more than that of the navy headquarters.

And District 1 to No. 29 is mainly human trafficking shops, human auctions, illegal areas,

The famous Chambord District 5 is there, which is also the most lively place in Chambord, what three teachings and nine streams,

New world sea pirates, big brothers of the community, government officials,

Draco can be seen everywhere, and it is also the most relaxed place in Chambord, generally speaking, whether it is a pirate or some kind of big brother or what kind of human trafficker and so on,

As long as you don’t do things in Chambord, even if you are a super sea pirate with a white beard, the navy will not bird you.

After all, this place is very close to the Holy Land of Mary Joa, if you do it here, the image of the world government is not good,

Of course, unless someone does something to Draco, it’s different,

Although it is said that the action against the Draco immediately triggered the admiral’s dispatch, but that also depends on the situation, for example, now the admiral is on the Warring States article,

There are also two who don’t want to do it, and the other has retreated behind the scenes as a gardener, and Sengoku has now run to pick seafood,

If someone makes a move on Draco at this time… The Navy really can’t shoot a general over, so it can only send combat power

There are many lieutenant generals of the generals, which is why in peacetime the navy has sufficient forces and the Warring States have nothing to do in the office, and the steel bone space turns a blind eye to the former commander of the Chambord base,

Anyway, the commander of the Chambord base is just a decoration, there are really people who go to Chambord to make trouble, and there are also those masked men in the world government who don’t know how many CPs are shot.

Someone made a move on the Draco, and the Warring States were also on, originally the Chambord Navy had only one task,

That is the murderer who did it to Draco before the general arrived

Just drag it out, this kind of thing is good for the little brother, when did you see a dry fight and still need the boss?

Doesn’t this seem useless to the little brother?

Moreover, the number of Chambordi naval juniors is comparable to a naval base in the New World.

But now the situation is different, the sea and sea thieves rioted, and the number of them was so large that even the first brother of the navy lacked skills,

If someone really wants to make a move on Draco, it is impossible for the Warring States to be there on time, but it can’t really let Draco be killed without making a statement, right? Draco is the boss of their navy.

So at this time, it is necessary to cover the elite lieutenant generals to come to see the scene, Carnival City, the capital of water,

The city of the queen is like this in these international metropolises, usually the supervisor does not matter a little, the key moment has to let the reliable person on,

If something goes wrong in these cities, they can definitely dominate the hot search for a year, and Chambord Land is the most.

The most ideal personnel of the steel bone air and the Warring States were originally yellow apes, and the yellow ape’s shining fruit was fast enough, and anything could be done in time,

However, since the five old stars have named Leonardo, they can’t refute it, after all, Leon 263 Nado is already a big sword hao,

The destructive power of the Great Sword Hao is not at all smaller than the Yellow Ape’s laser cannon, and the speed of this kid… Not too slow either.

“Welcome Lieutenant General Curry to be the governor of Chambord, I have two properties in Chambord District 5, and I will ask Lieutenant General Curry to take more care in the future,

This is a small meaning, please accept it…”

“Vice Admiral Curry, I have two shipyards in Area Fifty-Five…”

“Lieutenant General Curry, I’m at two theme parks in Area Thirty-Six…”

“Lieutenant General Curry…”

When Leonardo and Gion had just arrived at the gate of the base with their younger brothers, and a group of ‘legitimate’ businessmen wearing gold and silver, who looked like the big boss, had already been waiting for them,

After carefully looking at it twice and comparing it with the Leonardo sticker that I didn’t know to take in my hand, and then determined that this was the ‘undead lieutenant general’ who sprayed the golden lion and Renly into dogs, and rushed with various large and small gift boxes behind him at a speed of 400 horses,

In Leonardo’s confused eyes, surrounded him, while introducing where his industry was, all kinds of large and small beautifully packaged gift boxes were thrown at him like hot garbage,

In less than a second, Leonardo was instantly buried in a ‘small’ mountain piled up of gift boxes…

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